11 research outputs found


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    The objectives of this research were to measure and model the surface forest fuel in the Iguaçu National Park. A total of 133 plots (1.0mx1.0m) were located in the Park area in order to collect the information needed to develop the investigation. Live and dead woody surface fuels were collected, separated and classified, generating the following groups: miscellanea (MIS); dead fuel, diameter ≤ 0.7 cm (L1M); dead fuel, diameter > 0.7cm (L2M); total woody dead fuel (LTM = L1M + L2M); total dead fuel (MLTM = MIS + LTM); live fuel, diameter ≤ 0.7cm (L1V); live fuel, diameter > 0.7cm (L2V); total woody live fuel (LTV = L1V + L2V); and total fuel load (CTC = MLTM+LTV). The independent variables measured were: litter depth (EMO); average DBH (DAP); basal area (G); and trees average height (H). The total fuel load measured through the sample plots varied from 1.75 to 21.72 ton.ha-1, with an average of 11.74 ton.ha-1. Models generated through the forward stepwise methodology could be considered a first approach to estimate the fuel load based on some easily obtained independent variables in the Iguaçu National Park. The best model to estimate total dead fuel load was (R2 = 0.57): MLTM = 951.639 + 20.179 (EMO3) – 800.441 (1/EMO) – 0,090 (G2 *EMO) + 14.982(G)and the best model to estimate the total fuel load was (R2 = 0.58): CTC = 1162.193 + 19.355 (EMO3) – 925.90 (1/EMO) – 0.086 (G2 *EMO) + 13.980 (G). It was not possible to generate a model to estimate live fuel load due to the lower determination coefficients obtained.O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de equações matemáticas que estimem a carga de combustível superficial existente nas florestas do Parque Nacional do Iguaçu. O conhecimento da quantidade de combustível existente é importante para a previsão do comportamento do fogo caso ocorra um incêndio florestal na área. Os combustíveis coletados, vivos e mortos, em 133 parcelas de 1,0 x 1,0 m, foram classificados de acordo com suas naturezas e seus diâmetros, originando os seguintes grupos: miscelânea (MIS); combustíveis mortos com diâmetro £ 0,7 cm (L1M); combustíveis mortos com diâmetro > 0,7 cm (L2M); combustíveis lenhosos mortos (LTM = L1M + L2M; total de combustíveis mortos (MLTM = MIS + LTM); combustíveis vivos com diâmetro £ 0,7 cm (L1V); combustíveis vivos com diâmetro > 0,7 cm (L2V); total de combustíveis vivos (LTV = L1V + L2V); e carga total de combustíveis (CTC = MLTM + LTV). As variáveis independentes medidas e usadas na modelagem foram: espessura da manta orgânica (EMO); diâmetro médio à altura do peito (DAP); área basal (G); altura média das árvores (H). As cargas totais de combustíveis obtidas variaram de 1,75 a 21,72 T. ha–1, com uma média de 11,74 T. ha –1. O melhor modelo para estimar a carga de combustíveis mortos foi (R2 = 0,57): MLTM = 951,639 + 20,179 (EMO³) – 800,441 (1/EMO) – 0,090 (G²*EMO) + 14,982 (G). O melhor modelo para estimar a carga total de combustível foi (R2 = 0,58): CTC = 1162,193 + 19,355 (EMO³) – 925,90 (1/EMO) – 0,086 (G²*EMO) + 13,980 (G). Os valores obtidos na amostragem não permitiram o desenvolvimento de um modelo válido para estimar a carga de combustíveis vivos, devido aos baixos coeficientes de determinação

    Influence of plot size in Weibull’s diameter distribution function precision in a primary forest in Central Amazon

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    A função probabilística de Weibull é uma ferramenta importante para o manejo florestal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se os dados da floresta amazônica se ajustam a essa função e se o tamanho da parcela influencia na sua consistência. Foram utilizados 15 tamanhos de parcelas diferentes, instaladas na Estação Experimental ZF - 2 do INPA em Manaus, com 10 repetições para os tamanhos menores e 5 para os maiores. Foram coletados os diâmetros das árvores adultas (DAP >10 cm) e distribuídos em 11 classes diamétricas, com 10 cm de amplitude. Os parâmetros da função de Weibull foram estimados pelo método da máxima verossimilhança. Depois foi estimada a probabilidade da frequência esperada de cada classe diamétrica. A diferença entre a frequência esperada e a observada gerou um conjunto de qui-quadrados (c²) que foi comparado com o nível crítico de 5% (a = 0,05). Os resultados foram: (i) a função se ajustou ao conjunto de dados da floresta amazônica; (ii) o tamanho da parcela, estatisticamente, não apresentou influência na consistência do modelo; e (iii) pode-se usar uma única equação para florestas da região de Manaus.This research aimed to evaluate how the observed data of Amazonian forest can be fitted to Weibull’s probabilistic function and the influence of plot size to the fitness as well. The Weibull probabilistic function is an important tool for forest management. In this study it was used 15 different plot sizes, installed in the INPA’s Experimental Site ZF2 in Manaus, replicated 5 times for the larger sizes and 10 times for the smaller ones. It was collected the diameter of adult trees (DBH > 10 cm), and distributed into 11 diameter classes, with 10 cm interval. Weibull parameters were estimated by Maximum Likelihood method, and the probability of the expected frequency was estimated for each diameter class. The difference between observed and expected frequency generated a set of Chi-squared (χ²) for a 5% critical level (α = 0.05). The main results were: (i) the observed data were fitted by Weibull function appropriately; (ii) the precision obtained by the Weibull function was not influenced by plot size; and (iii) only one function is good enough for Manaus forests, independently of plot size


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    The objective of this work was to analyze the prospects for the next five years in relation to planted area, forest production, investment intention and hiring of employees. The research had as its area of coverage the state of Paraná and as a source of data, companies (legal entities) producers of forest raw material of planted origin that operate in the state. The contacts with the companies were obtained from the Paraná Association of Forest Based Companies (APRE), the Organization of Cooperatives of the State of Paraná (OCEPAR), SINPACEL and ABIMCI. The questionnaires were sent by e-mail to the entire contact base, aiming at the census. Thus, the resulting sample is made up of 41 companies, segmented between integrated and non-integrated companies, which corresponds to 17 and 24 companies. The evaluation answers were carried out. For the identification of the companies’ prospects, it was requested to fill in a table indicating a percentage (0 to 100%) that reflects the projections for the next 5 years. The prospects related to the planted area, production and investments were positive, however, the panoramas related to hiring new employees by the pulp and paper industry (integrated companies) presents a prospect of reduction. The Timos are the group that has the most positive expectations, being responsible for the expansion of the planted area, volume produced, investment and hiring of employees

    Florística e fitossociologia de um trecho de Floresta ombrófila densa de terra firme na área de influência da Usina Hidrelétrica Belo Monte, Pará, Brasil

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    The objective of the present study was to characterise the floristic and phytosociological composition on a stretch of dense “Terra Firme” rainforest located in the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant area of influence, located in the state of Pará, Brazil. All trees with DAP > 10 cm situated in 75 permanent plots of 1 ha were inventoried. 27,126 individuals trees (361 ind.ha-1), distributed in 59 botanical families, comprising 481 species were observed. The families with the largest number of species were Fabaceae (94), Araceae (65) and Arecaceae (43), comprising 43.7% of total species. The species Alexa grandiflora (4.41), Cenostigma tocantinum (2.50) and Bertholletia excelsa (2.28) showed the highest importance values (IV). The ten species with greater IV are concentrated (22%). The forest community has high species richness and can be classified as diverse age trees, heterogeneous and of medium conservation condition. © 2015, Instituto Internacional de Ecologia. All rights reserved


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