86 research outputs found

    Experiments in aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation of methylene chloride using activated sludge

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    Biological removal of methylene chloride was studied under aerobic and anaerobic conditions using activated sludge cultures. Shaker flask experiments were conducted to test the ability of the microorganisms to degrade methylene chloride under aerobic conditions. Hydrogen peroxide was used a as source of dissolved oxygen to minimize physical removal of methylene chloride due to aeration. The effect of secondary substrates like glucose, cellulose acetate, ammonium acetate and nutrient broth on biodegradation of methylene chloride was studied. Biodegradation in the presence of surfactant and alkaline stress was also investigated. No significant degradation was observed in all aerobic experiments. Anaerobic sludge was obtained from a secondary wastewater treatment plant, and after digestion at 35 °C it was used for anaerobic experiments. Preliminary experiments were conducted in serum bottles to test the ability of the mixed cultures to biodegrade methylene chloride under anaerobic conditions. The effect on biodegradation due to the presence of glucose and sodium acetate was also studied. Very low methylene chloride removal rates were obtained in the serum bottles ( 0.0021 mg methylene chloride /day.mg biomass). An effort was made to increase the degradation rates by immobilization. Two immobilized cell bioreactors namely, the Membrane Bioreactor and the Celite Carrier Packed Bed Reactor were developed and studied. Glucose was used to test the viability of the immobilized microorganisms in these reactors. The entrapped microorganisms in the membrane reactor did not display activity; however, the attached microorganisms on the Celite carrier remained viable. Two hundred and fifty ppm methylene chloride was treated completely in the Packed Bed reactor in 8 days. A tenfold increase in the removal rate was observed (0.021 mg methylene chloride/day.mg biomass) in the Celite Carrier Packed Bed Reactor compared to that obtained in the serum bottles (0.0021 mg methylene chloride /day.mg biomass)

    Role of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of perianal fistulas

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    Background: Perianal fistula is a common disorder that often recurs because of infection that was missed at surgery. Preoperative MR imaging can help to prevent recurrence. The purpose of the study was, in this article we study the various types of perianal fistulas with MR imaging and study the usefulness of MR imaging in delineating the primary tract and complications of perianal fistula.Methods: We studied MRI images of 35 patients with different types of perianal fistulas. MR imaging were performed on 1.5-T magnet MR system (Siemens magneto Essenza). Imaging was performed with multiplanar T1-weighted, T2-weighted and PDFS sequences.Results: Total 35 patients were studied, out of which 18 (51%) patients showed grade 1 (simple linear intersphincteric fistula), 5 (14%) showed grade 2 (intersphinc¬teric with abscess or secondary tract), 6 (21%) showed grade 3 (transsphincteric), 5 showed grade 5 (14%) (transsphincteric with abscess or secondary tract in ischiorectal or ischioanal fossa) and none (0%)showed  grade 5 (supralevator and translevator).Conclusions: MR imaging provides precise location of the fistulous track, and its relationship to pelvic floor and the sphincter complex   and helps in the identifi¬cation of secondary tracks and abscesses.   

    Wireless Charging: Its types, Standards and Applications

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    An electrical gadget can be powered without cords by providing electrical via an air pocket to the device in order to re-charge its capacity. The performance and practicality of cordless charging tech have noticeably enhanced lately. The introduction to cordless charging in this paper covers its basics. The evaluation of standards, which includes Qi and the A4WP, is then given, as well as a focus on their communications channels. Next, we put out a cutting-edge idea for cordless charger networking, which enables chargers to be linked for easier data gathering and management. We explain how the wireless charger network can be used to assign users to chargers, which demonstrates the usefulness in terms of a reduction costs for users to find the best chargers to recharge their mobile devices

    Preliminary evaluation of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) varieties at Konkan region of Maharashtra

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    The performance of 21 varieties of turmeric (Curcuma longa) for rhizome characters, yield and curcumin content was studied at Konkan region (Maharashtra). Salem was found to be the best variety, which recorded significantly higher weight of primary fingers (208.92 g), secondary fingers (243.75 g), yield plot' (11.99 kg) and yield hectare" (44,395 kg). The curcumin content was significantly higher in CA-71 (4.87%). The phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation, heritability and genetic advance on mean basis were appreciably high for yield and curcumin content. The magnitude for environmental coefficient of variation was very low

    Results of a phase 1, randomized, placebocontrolled first-in-human trial of griffithsin formulated in a carrageenan vaginal gel

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    HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is dominated by clinical therapeutic antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. Griffithsin (GRFT) is a non-ARV lectin with potent anti-HIV activity. GRFT’s preclinical safety, lack of systemic absorption after vaginal administration in animal studies, and lack of cross-resistance with existing ARV drugs prompted its development for topical HIV PrEP. We investigated safety, pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), and immunogenicity of PC-6500 (0.1% GRFT in a carrageenan (CG) gel) in healthy women after vaginal administration. This randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group, double-blind first-in-human phase 1 study enrolled healthy, HIV-negative, non-pregnant women aged 24–45 years. In the open label period, all participants (n = 7) received single dose of PC- 6500. In the randomized period, participants (n = 13) were instructed to self-administer 14 doses of PC-6500 or its matching CG placebo (PC-535) once daily for 14 days. The primary outcomes were safety and PK after single dose, and then after 14 days of dosing. Exploratory outcomes were GRFT concentrations in cervicovaginal fluids, PD, inflammatory mediators and gene expression in ectocervical biopsies. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials. gov, number NCT02875119. No significant adverse events were recorded in clinical or laboratory results or histopathological evaluations in cervicovaginal mucosa, and no anti-drug (GRFT) antibodies were detected in serum. No cervicovaginal proinflammatory responses and no changes in the ectocervical transcriptome were evident. Decreased levels of proinflammatory chemokines (CXCL8, CCL5 and CCL20) were observed. GRFT was not detected in plasma. GRFT and GRFT/CG in cervicovaginal lavage samples inhibited HIV and HPV, respectively, in vitro in a dose-dependent fashion. These data suggest GRFT formulated in a CG gel is a safe and promising on-demand multipurpose prevention technology product that warrants further investigation


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    Spletno oglaševanje je najbolj rastoči trend na področju marketinga oziroma je vse bolj pomemben del trženjskih aktivnostih. Posledično pa je tudi vedno bolj učinkovit v primerjavi s tradicionalnim oglaševanjem. Kot komunikacijsko sredstvo je internet postal zelo pomemben, saj lahko v kratkem času doseže veliko število uporabnikov po celem svetu. S tega vidika je tudi zelo zanimiv za oglaševalce ter za podjetja ali agencije, ki skrbijo za spletno oglaševanje. V magistrskem delu smo raziskali modele in tehnologije spletnega oglaševanja. Ugotovili smo, da imajo z vidika modelov spletnega oglaševanja, socialna omrežja največji potencial. Ne samo, da nudijo dvosmerno komunikacijo in se tako podjetja lahko približajo uporabnikom, tudi stroškovno je v tem času zelo ugodno. Z vidika tehnologije spletnega oglaševanja pa prednjači e-poštno oglaševanje, saj doseže uporabnika v nekaj sekundah, je tudi stroškovno učinkovito ter lahko vsebuje slike, video posnetke, logotipe, skratka vse kar podjetje želi, da doseže in pritegne uporabnika. V zadnjem delu pa smo pogledali primera dveh ključnih oglaševalskih metod na spletu. Kot vodilna oziroma tista, ki žanjeta uspehe na področju spletnega oglaševanja sta trenutno Facebook in Google AdWords. Prvi je uspešen pri integraciji priporočil od prijateljev pa vse do plačanega oglaševanja, drugi pa je uporabnikom prijazen ter mu ti zaupajo, kar pa ga dela tudi uspešnega.traditional advertising, online advertising, the internet, social networks, e-mail advertising

    Total phenol content in fir and spruce knot wood

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    Določevali smo vsebnost ekstraktivov in delež celokupnih fenolov v grčah in okoliškem lesu debla iglavcev. Z napravo po Soxhletu smo najprej ekstrahirali hidrofobne (lipofilne) komponente s cikloheksanom, nato pa še hidrofilne z zmesjo aceton/voda. Delež celokupnih fenolov v grčah in okoliškem lesu iglavcev v acetonskem ekstraktu smo doloŽevali z UV/VIS spektroskopijo. Rezultate smo izrazili v ekvivalentih masne koncentracije monohidrata galne kisline. Delež suhe snovi je bil v grčah 93,33 %, v lesu pa 92,08 %. Lipofilnih in hidrofilnih snovi je bilo v grčah več kot v okoliškem lesu. Povprečni delež celokupnih ekstrahiranih snovi je bil v grčah 14,73 %, v okoliškem lesu pa 2,59 %. Povprečna vsebnost celokupnih fenolov je bila v grčah približno šestkrat večja kot v okoliškem lesu. Fenolne snovi na bazi živih in mrtvih vej (grč) verjetno ščitijo drevesna tkiva pred vdorom patogenih mikroorganizmov po odlomu veje.The main task was to define contents of extractives and portions of entire phenols in wood knots and in its surrounding wood of coniferous trees. We used Soxhlet method device firstly to extract hydrophobic (lipophilic) components with cyclohexane and then to extract hydrophilic components with a mixture of water and acetone. UV/VIS spectroscopy method based on acetone extract was used to define portions of entire phenols in wood knots and in its surrounding wood. The results were presented in equivalents of gallic acid mass concentration. The dry substance share in wood knots was 93.33 %, and in its surrounding wood it was 92.08 %. Lipophilic and hydrophilic substance shares in wood knots was 14.73 %, and in its surrounding wood 2.59 %. The average content of entire phenols was about six times higher in knots than in its surrounding wood. It is assumed that phenol substances protect wood tissue after breaking of branches against irruption of pathogenic microorganisms