392 research outputs found

    The phenomenology of pareidolia in healthy subjects and patients with left- or right-hemispheric stroke

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    Pareidolia are perceptions of recognizable images or meaningful patterns where none exist. In recent years, this phenomenon has been increasingly studied in healthy subjects and patients with neurological or psychiatric diseases. The current study examined pareidolia production in a group of 53 stroke patients and 82 neurologically healthy controls who performed a natural images task. We found a significant reduction of absolute pareidolia production in left- and right-hemispheric stroke patients, with right-hemispheric patients producing overall fewest pareidolic output. Responses were categorized into 28 distinct categories, with ‘Animal’, ‘Human’, ‘Face’, and ‘Body parts' being the most common, accounting for 72% of all pareidolia. Regarding the percentages of the different categories of pareidolia, we found a significant reduction for the percentage of “Body parts” pareidolia in the left-hemispheric patient group as compared to the control group, while the percentage of this pareidolia type was not significantly reduced in right-hemispheric patients compared to healthy controls. These results support the hypothesis that pareidolia production may be influenced by local-global visual processing with the left hemisphere being involved in local and detailed analytical visual processing to a greater extent. As such, a lesion to the right hemisphere, that is believed to be critical for global visual processing, might explain the overall fewest pareidolic output produced by the right-hemispheric patients

    An exploratory randomised controlled trial of a premises-level intervention to reduce alcohol-related harm including violence in the United Kingdom

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    <b>Background</b><p></p> To assess the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a licensed premises intervention to reduce severe intoxication and disorder; to establish effect sizes and identify appropriate approaches to the development and maintenance of a rigorous research design and intervention implementation.<p></p> <b>Methods</b><p></p> An exploratory two-armed parallel randomised controlled trial with a nested process evaluation. An audit of risk factors and a tailored action plan for high risk premises, with three month follow up audit and feedback. Thirty-two premises that had experienced at least one assault in the year prior to the intervention were recruited, match paired and randomly allocated to control or intervention group. Police violence data and data from a street survey of study premises’ customers, including measures of breath alcohol concentration and surveyor rated customer intoxication, were used to assess effect sizes for a future definitive trial. A nested process evaluation explored implementation barriers and the fidelity of the intervention with key stakeholders and senior staff in intervention premises using semi-structured interviews.<p></p> <b>Results</b><p></p> The process evaluation indicated implementation barriers and low fidelity, with a reluctance to implement the intervention and to submit to a formal risk audit. Power calculations suggest the intervention effect on violence and subjective intoxication would be raised to significance with a study size of 517 premises.<p></p> <b>Conclusions</b><p></p> It is methodologically feasible to conduct randomised controlled trials where licensed premises are the unit of allocation. However, lack of enthusiasm in senior premises staff indicates the need for intervention enforcement, rather than voluntary agreements, and on-going strategies to promote sustainability

    Teaching strategies and gender in higher education instrumental studios

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    This study investigates instrumental music teaching strategies in higher education settings, in order to identify those employed and their frequency and context of use. An instrument- and gender-balanced sample of 24 lessons from five institutions was analysed using a researcher-designed observational instrument. The results reveal the predominance of teacher demonstration, general directives and praise as most frequent teaching strategies employed in lessons. Gender differences emerged in the teaching approaches: the male teachers gave more general directives and explanations and the female teachers offered more answers and practice discussions; the male students received the most specific teacher criticism despite uniform use of praise. The findings provide new evidence of teaching practices in advanced instrumental studios and raise questions regarding gender issues in music teaching

    The economic costs of alcohol consumption in Thailand, 2006

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is evidence that the adverse consequences of alcohol impose a substantial economic burden on societies worldwide. Given the lack of generalizability of study results across different settings, many attempts have been made to estimate the economic costs of alcohol for various settings; however, these have mostly been confined to industrialized countries. To our knowledge, there are a very limited number of well-designed studies which estimate the economic costs of alcohol consumption in developing countries, including Thailand. Therefore, this study aims to estimate these economic costs, in Thailand, 2006.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a prevalence-based, cost-of-illness study. The estimated costs in this study included both direct and indirect costs. Direct costs included health care costs, costs of law enforcement, and costs of property damage due to road-traffic accidents. Indirect costs included costs of productivity loss due to premature mortality, and costs of reduced productivity due to absenteeism and presenteeism (reduced on-the-job productivity).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The total economic cost of alcohol consumption in Thailand in 2006 was estimated at 156,105.4 million baht (9,627 million USPPP)orabout1.99 PPP) or about 1.99% of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Indirect costs outweigh direct costs, representing 96% of the total cost. The largest cost attributable to alcohol consumption is that of productivity loss due to premature mortality (104,128 million baht/6,422 million US PPP), followed by cost of productivity loss due to reduced productivity (45,464.6 million baht/2,804 million USPPP),healthcarecost(5,491.2millionbaht/339millionUS PPP), health care cost (5,491.2 million baht/339 million US PPP), cost of property damage as a result of road traffic accidents (779.4 million baht/48 million USPPP),andcostoflawenforcement(242.4millionbaht/15millionUS PPP), and cost of law enforcement (242.4 million baht/15 million US PPP), respectively. The results from the sensitivity analysis revealed that the cost ranges from 115,160.4 million baht to 214,053.0 million baht (7,102.1 - 13,201 million US$ PPP) depending on the methods and assumptions employed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Alcohol imposes a substantial economic burden on Thai society, and according to these findings, the Thai government needs to pay significantly more attention to implementing more effective alcohol policies/interventions in order to reduce the negative consequences associated with alcohol.</p

    Localized direction selective responses in the dendrites of visual interneurons of the fly

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The various tasks of visual systems, including course control, collision avoidance and the detection of small objects, require at the neuronal level the dendritic integration and subsequent processing of many spatially distributed visual motion inputs. While much is known about the pooled output in these systems, as in the medial superior temporal cortex of monkeys or in the lobula plate of the insect visual system, the motion tuning of the elements that provide the input has yet received little attention. In order to visualize the motion tuning of these inputs we examined the dendritic activation patterns of neurons that are selective for the characteristic patterns of wide-field motion, the lobula-plate tangential cells (LPTCs) of the blowfly. These neurons are known to sample direction-selective motion information from large parts of the visual field and combine these signals into axonal and dendro-dendritic outputs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fluorescence imaging of intracellular calcium concentration allowed us to take a direct look at the local dendritic activity and the resulting local preferred directions in LPTC dendrites during activation by wide-field motion in different directions. These 'calcium response fields' resembled a retinotopic dendritic map of local preferred directions in the receptive field, the layout of which is a distinguishing feature of different LPTCs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study reveals how neurons acquire selectivity for distinct visual motion patterns by dendritic integration of the local inputs with different preferred directions. With their spatial layout of directional responses, the dendrites of the LPTCs we investigated thus served as matched filters for wide-field motion patterns.</p

    The economic impact of alcohol consumption: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Information on the economic impact of alcohol consumption can provide important evidence in supporting policies to reduce its associated harm. To date, several studies on the economic costs of alcohol consumption have been conducted worldwide. This study aims to review the economic impact of alcohol worldwide, summarizing the state of knowledge with regard to two elements: (1) cost components included in the estimation; (2) the methodologies employed in works conducted to date.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Relevant publications concerning the societal cost of alcohol consumption published during the years 1990-2007 were identified through MEDLINE. The World Health Organization's global status report on alcohol, bibliographies and expert communications were also used to identify additional relevant studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty studies met the inclusion criteria for full review while an additional two studies were considered for partial review. Most studies employed the human capital approach and estimated the gross cost of alcohol consumption. Both direct and indirect costs were taken into account in all studies while intangible costs were incorporated in only a few studies. The economic burden of alcohol in the 12 selected countries was estimated to equate to 0.45 - 5.44% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Discrepancies in the estimation method and cost components included in the analyses limit a direct comparison across studies. The findings, however, consistently confirmed that the economic burden of alcohol on society is substantial. Given the importance of this issue and the limitation in generalizing the findings across different settings, further well-designed research studies are warranted in specific countries to support the formulation of alcohol-related policies.</p

    Pattern-Dependent Response Modulations in Motion-Sensitive Visual Interneurons—A Model Study

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    Even if a stimulus pattern moves at a constant velocity across the receptive field of motion-sensitive neurons, such as lobula plate tangential cells (LPTCs) of flies, the response amplitude modulates over time. The amplitude of these response modulations is related to local pattern properties of the moving retinal image. On the one hand, pattern-dependent response modulations have previously been interpreted as 'pattern-noise', because they deteriorate the neuron's ability to provide unambiguous velocity information. On the other hand, these modulations might also provide the system with valuable information about the textural properties of the environment. We analyzed the influence of the size and shape of receptive fields by simulations of four versions of LPTC models consisting of arrays of elementary motion detectors of the correlation type (EMDs). These models have previously been suggested to account for many aspects of LPTC response properties. Pattern-dependent response modulations decrease with an increasing number of EMDs included in the receptive field of the LPTC models, since spatial changes within the visual field are smoothed out by the summation of spatially displaced EMD responses. This effect depends on the shape of the receptive field, being the more pronounced - for a given total size - the more elongated the receptive field is along the direction of motion. Large elongated receptive fields improve the quality of velocity signals. However, if motion signals need to be localized the velocity coding is only poor but the signal provides – potentially useful – local pattern information. These modelling results suggest that motion vision by correlation type movement detectors is subject to uncertainty: you cannot obtain both an unambiguous and a localized velocity signal from the output of a single cell. Hence, the size and shape of receptive fields of motion sensitive neurons should be matched to their potential computational task

    Distributed Dendritic Processing Facilitates Object Detection: A Computational Analysis on the Visual System of the Fly

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    Hennig P, Möller R, Egelhaaf M. Distributed Dendritic Processing Facilitates Object Detection: A Computational Analysis on the Visual System of the Fly. PLoS ONE. 2008;3(8): e3092.Background: Detecting objects is an important task when moving through a natural environment. Flies, for example, may land on salient objects or may avoid collisions with them. The neuronal ensemble of Figure Detection cells (FD-cells) in the visual system of the fly is likely to be involved in controlling these behaviours, as these cells are more sensitive to objects than to extended background structures. Until now the computations in the presynaptic neuronal network of FD-cells and, in particular, the functional significance of the experimentally established distributed dendritic processing of excitatory and inhibitory inputs is not understood. Methodology/Principal Findings: We use model simulations to analyse the neuronal computations responsible for the preference of FD-cells for small objects. We employed a new modelling approach which allowed us to account for the spatial spread of electrical signals in the dendrites while avoiding detailed compartmental modelling. The models are based on available physiological and anatomical data. Three models were tested each implementing an inhibitory neural circuit, but differing by the spatial arrangement of the inhibitory interaction. Parameter optimisation with an evolutionary algorithm revealed that only distributed dendritic processing satisfies the constraints arising from electrophysiological experiments. In contrast to a direct dendro-dendritic inhibition of the FD-cell (Direct Distributed Inhibition model), an inhibition of its presynaptic retinotopic elements (Indirect Distributed Inhibition model) requires smaller changes in input resistance in the inhibited neurons during visual stimulation. Conclusions/Significance: Distributed dendritic inhibition of retinotopic elements as implemented in our Indirect Distributed Inhibition model is the most plausible wiring scheme for the neuronal circuit of FD-cells. This microcircuit is computationally similar to lateral inhibition between the retinotopic elements. Hence, distributed inhibition might be an alternative explanation of perceptual phenomena currently explained by lateral inhibition networks

    Association between LTA, TNF and AGER Polymorphisms and Late Diabetic Complications

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    BACKGROUND: Several candidate genes on the short arm of chromosome 6 including the HLA locus, TNF, LTA and AGER could be associated with late diabetic complications. The aim of our study was therefore to explore whether polymorphisms (TNF -308 G-->A, LTA T60N C-->A and AGER -374 T-->A) in these genes alone or together (as haplotypes) increased the risk for diabetic complications. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The studied polymorphisms were genotyped in 742 type 1 and 2957 type 2 diabetic patients as well as in 206 non-diabetic control subjects. The Haploview program was used to analyze putative linkage disequilibrium between studied polymorphisms. The TNF, LTA and AGER polymorphisms were associated with the HLA-DQB1 risk genotypes. The AGER -374 A allele was more common in type 1 diabetic patients with than without diabetic nephropathy (31.2 vs. 28.4%, p = 0.007). In a logistic regression analysis, the LTA but not the AGER polymorphism was associated with diabetic nephropathy (OR 2.55[1.11-5.86], p = 0.03). The AGER -374 A allele was associated with increased risk of sight threatening retinopathy in type 2 diabetic patients (1.65[1.11-2.45], p = 0.01) and also with increased risk for macrovascular disease in type 1 diabetic patients (OR 2.05[1.19-3.54], p = 0.01), but with decreased risk for macrovascular disease in type 2 diabetic patients (OR 0.66[0.49-0.90], p = 0.009). The TNF A allele was associated with increased risk for macrovascular complications in type 2 (OR 1.53 [1.04-2.25], p = 0.03, but not in type 1 diabetic patients. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The association between diabetic complications and LTA, TNF and AGER polymorphisms is complex, with partly different alleles conferring susceptibility in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. We can not exclude the possibility that the genes are part of a large haplotype block that also includes HLA-DQB1 risk genotypes
