2,301 research outputs found

    Abolish Trademark Law\u27s Initial Interest Confusion and Permit Manipulative Internet Search Practices

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    This article discusses trademark law’s doctrine of initial interest confusion, which is currently applied to Internet cases. First, it argues that the doctrine is problematic because it does not require the traditional showing of likelihood of confusion, it is superfluous, and it is unnecessary in the Internet context. Second, it proposes that courts should instead rely on the likelihood of confusion analysis. Additionally, courts should acknowledge that metatags are an outdated issue, and, when it comes to domain names, they should make use of the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (“ACPA”)

    Synthesis and Characterisation of Metallic Coating by Pulsed DC

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    Metallic coating is given to provide a layer of protection to metals or other types of materials that are subjected to various harsh operating conditions like high temperature, contact surfaces, corrosive media, high stress and other surface degrading conditions. These coatings help to enhance the reliability and performance of industrial. These coatings are used in industries such as aerospace, defense, military and automotive. Some of the most common metallic coatings that can be applied to substrate are Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni, Zn and Au. In this project Nickel coating was given to mild steel substrate as Nickel gives a anti corrosive coating to the steel surface and also enhances the hardness value of the surface. Nickel is now extensively used in industrial applications for Decorative as well as Engineering purposes because of its bright appearance and resistance to corrosion property. Nickel deposition was carried out using Watts Bath and deposition was carried out by electrodeposition method. Electrodeposition is the fastest and simplest method of providing coating to any substance. Deposit characteristic can be modified by changing various operating parameters like current density, temperature and pH of the solution. Use of pulse DC gives more control over the microstructure and morphology of deposit. Ten different samples were given coating, one used as reference sample was given coating in presence of DC and others using pulsed DC. In case of pulse DC three different parameters can be varied to give different features to deposit namely peak current, TON and TOFF. Finer grains can be obtained using pulse DC. After the deposition completed, the coating was characterizes by XRD, SEM and hardness measurement

    Early prediction of pregnancy induced hypertension by colour Doppler and role of antioxidants

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    Background: Hypertension is one of the commonest medical complications during pregnancy and a leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of color Doppler in predicting pregnancy induced hypertension at early gestation by assessing blood flow velocity profile and to assess the role of antioxidants in reducing the oxidative stress of the disease by their effect on pregnancy outcome.Methods: The study was carried as a blind prospective study in 310 antenatal patients attending the outpatient department and indoor cases of upper India sugar exchange maternity hospital, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India for a period of 18 months.Results: Early trimester colour Doppler ultrasonography has an excellent role to play as a predictor of pregnancy induced hypertension. However the role of antioxidant supplementation in early pregnancy for amelioration of the process could not be justified.Conclusions: From the above study it is concluded that early trimester colour Doppler ultrasonography has an excellent role to play as a predictor of pregnancy induced hypertension

    Sildenafil citrate and uteroplacental perfusion in fetal growth restriction

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    Background: Severe early-onset fetal growth restriction can lead to a range of adverse outcomes including fetal or neonatal death, neurodisability, and lifelong risks to the health of the affected child. Sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, potentiates the actions of nitric oxide, which leads to vasodilatation of the uterine vessels and might improve fetal growth in utero. The objective is to evaluate effectiveness and safety of Sildenafil citrate for treatment of Doppler velocimetry of uterine, umbilical artery for systolic/diastolic ratio (S/D ratio) at first visit, after 2 hours and then after 12 weeks of treatment.Methods: A case control study was carried out in 96 antenatal women with fetal growth restriction over a period of twelve months. A written informed consent was obtained. Out of 96, 12 were lost to follow up. Of remaining 84 women, 42 were included in the study group and 42 in the control group. First group (case) received Sildenafil citrate 50 mg stat followed by colour Doppler after 2 hours and then 25 mg three times a day for 12 weeks. The second group (control) received placebo in for 12 weeks.Results: Sildenafil treatment was associated with a significant increase in length of pregnancy (P> 0.05) overall mean S/D ratio pre-sildenafil was 5.34±0.93 which reduced to 5.18 ± 0.95 after 2 hours of sildenafil administration and this significant was highly significant (p<0.0001).and also the mean S/D ratio pre-treatment was 6.72±0.38 which decreased to 3.52±0.47 after 12 weeks of sildenafil administration. The difference between them was found to be extremely significant (p<0.0001).Conclusions: Sildenafil citrate can improve utero-placental perfusion and length of pregnancy in pregnancies complicated by IUGR. It appears to have a significantly positive effect on fetal weight. Sildenafil treatment may offer a new opportunity to improve perinatal outcomes, for pregnancies complicated by IUGR. However, these observations require further studies on wide scale

    Streamlining the Processes Preceding an Operation Using Six Sigma

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    Purpose: The operation theatre is the major cost and revenue centre in a hospital. The operation theatre’s optimum utilization will not only increase the revenue for the hospital but will also have a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction, for both internal and external customers. The present study aims in improving the existing process in an operation theatre suite of a tertiary care private hospital in Siliguri (West Bengal), which suffers from a process related problem, delay in scheduling operations (Sigma level 2.17), as found out in the Pilot Study. The study is carried out to improve the sigma level. Aligning with it, the operation theatre utilization is calculated with the objective of its bench marking, as per industry standards. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is conducted within the framework of Defining, Measuring, Analysing, Improving, and Controlling (DMAIC) method of Six Sigma. To begin with, the Pilot Study is carried out to identify and define the problem. At the measuring and analysing stage, Pareto analysis technique is employed, aided by the Cause and Effect diagram. After the identification, causes are categorised as controllable and uncontrollable. This is followed by a brainstorming session, which is conducted in order to work out solutions relating to controllable causes. The Time Motion study data of 192 surgery cases is collected for the pre-implementation phase, while that of 236 surgery cases is collected for the post-implementation phase. An independent t test is carried out to find out the difference in the outcomes, both in the pre-implementation and the post-implementation phases, thereby reflecting the effectiveness of the solutions implemented. Findings: The baseline sigma level of 2.17 is improved to reach the 3.0 sigma level, concerning delay of scheduled operations. This is achieved by reducing the time lag that is experienced when shifting the patient from the Ward to the Operation Theatre, as also that relating to the cleaning and setting up of the Operation Theatre, between two surgeries. Practical implications: Reducing the set up and the cleaning time between two procedures helps in reducing the delay in scheduled operations, which can be achieved by the practice of shifting the patient one hour prior to the scheduled surgery. Similarly, when more surgeries need to be performed, their turnaround time can be reduced by deploying an adequate number of housekeeping staff. Thus, more number of surgeries can be done in a day and operation theatre utilization can be optimised

    Understanding the Impact of Early Citers on Long-Term Scientific Impact

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    This paper explores an interesting new dimension to the challenging problem of predicting long-term scientific impact (LTSI) usually measured by the number of citations accumulated by a paper in the long-term. It is well known that early citations (within 1-2 years after publication) acquired by a paper positively affects its LTSI. However, there is no work that investigates if the set of authors who bring in these early citations to a paper also affect its LTSI. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time, the impact of these authors whom we call early citers (EC) on the LTSI of a paper. Note that this study of the complex dynamics of EC introduces a brand new paradigm in citation behavior analysis. Using a massive computer science bibliographic dataset we identify two distinct categories of EC - we call those authors who have high overall publication/citation count in the dataset as influential and the rest of the authors as non-influential. We investigate three characteristic properties of EC and present an extensive analysis of how each category correlates with LTSI in terms of these properties. In contrast to popular perception, we find that influential EC negatively affects LTSI possibly owing to attention stealing. To motivate this, we present several representative examples from the dataset. A closer inspection of the collaboration network reveals that this stealing effect is more profound if an EC is nearer to the authors of the paper being investigated. As an intuitive use case, we show that incorporating EC properties in the state-of-the-art supervised citation prediction models leads to high performance margins. At the closing, we present an online portal to visualize EC statistics along with the prediction results for a given query paper

    Clinical Study of Navsiddha Taila and Swedana in the management of Katishoola

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    In evolutionary process man remain as the only animal, which stands in upright posture. Indeed the presence of curvatures in the vertebral column, man never attains absolute rest in any posture, owing them to suffer with problems related to vertebral column. As the advancement of busy professional and social life, it encourages sedentary behaviour with long working hours at desk jobs, lack of natural movement, improper sitting posture in offices, factories, continuous and overexertion, jerking movements during travelling and sports causing overtaxing of muscles. All of these stressors take their toll on the body, and yield undue pressure over the vertebral column especially over the Lumbar region. This compression over the nerves is because of decreased intervertebral disc space. Somewhere within the core of this lifestyle prevails the unique cause of Katishoola. In Katishoola, Vitiated ‘Vata’ is considered to be the principle Dosha involved because the cardinal symptom of vitiation of this Dosha is pain which is known as Shoola. It is known by the name Low back ache or Lumbago. In the present study use of Navsiddha Taila (Kalpita Yoga) Snehana and Swedana by infrared lamp in bringing symptomatic relief in patients of Katishoola has been chosen

    Feministyczne górnictwo: krok w kierunku zrównoważonego górnictwa w Indiach

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    Economic growth and development with least harm to the environment is one of the biggest challenges for the human. Mining which is considered to be the most inherently unsustainable industry, is at the same time, plays key role in the development process in India and across Globe. It occupy primary position in the supply chain, contributing to the foreign direct investment, exports, government taxes, GDP (National Income) and provide huge labour employment. This paper studies industrial elimination of women, prolong industrial patriarchy, impetuous production, rising demand pressure has added to the quadrupling problems of land degradation, disposal of over burden/waste discharge, deforestation, pollution(air, water, and noise), and damage to forest flora and fauna, occupational health hazards and extreme global environmental damage in a rapid, continuous manner. These continuous and multi-layered problems are giving us reason to re-visioning steps, where we went wrong. Theoretical foundation of eco-feminism traces that negligence and suppression of women in general and in the mining industry, is one of the probable cause that hit environment fiercely. With this in mind, this paper suggests theory of eco-feminism into male centric mining industry as a perspective which is more likely to lead to industrial sustainability, making it more responsible and may provide pro-environmental solutions to the industry. This feminist concept extending it from individualistic level into mining organisations proposes as one of the alternative to combine ecology and commerce to envision sustainability.Wzrost gospodarczy i rozwój przy jak najmniejszej szkodliwości dla środowiska to jedno z największych wyzwań dla człowieka. Górnictwo, które jest uważane za najbardziej z natury niezrównoważony przemysł, odgrywa jednocześnie kluczową rolę w procesie rozwoju w Indiach i na całym świecie. Zajmuje podstawową pozycję w łańcuchu dostaw, przyczyniając się do bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych, eksportu, podatków rządowych, wzrostu &nbsp;PKB (Dochodu Narodowego) i zapewnia ogromne zatrudnienie. Ten artykuł bada przemysłową eliminację kobiet, przedłużanie patriarchatu przemysłowego, gwałtowną produkcję, rosnącą presję popytową, która przyczyniła się do problemów degradacji gruntów, usuwania nadmiernego obciążenia / odprowadzania odpadów, wylesiania, zanieczyszczenia (powietrza, wody i hałasu) oraz szkód flory i fauny leśnej, zagrożeń dla zdrowia w miejscu pracy i ekstremalnych globalnych szkód środowiskowych w szybki i ciągły sposób. Te ciągłe i wielowarstwowe problemy dają nam powód do rewizji działań, w których popełniliśmy błędy. Teoretyczne podstawy ekofeminizmu dowodzą, że zaniedbania i represje wobec kobiet w ogólności i w górnictwie są jedną z prawdopodobnych przyczyn działań, które mocno uderzają w środowisko. Mając to na uwadze, niniejszy artykuł przedstawia teorię eko-feminizmu w przemyśle wydobywczym zorientowanym na mężczyzn jako perspektywę, która z większym prawdopodobieństwem doprowadzi do zrównoważonego rozwoju przemysłu, czyniąc go bardziej odpowiedzialnym i może zapewnić prośrodowiskowe rozwiązania. Ta feministyczna koncepcja, rozszerzająca ją z poziomu indywidualistycznego na organizacje górnicze, proponuje jako jedną z alternatyw połączenie ekologii i handlu w celu osiągnięcia zrównoważonego rozwoju

    Emerging drugs for sickle cell anemia.

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    INTRODUCTION: The search for effective therapeutic interventions for sickle cell disease (SCD) has been an ongoing endeavor for over 50 years. During this period, only hydroxyurea (HU), which received US FDA approval in February 1998, was identified as an effective therapeutic agent in preventing or ameliorating the frequency of vaso-occlusive crises, acute chest syndrome and the need for blood transfusion. Approximately 25% of patients with sickle cell anemia (SCA), however, do not respond to HU and some patients experiencing serious side effects of this chemotherapeutic agent. Nevertheless, the success of HU opened the sluice gates to identify other effective drug therapies. The objective of this review is to describe the emerging drug therapies for SCA. AREAS COVERED: In this review, we describe the pathophysiology of SCD and provide an in-depth analysis of the current and new pharmacologic therapies in the field. Literature searches involved multiple databases including Medline In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and Scopus. EXPERT OPINION: SCA is a heterogeneous disease that has caused tremendous global morbidity and early mortality. More effective, individualized and inexpensive therapies are needed. New therapies targeting multiple pathways in its complex pathophysiology are under investigation