33 research outputs found

    Meteorološke meritve : [zgibanka]

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    Katalog stroškov gozdarske mehanizacije 2009: delovno besedilo

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    Soil respiration variability in boreal pine forest in Värriö, Finland

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    Analiza dendroflore na območju gospodarske enote Mokrec

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    Diplomsko delo je nastalo z namenom, da bi raziskali pestrost dendroflore na območju gospodarske enote Mokrec in pojasnili značilnosti pojavljanja gozdnih združb in njihovih glavnih gradnikov v odvisnosti od nadmorske višine, ekspozicije, asociacije ter ob tem predstavili zanimivosti, bodisi z morfološkega vidika posameznih primerkov, bodisi z vidika razširjenosti vrst. Namen naloge je opisati način gospodarjenja z gozdovi na omenjenem območju od preteklosti do današnjih dni in v povezavi z analizo dendroflore razkriti medsebojne vzročne zveze, katerih odraz je današnje stanje sestojev na analiziranem območju. Z analizo je bilo potrjeno zmanjševanje pestrosti rastlinskih vrst z naraščanjem nadmorske višine, na kar bistveno vpliva kvaliteta tal. Vendar se v najvišjih predelih pestrost znova poveča zaradi raznolikosti rastiščnih razmer. Na novo so bila evidentirana ali potrjena nahajališča nekaterih rastlinskih vrst ter izmerjeni posamezni primerki večjihdimenzij.The diploma was written to explore the variety of dendroflora on the area of Mokrec and to explain characteristics of forest association phenomenon and itsmain constitutions that are dependent from altitude, exposition, growth. Some interesting examples from the point of view of extension of species were presented. The purpose of the diploma was to describe the method of the forestmanagement on the area from the past through the modern days. The inter causal relations that reflect the actual situation of the system on the analysed area were found out by the analysis of dendroflora. It was proven by the analysis that variety of vegetation reduces with the inercase of the altitude and the quality of soil has major influence. On the other hand the variety on the highest altitude inercases because of diferentconditions for growth. The habitats of some flora species have been reconfirmed or reevidenedand some particular bigger examples have been remeasured

    Consequences of frost in the forest

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    Pozeba, tako pri sadnem kot pri gozdnem drevju in grmovju, povzroča poškodbe. Ne glede na to jo redko povezujemo s škodo v gozdovih, saj tam posledice zaradi manjše odvisnosti od letnih donosov in prostorske omejenosti redko prepoznamo kot škodo. Aprila 2017 je drugo leto zapored zgodnejšim fenološkim fazam sledil prodor hladnega zraka, zaradi katerega so mrazne poškodbe utrpele številne drevesne in grmovne vrste na mnogih območjih po Sloveniji. Ker so bile prizadete tudi nekatere medonosne in parkovne vrste, je bil dogodek v javnosti deležen večje pozornosti.Frost causes damage both with fruit trees as with forest trees and shrubs. Regardless of this we seldom link it with damage in forests, since the consequences are seldom recognized as damage there, due to lesser dependence on yearly yields and spatial limitation. For the second year in a row, in April 2017 early phenological phases were followed by the cold air intrusion, due to which numerous trees and shrub species in many regions of Slovenia suffered frost damage. Since also some honey and park plant species were affected, the occurrence got major attention in public

    Meteorološke meritve

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    Evaluating WorldClim version 1 (1961-1990) as the baseline for sustainable use of forest and environmental resources in a changing climate

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    WorldClim version 1 is a high-resolution, global climate gridded dataset covering 1961-1990a ˝normal˝ climate. It has been widely used for ecological studies thanks to its free availability and global coverage. This study aims to evaluate the quality of WorldClim data by quantifying any discrepancies by comparison with an independent dataset of measured temperature and precipitation records across Europe. BIO1 (mean annual temperature, MAT) and BIO12 (mean total annual precipitation, MAP) were used as proxies to evaluate the spatial accuracy of the WorldClim grids. While good representativeness was detected for MAT, the study demonstrated a bias with respect to MAP. The average difference between WorldClim predictions and climate observations was around +0.2 °C for MAT and -48.7 mm for MAP, with large variability. The regression analysis revealed a good correlation and adequate proportion of explained variance for MAT (adjusted R2 = 0.856) but results for MAP were poor, with just 64% of the variance explained (adjusted R2 = 0.642). Moreover no spatial structure was found across Europe, nor any statistical relationship with elevation, latitude, or longitude, the environmental predictors used to generate climate surfaces. A detectable spatial autocorrelation was only detectable for the two most thoroughly sampled countries (Germany and Sweden). Although further adjustments might be evaluated by means of geostatistical methods (i.e., kriging), the huge environmental variability of the European environment deeply stressed the WorldClim database. Overall, these results show the importance of an adequate spatial structure of meteorological stations as fundamental to improve the reliability of climate surfaces and derived products of the research (i.e., statistical models, future projections)