90 research outputs found

    Iron oxyhydroxide effect on rooting of cuttings of Ribes nigrum and Ribes rubrum

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    This work was aimed at studying the effect of a preparation containing nanoparticles of iron oxyhydroxide on rooting and development of the root system of cuttings of the two plant species sensitive to iron deficiency: Ribes nigrum and Ribes rubrum (Grossulariaceae). Research has shown that the iron oxyhydroxide has an inhibitory effect on the growth and development of the root system of cuttings of black and red currant. When concentration increases from 0.001% to 0.1%, rooting of cuttings decreases, and the Spearman rank correlation shows strong negative dependence of the number of roots and their length on the concentration of the preparation (Rs = -0.83 -0.94...) – the number of roots on cuttings decreases, while in case of the maximum concentration, root length significantly reduces. In the studied concentration, the preparation containing iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles cannot be used as a stimulant of root formation for rooting of cuttings of black and red currant

    Oxidation of n-С5-С8 hydrocarbons and cyclohexane in a reactor with barrier discharge. P. 2. Simulating cyclohexane oxidation reaction

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    Numerical model of hydrocarbon oxidation kinetics in a reactor with barrier discharge has been proposed by the example of cyclohexane oxidation reaction. The results of calculations with the use of barrier discharge surface model showed that electron energy and other discharge characteristics in pure oxygen and in the mixture of oxygen with cyclohexane vapors slightly differ that allowed using a simplified model of homogeneous discharge for simulating cyclohexane oxidation reaction. The results of calculation showed good fit with the experimental dat

    Method of predicting the hardness of welded joints

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    © 2016 Research India Publications.The possibility of predicting the mechanical properties of welded joints of metal materials at the weld hardness example. Identified according to the quality of the images on the results of the parameterization of microstructures. The nature of the influence of defects of welded joints on the parameters of order and uniformity of structure. A probabilistic prediction algorithm based on the mechanical properties of the structure and characteristics of the calculation by calculating the temperature change during welding. The study conducted adaptation of the method of parameterization of microstructures applied to welded joints of austenitic steels, to establish the relationship between the conditions of preparation, structural defects and the results of parameterization

    Pharmacogenetic Aspects of Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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    In this article, we analyze the role of different variants of the KCNJ11, TCF7L2, SLC22A1, SLC22A3, CYP2C9, CYP2C8, PPARγ genes polymorphisms in efficacy of diabetes mellitus pharmacotherapy. T allele of the KCNJ11 rs2285676 gene polymorphism and G allele of KCNJ11 rs5218 gene polymorphism are associated with the response to IDPP-4 therapy; the presence of KCNJ11 gene rs5210 polymorphism A allele is a predictor of poor response. The effect of rs7903146 polymorphism of TCF7L2 gene was evaluated on the response to treatment of patients taking linagliptin. Linagliptin significantly reduced HbA1c levels for all three rs7903146 genotypes (CC: –0.82 %; CT: –0.77 %; TT: –0.57 %). A significantly smaller effect of therapy was observed with the genotype with ТТ. The rs622342 polymorphism of SLC22A1 gene was studied in effectiveness of metformin. The researches demonstrated that carriers of variant AA had an average decrease of HbA1c of 0.53 %, heterozygous – decrease of 0.32 %, and carriers of a minor variant of SS had an increase of 0.2 % in the level of HbA1c. A significant effect of CYP2C9 polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetic parameters of PSM was noted. When studying the kinetics of glibenclamide, it was found that carriage of the allele *2 significantly reduces glibenclamide metabolism: homozygous carriers had clearance 90 % lower than homozygous carriers of the wild variant. The studies confirmed the association of the allelic variants of Thr394Thr and Gly482Ser of PPARγ gene with higher efficacy of the rosiglitazone. The data obtained from the analysis of the association of the Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPARγ gene and the response to therapy is contradictory. Thus the personalized approach, based on the knowledge of polymorphism options, will allow choosing the most effective drug with transparent kinetics for each individual patient

    Phonon-assisted radiofrequency absorption by gold nanoparticles resulting in hyperthermia

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    It is suggested that in gold nanoparticles (GNPs) of about 5 nm sizes used in the radiofrequency (RF) hyperthermia, an absorption of the RF photon by the Fermi electron occurs with involvement of the longitudinal acoustic vibrational mode (LAVM), the dominating one in the distribution of vibrational density of states (VDOS). This physical mechanism helps to explain two observed phenomena: the size dependence of the heating rate (HR) in GNPs and reduced heat production in aggregated GNPs. The argumentation proceeds within the one-electron approximation, taking into account the discretenesses of energies and momenta of both electrons and LAVMs. The heating of GNPs is thought to consist of two consecutive processes: first, the Fermi electron absorbs simultaneously the RF photon and the LAVM available in the GNP; hereafter the excited electron gets relaxed within the GNP's boundary, exciting a LAVM with the energy higher than that of the previously absorbed LAVM. GNPs containing the Ta and/or Fe impurities are proposed for the RF hyperthermia as promising heaters with enhanced HRs, and GNPs with rare-earth impurity atoms are also brought into consideration. It is shown why the maximum HR values should be expected in GNPs with about 5-7 nm size.Comment: proceedings at the NATO Advanced Research workshop FANEM-2015 (Minsk, May 25-27, 2015). To be published in the final form in: "Fundamental and Applied NanoElectroMagnetics" (Springer Science + Business Media B.V.

    Towards targeted colorectal cancer biopsy based on tissue morphology assessment by compression optical coherence elastography

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    Identifying the precise topography of cancer for targeted biopsy in colonoscopic examination is a challenge in current diagnostic practice. For the first time we demonstrate the use of compression optical coherence elastography (C-OCE) technology as a new functional OCT modality for differentiating between cancerous and non-cancerous tissues in colon and detecting their morphological features on the basis of measurement of tissue elastic properties. The method uses pre-determined stiffness values (Young’s modulus) to distinguish between different morphological structures of normal (mucosa and submucosa), benign tumor (adenoma) and malignant tumor tissue (including cancer cells, gland-like structures, cribriform gland-like structures, stromal fibers, extracellular mucin). After analyzing in excess of fifty tissue samples, a threshold stiffness value of 520 kPa was suggested above which areas of colorectal cancer were detected invariably. A high Pearson correlation (r =0.98; p <0.05), and a negligible bias (0.22) by good agreement of the segmentation results of C-OCE and histological (reference standard) images was demonstrated, indicating the efficiency of C-OCE to identify the precise localization of colorectal cancer and the possibility to perform targeted biopsy. Furthermore, we demonstrated the ability of C-OCE to differentiate morphological subtypes of colorectal cancer – low-grade and high-grade colorectal adenocarcinomas, mucinous adenocarcinoma, and cribriform patterns. The obtained ex vivo results highlight prospects of C-OCE for high-level colon malignancy detection. The future endoscopic use of C-OCE will allow targeted biopsy sampling and simultaneous rapid analysis of the heterogeneous morphology of colon tumors

    Корреляция лабораторных маркеров активации системы гемостаза с концентрацией и размером внеклеточных микрочастиц плазмы крови у пациентов с COVID-19

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    Introduction. In recent years, much attention has been paid to the study of extracellular microparticles (microvesicles and exosomes) and their role in the pathogenesis of human diseases.The objective of this study was to determine the number and size of plasma extracellular microparticles (PEMP) in patients with severe and extremely severe COVID-19 and correlate these data with the markers of hemostasis activation, inflammation, and tissue damage.Methods and Materials. The study included 29 patients with severe and extremely severe COVID-19. Concentration and size of PEMP were determined by nanoparticle trajectory analysis (NTA). All patients underwent the complete blood count and the thromboelastometry (TEM). Hemostatic, biochemical, and immunological parameters were assessed including fibrinogen, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, D-dimer, C-reactive protein, lactate dehydrogenase, procalcitonin, von Willebrand factor antigen, interleukin 6, and interleukin 18.Results. There were 14 patients (48.3 %) discharged from the ICU with improvement (group 1— survived patients), and 15 patients (51.7 %) with lethal outcomes (group 2 — lethal outcome); the PEMP concentration did not differ between these groups. In group 2, there were heterogeneity of PEMP population, and a tendency to the larger PEMP size (p=0.074). In all patients, the PEMP concentration correlated negatively with both prothrombin time and the number of large platelets; the size of PEMP correlated negatively with the level of von Willebrand factor antigen, and positively with the fibrinogen. In group 1, the PEMP concentration had a direct correlation with both the level of interleukin 18 and maximum clot lysis in TEM; the PEMP size had a direct correlation with the maximum clot lysis in TEM and an inverse correlation with both the level of procalcitonin and maximum clot density in TEM.Conclusion. Our study confirms the importance of the process of extracellular microparticles formation in the COVID-19 pathogenesis. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the parameters of PEMP population can be predictive biomarkers of the COVID-19 severity.Введение. В последние годы большое внимание уделяется изучению внеклеточных микрочастиц — микровезикул и экзосом — и их роли в патогенезе заболеваний человека.Цель — проанализировать количество и размеры внеклеточных микрочастиц плазмы крови (ВМЧПК) у пациентов с COVID-19 тяжелого и крайне тяжелого течения и сопоставить эти параметры с лабораторными маркерами активации гемостаза, воспаления и повреждения тканей.Методы и материалы. В исследование были включены 29 пациентов с COVID-19 тяжелого и крайне тяжелого течения. Концентрацию и размеры ВМЧПК определяли методом анализа траекторий наночастиц (nanoparticle trajectory analysis, NTA). Пациентам выполняли общий клинический анализ крови и тромбоэластометрию (ТЭМ), а также оценивали в крови коагулологические, биохимические и иммунологические показатели, включая фибриноген, протромбиновое время, активированное частичное тромбопластиновое время, D-димер, С-реактивный белок, лактатдегидрогеназу, прокальцитонин, антиген фактора Виллебранда, интерлейкины-6 и -18.Результаты. Были выписаны из отделения реанимации и интенсивной терапии с улучшением 14 (48,3 %) пациентов (группа 1 — выжившие), а 15 (51,7 %) пациентов умерли (группа 2 — летальный исход); концентрация ВМЧПК между этими группами не различалась. В группе 2 была выявлена гетерогенность размера ВМЧПК, а также тенденция к увеличению размера ВМЧПК (р=0,074). Среди всех обследованных пациентов концентрация ВМЧПК обратно коррелировала с протромбиновым временем и числом крупных тромбоцитов, а размер ВМЧПК обратно коррелировал с уровнем антигена фактора Виллебранда и имел прямую корреляцию с фибриногеном. В группе 1 концентрация ВМЧПК имела прямую корреляцию с интерлейкином-18 и максимальным лизисом тромба при ТЭМ, а размер ВМЧПК прямо коррелировал с максимальным лизисом тромба при ТЭМ и обратно коррелировал с прокальцитонином и максимальной плотностью сгустка при ТЭМ.Заключение. Проведенное исследование подтверждает важность процесса образования внеклеточных микрочастиц в патогенезе новой коронавирусной инфекции (COVID-19) и согласуется с гипотезой о том, что параметры пула ВМЧПК могут являться прогностическими биомаркерами степени тяжести COVID-19

    The 2024 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: unprecedented warming demands unprecedented action

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    Record-breaking temperatures were recorded across the globe in 2023. Without climate action, adverse climate-related health impacts are expected to worsen worldwide, affecting billions of people. Temperatures in Europe are warming at twice the rate of the global average, threatening the health of populations across the continent and leading to unnecessary loss of life. The Lancet Countdown in Europe was established in 2021, to assess the health profile of climate change aiming to stimulate European social and political will to implement rapid health-responsive climate mitigation and adaptation actions. In 2022, the collaboration published its indicator report, tracking progress on health and climate change via 33 indicators and across five domains. This new report tracks 42 indicators highlighting the negative impacts of climate change on human health, the delayed climate action of European countries, and the missed opportunities to protect or improve health with health-responsive climate action. The methods behind indicators presented in the 2022 report have been improved, and nine new indicators have been added, covering leishmaniasis, ticks, food security, health-care emissions, production and consumption-based emissions, clean energy investment, and scientific, political, and media engagement with climate and health. Considering that negative climate-related health impacts and the responsibility for climate change are not equal at the regional and global levels, this report also endeavours to reflect on aspects of inequality and justice by highlighting at-risk groups within Europe and Europe's responsibility for the climate crisis

    How biased media generate support for the ruling authorities: Causal mediation analysis of evidence from Russia

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    If a medium has a monopoly in covering political news and daily distorts the news in favor of the ruling autocrat, how large will the persuasion effect be? Through which channels will such persuasion operate most? Working with a representative sample of the Russian population, I use a causal mediation analysis to figure out whether (1) frequency of exposure and/or (2) reliance on biased reporting mediate the link between how people voted for incumbent elites and how they evaluate these elites in the present. Perceiving explicitly biased information as credible transmits a large and robust effect from voting to evaluation, while frequent exposure to this information produces an insignificant mediating effect. Another important finding is that the effect of perceived news credibility overrides the effect of electoral support: accepting state propaganda as credible information converts people into regime supporters regardless of their previous voting

    Data for: Autocratic mobilization at the subnational level: How conflicts with the elites interfere with governors’ political machines. Evidence from Russia

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    Data and replication code for the 'Autocratic mobilization at the subnational level: How conflicts with the elites interfere with governors’ political machines. Evidence from Russia' manuscrip