50 research outputs found


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    This study investigated correlation between various semen quality parameters for freezable and non-freezable ejaculates. Work was conducted at Livestock Development Board Sperm Station Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India on semen from six Jersey and two H.F x Sahiwal crossbred bulls. Total 64 ejaculates (8 per bull), were analyzed at four stages of semen processing i.e., post dilution, post equilibration, post thaw and 1hr post thaw incubation at 37ºC for progressive motility, livability, reaction to hypo-osmotic solution, acrosomal integrity and gross morphological abnormalities. Based on these parameters ejaculates were classified into freezable (n=49) and non-freezable (n=15). The percentages mean (±SE) values of each parameter were recorded at post dilution, post equilibration, post thaw and 1hr post thaw incubation for freezable and non-freezable ejaculates, respectively; live sperm (85.16±0.70, 80.51±0.76, 67.92±1.30, 53.33±1.56 vs. 80.80±1.97, 71.87±2.41 56.87±2.50, 42.13±2.17); progressive motility (80.31±0.72, 74.45±0.86, 57.33±1.76, 38.78±1.55 vs. 58.87±4.21, 53.20±4.42, 36.07±2.43, 24.27±1.90); HOST (78.51±1.00, 72.27±1.10, 60.00±1.60, 45.29±1.51 vs. 73.93±2.43, 64.00±2.81, 49.00±2.91, 37.40±1.89), intact acrosome (84.84±0.87, 78.82±1.03, 67.39±1.37, 54.12±1.38 vs. 87.60±1.45, 78.07±1.06, 66.40±2.90, 55.27±3.42) and morphological abnormalities (7.35±0.62, 7.61±0.59, 8.16±0.56, 9.14±0.63 vs. 9.27±1.18, 9.87±0.98, 10.00±1.00, 11.27±1.14). Statistical analysis of the data revealed that live sperm was positively correlated with motility (r= 0.94529, r= 0.77696, p<0.01), HOST (r= 0.88718, r= 0.90490, p<0.01), and intact acrosome (r= 0.61313, r= 0.65386, p<0.01) whereas, motility was negatively correlated with morphological abnormalities (r= -0.29514, r= -0.02852, p<0.01) in both freezable and non-freezable ejaculates, respectively.RESUMENEste estudio investigó la correlación entre varios parámetros de calidad espermática en eyaculados congelables y no congelables. El trabajo se llevó a cabo en Livestock Development Board Sperm Station Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India, con el semen de seis toros Jersey y dos mestizos H.F. x Sahiwal. Se analizaron un total de 64 eyaculados (8 por toro) en cuatro etapas de procesamiento del semen, es decir, post dilución, post-equilibrio, post-descongelación y 1hr después de la descongelación a 37ºC, para detectar motilidad progresiva, viabilidad, reacción a una solución hipoosmótica, integridad acrosomal y anormalidades morfológicas. En base a estos parámetros, los eyaculados se clasificaron en congelables (n = 49) y no congelables (n = 15). Los porcentajes medios (± SE) de cada parámetro en post-dilución, post-equilibración, post-descongelación y 1hr post-descongelación para los eyaculados congelables y no congelables, respectivamente, fueron los siguientes: espermatozoides vivos (85,16±0,70; 80,51±0,76; 67,92±1,30; y 53,33±1,56 vs. 80,80±1,97; 71,87±2,41 56,87 ± 2,50, 42,13 ± 2,17); motilidad progresiva (80,31 ± 0,72, 74,45 ± 0,86, 57,33 ± 1,76, 38,78 ± 1,55 vs. 58,87 ± 4,21, 53,20 ± 4,42, 36,07 ± 2,43, 24,27 ± 1,90); HOST (78,51 ± 1,00, 72,27 ± 1,10, 60,00 ± 1,60, 45,29 ± 1,51 vs. 73,93 ± 64,74, 64,00 ± 2,81, 49,00 ± 2,91, 37,40 ± 1,89), acrosoma intacto (84,84 ± 0,87, 78,82 ± 1,13, 67,39 ± 1,37 , 54,12 ± 1,38 vs. 87,60 ± 1,45, 78,07 ± 1,06, 66,40 ± 2,90, 55,27 ± 3,42) y anomalías morfológicas (7,35 ± 0,62, 7,61 ± 0,59, 8,16 ± 0,56, 9,14 ± 0,63 vs. 9,27 ± 1,18, 9,87 ± 0,98 , 10,00 ± 1,00, 11,27 ± 1,14). El análisis estadístico de los datos reveló que el porcentaje de espermatozoides vivo se correlaciono positivamente con la motilidad correlaciones positivas y negativas significativas (p<0,01) entre varios parámetros de calidad espermática. EL porcentaje de espermatozoides vivos tuvo una correlación positiva con la motilidad (r= 0,94529, r= 0,77696, p<0,01), HOST (r= 0,88718, r= 0,90490, p<0,01), y con el porcentaje de acrosomas intactos (r= 0,61313, r= 0,65386, p<0,01); mientras que la motilidad se correlacionó negativamente con las anormalidades morfológicas (r= -0,29514, r= -0,02852, p<0.01), tanto en los eyaculados congelables como no congelables, respectivamente


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    A study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of cryopreservation on acrosomal abnormalities in Jersey bulls. Eight Jersey bull were maintained at Livestock Development Board, Sperm Station Palampur Himachal Pradesh, India. Total 64 ejaculates were evaluated using Giemsa stained semen smears at four stages of cryopreservation process: post-dilution, post-equilibration, post thaw, 1hr post-thaw incubation. Acrosomal abnormalities were assessed and classified into swollen, ruffled, abnormal contour and detached acrosome. Results revealed highly significant difference (p<0.001) in the total acrosomal abnormalities among the four stages of semen processing and an increases of 30.51 points was observed from post-dilution stage to 1hr post-thaw. Ruffled acrosome (7.11±0.5) and detached acrosome (10.55±0.95) were the acrosomal abnormalities with highest proportions at post-dilution and post equilibration respectively, whereas detached acrosome was the abnormalities with highest proportions at post-thaw stage (14.99±0.95) and 1 hour post-thaw incubation (22.35±1.04). In conclusion, the high proportion of acrosomal abnormalities in the ejaculates of the Jersey bulls may be due to impaired spermiogenesis; cryopreservation affect acrosomal integrity, by which can compromise semen fertility. Further studies on new cryopreservation protocols that guarantee acrosomal integrity are necessary in Jersey bulls. RESUMENEste estudio se desarrolló para evaluar el efecto de la criopreservación sobre las anormalidades acrosomales en toros Jersey. Para ello se utilizaron ocho toros Jersey pertenecientes al Livestock Development Board, Sperm Station Palampur Himachal Pradesh, India. Un total de 64 eyaculados fueron evaluados usando la coloración de Giemsa en cuatro fases del proceso de criopreservación: post-dilución, post-equilibrio, post-descongelado, 1 hora post-descongelado. Las anormalidades acrosomales se evaluaron y clasificaron dentro de acrosoma hinchado, acrosoma rizado, acrosoma con contorno anormal y acrosoma desprendido. Los resultados mostraron diferencias altamente significativas en el total de anormalidades entre las cuatro fases de procesamiento  y un incremento de 30.51 puntos fue observado desde la fase de post-dilución a 1 hora post-descongelado. Los acrosomas rizados (7.11±0.5) y acrosomas desprendidos (10.55±0.95) fueron la anormalidades con mayores proporciones en la fase post-dilución y post-equilibrio, respectivamente, mientras que los acrosomas desprendidos fue la anormalidad más frecuente en la fase post-descongelado ((14.99±0.95) y 1 hora post-descongelado (22.35±1.04). En conclusión, la alta proporción de anormalidades acrosomales en los eyaculados de toros Jersey puede ser debido a fallas en la espermiogénesis; la criopreservación afecta la integridad acrosomal, por lo cual puede comprometer la fertilidad del semen. Más estudios sobre protocolos de criopreservación que garanticen la integridad acrosomal son necesarios en toros de raza Jersey. 

    Remedial Effects of Tea and Its Phytoconstituents on Central Nervous System

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    Tea in all its forms is one of the commonly consumed beverages globally, after water. Apart from just being a beverage, it also has extensive therapeutic values. The phytoconstituents of tea either in their pure form or as an extract are essential part of traditional as well as modern day medicines. Tea has shown its medicinal benefits in treating, improving and preventing many of the ailments ranging from being potential antimicrobial, antioxidant agent to being central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. This chapter focuses specifically on physiological impacts that each of its constituents have over our nervous system like role of L-theanine to enhance dopamine and serotonin levels, theobromine, and theophylline for stimulating CNS, caffeine to inhibit adenosine receptors, hence, causing increase in brain activity etc. along with many more neuroprotective properties of tea constituents

    Are preeclampsia and small for gestational age baby could be predicted by placental location?

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    Objective: Preeclampsia is one of the major cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. The pathophysiology is complex and involves multiple organs. The purpose of this study was to find out whether the placental laterality as a predictor of preeclampsia and small for gestational age baby.Methods: This was prospective observational study conducted from February 2015 to December 2015, in a tertiary care hospital of Delhi. 347 antenatal patients attending obstetrics OPD without high risk factors were enrolled. After enrolment 50 patients were lost to follow up and 27 not delivered in our hospital. Ultrasonography for placental localization was done at 18-24 weeks of pregnancy. Patients were followed till delivery for pregnancy outcomes such as preeclampsia, small for gestation age (SGA) baby and mode of delivery. Placenta locations were divided into lateral (either right or left) and central (anterior, posterior or fundal).Results: Out of 347, a total of 270 patients were analysed, 39 (14.4%) had lateral placenta and among them 17 (43.5%) developed preeclampsia and 24 (61.5%) had small for gestational age baby (p<0.001). 231 (85.5%) had central placenta and among them 49 (21.2%) developed preeclampsia and 63 (27.2%) had small for gestational age baby (p <0.001).Conclusions: Laterally located placenta had significant association with preeclampsia and small for gestational age babies

    The Effect of 3-week’s Yoga therapy program on clinical outcomes in patients with Parkinson’s disease

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    Background: Parkinson's disease, according to the WHO, has a variety of non-motor side effects in addition to its motor symptoms (cognitive impairment, mental health disorders, pain, and other sensory disturbances). The progression of these symptoms and their implications affects functioning and quality of life greatly, resulting in high rates of impairment and care demands, as well as stress and strain on caregivers. Material &amp; Methods: A total of 31 PD patients were included in this investigation. The Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy was applied to all patients who met the inclusion criteria (IAYT). Parameters were taken twice, once on the day of admission and other when they were leaving the residence on completion of the program. Data was evaluated using a pre-test and post-test design. Dependent Variable: Pulse rate, Respiratory rate, Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure, Breath Holding time and BMI. Results: A total of 31 subjects participated in the study 31 subjects completed the study. After 21 days of integrated Yoga therapy program, it showed that significant reduction in (P&lt; 0.05) in Systolic and diastolic Blood pressure, respiratory rate and significant improvement is seen in breath holding time (BHT), but there were no changes in BMI (P&gt; 0.05). Conclusion: The three-week yoga programmed was able to dramatically enhance clinical results in Parkinson's disease and self-reported medication reduction without aggravating symptoms

    Rickettsia conorii infection with fatal complication

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    Rickettsial diseases (RD) are a group of endotheliotropic infectious diseases caused by different species of genera Rickettsia. RD are not an uncommon disease and may be misdiagnosed during the evaluation of acute febrile illness due to a lack of reliable serological marker and diagnostic culture methods. Clinical manifestation of RD varies from febrile illness with rashes and myalgia to fatal complications such as shock and respiratory failure. We describe a case of a young male who presented initially with acute febrile illness, followed by shock and respiratory failure, and unfortunately succumbed to death. A post-mortem examination showed histological features of endotheliotropic infection, such as interstitial / perivascular edema in various organs and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema (suggesting increased vascular permeability) and evidence of vasculitis in the lung, liver, and intestines. Molecular studies performed from lung, liver, and kidney tissue confirm the diagnosis of spotted fever group rickettsial disease due to Rickettsia conorii


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    The present case report was aimed at the successful clinical management of mummification in a primiparous Jersey cross-bred cow that was successfully delivered per vaginum following use of PGF2 α synthetic analogue, Valethamate Bromide and Diethylstilbestrol followed by hot fomentation of anterior vagina


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    The present report focuses on the diagnosis of pyometra and salpingitis by the use of transrectal ultrasonography and its successful treatment with administration of PGF2 α at 72 hr intervals

    Rebooting life: engineering non-natural nucleic acids, proteins and metabolites in microorganisms

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    The surging demand of value-added products has steered the transition of laboratory microbes to microbial cell factories (MCFs) for facilitating production of large quantities of important native and non-native biomolecules. This shift has been possible through rewiring and optimizing different biosynthetic pathways in microbes by exercising frameworks of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology principles. Advances in genome and metabolic engineering have provided a fillip to create novel biomolecules and produce non-natural molecules with multitude of applications. To this end, numerous MCFs have been developed and employed for production of non-natural nucleic acids, proteins and different metabolites to meet various therapeutic, biotechnological and industrial applications. The present review describes recent advances in production of non-natural amino acids, nucleic acids, biofuel candidates and platform chemicals

    Identification of vaccine targets & design of vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus using computational and deep learning-based approaches

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    An unusual pneumonia infection, named COVID-19, was reported on December 2019 in China. It was reported to be caused by a novel coronavirus which has infected approximately 220 million people worldwide with a death toll of 4.5 million as of September 2021. This study is focused on finding potential vaccine candidates and designing an in-silico subunit multi-epitope vaccine candidates using a unique computational pipeline, integrating reverse vaccinology, molecular docking and simulation methods. A protein named spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 with the GenBank ID QHD43416.1 was shortlisted as a potential vaccine candidate and was examined for presence of B-cell and T-cell epitopes. We also investigated antigenicity and interaction with distinct polymorphic alleles of the epitopes. High ranking epitopes such as DLCFTNVY (B cell epitope), KIADYNKL (MHC Class-I) and VKNKCVNFN (MHC class-II) were shortlisted for subsequent analysis. Digestion analysis verified the safety and stability of the shortlisted peptides. Docking study reported a strong binding of proposed peptides with HLA-A*02 and HLA-B7 alleles. We used standard methods to construct vaccine model and this construct was evaluated further for its antigenicity, physicochemical properties, 2D and 3D structure prediction and validation. Further, molecular docking followed by molecular dynamics simulation was performed to evaluate the binding affinity and stability of TLR-4 and vaccine complex. Finally, the vaccine construct was reverse transcribed and adapted for E. coli strain K 12 prior to the insertion within the pET-28-a (+) vector for determining translational and microbial expression followed by conservancy analysis. Also, six multi-epitope subunit vaccines were constructed using different strategies containing immunogenic epitopes, appropriate adjuvants and linker sequences. We propose that our vaccine constructs can be used for downstream investigations using in-vitro and in-vivo studies to design effective and safe vaccine against different strains of COVID-19