1,515 research outputs found

    Sesamum Cultivation in Punjab: Status, Potential and Constraints

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    Sesamum, once an important oilseed crop, has been loosing its importance on the cropping map of the state agriculture, owing to favourable production and marketing environment for other crops like paddy. The study has reported the trends in area, production and yield of sesamum, its relative profitability, factors affecting productivity and various constraints inhibiting its growth in the state. The area under sesamum that had declined over the years, has shown a little progress due to oilseeds development programmes, initiated by the Govt. during late-1980s. On the comparative economics front, sesamum has been found to provide lower returns as compared to paddy. The benefit cost ratio of sesamum has been found to be 1.36 which shows its profitability in absolute terms, but compared with its competing crop, it is much lower. The state average productivity of the crop has been almost stagnant over the years, reflecting inadequate research efforts for the upliftment of sesamum in the state. The regression analysis has brought out that sesamum productivity can be enhanced by spending more on plant protection measures and human labour for pesticide spray. Major biotic constraints faced by sesamum growers have been identified as diseases and pests, while lack of irrigation and drought have been the major abiotic constraints. To give a boost to the sesamum cultivation in the state, two-dimensional efforts, viz technological upgradation and effective market support are required.Crop Production/Industries,

    Economic Viability of Organic Farming: An Empirical Experience of Wheat Cultivation in Punjab

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    The present study has assessed the economic viability of organic wheat cultivation in Punjab by collecting primary data from 85 organic growers and 75 inorganic growers spread over 30 villages in the districts of Patiala and Faridkot for the period 2008-09. The area under organic farming has been found about 27 per cent of the total operational area in rabi season for the sample organic growers. The major share of organic area has been found under wheat crop, which accounted for 15 per cent of the total operational area of sample organic growers. The total variable cost on per acre basis for the cultivation of organic wheat has been found less as compared to inorganic wheat. The net returns over variable cost of organic and inorganic wheat have been observed as ` 21895/acre and ` 16700/acre for organic growers. The lower crop yield in organic wheat (6.7q/acre less) was well compensated by the higher price it fetched in the market. A wider varietal distribution has been observed for organic than inorganic wheat cultivation. The regression analysis has revealed that with one per cent increase in expenditure on farmyard manure + jeev amrit , biodynamic and machine labour, the organic wheat productivity would increase by 0.114 per cent, 0.703 per cent, 0.556 per cent, respectively, showing significant impact on value productivity. The study has observed that though organic wheat cultivation has been found more profitable for the growers in the study area, the significant reduction in its productivity level poses a serious challenge in term of food security for the nation.Organic farming, Wheat cultivation, Organic wheat, Punjab, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q12, Q16,

    Interaction of sound with vorticity

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    Increasing Income and Employment through Sustainable Farming Systems in Water Scarce Region of Uttar Pradesh

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    The farming systems in the water-scarce region of semiarid Uttar Pradesh have been examined. The availability of land and also of water has become the most limiting factors in farming for increasing the levels of farm income and employment. Therefore, an effort has been made to suggest sustainable farming systems through optimization of farm resources and also by putting restriction on the availability of irrigation water. It has been shown that the income and employment could be increased in the water-scarce situation if the farm resources are utilized optimally and less water-requiring crops/ activities are selected in the farm plan.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Phytotherapy of chlorophyllin exposed Lymnaea acuminata: A new biotechnological tool for fasciolosis control

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    AbstractPhytotherapy of chlorophyllin formulations against Fasciola gigantica infected Lymnaea acuminata under sunlight exposure was highly toxic against redia and cercaria larvae. Binary combinations (1:1 ratio) of chlorophyllin (CHL)+freeze dried cow urine (FCU) were more toxic against cercariae (8h LC50: 9.6mgL−1) than single treatment with chlorophyllin (8h LC50: 12.6mgL−1) in sunlight. The larvicidal activity of sunlight exposed CHL against rediae (8h LC50: 13.5mgL−1) and cercariae (8h LC50: 12.6mgL−1) was more pronounced than laboratory conditions CHL treatment (rediae- 8h LC50: 305.9mgL−1; cercariae- 8h LC50: 765.4mgL−1). Larvicidal activity of FCU was less than CHL and CHL+FCU against both redia and cercaria. Chlorophyllin and its formulations were more toxic against redia and cercaria larvae in sunlight than laboratory conditions. CHL and its different formulations may be used as potent larvicides against Fasciola gigantica larvae. Chlorophyllin formulations will be economical, ecologically sounder and their use in aquatic environment will be safe

    Groundwater Marketing in Nalanda District of Bihar State: A Socio-economic Appraisal

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    The cost and marketing of groundwater have been assessed in the Nalanda district, which is one of the most agriculturally advanced districts of the Bihar state. For the study, 60 farmers have been randomly selected from the district. It has been found that small and marginal farms use their tubewells mainly for hiring, whereas, large and medium farms use them mainly for their own purposes during the main crop seasons, i.e. kharif and rabi. The average installation cost on a tubewell has been found highest on large size of holdings (Rs 33,130), followed by medium (Rs 27,240), small (Rs 23,850), and marginal (Rs 19,610) holdings. The capital budgeting techniques, viz. net present value (NPV), benefit-cost ratio (B:C ratio) and internal rate of return (IRR) have been used for evaluating the investment on tubewells. The NPV has been found positive (Rs 1440) and B:C ratio more than one (1.05:1). The IRR has been estimated to be more than the capital cost (10.95%). But, the tubewells have failed to generate income flow equal to the investment by marginal farms. Farm size-wise analysis has revealed that the owner-seller farms category predominates in the water market in the study area. The participation in water market has been found to decline with increase in the size of farms. Financial analysis has revealed that the installation of tubewells is financially viable on large and medium farms but not on small and marginal farms. However, with the development of water market in the area, adoption of modern technologies in crop production and cultivation of cash crops would make the installation of tubewells on marginal and small size of farms financially viable.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Template Assisted Growth Of Zinc Oxide-Based Nanowires By Electrochemical Deposition

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    Ordered ZnO and Zn1 – xCdxO nanowire/nanorod arrays were fabricated by cathodic electrodeposition based on anodic alumina (AAO) membrane and polycarbonate membrane (PCM) from an aqueous solution containing zinc nitrate precursor at different bath temperatures. The electrodeposition process involves the electroreduction of nitrate ions to alter the local pH within the pores and precipitation of the metal oxide within the pores. X-Ray diffraction measurements showed that the nanowires/nanorods were of wurtzite crystallographic structures and the average length and diameter of nanorods were measured by SEM and TEM. HRTEM measurements confirm the crystallinity and elemental composition of grown nanowires on PCM/AAO templates. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/963

    Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Practices in Paddy and Cotton: A Case Study in Haryana and Punjab

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    The study has examined the adoption of IPM practices on cotton in Punjab and on paddy in Haryana and has assessed the impact of key socio-economic and institutional factors on IPM adoption. The Poisson count regression models have been used to analyze technology adoption. The awareness generation about technology through formal crop-specific IPM training provided by the farmers’ field schools has been found extremely effective in wider adoption of IPM in the study areas. Hence, investment in IPM education through these programmes will have long-term beneficial impact. Regarding effectiveness of extension services, the study has not shown (frequency of meeting extension personnel) any statistically significant impact on IPM adoption rates. Mixed evidence has been observed about the relationship between farm-size and adoption of IPM practices. In the case of paddy, a negative relationship has been observed, while the cotton has shown a positive relationship. The study has concluded that a higher gross value of crops does not appear to have a positive impact on IPM technology adoption in cotton.Crop Production/Industries,

    Efeitos farmacológicos do Sapindus mukorossi

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    Sapindus mukorossi é planta medicinal extremamente valiosa distribuída nas regiões tropical e subtropical da Ásia. O propósito da presente revisão é uma compilação curta da composição fitoquímica e das propriedades farmacológicas desta árvore que apresenta múltiplos propósitos. O principal fitoconstituinte isolado e identificado das diferentes partes desta planta são as saponinas triterpenoidais do tipo da oleana, damarana e tiruculana. A estrutura e o nome químico de todos os tipos de saponinas triterpenoidais encontrados no Sapindus mukorossi estão incluídos nesta revisão. Muitas pesquisas tem sido conduzidas para provar o potencial desta planta como espermaticida, contraceptivo, hépato-protetor, emético, anti-inflamatório e anti-protozoário. A presente revisão exalta alguns principais usos farmacológicos do Sapindus mukorossi.Sapindus mukorossi is an extremely valuable medicinal plant, distributed in tropical and sub-tropical regions of Asia. The aim of present review is to form a short compilation of the phytochemical composition and pharmacological properties of this multipurpose tree. The main phytoconstituents isolated and identified from different parts of this plant are triterpenoidal saponins of oleanane, dammarane and tirucullane type. The structure and chemical names of all the types of triterpenoidal saponins reported in Sapindus mukorossi are included in this review. Many research studies have been conducted to prove the plant's potential as being spermicidal, contraceptive, hepatoprotective, emetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-protozoal. The present review highlights some of the salient pharmacological uses of Sapindus mukorossi

    Caracterização da atividade moluscicida dos extratos das plantas Bauhinia variegata e Mimusops elengi contra o vetor da Fasciola, Lymnaea acuminata

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    A atividade moluscicida das folhas da Bauhinia variegata e da casca do Mimusops elengi foi testada contra o vetor caracol, Limnaea acuminata. A toxicidade de ambas as plantas é dependente do tempo e da concentração. Entre os extratos orgânicos, os extratos de etanol de ambas as plantas foi mais tóxico. A toxicidade do extrato etanólico da folha da B. variegata (96 h LC50 - 14,4 mg/L) foi mais pronunciada do que o extrato etanólico da casca do M. elengi (96h - LC50 - 15,0 mg/L). As frações purificadas em coluna durante 24 h LC50 do B. variegata e da casca do M. elengi foram 20,3 mg/L e 18,3 mg/L, respectivamente. A saponina e a quercentina foram caracterizadas e identificadas como os componentes ativos moluscicidas. A co-migração da saponina (Rf 0,48) e da quercentina (Rf 0,52) com a casca purificada por coluna do M. elengi e as folhas da B. variegata na cromatografia demonstraram o mesmo valor Rf isto é, 0,48 e 0,52 respectivamente. O presente estudo indica claramente a possibilidade de usar M. elengi e/ou B. variegata como moluscicidas potentes.The molluscicidal activity of Bauhinia variegata leaf and Mimusops elengi bark was studied against vector snail Lymnaea acuminata. The toxicity of both plants was time and concentration-dependent. Among organic extracts, ethanol extracts of both plants were more toxic. Toxicity of B. variegata leaf ethanolic extract (96h LC50- 14.4 mg/L) was more pronounced than M. elengi bark ethanolic extract (96h LC50-15.0 mg/L). The 24h LC50 of column purified fraction of B. variegata and M. elengi bark were 20.3 mg/L and 18.3 mg/L, respectively. Saponin and quercetin were characterized and identified as active molluscicidal component. Co-migration of saponin (Rf 0.48) and quercetin (Rf 0.52) with column purified bark of M. elengi and leaf of B. variegata on thin layer chromatography demonstrate same Rf value i.e. 0.48 and 0.52, respectively. The present study clearly indicates the possibility of using M. elengi and/or B. variegata as potent molluscicide