250 research outputs found

    Pembangunan Aplikasi Berbasis Web untuk Peramalan Harga Saham dengan Metode Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, dan Artificial Neural Network

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    Saham merupakan salah satu media untuk melakukan investasi pada suatu Perusahaan dan juga dapat diperjual-belikan. Harga saham merupakan salah satu indikator dalam jual-beli saham yang digunakan investor untuk menentukan keputusan. Keputusan yang akan diambil mengenai saham mana yang akan dibeli atau disimpan sehingga dapat menghasilkan keuntungan. Peramalan atau prediksi harga saham secara kuantitatif dapat dilakukan berdasarkan data historis dan dengan menggunakan model matematis. Data historis pergerakan harga saham dapat dianalisa untuk menemukan pola pergerakan yang terjadi. Analisa pola pergerakan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa metode peramalan seperti moving average, exponential smoothing, artificial neural network, dan lain-lain. Metode Moving Average merupakan metode peramalan yang menggunakan nilai rerata beberapa periode dari data historis yang ada. Moving Average baik digunakan untuk data yang relatif stabil. Metode Exponential Smoothing merupakan metode peramalan dengan menambahkan bobot untuk data historis periode sebelumnya dengan nilai peramalan periode sebelumnya, menentukan tren yang terjadi, dan menentukan nilai musiman dari data historis. Metode Artificial Neural Network merupakan jaringan yang terdiri atas sekelompok unit pemroses yang dimodelkan hampir seperti jaringan saraf manusia. Dengan melakukan pembenaran pada weight dan bias berdasarkan error yang terjadi. Setelah itu akan didapat Neural Network yang baik dan siap untuk melakukan proses yang berulang-ulang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menciptakan sarana informasi mengenai peramalan harga saham dengan beberapa metode peramalan untuk dapat saling dibandingkan pada teknologi aplikasi berbasis web

    Menentukan Grup Siklik Hingga dengan Pascal

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menentukan suatu grup siklik dengan membuat suatu program dengan bahasa pemograman pascal. Grup (G) disebut siklik; bila ada elemen a ∈ G sedemikian hingga G = {an | n ∈ Z}. Elemen a disebut pembangun dari grup siklik tersebut. Setiap grup siklik hingga dengan unsur yang dikandungnya. sebanyak in adalah isomorfik dengan grup bilangan bulat modulo in dengan operasi penjumlahan Z. Sehingga untuk menentukan suatu grup siklik hingga; hanya diperlukan komputasi numerik biasa. Dengan bahasa pemograman; seperti Pascal

    Teori dan Aplikasi Optimisasi Dalam Masalah Strategi Vaksinasi

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    Paper ini membahas teori dan aplikasi bidang matematika riset operasi dan optimisasi pada masalah strategi vaksinasi dari kajian literatur hasil penelitian Hethcote dan Waltman (1973), Tanner dkk. (2008), Zaman dkk. (2008) dan beberapa hasil penelitian lainnya. Fokus utama pembahasan paper ini adalah memberikan argumentasi untuk menjamin pentingnya pemodelan optimisasi dalam masalah matematika epidemiologi, dengan topik kajian yang spesifik dalam masalah penentuan strategi vaksinasi yang optimal. Untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang penentuan strategi vaksinasi, pada akhir pembahasan paper ini, disajikan aplikasi teori riset operasi dan optimisasi matematika epidemiologi pada penyakit tuberkulosis dari hasil penelitian Revelle dkk. (1969). Kata kunci: optimisasi, strategi vaksinasi, matematika epidemiologi

    Perception of Senior High School Teachers Towards School Organization Support

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi bentuk-bentuk dukungan organisasi sekolah yang dirasakan (Perceived School Organization Support) oleh guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survei. Subjek berjumlah 97 orang guru SMU yang terdiri atas 4 sekolah mewakili Kabupaten Bantul dan 1 sekolah mewakili Kodya Yogyakarta. Pemilihan subjek penelitian dilakukan dengan melalui teknik multistage cluster random. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui angket terbuka yang memungkinkan subjek penelitian menjawab secara bebas. Validitas angket diperoleh lewat professional judgment. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dengan teknik persentase. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa: (1) empat dimensi dukungan sekolah yang merupakan bentuk-bentuk dukungan organisasi sekolah yang dirasakan guru antara lain Kenyamanan lingkungan fisik kerja (41%), pengembangan profesi (27%), perhatian pimpinan (18%), dan Kenyamanan lingkungan sosial kerja (14%); (2) respon emosi yang muncul dengan adanya dukungan sekolah antara lain senang, puas, nyaman bekerja, menambah semangat kerja, positive thinking terhadap sekolah, perasaan mampu mengembangkan diri, termotivasi, merasa sejahtera, dan merasa dihargai

    Implementation of BERSABAR Method for Students to Achieve Clean and Healthy Schools in Al Ikhlas Private Elementary School Medan

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    Sanitation conditions in the school environment in Urban Village Sitirejo II were not well managed. The school had adequate facilities, but these facilities were not optimally utilized as seen from the unavailability of clean water, unclean toilets, and scattered garbage. These conditions can lead to diseases such as diarrhea and others. The formation of cadres from students needs to be done to overcome these problems. The cadre was named Bocah Cinta Lingkungan or "Bocil" or the Environmentalist Child Cadres, 10 people were selected and formed through "Bersabar" method. The play method used is with the modification of the Snakes and Ladders game, the game is communicative and easy to understand, with eye-catching visualization, attractive, and fun to use as learning media. In addition, snakes and ladders are modified with interesting and full-color illustrated questions and answers. After the cadres are formed, their role is to instill clean and healthy living behaviors for themselves and their peers. Promotive efforts in school children groups can be done with peer education. Furthermore, this program also involves principals and teachers by providing a "Bersabar" method tools to  Al Ikhlas Private elemntary School. Teachers have a role to monitor the cadres and then also be able to form the cadres independently

    Pelaksanaan Bantuan Hukum terhadap Korban Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga di Kota Pekanbaru

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    In General, the community considers that household violence was a private matter that did not have were interfered by others. But due to the increasing number and is a violation of human rights, household violence must be solved in particular the granting of legal aid for victims of household violence. The purpose of this scription writing: first, the implementation of legal aid to victims of household violence in Pekanbaru City, second, the obstacles encountered in the implementation of legal aid to victims of household violence in Pekanbaru City, thirdly, efforts are being made in overcoming the obstacles in the implementation of legal aid to victims of household violence in Pekanbaru City. This type of research can be classified into types of juridical sociological research. This research was conducted in the Pekanbaru City, while population and sample was a whole party that deals with issues that are examined in this study, the data sources used, the primary data, secondary data, and tertiary data, techniques of collecting data in this study with the depth interviews, observation, and study of librarianship. The analysis of the data used is qualitative data and technique draw conclusions by deductive way. From the results of the research there are three basic issues that can be inferred. First, the implementation of legal aid to victims of household violence in Pekanbaru City has yet to be implemented by Law number 16 of 2011 about legal aid. Second, the obstacles encountered in the implementation of legal aid to victims of household violence in Pekanbaru City that mechanisms of the legal aid administrative documents arrangements tend to be convoluted, legal aid givers apparatus limitations, lack of infrastructure and facilities in the relevant agencies as well as legal assistance covered up to the assistance funds to the institution of legal aid giver, Third, effort to overcoming obstacles in the legal assistance to victims of the household violence in Pekanbaru City namely approach in preventive and approach in curative, advice writer, first, need of special supervision on the implementation of legal assistance, especially legal assistance to victims of the household violence, second, expected the with regulations which regulates coordination between agencies related legal assistance, third, need of commitment serious, quick, and firmly from government to opening access to possible to society and related agencies including providing facilities

    Analysis of Pb and Zn Pollutant Concentration in the Water, Sediment and the Meat of Cerithidea Obtusa From the Tanjung Pasir Village, Tanah Merah Sub-District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province

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    The Nyiur and Enok Rivers merged and form a single river mouth in the Tanjung Pasir Village. Around the river mouth, however, many industrial and shipping activities may produce Pb and Zn pollutant that enter the water, accumulated in the sediment as well as in the meat of benthic organisms such as Cerithidea obtusa. To understand the concentration of Pb and Zn in the water, sediment and the snail, a research has been conducted on March 2017. There are 3 stations, around 3 km before the outlet of PT Sambu, in the outlet of PT Sambu and 3 km of PT Sambu. Samplings were conducted 3 times, once/ 2 days. Results shown that the highest concentration of Pb and Zn in water (0.0543 mg/L and 0.1767 mg/L), sediment (1.7469 ppm and 3.2720 ppm) and C. obtusa (4.9085 mg/kg and 8.1990 mg/kg) was in the station II
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