20 research outputs found

    Strain specific interactions of Staphylococcus aureus with human endothelium

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    Staphylococcus aureus ist ein weit verbreitetes Pathogen, dass durch seine Virulenz eine Vielfalt an lebensbedrohlichen Krankheiten verursacht. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist die Interaktion der Bakterien mit dem Endothel, hier am Beispiel von HUVECs gezeigt. In dieser Arbeit wurden S. aureus Isolate identifiziert, deren Einfluss auf das Endothel extreme Unterschiede zeigt. Mit Hilfe dieser Isolate wurden initial die Mechanismen der stammspezifischen Antworten des Endothels untersucht. Anhand von bioinformatischen Methoden konnte für jedes einzelne Isolat ein unterschiedlicher Einfluss auf die Expression und Regulation einzelner Gene von HUVECs, welche unter anderem charakteristisch für Apoptose und angeborene Immunität sind, beobachtet werden. Die Apoptose-verursachenden Isolate, die die entsprechenden Gene über den NF-kB Signalweg regulierten, zeigen eine schnelle intrazelluläre Vermehrung. Die erhaltenen Daten können eine bedeutende Basis einer nicht antibiotischen Therapie darstellen.Staphylococcus aureus is a wide-spread human pathogen which, due to its virulence, causes a variety of life-threatening diseases. In particular, the bacteria interactions with endothelium are of critical importance. This work used S. aureus isolates with extreme pathophysiological behaviour to investigate mechanisms of variable strain-specific endothelial responses. Upon strain-specific infection, this research found principle differences in transcriptional regulation of HUVEC genes involved in innate immunity and cell death process. Bioinformatic gene enrichment and principal component analyses uncovered that heterogeneous HUVEC gene expression to strain-specific infection appears to be mediated by interferon and NF-kB signalling. The strains, mediated transcription through NF-kB signalling pathway, caused HUVEC apoptosis and showed rapid intracellular growth.The obtained data can be a base for generation of non-antibiotics therapies which might enhance targeted clinical diagnostics


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    INTRODUCTION The Ă–ssur Pro-Flex is a 3-blade carbon fiber prosthetic foot designed to provide greater ankle range of motion compared to conventional energy storing and returning prosthetic feet1,2. To provide knowledge on Pro-Flex biomechanical performance, kinematic and kinetic gait parameters were evaluated and compared with the Ă–ssur Pro-Flex XC prosthetic foot. Outcomes from this study provide clinical professionals with important decision-making knowledge about two innovative energy storing and returning prosthetic feet. Abstract PDF  Link: https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/cpoj/article/view/32003/24424 How to cite: Tomkin M, Gholizadeh H, Sinitski E, Lemaire E.D. TRANSTIBIAL AMPUTEE GAIT WITH THE PRO-FLEX FOOT DURING LEVEL, DECLINE, AND INCLINE WALKING. CANADIAN PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTICS JOURNAL, VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2, 2018; ABSTRACT, POSTER PRESENTATION AT THE AOPA’S 101ST NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, SEPT. 26-29, VANCOUVER, CANADA, 2018.   DOI: https://doi.org/10.33137/cpoj.v1i2.32003     Abstracts were Peer-reviewed by the American Orthotic Prosthetic Association (AOPA) 101st National Assembly Scientific Committee.  http://www.aopanet.org


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    INTRODUCTION The Össur Pro-Flex is a 3-blade carbon fiber prosthetic foot designed to provide greater ankle range of motion compared to conventional energy storing and returning prosthetic feet1,2. To provide knowledge on Pro-Flex biomechanical performance, kinematic and kinetic gait parameters were evaluated and compared with the Össur Pro-Flex XC prosthetic foot. Outcomes from this study provide clinical professionals with important decision-making knowledge about two innovative energy storing and returning prosthetic feet. Abstract PDF  Link: https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/cpoj/article/view/32003/24424 How to cite: Tomkin M, Gholizadeh H, Sinitski E, Lemaire E.D. TRANSTIBIAL AMPUTEE GAIT WITH THE PRO-FLEX FOOT DURING LEVEL, DECLINE, AND INCLINE WALKING. CANADIAN PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTICS JOURNAL, VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2, 2018; ABSTRACT, POSTER PRESENTATION AT THE AOPA’S 101ST NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, SEPT. 26-29, VANCOUVER, CANADA, 2018.   DOI: https://doi.org/10.33137/cpoj.v1i2.32003     Abstracts were Peer-reviewed by the AOPA 2018 National Assembly Scientific Committee

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents


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    INTRODUCTION The Össur Pro-Flex is a 3-blade carbon fiber prosthetic foot designed to provide greater ankle range of motion compared to conventional energy storing and returning prosthetic feet1,2. To provide knowledge on Pro-Flex biomechanical performance, kinematic and kinetic gait parameters were evaluated and compared with the Össur Pro-Flex XC prosthetic foot. Outcomes from this study provide clinical professionals with important decision-making knowledge about two innovative energy storing and returning prosthetic feet. Abstract PDF Link: https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/cpoj/article/view/32003/24424 How to cite: Tomkin M, Gholizadeh H, Sinitski E, Lemaire E.D. TRANSTIBIAL AMPUTEE GAIT WITH THE PRO-FLEX FOOT DURING LEVEL, DECLINE, AND INCLINE WALKING. CANADIAN PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTICS JOURNAL, VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2, 2018; ABSTRACT, POSTER PRESENTATION AT THE AOPA’S 101ST NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, SEPT. 26-29, VANCOUVER, CANADA, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33137/cpoj.v1i2.3200

    The effect of surface inclination and limb on knee loading measures in transtibial prosthesis users

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    Abstract Background Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease caused by the wearing of joint cartilage and bone. Literature has established that a prosthesis user’s intact limb is at greater risk of developing OA. This study analyzed the effect of commonly encountered surface inclinations on knee joint loading measures in able-bodied and transtibial prosthesis users. Methods 12 transtibial prosthesis users and 12 able-bodied participants walked across level ground, up slope, down slope, and cross slope (further divided into top and bottom slope depending on the location of the limb being analyzed). First and second peak external knee adduction moment (KAM), external knee adduction moment rate, and external knee adduction moment impulse were extracted from the stance phase of gait. Mixed ANOVA statistics with Bonferonni post hoc analyses were performed. Results Significant limb differences were only found for KAM rate and first peak KAM. When compared to all other surfaces up slope had the significantly lowest KAM rate and was not significantly lower for all other tested variables. Down slope had significantly greater KAM rate than all surfaces except bottom slope. KAM second peak and KAM impulse analysis resulted in no significant differences. Conclusions Individuals at risk for developing, or currently dealing with, knee OA could avoid walking for extended periods on down slope. Walking up moderate slopes may be considered as a complementary activity to level walking for rehabilitation and delaying OA progression. The lack of significant limb differences suggests that second peak KAM and KAM impulse may not be appropriate load-related indicators of OA initiation among prosthesis users without OA. KAM rate was the most sensitive joint loading variable and therefore should be investigated further as an appropriate variable for identifying OA risk in individuals with transtibial amputations

    Mean and standard deviation (in brackets) of kinematic gait parameters with the elevated vacuum system ON and OFF during medial-lateral, rolling hills, and rocky uneven surfaces.

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    <p>Mean and standard deviation (in brackets) of kinematic gait parameters with the elevated vacuum system ON and OFF during medial-lateral, rolling hills, and rocky uneven surfaces.</p