57 research outputs found


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    Abstract Indonesia still faces serious problems in generating human Indonesia intelligent, skilled and master of science and technology, especially developing Indonesian man with character and virtuous. Model of character education is a holistic integrative educational model that involves all related elements, from the central goverment, social environmet, and at school PK-PHI requires the support system to be implemented proverly. Supporting components of the system is a series of management activities that are intended to strengthen and improve the implementation of educational programs in schools value student's character. A series of these management activities are program development, teacher competence development, structuring policies, and provision of supporting facilities, and classroom learning stimuli. Indonesian child character education effective if it involves a lot of elements of a good school climate, characters (SQ, EQ, and MQ), a conducive classroom management, and produce good academic achievement

    Keefektifan Pemberian Informasi Karier melalui Narasumber untuk Meningkatkan Taraf Kematangan Karier Siswa SMA

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    Abstract: This study is aimed at examining the effectiveness of using professionals in giving career information to increase the high school students' career maturlty level' The study was an experimental in nature using 60 samples. ln the experimental group the career information was delivered by professionals were successful in their carriers, while in the control group the inibrmation was given through the packet book (conventional tehnique). The sampling technique used was the multi-stage random. The instrument employed was the Career Maturity Scale. The data analysis was done using statistical t-test. The result indicates that the career information delivered by professionals is more effective that given through packet book

    Perbedaan Efikasi Diri Generasi Z dalam Mengambil Keputusan Karir

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    Abstrak Efikasi Diri dalam mengambil keputusan karir (Career Decision Self-Efficacy) adalah salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan karir seseorang di era digital 4.0. Efikasi dalam pengambilan keputusan karir seseorang berkontribusi besar pada tujuan dan tindakan, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap keyakinan diri mereka mencapai tujuan karirnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) bagaiamanakah gambaran efikasi diri generasi Z dalam mengambil keputusan karir (CDSE)?; 2) bagaimanakah pengaruh peran gender terhadap kemampuan generasi Z dalam pengambilan keputusan karir?; serta 3) aspek manakah yang paling berpengaruh terhadap efikasi diri generasi Z dalam mengambil keputusan karir generasi Z?. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian korelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Makassar yang terdiri dari Sembilan fakultas yang terdaftar pada tahun akademik 2020/2021 yang berada pada tingkatan semester 5, 3 dan 1. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode proporsional stratified random sampling. Penentuan ukuran sampel menggunakan metode slovin. Ukuran sampel sebesar 274 mahasiswa. Sampel terdiri dari 174 mahasiswa perempuan dan 100 mahasiswa laki-laki. Range usia berada pada rentan 18-22 tahun. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan angket Career Decision Self Efficacy (CDSE) dari Presti yang telah diadaptasi dan diuji menggunakan confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) dengan nilai Cronbach alpha = 0.071; RMSEA = 0.0621; CFI= 0,93; GFI= 0.982; CMIN/DF = 2753.63/1648; dan TLI= 0.91. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian menggunakan uji analysis multivariate (ANOVA) dengan bantuan aplikasi JASP for windows, dan uji lanjut menggunakan Least of Significance difference (LSD). Gambaran efikasi diri generasi Z dalam mengambil keputusan karir berada pada kategori tinggi. Terdapat dua aspek yang paling berpengaruh terhadap efikasi diri generasi Z dalam keputusan karir yaitu self-appraisals (penilaian diri) dan goal setting (mensetting tujuan karir). Aspek Self- appraisals berpengaruh terhadap efikasi diri karir mahasiswa perempuan, sedangkan goal setting lebih berpengaruh pada efikasi diri karir pada mahasiswa laki-laki

    Career Self-Management Scale (CEDLE scale) In The Indonesian Version of The Social Cognitive Model

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    Abstract. This study aimed to measure the adaptability of the Indonesian version of the Career Self-Management Scale (CEDLE Scale) and obtain a model fit from that scale. The CEDLE Scale was developed by Lent, et al in 2017. The process of adapting the CEDLE scale using the backward-translation technique method is translating the original scale into the Indonesian version, consulting with linguists, and translating back to the original language version. The population in this study were students in the province of South Sulawesi who registered in the 2021/2022 academic year. The sampling technique used stratified random sampling. The sample of this research is 320 students; 170 females and 150 males. This research instrument uses the CEDLE scale, which consists of 3 (three) indicators, namely Personal mastery (PM), Verbal persuasion (VP), and Vicarious learning (VL). The CEDLE scale consists of 12 items, and 8 items related to the emotions felt when conducting career exploration. The data analysis technique used a validity test concerning the corrected correlation item value and item reliability concerning Cronbach and McDonald's alpha values. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results showed that the adaptation of the CEDLE scale was in the Fit Index category with values of chi-square (90.263/51), RMSEA (0.053), GFI (0.950), CFI (0.963), GFI (0.952).

    Pengembangan Model E-Career untuk Meningkatkan Keputusan Karir Siswa SMA Negeri 3 Makassar

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    Abstract: This study examined the development of career information service model based on electronic media (e-career) to improve students’ career decision at SMAN 3 Makassar. The purposes of this study were (1) to develop the acceptable electronic based media (e-career) of career information services model in improving students’ career decision at SMAN 3 Makassar. The study was a research and development which referred to the research stages by Borg and Gall. The date of the study were collected by employing interviews, questionnaires, and scales of measurement, as well as the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) techniques. The results of the study revealed that (1) the development of the acceptable electronic-based media (e-career) of career information services model in improving students’ career decisions obtained high rating scale from the experts and a very good response from the counseling teachers and students, where it was acceptable and feasible to be used in SMAN 3 Makassar; (2) The application of electronic-based media (e-career) of career information services model was effective in improving students career decision at SMAN 3 Makassar. Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengembangkan model layanan informasi karir berbasis media elektronik (e-career) yang acceptable (diterima) dalam meningkatkan keputusan karir siswa di SMA Negeri 3 Makassar (2) Untuk mengetahui efektivitas model layanan informasi karir berbasis media elektronik (e-career) dalam meningkatkan keputusan karir siswa SMA Negeri 3 Makassar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Develpoment) yang berdasarkan tahapan- tahapan penelitian oleh Borg and Gall. Penelititan ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melaluiwawancara, angket dan skala pengukuran, serta Focus Group Discussion (FGD).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1)Pengembangan model layanan informasi karir berbasis media elektronik (e-career) yangacceptable(diterima)untuk meningkatkan keputusan karir siswa mendapat skala penilaian tinggi dari para ahli dan respon yang sangat baik dari guru bimbingan konseling serta siswa yaitu dapat diterima dan layak untuk digunakan di SMA Negeri 3 Makassar (2) Penerapan model layanan informasi karir berbasis media elektronik (e-career) efektif dalam meningkatkan keputusan karir siswa SMA Negeri 3 Makassar

    Konseling Berbasis Kultur-Lokal dengan Teknik Pembelajaran Ulang Emosi untuk Mmengurangi Kecemasan dan Pengembangan Kecerdasan Emosional Siswa (Kasus di Daerah Konflik Poso)

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    Abstract Local culture-based counseling is a group with interpersonal dynamics focusing on the awareness of thinking, behaviors, mutual trust and support. This group becomes a medium for clients or members to leam for seeking any solution and making decisions towards self-determination in order to be more mature and achieve psychological and social improvements optimally. The technique which could be used to reach such conditions was relearning of emotion by: l) helping clients find ways to calrn their emotion with fulI auiety;2) helping clients re-express their previous experiences by telling story, socio-drama, or psychodrama which were compatible with the values of local cultures, and 3) by giving clients motivation in order to understand themselves and release from anxieties they experienced

    Development of a traditional game-based guidance and counseling module to promote prosocial behavior in students

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    This study aims to: (i) describe the need of developing a guidance and counseling module based on traditional games to promote prosocial behavior in students of SDN (State Elementary School) 86 Longi; (ii) describe the prototype of a guidance and counseling module based on traditional games to promote prosocial behavior in students of SDN 86 Longi;and (iii) examine the acceptability of the development of a guidance and counseling module based on traditional games to promote prosocial behavior in students of SDN 86 Longi. This study used the Research and Development approach that was developed by Borg and Gall and consisted of seven stages. The subjects of this study were eight students of SDN 86 Longi. The data of this study were collected through interviews, observations, and questionnaires. Meanwhile, the data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that (1) developing a traditional game-based guidance and counseling module for SDN 86 Longi students was very necessary; (ii) the prototype of the traditional game-based guidance and counseling module consisted of a module for students, teacher’s manuals and worksheets; (iii) the acceptability of the traditional game-based guidance and counseling module was considered valid and usable based on the results of the utility, feasibility, accuracy, content and small group testing.
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