133 research outputs found

    István Bethlen's campaign trip and its results in the territory between the Danube and River Tisza (Duna-Tisza köze)

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    On his two days campaign trip in the territory between the Danube and River Tisza, Count István Bethlen primarily emphasised the reconstitution of national unity, religious peace and reconciliation among social classes. This political campaign aimed at peacefully revising the Treaty of Trianon. And he thought it well: in order to achieve this goal, it was necessary to conceive political realism, that is, the economic, social and cultural reinforcement of die nation. For example, it was expedient for beginning the land reform, the dissemination of intensive forms of agricultural production and the industrialisation supplementing imports. For the intellectual basis to achieve these goals, Bethlen considered Christian liberalism the most appropriate. As a result of this campaign, the nominees of the United Party won 6 out of the 9 electoral districts. And among these 6 constituencies, 3 were eventually taken by the governing party by an intervention through the civil service. Bethlen and the leaders of the United Party often exploited the state apparatus and the civil service - in many cases illegally - to preserve power positions. Thus even the subsequent successes of the Bethlen consolidation cannot overshadow this fact

    Bethlen's 1922 campaign on questions of foreign policy

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    Bethlen’s 1922 campaign, especially its treatment of foreign policy questions, has not been investigated by the relevant literature so far, although it is fairly well-known that the Prime Minister, Count István Bethlen, participated in the international conference in Genoa between 8 and 21 April 1922. He returned from there on account of the need to administer the election campaign in Hungary. Convinced by the results of the Genoa Conference, he gave a realistic foreign policy programme: this fitted into the expectations of the winners, but at the same time, made a stand for the country’s independence and full sovereignty. The programme refused the intervention of the Little Entente into the internal affairs of Hungary, but urged to enter into trade treaties with them. What is more, it also made a stand for the interests of the Hungarians living as a minority. All these considerations show that Bethlen urged and supported consolidation in Hungarian foreign policy, too. It was also a contribution to the 1922 election campaign of the Unity Party, and last but not least, to the development of the new foreign policy orientation of the Hungarian state


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    The deficit of mentalisation skills is a well-known phenomenon in schizophrenia. In our study, patients with schizophrenia underwent an 8-session training. The procedure was based on bibliotherapy, and we associated each basic emotion identified by Ekman with a short story that gave a striking description of that emotion. After we read the stories together, the participants were given a collection of face portrait photos and they were asked to pick the one that illustrated the emotional state of the characters. They were also asked to recall a personal memory when they felt the same way. We used the \u27Reading the Mind in the Eyes\u27 (RMET) test to assess the efficiency of our method. The one-sample t-test we performed to compare the pre- and post-training values detected a significant difference (p=0.000608<0.05). The control group of patients with schizophrenia who did not undergo the training presented no significant difference between the two RMET tests performed 2 weeks apart (p=0.467). However, the two-sample t-test performed on the individual changes in RMET results in the study and control groups did detect a significant difference (p=0.000786<0.005). Our results suggest that the mentalisation deficit of people suffering from schizophrenia can be decreased, therefore their communicative and adaptive skills can be developed or at least the deterioration of these skills can be slowed down


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    The deficit of mentalisation skills is a well-known phenomenon in schizophrenia. In our study, patients with schizophrenia underwent an 8-session training. The procedure was based on bibliotherapy, and we associated each basic emotion identified by Ekman with a short story that gave a striking description of that emotion. After we read the stories together, the participants were given a collection of face portrait photos and they were asked to pick the one that illustrated the emotional state of the characters. They were also asked to recall a personal memory when they felt the same way. We used the \u27Reading the Mind in the Eyes\u27 (RMET) test to assess the efficiency of our method. The one-sample t-test we performed to compare the pre- and post-training values detected a significant difference (p=0.000608<0.05). The control group of patients with schizophrenia who did not undergo the training presented no significant difference between the two RMET tests performed 2 weeks apart (p=0.467). However, the two-sample t-test performed on the individual changes in RMET results in the study and control groups did detect a significant difference (p=0.000786<0.005). Our results suggest that the mentalisation deficit of people suffering from schizophrenia can be decreased, therefore their communicative and adaptive skills can be developed or at least the deterioration of these skills can be slowed down

    80 éve történet: az egységes párt megalakításának történeti problémái

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    Im Februar 1922. haben Ministerpräsident Graf István Bethlen und Bauerpolitiker István Szabó Nagyatádi die Einheitliche Partei zustande gebracht. Es war das eine wichtige Element der politischen Konsolidation. Sogar. Wir können es getrost behaupten, daß Bethlen und Nagyatádi durch das Zustandebringen dieser Partei - mit der Ausübung der politischen Macht in solcher Form- eine Regierungspartei geschaffen haben, worauf sich das politische Elit stützend bis Herbst 1944. imstande war - den sich verändernden politischen Verhältnissen anpaßend- das Land ohne größeren Krisen zu regieren. Trotz allem hat weder die staatsozialistische noch die heutige Historiographie sich mit den Umständen der Konstituierung der Partei, genießen an ihrer Bedeutung, nicht beschäftigt. Wegen des Ausfalles der Grundforschungen sind die Historiker weder über den Zeitpunkt der Parteibüdung noch den Beitritt des Grafen Bethlen der Kleinlandwirtenpartei und der Dissidentengruppe nicht einig. Unsere Gesichtspunkte sind über diese Fragen in den folgenden zu entfalten. Am 5-en Januar 1922. sind Bethlen und seine politischen Freunde der Kleinlandwirtenpartei noch nicht beigetreten, nur haben ihre Absicht auf die Vereinigung geäußert. Die Kleinlandwirtenpartei hat das Beiwort „bürgerlich" nicht am 2-en oder 22-en Februar, sondern 25-en Januar in seinen Namen aufgenommen. Gleichzeitig machte sie, die wichtigsten Programpunkte unverändert lassend klar, daß das Tor vor den sich anschliessenden Abgeordneten offen ist. Der Beitritt Bethlens und der 19 Dissidenten, sowie eines Parteilosens und christlichen Abgeordnetes der Partei erfolgte am 2-en Februar. Deshalb ist dieses Datum als Büdungszeitpunkt der Einheitlichen Partei zu betrachten. Die neue Parteiführung wurde am 23-en Februar gewählt. In die Einheitliche Partei sind 24 Politiker der ehemaligen „Nationalen Mitte" und Ungarischen Ordnungspartei eingetreten. Repräsentanten der früheren Unabhängigen Partei rechten Flügels haben sich am 2-en März an sie angeschlossen. Die Konstituierung der Einheitlichen Partei erfolgte also durch die Ergänzung des Namens und Programs sowie der Organisationsrahmen der Kleinlandwirtenpartei. Deshalb kann die Rede nicht von der Zerschlagung oder Einschmelzung, sondern über die Erweiterung der Kleinlandwirtenpartei zur Einheitlichen Partei sein. In dieser Partei erhielten Nagyatádi und seine liberal-agrardemokratischen Anhänger auch im weiteren bedeutende politische Rolle. Deshalb halten wir die Einheitliche Partei nicht nur für eine , sich auf dem Gleichgewicht der Großgrundbesitzer und der „herrschaftlichen" Mittelklasse basierende Organization, sondern auch für die Interessenvertretung des besitzenden Bauerntums

    Bethlen dunántúli kampánykörútja és eredményei 1922-ben

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    Hungarian literature considers the elections of the national assembly between May and June 1922 one of the most important starting points of the Bethlen consolidation. The reason for this is that at this time Nagyatádi's Smallholders' Party (Nagyatádi-féle Kisgazdapárt) merged with the National Centre Party to form the Unity Party (Egységes Párt), which gained 143 seats out of the total 245 in the parliament. How was it possible? This study sets out to investigate this question. More specifically, only one part of the above mentioned campaign, since hereby it is attempted to closely examine only the Western Transdanubian campaign trail of Bethlen out of his altogether 6 elections campaign trails. The Prime Minister targeted this region because legitimists had their most powerful mass support by, most of all, the Catholic clergy and the masses. However, three ministers of his government went for constituencies here as well: Count Kuno Klebelsberg, Minister of Internal Affairs, in Sopron, whose opponents were Count Gyula Andrássy, one of leaders of the legitimists, and dr. Ede Hebel, law-school professor, who was the nominee of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party (MS ZDP). Lajos Hegyeshalmi, Minister of Trade, also went for the constituency in Szombathely, whose opponent was the legitimist Count György Cziráky. In the borough of Vasvár, József Vass, Minister of Religion and Education competed with István Haller, the Christian socialist nominee for the constituency. Thus, the study examines the campaign speeches and promises of Bethlen which were sophisticated and of high standard, and which remained realistic all throughout the campaign, as they promised economic, social and political consolidation. Nevertheless, the speeches could not alter the oppositional standpoint of the legitimist majority. Klebelsberg had already failed in the first election round, while the second one was won by the social democrat Hebel. Lajos Hegyeshalmi was beaten in the second round by Cziráky. The same was done to József Vass by István Haller. Accordingly, the study addresses these questions in detail

    Zárszó-témánk és a történész-politikusok

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    Az Egységes Párt 1922-es választási programja

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