67 research outputs found

    A Drosophila kutatás története a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Genetika Tanszékén

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    A 100 éves Szegedi Tudományegyetem centenáriumi évében lett 32 éves a Drosophila kutatás a Genetikai Tanszéken. Ennek kapcsán József Attila, az egyetem korábbi névadójának híres Születésnapomra című, „Harminckét éves lettem én" kezdetű verse jut eszembe. A jelen írásban a Drosophila modell Genetikai Tanszéken történő meghonosítását és a vele elért eredményeket kívánom bemutatni

    The role of acroblast formation during Drosophila spermatogenesis

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    Protein recycling is important for maintaining homeostasis of the Golgi and its cisternae. The Vps54 (Scat) protein, a subunit of the GARP tethering complex, is a central factor in retrograde transport to the trans-Golgi. We found the scat1 mutant to be male sterile in Drosophila with individualization problems occurring during spermatogenesis. Another typically observed phenotype was the abnormal nuclear structure in elongated mutant cysts. When examining the structure and function of the Golgi, a failure in acrosome formation and endosome-Golgi vesicular transport were found in the scat1 mutant. This acrosome formation defect was due to a fault in the trans-Golgi side of the acroblast ribbon. When testing a mutation in a second retrograde transport protein, Fws, a subunit of the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) tethering complex, the acroblast structure, was again disrupted. fwsP caused a similar, albeit milder, acrosome and sperm individualization phenotype as the scat1 mutant. In the case of fwsP the cis side of the acroblast ribbon was dispersed, in-line with the intra-Golgi retrograde function of COG. Our results highlight the importance of an intact acroblast for acrosome formation, nuclear elongation and therefore sperm maturation. Moreover, these results suggest the importance of retrograde tethering complexes in the formation of a functional Golgi ribbon

    Golgi coiled-coil proteins contain multiple binding sites for Rab family G proteins

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    Vesicles and other carriers destined for the Golgi apparatus must be guided to the correct cisternae. Golgins, long coiled-coil proteins that localize to particular Golgi subdomains via their C termini, are candidate regulators of vesicle sorting. In this study, we report that the GRIP domain golgins, whose C termini bind the Arf-like 1 G protein on the trans-Golgi, can also bind four members of the Rab family of G proteins. The Rab2-, Rab6-, Rab19-, and Rab30-binding sites are within the coiled-coil regions that are not required for Golgi targeting. Binding sites for two of these Rabs are also present on two coiled-coil proteins of the cis-Golgi, the Drosophila melanogaster orthologues of GM130 and GMAP-210. We suggest an integrated model for a tentacular Golgi in which coiled-coil proteins surround the Golgi to capture and retain Rab-containing membranes, excluding other structures such as ribosomes. Binding sites for diverse Rabs could ensure that incoming carriers are captured on first contact and moved to their correct destination within the stack
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