14 research outputs found

    Sustainable development of real estate: decision support model and recommendations for the period of crisis

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    The aim of this paper is to propose a decision support model for real estate development and recommendations that could help Lithuania during economic crises. Research, theoretical and practical tasks of sustainable real estate development process were revised, particular examples presented. Different models and methods for analysis of real estate development discussed. Decision support model, encompassing extensive analysis of the global trends, best crisis management practices, assessment of the factual situation and provision of recommendations for different stakeholders under conditions of market instability presented. According to proposed model, the research was performed by studying the expertise of advanced industrial economies and by adapting such to Lithuania while taking into consideration its specific history, development level, needs and traditions. Basing on these findings, accumulated know-how, the results of previous scientific studies and practical insights of the other authors, specific recommendations to avoid crisis and minimize its consequences in macro-, meso- and micro- levels were provided. Recommendations illustrate holistic point of view and assumption that real estate development consists of creativity, research and art

    Multiple criteria assessment of apartment building performance for refurbishment purposes

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    The selection of buildings for refurbishment is a multi-objective problem and it should be based on integrated assessment of the current performance of the buildings. Accurate assessment allows the development of strategies for the optimisation of building performance and the selection of appropriate and most efficient refurbishment measures. This paper presents a computer-based integrated building performance assessment methodology based on the multiple-criteria approach. A case study from the Šiauliai district, Lithuania, illustrates the proposed methodology in use. The assessment results indicate what are the worst performing buildings and help with the selection of appropriate refurbishment measures and estimation of possible outcomes

    Sustainable Land Development In An Urban Context

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    It can be argued that sustainable urban land development depends on the long-term viability and management success of local economic development. It can be further argued that here, economic sustainability is the key. This would furthermore signify a paradigm change to long-term administrative behavior (via an institutional approach), long-term market behavior (heterodox economics approach), and human behavior in actors’ consumption and location choices (behavioral approach). This article examines two criteria within this discourse: innovativeness and social cohesion. In doing so, it proposes a framework for empirical analysis where it is suggested that western, post-socialist and low developed cases choose different strategies due to their different starting points

    Impact of Industry 4.0 Technologies on the Employment of the People with eye Problems: a Case Study on the Spatial Cognition Within Industrial Facilities

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    В настоящее время технологии Индустрии 4.0 упрощают трудоустройство слепых и слабовидящих и делают условия труда комфортными. Разработанный программно-аппаратный комплекс использует носимый микрокомпьютер Raspberry Pi 3 B с датчиком ультразвукового диапазона HC-SR04 и дактилоскопию Bytereal iBeacon для решения препятствий

    Companies challenges and opportunities with Big Data

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    Big Data, a concept that means many things for many people, has ceased to be limited to the world of technology. Today it is a question of priority given its ability to profoundly influence trade and economic relations of an integrated economy on a global scale. In addition to providing solutions to old business challenges, Big Data inspires new ways of transforming processes, companies, entire sectors and even society itself. Even so, the broad coverage media that it is receiving does not allow us to clearly distinguish the myth of reality: what is really happening? In our last investigation we have discovered that companies use Big Data to the client, take advantage of internal data and create a better ecosystem of information. Nowadays, a concept has emerged that has been very important for many people. That a limitation to the current technology has been removed. This term is called Big Data and it has been born to mark the next great step that will give the world of the smart technologies development

    Building Information Modeling for Housing Renovation - Example for Ukraine

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    В статье рассматривается эксплуатация объектов реконструкции. Показаны тенденции в развитии BIM технологии по всему миру и в странах Восточной Европы на примере Украины

    Building Information Modeling for Housing Renovation - Example for Ukraine

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the latest software technology used widely by many construction businesses - big and small - particularly within the Architecture Engineering Construction (AEC) sector. Besides being a design and documentation tool, building information models (BIM) provide a platform for enhanced knowledge base collaboration, the potential to manage modification, and therefore the capability to provide information support throughout the lifecycle of an apartment building. A big share of the eastern European construction industries remains excluded from BIM technology and the potential advantages it will hand over to their business, particularly for renovation projects. It requies the involvement of all stakeholders to realize higher-level coordination, productivity, visualization and value efficiencies. The advantages of BIM exploitation for renovation projects are considered in the article. Tendencies in the development of BIM technologies throughout the globe and in eastern European countries on example of Ukraine are shown. Examples of the exploitation of local building information systems in realizing renovation processes are given, and proposals for policymakers in terms of applying BIM technologies in housing renovation activities and facility management are formulated

    Examining the Feasibility of Industry 4.0 for the Real Estate Sector with a Lens of Value and Job Creation

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    Каждая отдельная отрасль промышленности, такая как недвижимость, здравоохранение, транспорт, торговля, сельское хозяйство и другие, были объектом цифровой трансформации. В эпоху интеллектуального и цифрового развития компании заинтересованы в решениях, позволяющих интегрировать их процессы, машины, сотрудников и даже сами продукты и услуги в единую интегрированную сеть для сбора данных, анализа данных, оценки развития компании и повышения производительности. Индустрия 4.0 не обошла стороной и сектор недвижимости: управление земельными и индивидуальными объектами недвижимости, землеустройство, инфраструктура рынка недвижимости, сформированная банками, риэлторскими, оценочными, страховыми организациями и доверительными управляющими. По мере того как цифровизация разрушает общество, растет озабоченность по поводу того, как она влияет на такие вопросы, как рабочие места, образование, создание стоимости, управление и безопасность. В данной статье рассматриваются основные черты четырех промышленных революций, возможности и вызовы четвертой промышленной революции через призму индустрии недвижимости

    Multiple criteria assessment of apartment building performance for refurbishment purposes

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    В статье представлена ​​компьютерная методика комплексной оценки эффективности зданий, основанная на множественных критериях