41 research outputs found

    L’histoire de PhilippidĂšs d’HĂ©rodote Ă  Lucien. Une incursion dans l’atelier du mythe

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    La lĂ©gende de PhilippidĂšs est bien connue aujourd’hui : il aurait Ă©tĂ© envoyĂ© Ă  AthĂšnes pour annoncer la victoire de Marathon et se serait effondrĂ© aprĂšs avoir dĂ©livrĂ© son message. Cette version est celle que dĂ©veloppe Lucien de Samosate au iie siĂšcle aprĂšs J.-C. Pourtant au ve siĂšcle avant J.-C., HĂ©rodote parle quant Ă  lui d’un PhilippidĂšs hĂ©mĂ©rodrome allant demander de l’aide aux Spartiates avant la bataille. Entre les deux rĂ©cits, plusieurs auteurs ont repris le thĂšme du messager, chacun d’entre eux altĂ©rant lĂ©gĂšrement la leçon prĂ©cĂ©dente selon sa propre stratĂ©gie discursive. Le motif apparaĂźt alors comme un mythe, c’est-Ă -dire une histoire commune Ă  de multiples sources mais toujours adaptĂ©e aux codes et aux intĂ©rĂȘts particuliers de chacune des sources qui le prĂ©sentent. L’ensemble des reprĂ©sentations de l’épisode donne l’occasion, du fait de l’épaisseur historique dont nous disposons, de rentrer dans l’atelier d’un mythe en train de s’élaborer.The legend of Philippides is now well-known: he would have been sent to Athens in order to announce the victory at Marathon and he would have collapsed after delivering his news. This version is narrated by Lucian of Samosata in the 2nd century ad. But in the 5th century bc, Herodotus speaks about Philippides as a hemerodromos asking for help in Sparta before the battle. Between those two narrations, several authors took over the theme of the messenger and softly altered the former versions according to their own discursive strategy. The story appears as a myth, because it is widespread and it tunes the codes and the specific interests of each source. Thanks to this historic depth, all the new presentations of this episode enable us to enter the workshop of the myth when it is taking shape

    Le sceau d’Agamemnon

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    Les recherches rĂ©centes en histoire ancienne s’intĂ©ressent Ă  la vie des objets, au sens de la circulation et des rĂ©emplois des artefacts, Ă  l’image des statues, dont la biographie peut ainsi ĂȘtre retracĂ©e. Le sceau d’Agamemnon, Ă©voquĂ© chez Eschyle, Sophocle et Euripide, fait jouer diffĂ©remment ce questionnement : en tant qu’objet fictif, son Ă©laboration progressive au cours du ve siĂšcle avant JĂ©sus-Christ rĂ©pond Ă  une logique intertextuelle mais aussi Ă  des stratĂ©gies qui le chargent d’une fonction Ă  chaque fois spĂ©cifique. Les divers passages tragiques donnent alors l’occasion de rĂ©interroger les usages des sceaux dans l’AthĂšnes classique, entre fermeture, reconnaissance, identification et accrĂ©ditation d’un message ou de l’intĂ©gritĂ© d’un contenant. Une telle reconstruction met en balance les sceaux archĂ©ologiques, dont seules les images sont connues, et les vases attiques, qui reprĂ©sentent trĂšs rarement sceaux et amulettes et jamais l’iconographie qu’ils pourraient arborer.Recent research in Ancient history focuses on the life of objects, as circulation and the reuse of artifacts, and the image of statues, whose biography can be traced. The seal of Agamemnon, mentioned in Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, raises this question in a different way: as a fictional object, its progressive elaboration during the 5th century bc responds to an intertextual logic but also to strategies that entrust it with a function that is each time specific. The various tragic passages then provide an opportunity to reexamine the uses of seals in classical Athens, between closing, recognition, identification and accreditation of a message or the integrity of a container. Such a reconstruction balances the archaeological seals, whose images alone are known, and the attic vases, which very rarely represent seals and amulets and never the iconography they might display

    The CC-Bio Project: Studying the Effects of Climate Change on Quebec Biodiversity

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    Anticipating the effects of climate change on biodiversity is now critical for managing wild species and ecosystems. Climate change is a global driver and thus affects biodiversity globally. However, land-use planners and natural resource managers need regional or even local predictions. This provides scientists with formidable challenges given the poor documentation of biodiversity and its complex relationships with climate. We are approaching this problem in Quebec, Canada, through the CC-Bio Project (http://cc‑bio.uqar.ca/), using a boundary organization as a catalyst for team work involving climate modelers, biologists, naturalists, and biodiversity managers. In this paper we present the CC-Bio Project and its general approach, some preliminary results, the emerging hypothesis of the northern biodiversity paradox (a potential increase of biodiversity in northern ecosystems due to climate change), and an early assessment of the conservation implications generated by our team work

    Chapitre 6. L’évidence des faits

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    Selon le Pseudo-Plutarque, HypĂ©ride dĂ©fend PhrynĂ©, accusĂ©e d’impiĂ©tĂ© dans les annĂ©es 340-330, avec une stratĂ©gie radicale : « Comme elle allait ĂȘtre condamnĂ©e, il la fit avancer au milieu de la salle (Δጰς Â”Î­ÏƒÎżÎœ) et, ayant dĂ©chirĂ© sa robe, il exhiba (ጐπέΎΔÎčΟΔ) sa poitrine. Quand les juges virent (ጀπÎčΎόΜτωΜ) sa beautĂ©, ils l’acquittĂšrent. » La prĂ©sentation du corps de l’hĂ©taĂŻre apparaĂźt comme une arme rhĂ©torique redoutable. Si le discours d’HypĂ©ride est aujourd’hui perdu et si l’authenticitĂ© de..

    La cité de la suspicion. Le miroir des révolutions oligarchiques chez les orateurs attiques des Ve-IVe siÚcles av. J.-C.

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    A City of Suspicion. The Mirror of the Oligarchical Revolutions in the Athenian Orators (5th and 4th centuries BC) The Athenian oligarchies of 411 and of 404/3 are treated with distrust by Attic orators. They are shown as being the result of mutual doubts between citizens and as introducing a climate of generalized suspicion. Such a representation is not the description of the historical events, but an elaborated discourse aimed at ‘reinventing’ Athens after the Peloponnesian War crisis. The oligarchs play the role of the mirror of democracy, where trust rules and justice is enforced. It highlights the importance of the witnesses’ liability in the Athenian trials: judges accept as true a testimony only because the witness can be sued for perjury.Les rĂ©volutions oligarchiques qui ont lieu Ă  AthĂšnes en 411 et 404 sont placĂ©es sous le signe de la mĂ©fiance chez les orateurs attiques. Elles sont dites dĂ©couler des soupçons mutuels des citoyens et connaĂźtre un climat de suspicion gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©. Une telle reprĂ©sentation ne correspond pas Ă  la description de la rĂ©alitĂ© historique, mais Ă  une Ă©laboration visant Ă  “rĂ©inventer” AthĂšnes aprĂšs la crise de la guerre du PĂ©loponnĂšse. Les oligarques fonctionnent comme le miroir de la dĂ©mocratie, oĂč rĂšgne la confiance et oĂč la justice est respectĂ©e. Cela souligne l’importance de la responsabilitĂ© du tĂ©moin dans les procĂšs athĂ©niens : les juges n’acceptent comme vĂ©ridiques un tĂ©moignage que parce que le dĂ©posant peut ĂȘtre poursuivi pour faux tĂ©moignage.Siron Nicolas. La citĂ© de la suspicion. Le miroir des rĂ©volutions oligarchiques chez les orateurs attiques des Ve-IVe siĂšcles av. J.-C.. In: Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, vol. 43, n°1, 2017. pp. 97-116

    Witnessing and convincing : the truth apparatus in the Attic orators (5th-4th centuries BC)

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    Comment croire ou mettre en doute les propos des individus qui montent Ă  la tribune lors d’un procĂšs de l’AthĂšnes classique ? Les orateurs qui prennent la parole lors d’une affaire mobilisent tout un Ă©ventail de preuves pour construire leur discours comme crĂ©dible aux yeux des juges. Ces procĂ©dures constituent le dispositif de vĂ©ritĂ©, au milieu duquel les tĂ©moins se situent en bonne place dans les discours judiciaires, c’est-Ă -dire les textes des dix auteurs sĂ©lectionnĂ©s comme le canon des orateurs attiques des Ve et IVe siĂšcles avant JĂ©sus-Christ (Antiphon, Andocide, Lysias, Isocrate, IsĂ©e, DĂ©mosthĂšne, Eschine, HypĂ©ride, Lycurgue et Dinarque). Si aucune thĂ©orie de la preuve ne se fait jour dans ces corpus, la figure du tĂ©moin judiciaire apparaĂźt comme centrale, comme l’illustrent les trĂšs nombreuses convocations testimoniales. Le rapport entre tĂ©moignage et documents Ă©crits montre Ă©galement la valeur probante des dĂ©positions. Qu’est-ce qui, alors, permet aux paroles d’un tĂ©moin d’ĂȘtre prĂ©sentĂ©es comme vĂ©ridiques ? Les dĂ©posants peuvent ĂȘtre crus car ils engagent leur responsabilitĂ©, du fait d’une possible punition divine, s’ils prĂȘtent serment, ou humaine, si l’adversaire lance un procĂšs pour faux tĂ©moignage. En outre, les tĂ©moins doivent avoir une connaissance directe des Ă©vĂ©nements en question. Mais cette exigence est paradoxale : ils sont le premier intermĂ©diaire entre l’auditoire et les faits. Les plaignants rappellent donc frĂ©quemment aux juges des points dĂ©jĂ  connus, afin d’en faire leur propres tĂ©moins. Ils cherchent aussi Ă  effacer leur propre rĂŽle dans l’argumentation, en dĂ©signant leurs propos comme simples et en minimisant leur expĂ©rience oratoire.How did the Athenians trust or doubt the words of someone who came up to the tribune during a trial? The speakers used a whole range of evidence to make their speech credible for the judges. All these techniques and the witnesses were a very important part of this process can be qualify as the truth apparatus in the orators’ speeches, i.e. the texts from the ten authors chosen as the canon of the Attic orators of the 5th and 4th centuries B.C.: Antiphon, Andocides, Lysias, Isocrates, Isaeus, Demosthenes, Aeschines, Hyperides, Lycurgus, and Dinarchus. Even if no proof theory has been found out, the witnesses were crucial in the courtroom, as we can see from the many times a litigant called a witness to testify. The relation between testimony and written documents also shows the convincing value of the witness statement. Therefore, to what extent could a testimony be considered as truthful? The witnesses were usually trusted because their responsibility was at stake: they could incur a divine punishment, if they swore an oath, or a humane penalty, if they were put on trial for false witnessing. Besides, the witnesses must have a direct knowledge of the events. Yet, there was a paradox in this requirement: they were the first part of the demarcation between the facts and the public of the trial. Thus, the litigants often reminded the judges about some elements already known in order to make them witnesses. Litigants also tried to erase their own role in the demonstration, by presenting their words as simple and by minimising their oratory skills

    Quel est votre verdict ? Le résultat des discours contenus dans le canon des dix orateurs attiques

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    Si ritiene comunemente che siano pochi i verdetti a noi noti per quanto riguarda le cause trattate nelle orazioni giudiziarie conservate nel canone degli oratori attici. Per di piĂč le liste delle vittorie e delle sconfitte redatte dagli studiosi non sono concordanti. Il riesame degli esiti noti o congetturali permette quindi di proporre una lista chiara e affidabile. Ne risulta una conoscenza relativamente estesa dei verdetti pronunciati: la decisione dei giudici puĂČ essere ritenuta relativamente probabile per circa un terzo del corpus giunto fino a noi. BenchĂ© per i discorsi composti dai logografi per i terzi l’esito dei processi sia conosciuto in misura minore rispetto alle orazioni e alle requisitorie composti da, per o contro, uno degli oratori del canone, complessivamente la nostra conoscenza dei verdetti Ăš piĂč ampia di quanto leggiamo nei testi degli storici e dei commentatori moderni. Le sentenze risultano tanto piĂč interessanti in quanto permettono di meglio comprendere i discorsi stessi attraverso l’esame delle strategie che sottendono la loro pubblicazione.It is commonly said that we know only a few verdicts of the forensic speeches preserved in the canon of the Attic orators. Moreover, the lists of successes and defeats drawn up by law specialists do not match. The survey of the known or conjectured results makes it possible to propose a clear and reliable list, which reveals a relatively extensive knowledge of the verdicts delivered: the jurors’ decision can be proposed with a certain probability for almost a third of the corpus. It is true that we know the sentence of pleadings written for or against one of the canon’s authors more than when they wrote their speeches as logographers, but our knowledge of the judgements is broader than what historians and commentators think and repeat. Jurors’ verdicts are of particular interest because they provide a better understanding of the speeches themselves, through the examination of the strategies that support the publication of a text.Si ritiene comunemente che siano pochi i verdetti a noi noti per quanto riguarda le cause trattate nelle orazioni giudiziarie conservate nel canone degli oratori attici. Per di piĂč le liste delle vittorie e delle sconfitte redatte dagli studiosi non sono concordanti. Il riesame degli esiti noti o congetturali permette quindi di proporre una lista chiara e affidabile. Ne risulta una conoscenza relativamente estesa dei verdetti pronunciati: la decisione dei giudici puĂČ essere ritenuta relativamente probabile per circa un terzo del corpus giunto fino a noi. BenchĂ© per i discorsi composti dai logografi per i terzi l’esito dei processi sia conosciuto in misura minore rispetto alle orazioni e alle requisitorie composti da, per o contro, uno degli oratori del canone, complessivamente la nostra conoscenza dei verdetti Ăš piĂč ampia di quanto leggiamo nei testi degli storici e dei commentatori moderni. Le sentenze risultano tanto piĂč interessanti in quanto permettono di meglio comprendere i discorsi stessi attraverso l’esame delle strategie che sottendono la loro pubblicazione

    Quel est votre verdict ?: Le résultat des discours contenus dans le canon des dix orateurs attiques

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    International audienceIt is commonly said that we know only a few verdicts of the forensic speeches preserved in the canon of the Attic orators. Moreover, the lists of successes and defeats drawn up by law specialists do not match. The survey of the known or conjectured results makes it possible to propose a clear and reliable list, which reveals a relatively extensive knowledge of the verdicts delivered: the jurors’ decision can be proposed with a certain probability for almost a third of the corpus. It is true that we know the sentence of pleadings written for or against one of the canon’s authors more than when they wrote their speeches as logographers, but our knowledge of the judgements is broader than what historians and commentators think and repeat. Jurors’ verdicts are of particular interest because they provide a better understanding of the speeches themselves, through the examination of the strategies that support the publication of a text.Il est communĂ©ment admis que peu de verdicts sont connus pour les affaires des discours judiciaires prĂ©servĂ©s dans le canon des orateurs attiques. De plus, les listes de victoires et de dĂ©faites Ă©tablies par les spĂ©cialistes du droit ne concordent pas. La recension des rĂ©sultats connus ou conjecturĂ©s permet de proposer une liste claire et fiable. Celle-ci laisse finalement percevoir une connaissance relativement Ă©tendue des verdicts prononcĂ©s : la dĂ©cision des juges peut ĂȘtre avancĂ©e avec une certaine probabilitĂ© pour prĂšs d’un tiers du corpus prĂ©servĂ©. S’il est vrai que le jugement est moins souvent connu dans le cas des plaidoiries rĂ©digĂ©es par des logographes que dans celui des plaidoyers et rĂ©quisitoires composĂ©s par, pour ou contre un des orateurs du canon, notre connaissance des verdicts est plus large que ce que rĂ©pĂštent les historiens et commentateurs. Les sentences sont d’autant plus intĂ©ressantes qu’elles peuvent permettre de mieux comprendre les discours eux-mĂȘmes, Ă  travers l’examen des stratĂ©gies qui soutiennent leur publication.Si ritiene comunemente che siano pochi i verdetti a noi noti per quanto riguarda le cause trattate nelle orazioni giudiziarie conservate nel canone degli oratori attici. Per di piĂč le liste delle vittorie e delle sconfitte redatte dagli studiosi non sono concordanti. Il riesame degli esiti noti o congetturali permette quindi di proporre una lista chiara e affidabile. Ne risulta una conoscenza relativamente estesa dei verdetti pronunciati: la decisione dei giudici puĂČ essere ritenuta relativamente probabile per circa un terzo del corpus giunto fino a noi. BenchĂ© per i discorsi composti dai logografi per i terzi l’esito dei processi sia conosciuto in misura minore rispetto alle orazioni e alle requisitorie composti da, per o contro, uno degli oratori del canone, complessivamente la nostra conoscenza dei verdetti Ăš piĂč ampia di quanto leggiamo nei testi degli storici e dei commentatori moderni. Le sentenze risultano tanto piĂč interessanti in quanto permettono di meglio comprendere i discorsi stessi attraverso l’esame delle strategie che sottendono la loro pubblicazione

    Le sceau d’Agamemnon

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    Recent research in Ancient history focuses on the life of objects, as circulation and the reuse of artifacts, and the image of statues, whose biography can be traced. The seal of Agamemnon, mentioned in Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, raises this question in a different way: as a fictional object, its progressive elaboration during the 5th century bc responds to an intertextual logic but also to strategies that entrust it with a function that is each time specific. The various tragic passages then provide an opportunity to reexamine the uses of seals in classical Athens, between closing, recognition, identification and accreditation of a message or the integrity of a container. Such a reconstruction balances the archaeological seals, whose images alone are known, and the attic vases, which very rarely represent seals and amulets and never the iconography they might display

    Des galets dans la bouche. La construction de la figure de l'orateur dans les discours judiciaires de l'AthĂšnes classique

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    International audienceAccording to Plutarch, Demosthenes had serious speech problems at the beginning of his career that led him to practice a whole range of exercises, such as speaking with stones in his mouth. Even if these difficulties and efforts were considered authentic in the 19th century and by some contemporary historians, we can re-examine those topics from the speeches of Demosthenes himself. He insists on the weakness of his voice, but he is also very critical of any training, especially that of his opponent Aeschines, whose purpose would be to deceive the jurors. Moreover, Demosthenes is not the only “important man” of the 4th century to have this point of view. Lack of rhetorical skill and extemporaneous speech are in fact elements of the truth-telling mechanism set up in the forensic speeches: thanks to these patterns, orators can claim to take place on the side of truth and place their adversaries on the side of deception.Selon Plutarque, DĂ©mosthĂšne aurait eu au dĂ©but de sa carriĂšre de graves problĂšmes d’élocution qui l’auraient poussĂ© Ă  pratiquer toute une sĂ©rie d’exercices, comme s’entraĂźner Ă  parler avec des cailloux dans la bouche. Si ces difficultĂ©s et ces efforts ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©s comme authentiques au XIXe siĂšcle et par certains historiens contemporains, il est possible de rĂ©interroger ces thĂšmes Ă  partir des discours de l’orateur lui-mĂȘme. Celui-ci insiste certes sur la faiblesse de sa voix, mais est Ă©galement trĂšs critique envers tout entraĂźnement, notamment celui de son adversaire Eschine, dont le but serait de tromper les juges. DĂ©mosthĂšne n’est d’ailleurs pas le seul « grand homme » du IVe siĂšcle Ă  procĂ©der de la sorte. Le manque de talent oratoire et l’improvisation sont en fait des Ă©lĂ©ments du dispositif de vĂ©ritĂ© mis en place dans les plaidoiries judiciaires : ces motifs permettent aux orateurs de se positionner du cĂŽtĂ© de la vĂ©ritĂ© et de placer la partie adverse du cĂŽtĂ© de la tromperie