43 research outputs found

    Serial nonivasive photoacoustic imaging of neovascularization in tumor angiogenesis

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    We present photoacoustic images of tumor neovascularization obtained over a 10-day period after subcutaneous inoculation of pancreatic tumor cells in a rat. The images were obtained from ultrasound generated by absorption in hemoglobin of short laser pulses at a wavelength of 1064 nm. The ultrasound signals were measured in reflection mode using a single scanning piezodetector, and images were reconstructed with a weighted delay-and-sum algorithm. Three-dimensional data visualize the development and quantify the extent of individual blood vessels around the growing tumor, blood concentration changes inside the tumor and growth in depth of the neovascularized region

    Een man met perianale wratten

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    La cartografia de la flora del Montseny en reticle UTM d'1 km. de costat: plantejament i primers resultats

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    El present treball és un primer escrit sobre la cartografia corològica de les plantes vasculars en el massis del Montseny (Serralada Pre-litoral), en el qual exposem el plantejament del projecte i oferim uns primers résultats. Hi incloem també un mapa per espècie prenent com a unitat espacial el quadrat d'1 km de costat del reticle UTM. La presència de 1'espècie a cada quadrat és indicada en très graus d'abundància: espècie présent o rara, espècie fréquent i espècie abundant. L'àrea estudiada comprèn 513 quadrats d'1 km de costat, que pertanyen a 12 quadrats de 10 km de costat de la zona 31T del reticle UTM: DG 33, DG 43, DG 53, DG 63, DG 32, DG k2, DG 52, DG 62, DG 3 1 , DG kl, DG 51 i DG 6 l . Com a primera aportaciô presentem 10 mapes amb la distribució de Quercus ilex, Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba, Taxus baccata, Betula pendula, Cistus laurifolius, Cardamine heptaphylla, Ramonda myconii i Equisetum hyemale

    Photoacoustic monitoring of changes in the blood circulation

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    Photoacoustic (PA) signal generation can be used as the basis for a new medical tomographic technique. In this article, we present results, which have been obtained by applying the PA technique on animals and more specifically on Wistar rats. The primary goal was to investigate the possibility of using PA for monitoring the changes in the blood circulation. This was achieved by tracking the vessel position with one-dimensional scans and by monitoring the changes in the signal due to artificially induced changes in the blood circulatio