284 research outputs found

    Penerapan Bantuan Hukum di Indonesia

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    Law (rechtsstaat) recognizes and protects human rights. All people must be treated equally in the law. Equality in law must be balanced with equal treatment. Legal assistance is the right of a person who is involved in a criminal case to be able to prepare a defense or counseling in upholding his rights as a suspect. Everyone has the right to receive legal assistance from an advocate, no one may be denied the right to obtain a legal defense in a legal state. Provision of legal assistance does not look at religious, ancestral, racial, ethnic, political beliefs, socio-economic strata, skin color and gender. Thus, justice will be realized for everyon

    Pengaruh Model Kooperatif Tipe Nht Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 18 Medan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model Kooperatif Tipe NHT terhadap hasil belajar siswa semester genap pada sub materi pokok Tekanan Pada Zat Padat dan Zat Cair di SMP Negeri 18 Medan T.P 2009/2010. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen two group pretest postest. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII Semester Genap SMP Negeri 18 Medan yang terdiri dari 8 kelas berjumlah 320 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara cluster random sampling yaitu dengan mengambil 2 kelas dari 8 kelas secara acak. Dari hasil uji t-test diperoleh thitung sebesar 2,458 dengan probabilitas 0,017 < 0,05. Ini berarti ada pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan model kooperatif tipe NHT terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada sub materi pokok Tekanan Pada Zat Padat dan Zat Cair Semester Genap SMP Negeri 18 Medan T.P 2009/2010

    Peranan Bahan Organik dan Pupuk Majemuk NPK dalam Menentukan Percepatan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays Saccharata L.) pada Tanah Inceptisol (suatu Kajian Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman)

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    Agricultural management is currently facing the adverse effects of inorganic fertilizers; thus, the use of organic fertilizers should be encouraged, one of which is the use of compost. Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that are mostly or wholly composed of organic materials derived from plants and/or animals through decomposition process. It can be in solid or liquid form used to supply plant nutrients, improve physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil to accelerate the plant growth. On the other hand, the inorganic fertilizer is still used, although only as a basic fertilizer, while the combination of both organic and NPK inorganic fertilizer as a balanced treatment can generate the best growth and development of the plant. The aims of this research were to: 1) determine the best dose of compost and NPK compound fertilizer for vegetative growth of sweet corn; and 2) determine the dose of compost to determine the best plant biomass filling for sweet corn plant growth. This research was conducted in the greenhouse of Faculty of Agriculture Pattimura University, Ambon using two factors in factorial design in Complete Randomized Design, with three replications where the first factor was compost as K (without compost, 10 tons/ha, 20 tons/ha and 30 tons/ha) and the second factor is NPK compound fertilizer as P (without NPK compound fertilizer, 50 kg/ha and 100 kg/ha), so there were 36 experimental units. Against the observed variables of plant height, number of leaves and stem diameters measured every week for an interval of five weeks, the design of Split in Time using PROC GLM SAS 14 was used, while for the variables fresh and dry weight of plant (roots and above ground) PROC GLM SAS 14 was used. If there was a significant effect of the compost and NPK fertilizer treatment on the soil and plant observation variables, it was followed by Duncan multiple range (DMRT) test using PROC GLM SAS 14, Step wise analysis and orthogonal polynomial regression for composting factor and the best compound fertilizer in this experiment using MINITAB 17. The results showed that compost and NPK compound were able to accelerate the growth rate of corn plant, and the best time occurred in the fourth week after planting, where compost with dose 20-30 tons/ha combined with NPK compound 50-100 kg/Ha showed the best results for vegetative growth of corn plant

    Menejemen Kegiatan Exhibition di Kawasan Bandar Serai Pekanbaru

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    Broadly speaking, the stages in performing the management include planning, organizing, implementing and supervising. Planning is the basic process of an activity and is an absolute requirement of a management activity.Management done on the art area of Bandar Serai Pekanbaru is a form of management that is done with cooperation on every existing field. Bandar Serai area is an area that has a complex function. The function used is as a function of MICE implementation location. MICE activities conducted in the form of exhibition activities are more often held. The implementation of exhibition activities in this area has a relatively high number compared to other areas in Pekanbaru that are not hotel based.Management is not only management during the activity, but how the management is done before and after the activity. In accordance with the purpose of this study, which is intended to find out how the implementation of Exhibition activities conducted by the manager of Bandar Serai area through UPT-D officials Bandar Serai reviewed based on management functions, namely: planning, organizing, directing and supervision based on theory G. Terry on P. Hasibuan's book

    The Changes of Social Culture and the Level of Migrant Welfare Batak Who Worked in the Informal Sector in Bogor

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the changes of social culture and the level of migrant welfare Batak who worked in the informal sector in the city of Bogor. This research provides a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach is obtained from the results of the indepth interviews. Quantitative survey method using approaches that take the 35 respondents. There is no society which does not suffer changes Migrant Batak is no exception. Changes that occur on the migrants include Batak culture and social change in the level of well-being. Social change include the interactions he does as well as relations with his family before and after becoming migrants. Culture change includes the values of religion, customs and mindset towards material and individualist attitudes. The welfare changes include income levels, access to medical services as well as housing conditions and ownership of the valuables owned by migrant Batak before and after become migrants in the informal sector

    Physicochemical Properties, Antioxidant Activity and Organoleptic of Yogurt with The Addition of Red Dragon Fruit Juice (Hylocereus polyrhizus)

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    Yogurt is dairy product with high nutritional content, is obtained by fermentation process on fresh milk or milk solution with lactic acid bacteria. Yoghurt has a sour taste, to increase the sourness, natural flavourings from fruit juice are added. Red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is one of thefruits that can be added to yogurt. Red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is a fruit that contains antioxidants. The aim of this study was to determine the physicochemical characteristic, antioxidant activity and sensory properties of red dragon yogurt. The results showed that physical properties (pH,Aw, Viscosity and Total Titratable Acid) and chemical properties of ash content in red dragon yogurt has been accordance with SNI. The addition of red dragon fruit juice (Hylocereus polyrhizus) had significant affects (P&lt;0.05) on the pH value, protein content, sensory properties of aroma, color, and taste. However, the addition of red dragon fruit juice (Hylocereus polyrhizus) did not give significant affect (P&gt;0.05) to the Aw value, viscosity, total acid titration, ash content, color hedonic characteristics, texture, taste, texture hedonic quality characteristics. Yogurt with the concentration 10% of red dragon fruit juice had the best formulation compared to other concentration

    Potensi Antibakteri Ekstrak Rumput Laut Terhadap Bakteri Penyakit Kulit Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Staphylococcus Epidermidis, Dan Micrococcus Luteus

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    Along with the increasing resistance of bacteria in the health world, it is necessary discover a new drug. Sources of new antibacterial bioactive compounds can be obtained from seaweeds. The purposes of the research were to determine the antibacterial activity of crude extract seaweed againts the skin disease bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Micrococcus luteus, and to identify classes of compounds contained in crude extract of seaweed. This research was done from January to Mei 2012. Seaweeds sampling (Caulerpa sp, Eucheuma sp, Gracilaria sp dan Sargassum sp) was conducted in territorial water of Jepara. Extraction process and analysis of bioactive compound of crude extracts was conducted at Laboratory, Marine Science Department, Diponegoro University, Semarang. Test antibacterial activity was conducted at Medicine Laboratory, Ungaran. The method used in this research was experimental laboratories. Extraction process was conducted with solid-liquid extraction method. Extract were tested for antibacterial activity by agar diffusion method according to Kirby-baurer. Based on the antibacterial activity's assay, 12 extracts which have antibacterial activity against test bacteria P. aeruginosa, S. epidermidis and M. luteus were obtained the 12 seaweed extracts the highest consentration of inhibition zone was 200 µg/disk in ethyl acetate extract of the Sargassum sp was the most active extracts against bacteria P. aeruginosa and M. luteus, while the methanol extract of Sargassum sp was the most active extracts against the bacteria S. epidermidis. Steroids was the most dominant compounds on all of 12 seaweed extracts

    Meningkatkan Pemahaman Tentang Konsep Budaya Islam Pada Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah Pada Mata Kuliah Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam Melalui Pembelajaran Think Paire Share

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    . This research was aimed to increase of students understanding about Islamic culture concept. Problem of research can formulated: (1) how think pairshare models of learning can improve students understanding about Islamic culture concept?, and (2) how‟s the models got positive respon from the students?. This research was classroom action research. Subject of research are the students of program of study history education. The research have two cycles. Every cycle have four phase, i.e: planning, actuating, observation, and reflection. The data collected through interview, observation, and documentation. Data analyses used Milles and Huberman interactive models. From the research, it can be concluded that there are understanding increase of Islamic culture concept. In first cycle, three group of students has opinion of Islamic culture as a culture was characterized by religion (Islam) archeological remains. Meanwhile two groups still seen the concept as a culture who has made by moslem society. In second cycle, five group of students have opinion of Islamic culture as a culture was characterized by Islam archeologicalremains. Secondly, there is more activity of students in teaching learning process which used the models of learning. The students enthusiastic to accompanied every stage of teaching learning process. Based from the findings of research, it can be suggested that: (1) variation of models of learning need to be used in teaching learning process, (2) this research only used in one topic and subject matter, so that it necessary be used in different topic and subject matter for content the similar problem
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