328 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Brain Storming dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas XI Akomodasi Perkantoran di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah dengan menerapkan Metode Brain Stirming untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, subyek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI Administrasi Perkantoran sebanyak 31 siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes evaluasi hasil belajar dan lembar observasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data diperoleh hasil ketuntasan klasikal siswa pada siklus I sebesar 64,5% sedangkan pada siklus II diperoleh hasil ketuntasan klasikal siswa sebesar 90,3%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan Metode Brain Storming dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa pada materi Barisan dan Deret

    Model Matematis Kenaikan Suhu Pada Butiran Selama Pengepresan Pada Pembuatan Tablet Effervescen Buah Markisa

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    The objective of this research was proposing mathematical models to predict the temperature increasing in the spherical form particles during compression on processing of the passion fruit effervescent tablet. The materials used in this research were passion fruit granule. The data of temperature increase on the materials during compression was recorded by the thermocouple. Result of the research was showed the temperature increase will be distributed by conduction to all position in the particle that can predict with the diffusion equation for dimensions three spherical coordinate. The temperature at the particle surface where friction among the contact points of the particle occurred was higher than Tg of materials of the effervescent tablet component. The particles temperature average increase during compression is 33.03oC

    Pengenalan Operasi Tambah Kurang melalui Permainan Congklak Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan berhitung terkait operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan siswa sekolah dasar melalui permainan congklak. Kami menggunakan lima sampai delapan lubang permainan untuk melihat kecepatan dan kecermatan siswa dalam menghitung jumlah batu yang akan dipindahkan ke setiap lubang. Setelah permainan berakhir, semua peserta harus menjumlahkan batu yang diperoleh sebagai skornya, kemudian dikurangi dengan skor antar peserta untuk menentukan siapa yang akan jadi pemenang. Berdasrkan hasil kegiatan ini terlihat antusias siswa selama bermain, serta kemampuan mereka meningkat untuk melakukan operasi hitung tambah dan kurang terhadap hasil yang mereka peroleh

    Rancang Bangun Server Learning Management System Menggunakan Load Balancer Dan Reverse Proxy

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    Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah beban pada web server adalah dengan menggunakan lebih dari satu web server. Trafik internet akan dikendalikan oleh load balancer yang akan membagi request yang diterimanya ke masing-masing web server. Selain load balancer bisa juga dipasang reverse proxy untuk men-cache halaman web sehingga bisa di-load lebih cepat lagi. Rancang bangun sistem yang diuji dalam tugas akhir ini meliputi dua web server Learning Management System (LMS) yang dikontrol oleh satu load balancer dan reverse proxy (cluster). Pengujian juga dilakukan pada server LMS single untuk dijadikan tolok ukur perbandingan. Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengamati perbedaan performansi yang dicapai server LMS cluster dibandingkan dengan server LMS single. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa server LMS cluster mampu meningkatkan performansi secara signifikan ketika jumlah user yang mengakses berjumlah lebih dari 40 user. Peningkatan tersebut terutama terlihat pada parameter throughput, packet retransmission dan page load time yang mampu meningkat sampai 57.93%

    Tipologi Intelektual Muslim dalam Bidang Kajian Fikih: Studi terhadap Karya-karya Fikih Dosen STAIN Bengkulu

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    This study aims to examine the scientific trend of approach and theme of lecturer\u27s works of STAIN Bengkulu in the field of Islamic law (fiqh) and the scientific position of lecturer\u27s works of STAIN Bengkulu as Muslim intellectuals. This article is using two approaches, namely the conceptual approach and historical approaches, whereas measures of research was conducted by reviewing documentation as primer data and interviewing as sekunder data. The results showed that the scientific trend of approach and theme of lecturer\u27s works of STAIN Bengkulu was consists of three kinds: First, the normative trend of scientific approach and theme in Islamic law. This trend was categorized as “exclusive Muslim intellectualism”. Second, this trend began to expand the discourse of study on fikih, but it was not to integrate with Western scientific approach. This trend was categorized as “inclusive Muslim intellectualism”. Third, this study was more empirical and historical-sociological approach and theme in Islamic law (fikih) so that the discourse was more be able to answer the situation and condition of the people. This trend was categorized as “pluralist Muslim intellectualism”

    Some Considerations Of English Language Teaching For Primary Schools

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    The Indonesian government has acknowledged the importance of English by putting it into the education system for five decades. English has been integrated to secondary school for a long time. As the English language is getting stronger influence in the modern world and has become an International language, also, the advantages of introducing a foreign language for young learners, the government of Indonesia then has set up the policy to introduce English language in primary schools. This policy is optional. It depends on schools and community demands. The government does not provide teachers and curriculum. Schools and community are in charge to provide teachers, curriculum and facilities. Teachers are one of the most important parts in the discourse of education and the process of teaching and learning in schools. Furthermore, there are some important considerations before conducting the programs since young children have specific characteristics. It was this that interested me to write a research about some considerations of English language teaching for primary students

    Evaluasi Program Magang dengan Model Evaluasi Kirkpatrick

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    This study aims to assess the evaluation of apprenticeship programs using the Kirkpatrick evaluation model at PT Jambi Prima Coal. This study used a quantitative method with a gradual pre- and post-test evaluation approach to apprentice participants at four levels, namely 1) the level of satisfaction of the participants with the implementation of the training, as measured by a questionnaire for the participants; 2) the participants' level of understanding of the training material, as measured by the pre-test and post-test questions for the participants; 3) changes in the work behavior of the training participants after returning to work, as measured by a questionnaire for the participants' superiors and subordinates; 4) the impact of changes in the work behavior of the training participants on the company's productivity level, as measured by the reduction in waste due to decreased absenteeism and tardiness of staff led by the training participants. The first three levels of data are processed using Kirkpatrick's weighting formula. The results of the evaluation show that the satisfaction level of the participants ranges from 77-83%. The pre-test average value was 46.58%, while the post-test average value was 58.50%. Of the 20 participants, 16 people had better work behavior according to their superiors, and all of them according to their subordinates. The data shows that there is no decrease in the lateness rate but there is a decrease in the absenteeism rate. In conclusion, the satisfaction level of the training participants showed a positive reaction, most of the participants showed an increase in understanding of the material, most of the training participants were quite able to apply the training material well in the workplace and there was a decrease in absenteeism which had an impact on saving the company.   Keywords: Training, Apprentice Evaluation, Kitkpatrick Mode
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