42 research outputs found

    Isometric torque affected by its position and posture

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    A hand cranking mechanical frictional setup was developed using anthropometric dimensions of Madhya Pradesh farm women.  The setup had a provision for attaching on-line torque transducer. Variable crank length was provided that could be adjusted as per the farm women (workers).  The setup had also a provision for rising up and down to match workers’ conditions. Isometric torque was measured at each quadrant positions of handle (0°, 90°, 180° and 270°) at different crank lengths (17.5, 21, 24, 27 and 30 cm).  Higher torque was developed by farm women in standing posture as compared to sitting.  The crank length up to 27 cm gave better torque at nearly all positions.  The lowest torque may be considered for designing the equipment amongst all positions of handle so that human being could easily operate the equipment

    Ergonomical evaluation of hand operated maize dehusker-sheller with farm women

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    Hand operated maize dehusker-sheller was ergonomically evaluated with tenfarm women to assess the physiological workload and its performancein standing and sitting postures.  Two workers are required during its operation, i.e., one for hand cranking and another for feeding the cob.  One by one cob (without removing its outer layer/sheath) was fed in hopper at an interval of about 4 s.  Farm women operated the equipment at their rhythmic speed in both postures.  The average heart rate of subject was 144 and 142 beats min-1in standing and sitting postures, respectively.  The overall discomfort rating (ODR) and Body Parts Discomfort Score(BPDS) clearly indicated that the standing posture could be better option for operation of this equipment.  This was found to reduce the physiological cost by 38.95% and 21.62% in dehusking& shelling the maize cob with hand, and dehusking by hand & shelling by octagonal maize sheller respectively.   Keywords: hand cranking, maize threshing, maize, physiological workload, heart rate, wome

    Physiological workload of farm women while evaluating sickles for paddy harvesting

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    Naveen, Vaibhav and local sickles were evaluated for harvesting paddy crop with 12 farm women (subjects) at CIAE, Bhopal.  The data of improved and local sickles were compared.  As per the anthropometric data of Madhya Pradesh farm workers, the effective handle length excluding ferrule and diameter of sickle's should not be less than 125 and 24 mm, respectively.  Mean heart rate during work in operation of these sickles were 103 beats/min, 107 beats/min and 106 beats/min, respectively.  The workload was under acceptable limit for day-long work with normal rest pause for studied sickles.  The output of Naveen, Vaibhav and local sickles was 47.3, 60.7 and 65.4 m2/h, respectively.  Output with local and Vaibhav sickles was significantly higher than Naveen sickle.  Low output with Naveen sickle might be due to less concavity, i.e. 30 mm.  Thus, improved sickle having similar shape of blade to local having concavity could be manufactured and popularized among farm workers.  The potential demand of improved sickle is more than 2.27 million in the country

    Antifertility effects of Solanum xanthocarpum seeds on female albino rats

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    The effect of Solanum xanthocarpum seed powder as aqueous suspension on genital organs and fertility of female albino rats was studied at doses of 50, 100 & 150 mg/kg/day for 30 days.Tthe genital organ weight of albino rats was reduced significantly (P<0.05) after the treatment at 100 and 150 mg/kg doses of seed powder of S. xanthocarpum.for 30 days.The higher doses caused histopathological changes in the ovary and uterus leading to 100% control of fertility as no implants were recorded in treated female rats on the day 10th of pregnancy

    Law and Social change: An Analytical Study

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    There are two sides of each coin’ similarly. Each act of any person is also, either good or bad. And it is the rule, since existence of the society; good has to be accepted and the prohibited (evil, adharma or asatya). Indian Judiciary has generally been found to be alive to the needs of change happening in social thinking. By giving due consideration to the same while interpreting statutes in particular cases, the courts have brought out their fresh implications and thereby added new dimensions to the law. It is correct that law is an instrument of social change, law changes its shape according to the requirement of society or society changes the law through enactment of statues. In India, every session of Parliament and State Legislature introduces the Bills to amend the Act s(s) or enact Act(s). On the other hand, where, any question of facts comes before the court, judiciary’ (especially higher judiciary) is interpreting the law according to the requirement of society. The dialectic of the legal system in India, with its entrenched “multiplex of social structures” on the one hand and its multiplicity of indigenous, colonial, and developmental traditions on the other, is tremendously complex. The significant element in the interaction between law and society in India is the heavy burden on these multiple traditions and the social concerns and orientations of each

    Domestic Violence in India: An Analytical Study

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    Domestic violence at home is a gender-based violence, intending on subordinating women. The global dimensions of domestic violence are of great concern, both in terms of their scope and extent. Section 498A of Indian Panel Code was introduced in the year 1983 to protect married women from being exposed to cruelty by the husband or his relatives. In the l980s the worm and movements in India foregrounded the issue of violence against women with a special emphasis on dowry related violence suffered by married women. Under the provisions of criminal law, while the perpetrator of domestic violence could be prosecuted and punished, women's need for shelter, maintenance, custody of children and compensation remained unaddressed. The issue of “domestic violence” must not necessarily remain domestic. The notion of domestic violence must be taken out from the “private sphere” and politicized

    Development of fully intuitionistic fuzzy data envelopment analysis model with missing data: an application to Indian police sector

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    Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a technique used to measure the efficiency of decision-making units (DMUs). In order to measure the efficiency of DMUs, the essential requirement is input-output data. Data is usually collected by humans, machines, or both. Due to human/machine errors, there are chances of having some missing values or inaccuracy, such as vagueness/uncertainty/hesitation in the collected data. In this situation, it will be difficult to measure the efficiencies of DMUs accurately. To overcome these shortcomings, a method is presented that can deal with missing values and inaccuracy in the data. To measure the performance efficiencies of DMUs, an input minimization BCC (IMBCC) model in a fully intuitionistic fuzzy (IF) environment is proposed. To validate the efficacy of the proposed fully intuitionistic fuzzy input minimization BCC (FIFIMBCC) model and the technique to deal with missing values in the data, a real-life application to measure the performance efficiencies of Indian police stations is presented

    Translation rescue by targeting Ppp1r15a upstream open reading frame in vivo

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    The eIF2 initiation complex is central to maintaining a functional translation machinery. Extreme stress such as life-threatening sepsis exposes vulnerabilities in this tightly regulated system, resulting in an imbalance between the opposing actions of kinases and phosphatases on the main regulatory subunit eIF2α. Here, we report that translation shutdown is a hallmark of established sepsis-induced kidney injury brought about by excessive eIF2α phosphorylation and sustained by blunted expression of the counterregulatory phosphatase subunit Ppp1r15a. We determined that the blunted Ppp1r15a expression persists because of the presence of an upstream open reading frame (uORF). Overcoming this barrier with genetic approaches enabled the derepression of Ppp1r15a, salvaged translation and improved kidney function in an endotoxemia model. We also found that the loss of this uORF has broad effects on the composition and phosphorylation status of the immunopeptidome that extended beyond the eIF2α axis. Collectively, our findings define the breath and potency of the highly conserved Ppp1r15a uORF and provide a paradigm for the design of uORF-based translation rheostat strategies. The ability to accurately control the dynamics of translation during sepsis will open new paths for the development of therapies at codon level precision

    Use of smartphone application WhatsApp messenger in pain medicine

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    Use of Smart phone application in medical field is a novel concept and has been documented since long. Physicians, patients and their family has been found to be involved with these applications and they use emails, short message service (sms), and multimedia message service (mms) as a mode of communication with each other. This telephonic conversation helps in sharing information about the status of pain and other symptoms, initiation and continuing medical or surgical treatment, and post procedure follow up. It also helps the patient in cutting off the waiting time for consultation. At our centre, we are regularly using whatsApp application for making plans for patients with chronic pain