26 research outputs found

    Problems of methodology of history within the university course of "the history of the national historical science"

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    © Serials Publications.The research is relevant due to the need to determine the role and place of theory and methodology of history in the structure of the university course of "the History of Russian historical science" as an academic discipline today. The purpose of the article is to identify the traditions of teaching in this area, integrating the results of the researching theoretical and methodological problems of history in the past and at the present level of study and interpretation. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the analysis of the fundamental theoretical problems of history as reality and the examination process. Main results of the research are systematization of the author's experience of teaching the course of history of national historical science in Kazan Federal University. The basic elements of methods of joining the most important methodological problems of historical science into the course of historiography are revealed in the article. The article can be useful for teachers and students in studying the course of historiography, research methods, as well as national and world history

    Generations in historical science: The hvostovs dynasty

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    © The authors. The thematic justification of the researched problem comes from the need to identify a family basis, linking generations from parents to children transmitting not only traditions and eternal values, but also scientific knowledge, particularly when this knowledge is not simply accepted and perceived, but also implemented professionally, including as a continuation of the life of older generations. The purpose of the article is to examine and catalogue the materials about the Hvostovs Russian dynasty of historians. They are: a leading historian of antiquity at the beginning of the 20th century Mikhail Mikhailovich Hvostov (1872-1920), his son, a prominent Soviet historian of international relations and foreign policy of Russia, academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Hvostov (1905-1972) and his daughter, the doctor of historical sciences, a leading scientific employee of the Institute of world history, Russian Academy of Sciences, the head of the "Problems of historical cognition" center Ksenia Vladimirovna Hvostova. The main method of investigation is a widely spread historical-comparative method that provides historical comparisons, contrasts, and setting parallels. This method realizes an opportunity to study the historical facts as in close connection with the historic setting where they were originated and are still valid, so in qualitative changes at different stages of development. An important role in the direction of the analysis on the nature of the problem realization requires using the elements of system-structural analysis. This article presents the results indicating conservation and development of scientific traditions in four generations of the Hvostovs dynasty of historians showing the sustained development of historical knowledge in Russia in the XIX-the XX-XXI centuries. The results and materials of the article may be useful in studying and popularisation of scientific contribution of the historians dynasties to the development of the world and national historical science

    Development of students' visual literacy: Technique of work with family photo-archive

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    © Serials Publications. The visual turn, which took place in socio-humanistic knowledge, brought the photo as a historical source out of the category of "peripheral" into the category of an independent subject / object of research, in this connection development of visual literacy of students of humanities in the system of higher education is gaining special importance. The purpose of the article consists in working out the technique of development of visual literacy of students who are future History teachers. The family photo-archive and its structural parts (the photo album and the photo) act as an object of research. The leading methods are the activity approach, theory and information methods of training, methods of independent study, control and evaluation methods allowing to develop independent creative activity of students, to stimulate acquisition and consolidation of the knowledge gained. The developed technique promotes formation of professional competences of students during the work with the photo as a historical source and development of visual literacy necessary for an aspiring researcher and future teacher. Its contents include various forms of study (a lecture, a seminar, independent study, a creative report). The materials of the article can be useful in the course of development of the educational standard and training courses on the subjects Visual Culture, Source Studies, History of Culture, History of Russia, Methods of Teaching History and Social Science

    Practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students in higher educational institutions of Russia

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Academic mobility enhances the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of education and is an important tool for creating a global educational area and for supporting mobility of human capital. Therefore, this article aims to develop practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students. The paper presents practical recommendations at the regional and university levels, allowing to organize the process systematically and holistically, purposefully uniting the efforts of all its subjects, and choosing priorities for action in accordance with individual and typological characteristics of certain students. Provisions of this article may be useful for teachers, management and staff of international departments of higher educational institutions of professional education

    Functions and main directions of development of the integrated educational-industrial complex “college—university—enterprise”

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. Structural and functional stability of college, university and industry integration in regional system of professional education is achieved through the creation of common educational-industrial space. The leading approach to the study of this problem is an integrative approach which allows predicting the transition of the integrated system “college—university—enterprise” on the qualitatively new level due to the agreed goals, tasks, functions, and actions of this system subjects, contributing to the implementation of forward-looking professional training of competitive specialists. The main functions of the development of the integrated educational-industrial complex “college—university—enterprise” in the article are indicated as follows: coordinating, prognostic, anticipatory, consolidating, corporate, sublimating. The article submissions represent a theoretical value to researchers concerned with integration issues, and also have practical significance for subjects of the integrated system of “education—production” in order to prepare specialists meeting the requirements of modern production

    Problems of methodology of history within the university course of "the history of the national historical science"

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    © Serials Publications.The research is relevant due to the need to determine the role and place of theory and methodology of history in the structure of the university course of "the History of Russian historical science" as an academic discipline today. The purpose of the article is to identify the traditions of teaching in this area, integrating the results of the researching theoretical and methodological problems of history in the past and at the present level of study and interpretation. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the analysis of the fundamental theoretical problems of history as reality and the examination process. Main results of the research are systematization of the author's experience of teaching the course of history of national historical science in Kazan Federal University. The basic elements of methods of joining the most important methodological problems of historical science into the course of historiography are revealed in the article. The article can be useful for teachers and students in studying the course of historiography, research methods, as well as national and world history

    Problems of methodology of history within the university course of "the history of the national historical science"

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    © Serials Publications.The research is relevant due to the need to determine the role and place of theory and methodology of history in the structure of the university course of "the History of Russian historical science" as an academic discipline today. The purpose of the article is to identify the traditions of teaching in this area, integrating the results of the researching theoretical and methodological problems of history in the past and at the present level of study and interpretation. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the analysis of the fundamental theoretical problems of history as reality and the examination process. Main results of the research are systematization of the author's experience of teaching the course of history of national historical science in Kazan Federal University. The basic elements of methods of joining the most important methodological problems of historical science into the course of historiography are revealed in the article. The article can be useful for teachers and students in studying the course of historiography, research methods, as well as national and world history

    Problems of methodology of history within the university course of "the history of the national historical science"

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    © Serials Publications.The research is relevant due to the need to determine the role and place of theory and methodology of history in the structure of the university course of "the History of Russian historical science" as an academic discipline today. The purpose of the article is to identify the traditions of teaching in this area, integrating the results of the researching theoretical and methodological problems of history in the past and at the present level of study and interpretation. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the analysis of the fundamental theoretical problems of history as reality and the examination process. Main results of the research are systematization of the author's experience of teaching the course of history of national historical science in Kazan Federal University. The basic elements of methods of joining the most important methodological problems of historical science into the course of historiography are revealed in the article. The article can be useful for teachers and students in studying the course of historiography, research methods, as well as national and world history

    Correspondance de Colbert. Correspondance de Colbert d'octobre-décembre 1673.

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    Contient : le marquis Pierre de « Villars » ; « Anne de Rohan », princesse de Guéméné ; « Jeanne Laisné, vefve Le Vau » ; « Lengrené » ; Michel « Colbert », à Falaize ; Ch. « Colbert » de Croissy ; « A. Caudal [et] de Fludel (?) », à la Rochelle ; « G., prince de Fürstenberg » ; « le duc [L.-M.] d'Aumont » ; « le duc [A.] d'Estrées » ; « S[oeu]r [Ch.] d'Albert de Chaulnes », prieure de Poissy ; « le duc [Louis] de Charost » ; « le duc [François] de S[ain]t-Aignan » ; « le ma[resch]al [César] d'Albret » ; L. « Berryer », à Saint-Germain-en-Laye ; « Gabriel [de Roquette], év[esque] d'Autun » ; « L. Petit », contrôleur de bâtiments de Saint-Germain ; Charles de Chenevières ; « De Chauvigny » ; G. « du Metz » ; « A[ntoine], duc-[maréchal] de Gramont » ; Ch. « Colbert de Terron » ; « le cardinal [C.] d'Estrées » ; Testu ; « Isarn », à Paris ; L.-V. de « Vivonne » ; H. de « Lavardin » ; « l'arche[vesque] de Lyon », Camille de Neuville de Villeroy ; Henri-Louis « de Loménie, [comte de] Brienne » ; L. « Berryer », à Argeronne, au Hâvre, etc ; « le duc [L.] de Béthune » ; « S[oeu]r Louise-An[toinette] Colbert, de la Visitation Sainte-Marie, à Rouen » ; « Louis [de Bassompierre], évesque de Saintes ; « Marquin l'aisné », à Lyon ; « Petit », contrôleur des bâtiments à Fontainebleau ; le capitaine de « Banville », à la Rochelle ; « Monginot » ; « Billard, président-maire d'Auxerre » ; « Delacroix, secrét[aire] de l'infirmerie de Marseille » ; Charles de « Nointel », ambassadeur de France à Constantinople ; « le duc [Philippe] de Navailles » ; « le card[ina]l [Pierre] de Bonsy » ; le marquis François « d'Amfreville » ; L.-« H. [de Pardaillan] de Gondrin, a[rchevesque] de Sens » ; « J[ean] de Montpezat, évesque de Saint-Papoul, puis archevesque de Bourges » ; « le duc [H.-L.] de Chaulnes » ; Jean-Armand de Rotundis de « Biscaras, év[esque] de Béziers » ; « Henri Drouy (?), Bremensis Saxo » ; « le conte [J.] d'Estrées » ; Bertrand « Du Ruau-Pallu », agent-général de la compagnie des Indes occidentales ; lettres sans signatures ; J. de « Saumery », à Chambord ; « le card[inal César] d'Estrée » ; G. « de Fieubet » ; M. « de Motheux » ; H. de « Lavardin » ; « l'advoyer et conseil de la ville et canton de Soleurre » ; « S[oeu]r E. Hurault de S[ain]t-Denis, prieure du monastère de Nostre-Dame-des-Anges, ditte S[ain]te-Véronique-lès-Blois » ; « Louis [de Forbin d'Oppède], é[vesque] de Tolon » ; Cl. « Pellot » ; A. de « Garsault » ; S. « Daliès de la Tour [et] Legoux » ; « Charles-François [de La Vieuville], é[vesque] de Rennes »Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.Le volume contient en outre les pièces suivantes : Notes de J. Foucault sur les sous-fermiers de Provence (fol. 10), et sur le rôle du lieutenant civil (fol. 13). — Projet de règlement relatif aux actes, soumis au timbre, par l'arrêt du Conseil du 26 août 1673 (fol. 14). — Lettre de Ch. Colbert de Croissy au marquis de Seignelay, avec annotation de Louis XIV et copie de cette lettre (f. 23 et 27). — Copie d'une lettre de M. de Chauvigny à Fr. Bellinzani (fol. 60). — « Estat des sommes, auxquelles les eslections d'Argentan, Falaize, Lizieux et Bernay ont esté imposées pour la taille, creües, estapes des gens de guerre et réparation du pont de Rouen, en l'année 1674 » (fol. 69). — Mémoires de Ch. Colbert de Terron au roi, sur les affaires du département de Rochefort (fol. 85, 100, 131, 143, 169, 195, 286). — Liste des officiers de marine, qui demandent un congé le 18 octobre 1673 (fol. 139). — Passeport délivré par don Antonio Belez de Mediano, gouverneur de Nieuport, à Michel Bertville, pêcheur de Calais (fol. 158). — Lettre du « ch[evalier]r de Baumont-Mirabeau » adressée de Plemus (Plymouth) à Colbert de Croissy (fol. 178). — Mémoire de ce qui est à résoudre pour les galères (fol. 181). — Copie de l'arrêt du Conseil d'État du 22 avril 1673, fixant la somme, que doivent payer les procureurs de Bretagne (fol. 186). — Lettre du sieur Mignon au sieur Lagarde (fol. 193). — Copie de la lettre de l'archevêque de Bourges au roi (fol. 218). — Extrait d'une dépêche du cardinal César d'Estrées (fol. 230). — Note du maréchal César d'Albret à Seignelay (fol. 235). — Note à Colbert du premier président du Parlement de Rouen, pour une lettre de recommandation au Parlement de Toulouse (fol. 240). — Factum imprimé, pour « Claude Gouyon, chevalier de Touraude contre Charles Gouyon, baron de Marcé » (f. 242). — Mémoire adressé à Fr. Blondot, sur ce qui s'est passé à Paris en octobre 1673 (fol. 244). — « Mémoire de l'estat des bleds et autres biens de la terre, pendant 1673 » dans les élections d'Argentan, de Falaise, de Lisieux, de Bernay, de Conches, de Verneuil, de Mortagne, d'Alençon et de Domfront (fol. 254). — Mémoire concernant les ordonnances, pour le crime de faux (fol. 270). — Lettres de Favenne de Montchult et de Ch. Colbert de Croissy à J. de Saumery (fol. 276 et 278), et à N. Brodart (fol. 320). Lettres adressées à Colbert pa

    Generations in historical science: The hvostovs dynasty

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    © The authors. The thematic justification of the researched problem comes from the need to identify a family basis, linking generations from parents to children transmitting not only traditions and eternal values, but also scientific knowledge, particularly when this knowledge is not simply accepted and perceived, but also implemented professionally, including as a continuation of the life of older generations. The purpose of the article is to examine and catalogue the materials about the Hvostovs Russian dynasty of historians. They are: a leading historian of antiquity at the beginning of the 20th century Mikhail Mikhailovich Hvostov (1872-1920), his son, a prominent Soviet historian of international relations and foreign policy of Russia, academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Hvostov (1905-1972) and his daughter, the doctor of historical sciences, a leading scientific employee of the Institute of world history, Russian Academy of Sciences, the head of the "Problems of historical cognition" center Ksenia Vladimirovna Hvostova. The main method of investigation is a widely spread historical-comparative method that provides historical comparisons, contrasts, and setting parallels. This method realizes an opportunity to study the historical facts as in close connection with the historic setting where they were originated and are still valid, so in qualitative changes at different stages of development. An important role in the direction of the analysis on the nature of the problem realization requires using the elements of system-structural analysis. This article presents the results indicating conservation and development of scientific traditions in four generations of the Hvostovs dynasty of historians showing the sustained development of historical knowledge in Russia in the XIX-the XX-XXI centuries. The results and materials of the article may be useful in studying and popularisation of scientific contribution of the historians dynasties to the development of the world and national historical science