278 research outputs found

    Atomistic modeling of the directed-assembly of bimetallic Pt-Ru nanoclusters on Ru(0001)-supported monolayer graphene

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    The formation of Pt-Ru nanoclusters (NCs) by sequential deposition of Pt and Ru on a periodically rumpled graphene sheet supported on Ru(0001) is analyzed by atomistic-level modeling and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. The “coarse-scale” periodic variation of the adsorption energy of metal adatoms across the graphene sheet directs the assembly of NCs to a periodic array of thermodynamically preferred locations. The modeling describes not only just the NC densities and size distributions, but also the composition distribution for mixed NCs. A strong dependence of these quantities on the deposition order is primarily related to different effective mobilities of Pt and Ru on the supported graphene

    First-principles investigation of Ag-Cu alloy surfaces in an oxidizing environment

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    In this paper we investigate by means of first-principles density functional theory calculations the (111) surface of the Ag-Cu alloy under varying conditions of pressure of the surrounding oxygen atmosphere and temperature. This alloy has been recently proposed as a catalyst with improved selectivity for ethylene epoxidation with respect to pure silver, the catalyst commonly used in industrial applications. Here we show that the presence of oxygen leads to copper segregation to the surface. Considering the surface free energy as a function of the surface composition, we construct the convex hull to investigate the stability of various surface structures. By including the dependence of the free surface energy on the oxygen chemical potential, we are able compute the phase diagram of the alloy as a function of temperature, pressure and surface composition. We find that, at temperature and pressure typically used in ethylene epoxidation, a number of structures can be present on the surface of the alloy, including clean Ag(111), thin layers of copper oxide and thick oxide-like structures. These results are consistent with, and help explain, recent experimental results.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Adlayer core-level shifts of random metal overlayers on transition-metal substrates

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    We calculate the difference of the ionization energies of a core-electron of a surface alloy, i.e., a B-atom in a A_(1-x) B_x overlayer on a fcc-B(001)-substrate, and a core-electron of the clean fcc-B(001) surface using density-functional-theory. We analyze the initial-state contributions and the screening effects induced by the core hole, and study the influence of the alloy composition for a number of noble metal-transition metal systems. Data are presented for Cu_(1-x)Pd_x/Pd(001), Ag_(1-x) Pd_x/Pd(001), Pd_(1-x) Cu_x/Cu(001), and Pd_(1-x) Ag_x/Ag(001), changing x from 0 to 100 %. Our analysis clearly indicates the importance of final-state screening effects for the interpretation of measured core-level shifts. Calculated deviations from the initial-state trends are explained in terms of the change of inter- and intra-atomic screening upon alloying. A possible role of alloying on the chemical reactivity of metal surfaces is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Phys. Rev. Letters, to appear in Feb. 199

    Magnetism in small bimetallic Mn-Co clusters

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    Effects of alloying on the electronic and magnetic properties of Mnx_{x}Coy_{y} (x+yx+y=nn=2-5; xx=0-nn) and Mn2_2Co11_{11} nanoalloy clusters are investigated using the density functional theory (DFT). Unlike the bulk alloy, the Co-rich clusters are found to be ferromagnetic and the magnetic moment increases with Mn-concentration, and is larger than the moment of pure Con_n clusters of same size. For a particular sized cluster the magnetic moment increases by 2 μB\mu_B/Mn-substitution, which is found to be independent of the size and composition. All these results are in good agreement with recent Stern-Gerlach (SG) experiments [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 75}, 014401 (2007) and Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 98}, 113401 (2007)]. Likewise in bulk Mnx_xCo1x_{1-x} alloy, the local Co-moment decreases with increasing Mn-concentration.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures. To appear in Physical Review

    Ethane steam reforming over a platinum/alumina catalyst: effect of sulphur poisoning

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    In this study we have examined the adsorption of hydrogen sulfide and methanethiol over platinum catalysts and examined the effect of these poisons on the steam reforming of ethane. Adsorption of hydrogen sulfide was measured at 293 and 873 K. At 873 K the adsorbed state of hydrogen sulfide in the presence of hydrogen was SH rather than S, even though the Pt:S ratio was unity. The effect of 11.2 ppm hydrogen sulfide or methanethiol on the steam reforming of ethane was studied at 873 K and 20 barg. Both poisons deactivated the catalyst over a number of hours, but methanethiol was found to be more deleterious, reducing the conversion by almost an order of magnitude, possibly due to the co-deposition of sulfur and carbon. Changes in the selectivity revealed that the effect of sulfur was not uniform on the reactions occurring, with the production of methane reduced proportionally more than the other products, due to the surface sensitivity of the hydrogenolysis and methanation reactions. The water-gas shift reaction was affected to a lesser extent. No regeneration was observed when hydrogen sulfide was removed from the feedstream in agreement with adsorption studies. A slight regeneration was observed when methanethiol was removed from the feed, but this was believed to be due to the removal of carbon rather than sulfur. The overall effect of sulfur poisoning was to reduce activity and enhance hydrogen selectivity

    TPR Investigation of bimetallic Ru-Cu samples supported on SiO 2 , Al 2 O 3 and MgO

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    Bimetallic Ru-Cu samples supported on SiO 2 , Al 2 O 3 and MgO were studied by the temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) technique. Experiments were carried out both on unreduced impregnated salts and after oxidation of already reduced samples. The TPR profiles reveal a simultaneous reduction of ruthenium and copper precursors, even though the Ru and Cu in the monometallic catalysts exhibit reduction peaks which differ by up to 150 °C. It is suggested that the two metal salts interact during the stages of preparation and drying, and after reduction form bimetallic aggregates which are not stable and tend to separate. The stability of the bimetallic particles was found to be strongly dependent on the support used, being higher on SiO 2 than on Al 2 O 3 and MgO. It is suggested that the chemical nature of the support determines the different degree of interaction and/or agglomeration of the bimetallic particles. Auf SiO 2 , Al 2 O 3 und MgO aufgebrachte bimetallische Ru-Cu-Proben wurden mittels temperaturprogrammierter Reduktion (TPR) untersucht. Experimente wurden sowohl mit unreduzierten, durch Impregnation aufgebrachten Salzen als auch mit nach vorangegangener Reduktion reoxydierten Proben ausgeführt. Die TPR-Profile lassen eine gleichzeitige Reduktion der Ruthenium- und Kupfervorstufen erkennen, obwohl Ru und Cu in monometallischen Katalysatoren Reduktionspeaks zeigen, die um bis zu 150 °C voneinander entfernt liegen. Es wird angenommen, daß die zwei Metallsalze während des Darstellungs- und Trocknungsstadiums miteinander in Wechselwirkung treten und nach der Reduktion nicht stabile, zum Zerfall tendierende bimetallische Aggregate bilden. Die Stabilität der bimetallischen Partikel ist stark vom Träger abhängig, sie ist an SiO 2 höher als an Al 2 O 3 und MgO. Es wird angenommen, daß die chemische Natur des Trägers den Grad der Wechselwirkung und/oder Agglomeration der bimetallischen Partikel bestimmt. Методом температурн о-программного восстановления (ТПВ) и зучены биметаллические обр азцы рутений — медь на подложках из двуокиси кремния, о киси алюминия и окиси магния. Экспер именты были проведен ы как с невосстановленными пропитанными солями, так и с вновь ок исленными ранее восстановленными об разцами. Профили крив ых показывают одноврем енное восстановлени е рутения и меди, тогда как в случа е монометаллов пики восстановления рутения и меди отлича ются на 150 °C, Это свидетельствует о том, что соли обоих металлов взаим одействуют между соб ой на стадии получения и высушива ния, а после восстановления обра зуют биметаллически е агрегаты, которые неустойчивы и имеют тенденцию к разделению. Установ лено, что стабильност ь биметаллических час тиц сильно зависит от характера подложки, я вляясь более высокой на двуокиси кремния по сравнению с тем, что на окиси алюминия и окис и магния. Предположен о, что химическая природа п одложки определяет различную степень вз аимодействия или агл омерации биметаллических час тиц.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43142/1/10973_2005_Article_BF01912699.pd

    Global optimization of 8-10 atom palladium-iridium nanoalloys at the DFT level

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    The global optimization of PdnIr(N–n) N = 8–10 clusters has been performed using the Birmingham Cluster Genetic Algorithm (BCGA). Structures were evaluated directly using density functional theory (DFT), which has allowed the identification of Ir and Ir-rich PdIr cubic global minima, displaying a strong tendency to segregate. The ability of the searches to find the putative global minimum has been assessed using a homotop search method, which shows a high degree of success. The role of spin in the system has been considered through a series of spin-restricted reoptimizations of BCGA-DFT minima. The preferred spin of the clusters is found to vary widely with composition, showing no overall trend in lowest-energy multiplicities