60 research outputs found

    Les francophones face Ă  leur langue

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    Cette contribution tente de porter au jour certains aspects, au plan des reprĂ©sentations, du paysage linguistique de la RĂ©publique du Niger qui connaĂźt une situation de diglossie vĂ©hiculaire opposant le français, variĂ©tĂ© « haute », au hausa et zarma, variĂ©tĂ©s « basses ». D’une enquĂȘte fondĂ©e sur un Ă©chantillon de plus de 3 800 rĂ©pondants appartenant Ă  l’une des cinq communautĂ©s linguistiques dominantes, des indicateurs ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©gagĂ©s afin de cerner l’image que les NigĂ©riens se font du français, unique langue officielle Ă  cĂŽtĂ© d’une sĂ©rie de langues locales au poids trĂšs variable. Pays officiellement francophone, peu visitĂ© par les spĂ©cialistes, le Niger trouve ici l’un des premiers comptes rendus Ă  portĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale concernant sa rĂ©alitĂ© sociolinguistique.The French-Speaking Peoples and their Languages: The Case of the Nigeriens. – Among the attitudes domain, this paper attempts to bring some features of the linguistic landscape of the Niger Republic to light, characterized by a situation of vehicular diglossy opposing French, “high” variety, to Hausa and Zarma, “low” varieties. From an enquiry based on a sample of more than 3,800 individuals, all of them belonging to one of the five major linguistic communities, indicators were selected in order to understand the Nigeriens’ linguistic image about French, one and only official language, next to several local languages which importance varies a lot. Officially French-speaking country and not so studied by specialists, Niger finds here one of first wide-ranged reports about the national sociolinguistic reality

    Les Ă©motions au travail (scientifique): enjeux Ă©thiques et stratĂ©gies mĂ©thodologiques d'une enquĂȘte en terrain intime

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    Based on a qualitative approach, the article proposes to illustrate the different stages of the elaboration of a methodological package, focusing on emotions that are actively put at work. The investigation was conducted on an intimate field, as it deals with themes such sexuality and HIV. The principal aim of the study is to understand how immigrant women of sub-Saharan origin living in Switzerland manage the secret of their HIV / AIDS positive status. Facing multiple vulnerabilities, the studied population is particularly precarious. This raises several ethical questions that are explored in the text. In particular, the emotional implications for the investigators and the impact of the research on the interviewee’s life are questioned. Reflecting on the mobilization of emotions in the process of research, one epistemological question emerges: could knowing subjects be emotional subjects and vice versa? Finally, the emotions mobilized both by the investigators and the interviewees constitute the raw material on which a situated, felt and committed methodology take place

    Öffentliche Arbeitsvermittlung und Sprachkompetenzen

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    Le prĂ©sent rapport final expose les rĂ©sultats les plus significatifs d’un projet de recherche menĂ© Ă  l’initiative du Centre scientifique de compĂ©tence sur le plurilinguisme (CSP). AffiliĂ© Ă  l’UniversitĂ© et Ă  la Haute Ecole pĂ©dagogique de Fribourg (Suisse), le CSP conduit des travaux de recherche appliquĂ©e concernant des questions sociĂ©tales d’actualitĂ© qui ont un rapport avec le plurilinguisme, et ce sur mandat de la ConfĂ©dĂ©ration (cf. art. 12 de l’Ordonnance sur les langues). Trois domaines sont au coeur de la recherche du CSP : le plurilinguisme individuel (1), l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des langues / l’évaluation des compĂ©tences langagiĂšres (2) et le plurilinguisme institutionnel et sociĂ©tal (3). Dans le cadre de ce troisiĂšme domaine, le projet « Placement public et compĂ©tences linguistiques » a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© sur deux annĂ©es (2013– 2014) et a portĂ© sur la question sociĂ©tale pertinente de savoir quel est le rĂŽle de la langue dans l’accĂšs au marchĂ© du travail. Le projet de recherche a Ă©tĂ© conduit conjointement par le CSP, sous la direction du professeur Alexandre DuchĂȘne, et par la « Section des sciences du langage et de l’information » de l’UniversitĂ© de Lausanne (UNIL), sous la direction du professeur Pascal Singy.Der vorliegende Schlussbericht beinhaltet die wichtigsten Resultate eines auf Initiative des Wissenschaftlichen Kompetenzzentrums fĂŒr Mehrsprachigkeit (KFM) durchgefĂŒhrten Forschungsprojektes. Das KFM, das der UniversitĂ€t und der PĂ€dagogischen Hochschule Freiburg (Schweiz) angegliedert ist, betreibt im Auftrag des Bundes angewandte Forschung zu aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Fragen rund um die Mehrsprachigkeit (siehe Art. 12 der Sprachenverordnung). Im Zentrum der ForschungsaktivitĂ€ten des KFM stehen drei Bereiche: individuelle Mehrsprachigkeit (1), Sprachen lehren und lernen / Sprachkompetenzen beurteilen und evaluieren (2) sowie institutionelle und gesellschaftliche Mehrsprachigkeit (3). Im Rahmen dieses dritten Bereichs ist wĂ€hrend zwei Jahren (2013–2014) das Projekt „Öffentliche Arbeitsvermittlung und Sprachkompetenzen“ durchgefĂŒhrt worden, das sich mit der gesellschaftlich relevanten Frage befasste, welche Rolle Sprache beim Arbeitsmarktzugang spielt. Das Projekt wurde in einer Forschungskooperation zwischen dem KFM, unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Alexandre DuchĂȘne, und der „Section des sciences du langage et de l’information“ der UniversitĂ€t Lausanne (UNIL), unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Pascal Singy, durchgefĂŒhrt

    L’engagement (scientifique) sensible

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    Starting from a qualitative research concerning the management of the secret of the HIV among immigrant women from sub-Saharan origins living in Switzerland, this article focuses on the methodological and ethical issues requested from such kind of survey. The notions of posture, commitment and participation are here explored. In order to illustrate the ethical dimensions and methodological difficulties, the article is organized in two parts. The first one analyses the institutional constraints due to the research in a public hospital. The second one concerns the political dimension during the delicate stage of the results’ feedback and its impact on women life. Here, the notion of participation in the production of scientific (sociological) data shows the emergence of the concept of scientific citizenship.A partir d’une recherche qualitative portant sur la gestion du secret de la sĂ©ropositivitĂ© chez des femmes migrantes originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne et sĂ©ropositives vivant en Suisse, cet article s’intĂ©resse aux dimensions mĂ©thodologiques et Ă©thiques liĂ©es aux enquĂȘtes sur des terrains sensibles. Les notions de posture, d’engagement et de participation sont ici explorĂ©es. Afin d’illustrer les enjeux Ă©thiques, les difficultĂ©s et les choix mĂ©thodologiques que ce type d’enquĂȘte soulĂšve, le texte se structure en deux parties. La premiĂšre partie propose une rĂ©flexion autour des contraintes institutionnelles liĂ©es Ă  une recherche en milieu hospitalier. La deuxiĂšme partie porte sur la dimension politique de la recherche: ses retombĂ©es (rĂ©elles, imaginĂ©es ou espĂ©rĂ©es) ont une portĂ©e pratique dans la vie des femmes interviewĂ©es. La notion de participation rĂ©vĂšle l’émergence d’une forme de citoyennetĂ© dans la production et la restitution des rĂ©sultats

    L’engagement (scientifique) sensible

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    Starting from a qualitative research concerning the management of the secret of the HIV among immigrant women from sub-Saharan origins living in Switzerland, this article focuses on the methodological and ethical issues requested from such kind of survey. The notions of posture, commitment and participation are here explored. In order to illustrate the ethical dimensions and methodological difficulties, the article is organized in two parts. The first one analyses the institutional constraints due to the research in a public hospital. The second one concerns the political dimension during the delicate stage of the results’ feedback and its impact on women life. Here, the notion of participation in the production of scientific (sociological) data shows the emergence of the concept of scientific citizenship.A partir d’une recherche qualitative portant sur la gestion du secret de la sĂ©ropositivitĂ© chez des femmes migrantes originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne et sĂ©ropositives vivant en Suisse, cet article s’intĂ©resse aux dimensions mĂ©thodologiques et Ă©thiques liĂ©es aux enquĂȘtes sur des terrains sensibles. Les notions de posture, d’engagement et de participation sont ici explorĂ©es. Afin d’illustrer les enjeux Ă©thiques, les difficultĂ©s et les choix mĂ©thodologiques que ce type d’enquĂȘte soulĂšve, le texte se structure en deux parties. La premiĂšre partie propose une rĂ©flexion autour des contraintes institutionnelles liĂ©es Ă  une recherche en milieu hospitalier. La deuxiĂšme partie porte sur la dimension politique de la recherche: ses retombĂ©es (rĂ©elles, imaginĂ©es ou espĂ©rĂ©es) ont une portĂ©e pratique dans la vie des femmes interviewĂ©es. La notion de participation rĂ©vĂšle l’émergence d’une forme de citoyennetĂ© dans la production et la restitution des rĂ©sultats

    Dunno if you've any plans for the future: medical student indirect questioning in simulated oncology interviews

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This exploratory study investigated the motives of medical students (N = 63) for using indirect questions of the type <it>I don't know if </it>[you have already heard about chemotherapies], <it>I don't know how </it>[you are], or <it>I don't know what </it>[you do for a living] in simulated patient interviews during a communication skills course.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>I don't know </it>questions (IDK-Qs) were observed during the initial evaluation of students' communication skills; they were systematically identified through video screening and subjected to a qualitative content and discourse analysis considering their context, their content, their intent and their effect on the simulated patients. To evaluate the specificity of medical students' IDK-Qs, the data were compared with a data set of oncologists (N = 31) conducting simulated patient interviews in the context of a Communication Skills Training (CST).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the interviews, 41.3% of the students asked 1-6 IDK-Qs. The IDK-Qs were attributed to three content categories: medical/treatment questions (N = 24); lifestyle/psychosocial questions (N = 18); and "inviting questions" questions (N = 11). Most of the IDK-Qs had an exploratory function (46/53), with simulated patients providing detailed responses or asking for more information (36/53). IDK-Qs were rare in the oncologist sample compared to the student sample (5 vs. 53 occurrences).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>IDK-Qs showed a question design difference between medical students and oncologists in simulated patient interviews. Among other reasons for this difference, the possible function of IDK-Qs as a protective linguistic strategy and marker for psychological discomfort is discussed.</p
