14 research outputs found


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    Downstreaming information of Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Technology (IAARD) technology is carried out, among others, through the Multi Channel Dissemination Spectrum (MCDS). The SDMC employs various dissemination channels and actors to accelerate technology dissemination. MCDS discussions at the operating level are limited especially on how it contributes to more technology adoption. Referring to the Agricultural Innovation System, an innovation arises due to support of various subsystems ranging from technology providers, carriers, users, markets, policies, and interactions among subsystems. Likewise, the MCDS should be supported by its subsystems for an effective dissemination. This paper aims to contribute ideas on subsystems requirements in the implementation of the MCDS and how these subsystems can drive the delivered technology information to be adopted by users. The supporting subsystems (planning, approaches in the implementation process, policies, infrastructure) for technology implementation are essential in dissemination activities. As a system, MCDS does not only focus on delivering IAARD’s technology information, but the success of technological innovation must be supported by dissemination planning and its subsystems, technology application ecosystem, and interaction between potential users and technology producers

    Evolusi Inovasi Pembangunan Pertanian di Badan Litbang Pertanian: dari Transfer Teknologi ke Sistem Inovasi

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    Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian (Badan Litbang Pertanian) telah empat dasawarsa lebih berperan mendukung pembangunan pertanian. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh kontribusinya terhadap penciptaan model-model pembangunan pertanian, pendampingan, dan diseminasi teknologi di lapangan. Aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh Badan Litbang Pertanian tersebut tidak terlepas dari dukungannya terhadap program-program Kementerian Pertanian. Di lain pihak, program yang dijalankan oleh Badan Litbang Pertanian tersebut mengikuti perkembangan konsep keilmuan yang ada, antara lain terkait dengan penciptaan inovasi pertanian. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana konsepsi inovasi berkembang di ranah keilmuan, serta bagaimana implikasinya terhadap penciptaan inovasi yang telah dan sedang berlangsung di Badan Litbang Pertanian, khususnya terkait dengan hilirisasi inovasi oleh BPTP. Telaahan juga akan mengulas bagaimana implikasi perkembangan keilmuan tentang konsepsi inovasi perdesaan tersebut terhadap kiprah kelembagaan Litbang untuk menciptakan inovasi berkelanjutan

    Evolusi Inovasi Pembangunan Pertanian di Badan Litbang Pertanian: Dari Transfer Teknologi ke Sistem Inovasi

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    Indonesia Agricultural Agency for Research and Development (IAARD) has more than four decades in supporting agricultural development. This support is indicated by its contribution to the creation of agricultural development models, field assistance, and technology dissemination. These activities are inseparable from its support for the Ministry of Agriculture’s program. The IAARD program follows the development of agricultural innovations. This paper aims to describe how the conception of innovation develops in the realm of science, as well as how the concept is implementing in IAARD, especiallyin relation to the down streaming of innovation inAgricultural Technology Assessment and Development (AIATs). This study also examines how IAARD should work according to the innovation concept, to make sustainable innovation. AbstrakBadan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian (Badan Litbang Pertanian) telah empat dasawarsa lebih berperan mendukung pembangunan pertanian. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh kontribusinya terhadap penciptaan model-model pembangunan pertanian, pendampingan, dan diseminasi teknologi di lapangan. Aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh Badan Litbang Pertanian tersebut tidak terlepas dari dukungannya terhadap program-program Kementerian Pertanian. Di lain pihak, program yang dijalankan oleh Badan Litbang Pertanian tersebut mengikuti perkembangan konsep keilmuan yang ada, antara lain terkait dengan penciptaan inovasi pertanian. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana konsepsi inovasi berkembang di ranah keilmuan, serta bagaimana implikasinya terhadap penciptaan inovasi yang telah dan sedang berlangsung di Badan Litbang Pertanian, khususnya terkait dengan hilirisasi inovasi oleh BPTP. Telaahan juga akan mengulas bagaimana implikasi perkembangan keilmuan tentang konsepsi inovasi perdesaan tersebut terhadap  kiprah kelembagaan Litbang  untuk menciptakan inovasi berkelanjutan.

    Introduction Technology of Cropping Calendar-Information System (CC-IS) for Rice Farming as A Climate Change Adaptation in Indonesia

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    Challenges in food production in the future are becoming more complex. Factors affect food production includes climate variability and climate change. To adapt the impact of climate change, Indonesia Agricultural Research and Development has designed a Crop Calendar-Information System. This technology contains recommendation on planting time, cropping patterns, and adaptive technology with Integrated-web-based according to climate prediction and season-to-date. Although it has been launched officially since 2011, the uses as consider for farming in sub-districts are remain low. This paper aims to present the process of designing the CCIS, the dissemination activities, and process of getting feedback to improve the CCIS implementation. Survey was done using a mail survey in 33 provinces for a year during January–December 2014. The data was collected three times for a year covered 32 provinces. The data collected consist of primary and secondary data.. Observations were carried out to determine the role of CCIS provider. Methods of data analysis use descriptive qualitative method through tabulation, data summary, data reduction, data display, then conclusion and verification. Result shows that on average, there was 10 socialization held in 10 sub-districts with 200 extension officers attend the session. The most common dissemination methods use printed media and direct communication (70-88%) and the least use visual communication-radio/television (12%) and field demonstration (6%). Furthermore, feedback of the CCIS dissemination shows that hardly any sites implement the CCIS recommendation because of unavailability of recommended variety and water availability (43,25%), whereas 52,75% said that the recommendation was less suitable with their condition and less frequency in doing socialization. According to the validation activities done in 16 provinces, the suitability of planting time vary compared to the actual planting time. In rainy season (MH), 37.5% of the sample district had the accurate prediction range from 64% up to 90%. Although the technology is widely spread, it still needed effort to ensure farmers and local stakeholders to use the CCIS as a recommendation technology to minimize the impact of the climate change


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     ABSTRACT The Influencing Factors for success on Sustainable Food Reserve Garden in Sumatera. Addressing the needs of food and nutrition can be improved with utilization of home garden. A total of 8,320 units of households in Sumatera have done this approach through development program of Sustainable Food Reserve Garden (SFRG). There are three sub-components to assess the performance of its utilization: seed management, garden management, and institutional aspect. This research was done in 340 villages implementing the SRFG in 10 provinces in Sumatera by using a qualitative method. Unit analysis was area which implementing SRFG in Sumatera. Sampling was done through census in all unit of SRFG, 340 samples. Data was collected through mail survey. Data was analyzed by using a binary logistic model. Result shows that 10 of 36 variables have 5% significant level of positive influence on the improvement of implementation of SRFG in Sumatera, namely source of seeds, seed availability, number of members, crop rotation, crop-livestock integration, conservation of local food, the use of crops, administration, officials were involved, and market. The result also implies that in order to keep the sustainability of SFRG, it is important to regard the following aspects: seedling, crop rotation and its’ integration, the use of crops including market and stakeholder participation. Keywords: Home yard economics, sustainable food reserve gardens (SFRG), food securityABSTRAKUpaya pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan dan gizi dapat ditingkatkan diantaranya melalui pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan rumah tangga. Sebanyak 8.320 unit rumah tangga di Pulau Sumatera telah melakukan pendekatan ini melalui program pengembangan model Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (m-KRPL). Pengkajian dilakukan untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi performa pelaksanaan KRPL ditinjau dari aspek perbenihan, pengelolaan kawasan, dan kelembagaan. Penelitian dilakukan di 340 desa dari 10 provinsi di Pulau Sumatera dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah kawasan yang dijadikan model implementasi KRPL (m-KRPL) di Sumatera. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode sensus yaitu seluruh unit m-KRPL sebanyak 340 sampel. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan mail survey. Hasil analisis yang diuji lanjut pada taraf kepercayaan 5% menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 10 variabel dari 36 variabel yang berpengaruh secara positif terhadap peningkatan keberhasilan pelaksanaan KRPL di Pulau Sumatera, yaitu sumber benih, ketersediaan bibit, jumlah Rumah Pangan Lestari (RPL), rotasi tanaman, integrasi tanaman-ternak, konservasi pangan lokal, pemanfaatan hasil panen, administrasi, keterlibatan aparat, serta pasar. Implikasinya adalah upaya untuk keberlanjutan KRPL harus memperhatikan aspek benih/bibit, rotasi tanaman dan integrasinya, pemanfaatan hasil termasuk pasar dan keterlibatan stakeholder. Kata kunci: Ekonomi pekarangan, Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL), ketahanan pangan

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari di Pulau Sumatera

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    Upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan dan gizi dapat ditingkatkan diantaranya melalui pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan rumah tangga. Sebanyak 8.320 unit rumah tangga di Pulau Sumatera telah melakukan pendekatan ini melalui program pengembangan model Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (m-KRPL). Pengkajian dilakukan untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi performa pelaksanaan KRPL ditinjau dari aspek perbenihan, pengelolaan kawasan, dan kelembagaan. Penelitian dilakukan di 340 desa dari 10 provinsi di Pulau Sumatera dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah kawasan yang dijadikan model implementasi KRPL (m-KRPL) di Sumatera. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode sensus yaitu seluruh unit m-KRPL sebanyak 340 sampel. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan mail survey. Hasil analisis yang diuji lanjut pada taraf kepercayaan 5% menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 10 variabel dari 36 variabel yang berpengaruh secara positif terhadap peningkatan keberhasilan pelaksanaan KRPL di Pulau Sumatera, yaitu sumber benih, ketersediaan bibit, jumlah Rumah Pangan Lestari (RPL), rotasi tanaman, integrasi tanaman-ternak, konservasi pangan lokal, pemanfaatan hasil panen, administrasi, keterlibatan aparat, serta pasar. Implikasinya adalah upaya untuk keberlanjutan KRPL harus memperhatikan aspek benih/bibit, rotasi tanaman dan integrasinya, pemanfaatan hasil termasuk pasar dan keterlibatan stakeholder


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    Capacity of extension agents in understanding climate forecasting and climate change is allegedly limited. Therefore, it is necessary to improve their capacity on this issue. Research was conducted between May to December 2014. Indramayu in West Java was choosen purposively, representing irrigated-land agroecosystem. Respondents were extension agents selected from Agricultural Extension of Fisheries and Forestry Services (BP3K) or Agricultural Extension Services (BPP)with their working area being considered high vulnerability to climate change. Total respondents were 59 extension agents randomly selected. There were three phases of dynamic hypothesis resulting in : 1) problem identification, 2) ideal capacity determination; and 3) model design. Methods of data collection were survey, interview, and focus group discussion (FGD). A RAP-FISH ordination technique through Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) was used to assess the existing extension capacity and identify sensitive attributes influencing the ability of the extension agents in the use of climate information through analysis of leverage in each variable. Results showed that accessibility to resources, information management and election of extension dimension methods were the dimensions to be considered for improving the extension agents capacity building in climate utilization. Therefore, a structural approach should be done through increased synergy between institutions involved in capacity building of extension agents and its resources. Moreover, synergy amongst sources of information should be conducted to encourage the roles of BP4K and BP3K in managing climate information. While the functional approach is done through re-designing capacity development activities on utilizing climate information, with the focus on improving the accessibility, information management, and selection of extension methods

    Diseminasi di BPTP: Pemikiran Inovatif Transfer Teknologi Spesifik Lokasi

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    Semakin besarnya tuntutan terhadap BPTP terkait diseminasi teknologi spesifik lokasi, memerlukan penelaahan yang seksama tentang bagaimana seharusnya kegiatan diseminasi yang efektif dilakukan. Penelaahan dilakukan melalui review terhadap kegiatan diseminasi yang selama ini telah dilaksanakan BPTP, baik terkait dengan pengujian teknologi spesifik lokasi, maupun kegiatan BPTP dalam mengawal program strategis Kementerian Pertanian, seperti Prima Tani dan SL-PTT. Disamping itu, pengalaman kegiatan diseminasi juga diperkaya melalui kegiatan kerjasama dengan pihak asing seperti PRO-ACIAR, FEATI, IRRC, dan IPNI. Hasil telaahan menunjukkan bahwa: (a) pelaksanaan kegiatan cenderung dibuat seragam untuk semua BPTP dan kurang memberi ruang pada BPTP untuk menginisiasi suatu pola atau pendekatan yang khas wilayah sehingga rasa memiliki terhadap kegiatan/program yang diintroduksi relatif kecil dan dalam banyak kasus pelaksanaannya terjebak dalam pendekatan proyek, (b) hampir semua kegiatan tidak didukung oleh suatu data base dan dokumentasi yang baik, terutama terkait dengan stock inovasi yang tersedia, data kelompok sasaran yang diperbaharui secara berkala, dan hasil yang didapat serta data dukung lainnya, dan (c) pengkajian dan diseminasi belum terencana dalam satu agenda yang saling mengait, termasuk pengkajian untuk percepatan diseminasi suatu inovasi. Perbaikan ke depan dapat dilakukan dengan memberi keleluasaan bagi BPTP untuk merencanakan kegiatan diseminasi, dengan memperhatikan keterkaitan antara kegiatan pengkajian-diseminasi-penyebaran informasi, sehingga indikator pencapaian untuk masing-masing porsi kegiatan tersebut dapat diukur dengan jelas. Pengembangan sistem informasi diseminasi inovasi teknologi spesifik lokasi menjadi sangat penting untuk dikedepankan

    Profitability and income analysis of a rice seed cultivation partnership

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    The seed farming is a promising business that can be a solution to increase farmers’ income. However, limited capital, narrow land, and limited human resources and technology often become obstacles for farmers, especially small farmers, in running their business. Partnership patterns between rice seed farmers and partner companies can be a solution to overcome these problems. This study aims to determine the effect of partnerships on the level of profitability and farmer income. The research was conducted in Subang Regency, Indonesia. Samples were taken as many as 50 rice seed farmers. The analysis carried out includes cost analysis, income and profitability analysis. The results showed that rice seed farmers who have partners are more profitable than farmers who are not partners. This can be seen from the value of the R/C ratio in the farms of partner farmers, which is greater than that of non-partner farmers. Partner farmers have an R/C value of 1,3 while non-partner farmers have an R/C value of 1,14. When viewed from an income perspective, the income of partner farmers is higher than that of non-partner farmers. The income of the partner farmers is IDR 8.803.095, - while the non-partner farmers’ income is Rp. 4.154.691, -