336 research outputs found

    DenseBAM-GI: Attention Augmented DeneseNet with momentum aided GRU for HMER

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    The task of recognising Handwritten Mathematical Expressions (HMER) is crucial in the fields of digital education and scholarly research. However, it is difficult to accurately determine the length and complex spatial relationships among symbols in handwritten mathematical expressions. In this study, we present a novel encoder-decoder architecture (DenseBAM-GI) for HMER, where the encoder has a Bottleneck Attention Module (BAM) to improve feature representation and the decoder has a Gated Input-GRU (GI-GRU) unit with an extra gate to make decoding long and complex expressions easier. The proposed model is an efficient and lightweight architecture with performance equivalent to state-of-the-art models in terms of Expression Recognition Rate (exprate). It also performs better in terms of top 1, 2, and 3 error accuracy across the CROHME 2014, 2016, and 2019 datasets. DenseBAM-GI achieves the best exprate among all models on the CROHME 2019 dataset. Importantly, these successes are accomplished with a drop in the complexity of the calculation and a reduction in the need for GPU memory

    Kinetics of the Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulfide by Atmospheric Oxygen in an Aqueous Medium

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    Hydrogen sulfide is an important acid rain precursor and this led us to investigate the kinetics of its oxidation in aqueous phase by atmospheric oxygen. The kinetics was followed by measuring the depletion of oxygen in a reactor. The reaction was studied under pseudo order conditions with [H2S] in excess. The kinetics followed the rate law: -d[O2]/dt = k[S][O2]t (A) Where [S] represents the total concentration of hydrogen sulfide, [O2]t is the concentration of oxygen at time t and k is the second order rate constant. The equilibria (B - C) govern the dissolution of H2S; the sulfide ion in water forms different species: H2S K1 HS- + H+ (B) HS- K2 S2- + H+ (C) Where K1 and K2 are first and second dissociation constants of H2S. Although, H2S is present as undissociated H2S, HS- and S2- ions, nature of [H+ ] dependence of reaction rate required only HS- to be reactive and dominant. The rate law (A) on including [H+ ] dependence became Equation (D). -d[O2]/dt = k1K1[H+ ][S][O2]t / ([H+ ] 2 + K1[H+ ] + K1K2) (D) Our results indicate anthropogenic VOCs such as acetanilide, benzene, ethanol, aniline, toluene, benzamide, o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene and anisole to have no significant effect on the reaction rate and any observed small effect is within the uncertainty of the rate measurements

    Electrophoretic Studies of Biologically Important Mixed Metal – Ascorbic Acid –Nitrilotriacetate Complexes

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    Quantitative indication of a complex formation comes from the estimation of the stability or formation constants characterizing the equilibria corresponding to the successive addition of ligands. The binary equilibria of metal (II) / (III)–ascorbic acid and also mixed equilibria metal (II) / (III)–ascorbic acid–NTA have been studied using ionophoretic technique. The stability constants of metal–ascorbic acid binary complexes are found to be 103.77, 102.47,102.27 and that of metal–ascorbic acid–NTA mixed complexes have been found to be 106.05, 105.93, 105.75, for Fe(III), Cu(II) and Co(II) complexes, respectively at 25 °C and ionic strength Ic = 0.1 mol dm–3 (HClO4). (doi: 10.5562/cca1778

    Evaluation of Groundwater potential Zones using RS and GIS Application in Malattar watershed, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Groundwater is one of the major sources of water both in the semi-arid and arid regions like Tamil Nadu, India. It is of fundamental importance to any social or economic development. In recent decades, as surface water supplies have been depleted or contaminated and hence more attention has been given to groundwater resources. The advances in the technology especially in the field of remote sensing satellite technology, geophysics, etc. have resulted in enormous increase in the extraction of groundwater. The reservoirs and tanks of the surface water body mainly depending on rainfall.  Due to various reasons the capacity of these structures is also reduced. Hence the storage conditions of these structures are poor during monsoon seasons. In many parts of the state, the declination of groundwater level is a major concern because of continuous pumping of groundwater and poor storage in tanks and reservoirs. Variation of temperature, wind velocity, sunshine hours and evapotranspiration were analyzed. Seasonal average rainfall for 46 years was used to analyze spatial distribution. Geomorphology, land use and lineaments derived from satellite data and geology and soil prepared from district resource maps. Depth to bed rock and weathered rock derived from geophysical survey data to evaluate aquifer thickness. Groundwater potential zonation map was generated using Geographical Information system (GIS) by integration of various thematic maps in the Malattar watershe


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    Objective: The present investigation evaluated in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of Phyllanthus fraternus. Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase was performed along with protein denaturation.Methods: Alcoholic extract of plant was subjected to in vitro anti-inflammatory activity and HPTLC analysis.Results: The results of anti-inflammatory activity showed significant inhibition in Cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase assay, extract also showed more than 70 % inhibition in protein denaturation method. HPTLC of plant materials was also performed; spots of alkaloids were recorded.Conclusion: Different alkaloids were spotted in chromatographic analysis and study suggested that anti-inflammatory activity of Phyllanthus fraternus may be due to the presence of alkaloids.Ă‚

    Spontaneous Rectal Perforation with Transanal Evisceration of the Small Bowel: A Rare Case Report

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    Transanal evisceration of the small bowel is a rare surgical emergency. Rectal perforation in such cases is usually due to an underlying rectal prolapse. We report a case of a middle aged (45 years) male with spontaneous rectal perforation and transanal evisceration of the small bowel. Approximately 150 cm of small bowel had eviscerated transanally and the patient required emergent abdominal exploration, reposition of the small bowel, and repair of the rectal perforation. Small bowel evisceration through the anal verge is an emergent condition and the aim was to prevent life threatening complications related to sepsis

    MKKK20 works as an upstream triple-kinase of MKK3-MPK6-MYC2 module in Arabidopsis seedling development

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    The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is involved in several signal transduction processes in eukaryotes. Here, we report a mechanistic function of MAP kinase kinase kinase 20 (MKKK20) in light signal transduction pathways. We show that MKKK20 acts as a negative regulator of photomorphogenic growth at various wavelengths of light. MKKK20 not only regulates the expression of light signaling pathway regulatory genes but also gets regulated by the same pathway genes. The atmyc2 mkkk20 double mutant analysis shows that MYC2 works downstream to MKKK20 in the regulation of photomorphogenic growth. MYC2 directly binds to the promoter of MKKK20 to modulate its expression. The protein-protein interaction study indicates that MKKK20 physically interacts with MYC2, and this interaction likely suppresses the MYC2-mediated promotion of MKKK20 expression. Further, the protein phosphorylation studies demonstrate that MKKK20 works as the upstream kinase of MKK3-MPK6-MYC2 module in photomorphogenesis


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    The present investigation involves antimicrobial and phytochemical evaluation of Cissus quadrangularis L. The antibacterial activity of Cissus quadrangularis was performed using disk diffusion method. The Results of study proved prompt efficacy of herbal extract against S. aureus and E. coli. The concentration dependent antibacterial activity of extract was observed against both organisms. Study also involves phytochemical investigation of herbal extract using HPTLC, IR and UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The result of study indicated that the methanolic extract possessed most potent antibacterial activity as compared to other extract. The antibacterial activity increases with the concentration and results indicated that the diameters of zone inhibition of the extract were comparable with the standard drug. The antimicrobial potential of plant extract may be attributed to the presence of specific phytoconstituents
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