136 research outputs found

    Factitious Disorders and Cardiothoracic Surgery: The Ongoing Multidisciplinary Challenges of a Complex Case

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    Chronic factitious disorder, Munchausen's syndrome, can be challenging to manage—particularly when complaints and symptoms suggest medical or surgical emergencies. We present a patient whose problems have spanned many years and a great distance. Hopefully, with a greater awareness of this disease, as this patient continues to seek health care in many different hospitals, the implications of timely access to information, good histories and physical exams, and an index of suspicion can assist in potentially avoiding unnecessary, expensive, and invasive evaluations

    Comparative clinico-pathological observations in young Zebu (Bos indicus) cattle experimentally infected with Trypanosoma vivax isolates from tsetse infested and non-tsetse infested areas of Northwest Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: The Northwest region of Ethiopia is affected by both tsetse and non-tsetse transmitted trypanosomosis with a huge impact on livestock productivity. The objective of this experimental study was to determine clinical and pathological findings in young Zebu cattle experimentally infected with Trypanosoma vivax isolates from tsetse infested and non-tsetse infested areas of Northwest Ethiopia. A total of 18 cattle (Bos indicus) aged between 6 and 12 months, purchased from a trypanosome-free and confirmed to be trypanosome negative divided into three groups of six animals were used. Animals in the first two groups (Group TT: tsetse infested isolate infected and Group NT: non-tsetse infested isolate infected) received 2 mL of infected blood from donor animals at 10(6) trypanosomes/mL, and the remaining group was non-infected control (NIC). Each group was observed for a period of eight consecutive weeks, daily for clinical signs and once per week for parasitaemia. Postmortem examinations were done on euthanized animals, and tissue samples were taken for histopathological analysis. RESULTS: The prepatent period of the disease was earlier in the NT group 6 days post infection (dpi) than TT group 12 dpi. The infection was characterized by reduced feed intake, intermittent pyrexia and parasitaemia, enlarged lymph nodes, lacrimation, reduced feed intake and emaciation. Less frequently diarrhea, oedema and nervous signs were observed in both groups of infected animals. At necropsy, infected animals showed enlarged spleen, enlarged lymph nodes, pneumonic and emphysematous lung, enlarged liver, and haemorrhages on the brain and intestine. Histopathological analysis revealed lymphoid hyperplasia of the spleen, necrosis of the liver, encephalitis and hyperplasia of lymph nodes. CONCLUSION: Trpanosoma vivax isolates from both tsetse infested and non-tsetse areas showed a variety of virulence factors leading to the development of acute clinical signs, gross and histopathological lesions. However, the parasitaemia and clinical signs appeared earlier in the NT compared to TT infected groups

    Index Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy of Immunomodulatory and Osteotropic Therapy for Chronic Generalized Periodontitis of Varying Severity: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Background. The significant prevalence of chronic generalized periodontitis, the severity of its course, the increase in the number of complicated forms and short-term remissions cause a constant search for new methods and means of its treatment. When choosing the most effective methods of therapy, specialists mostly prefer a complex effect on the main pathogenetic links of the disease, while often losing sight of the body's own defenses, especially in terms of pharmacotherapeutic support and immunity strengthening. This study presents the results of a study of the clinical efficacy of the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis by means of the developed therapy complex, including the use of immunomodulatory and osteotropic drugs.Objective — to study clinical efficacy of the developed complex immunomodulatory and osteotropic treatment for chronic generalized periodontitis.Methods. A prospective cohort study was conducted in 154 patients aged 20 to 75 with periodontitis of varying severity. Conventional examination of patients was carried out in specialized dental clinics DentoProma (Krasnodar) and Dentalife (Stavropol) based at the Dentistry Department, Stavropol State Medical University (Russia). The study period was 24 months. The patients were divided into a main group of 118 participants and a control group of 36 participants. The comprehensive treatment plan, prescribed to all patients, included proper oral hygiene education, individual and professional dental hygiene, topical anti-inflammatory agents, Vector therapy, open flap debridement, flap surgery, relevant splinting prosthetics (if necessary). The authors developed a comprehensive therapy, which included administration of the immunomodulatory agent Hepon (Immapharma Company, Russia), glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate sodium. All patients of the main and control groups were additionally ranked into subgroups depending on the severity of diagnosed periodontitis: slight (subgroup 1), moderate (subgroup 2) and severe (subgroup 3). The major focus of the study was to establish efficacy of the developed therapy which was defined by the degree of resolution of the inflammatory process and increase in the period of remission. Reflecting the presence and degree of inflammation, dental plaque index and oral hygiene status were considered to be the target indicators. Analysis and statistical processing of the obtained data were carried out using Microsoft Excel (Microsoft, USA).Results. The analysis of the data revealed that the immediate clinical results of the developed complex therapy both in the main group and in the control group were approximately identical. According to the follow-up data obtained one month after the treatment, additional prescription of complex osteotropic treatment to the patients with chronic generalized periodontitis contributed to rapid resolution of infection in the gingival tissues and provided stable treatment results.Conclusion. Introduction of the complex clinical and hygienic treatment promoted resolution of the inflammatory process in the gingival tissues of all patients who received immunomodulatory and osteotropic therapy

    Efficacy Evaluation of Combination Therapy in Patients with Generalized Periodontitis According to the Index Estimation of Periodontal Status: Experimental Randomized Single-Arm Study

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    Background. Treatment and prevention of inflammatory periodontal diseases represent a serious general medical and social problem, which remains relevant due to the significant prevalence of periodontitis among the population, as well as the associated loss of teeth and the negative impact of periodontal foci of infection on the body as a whole. Chronic generalized periodontitis is difficult to treat: it is only possible to achieve periods of remission. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical importance to develop further ways to improve methods for treating inflammatory-dystrophic damage of periodontal tissues in chronic generalized periodontitis.Objective. To perform an index estimation of treatment efficacy in patients with moderately severe chronic generalized periodontitis.Methods. An experimental randomized single-arm study was conducted examining 204 patients diagnosed with moderately severe chronic generalized periodontitis. Patient examination and data analysis were carried out at the Dentistry Department of the Stavropol State Medical University and the Department for General Practice Dentistry of the Kuban State Medical University in 2021–2022. The study included patients aged 35 to 65 years diagnosed with moderately severe chronic generalized periodontitis. Patients with somatic diseases in the decompensation stage were not eligible for the study. The patients were randomly divided into three groups (closed-envelope method). Group 1 was treated using conventional methods. As well as conventional therapy, Group 2 was prescribed vitamin D (Aquadetrim® at a dose of 5000 IU once per day while monitoring vitamin D blood level). The third group of patients was prescribed conventional therapy along with the developed pharmacotherapy, which included vitamin D (Aquadetrim® at a dose of 5000 IU once per day), vitamin A (3.44% oil solution of retinol acetate at a dose of 50 000 IU, 15 min after a morning meal), and 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine (Mexidol® at a dose of 125 mg twice a day). In each patient, the treatment efficacy was analyzed in adjacent oral cavity segments (split-mouth design) according to clinical pocket depth, attachment loss, and bleeding on probing. Also, the authors used the X-ray index to assess the condition of osseous structures and the simplified oral hygiene index. The specified indices were estimated prior to treatment and at one and 12 months following treatment. The statistical analysis of study results was performed using Excel Microsoft Office 2016 (Microsoft, USA).Results. The obtained data indicate that the immediate clinical outcomes (after one month) of combination therapy in patients from all three groups were approximately the same. However, the efficacy of treatment measures in the long-term period (12 months) was different, as evidenced by the dynamics of index values. Only in Group 3 patients, the full implementation of pharmacotherapeutic measures as part of the combination therapy of periodontitis ensured a stable therapeutic effect throughout the entire period of observation.Conclusion. The data obtained 12 months following treatment indicate that the additional prescription of the developed pharmacotherapy contributed to prompt inflammation relief in periodontal tissues, providing a stable treatment outcome and long-term remission

    Social stratification without genetic differentiation at the site of Kulubnarti in Christian Period Nubia

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    Relatively little is known about Nubia’s genetic landscape prior to the influence of the Islamic migrations that began in the late 1st millennium CE. Here, we increase the number of ancient individuals with genome-level data from the Nile Valley from three to 69, reporting data for 66 individuals from two cemeteries at the Christian Period (~650–1000 CE) site of Kulubnarti, where multiple lines of evidence suggest social stratification. The Kulubnarti Nubians had ~43% Nilotic-related ancestry (individual variation between ~36–54%) with the remaining ancestry consistent with being introduced through Egypt and ultimately deriving from an ancestry pool like that found in the Bronze and Iron Age Levant. The Kulubnarti gene pool – shaped over a millennium – harbors disproportionately female-associated West Eurasian-related ancestry. Genetic similarity among individuals from the two cemeteries supports a hypothesis of social division without genetic distinction. Seven pairs of inter-cemetery relatives suggest fluidity between cemetery groups. Present-day Nubians are not directly descended from the Kulubnarti Nubians, attesting to additional genetic input since the Christian Period.K.A.S. was supported by a Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation (BCS-1613577). D.R. was funded by NSF HOMINID grant BCS-1032255; NIH (NIGMS) grant GM100233; the Allen Discovery Center program, a Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group advised program of the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation; the John Templeton Foundation grant 61220; and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

    Epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineages and strain clustering within urban and peri-urban settings in Ethiopia

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    Background Previous work has shown differential predominance of certain Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) lineages and sub-lineages among different human populations in diverse geographic regions of Ethiopia. Nevertheless, how strain diversity is evolving under the ongoing rapid socio-economic and environmental changes is poorly understood. The present study investigated factors associated with M. tb lineage predominance and rate of strain clustering within urban and peri-urban settings in Ethiopia. Methods Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) and Cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis (TBLN) patients who visited selected health facilities were recruited in the years of 2016 and 2017. A total of 258 M. tb isolates identified from 163 sputa and 95 fine-needle aspirates (FNA) were characterized by spoligotyping and compared with international M.tb spoligotyping patterns registered at the SITVIT2 databases. The molecular data were linked with clinical and demographic data of the patients for further statistical analysis. Results From a total of 258 M. tb isolates, 84 distinct spoligotype patterns that included 58 known Shared International Type (SIT) patterns and 26 new or orphan patterns were identified. The majority of strains belonged to two major M. tb lineages, L3 (35.7%) and L4 (61.6%). The observed high percentage of isolates with shared patterns (n = 200/258) suggested a substantial rate of overall clustering (77.5%). After adjusting for the effect of geographical variations, clustering rate was significantly lower among individuals co-infected with HIV and other concomitant chronic disease. Compared to L4, the adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence interval (AOR; 95% CI) indicated that infections with L3 M. tb strains were more likely to be associated with TBLN [3.47 (1.45, 8.29)] and TB-HIV co-infection [2.84 (1.61, 5.55)]. Conclusion Despite the observed difference in strain diversity and geographical distribution of M. tb lineages, compared to earlier studies in Ethiopia, the overall rate of strain clustering suggests higher transmission and warrant more detailed investigations into the molecular epidemiology of TB and related factors