633 research outputs found

    Professions, Organizations and Institutions: Tenure Systems in Colleges and Universities

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    A common strategy used by professions to support claims of workplace jurisdiction involves the institutionalization of professionally-endorsed formal structures, yet both theory and research suggest that ensuring the implementation of institutionalized structures after formal adoption can be problematic. This study investigates the influence of organizational characteristics on the implementation of one professionally-created institution in higher education organizations, tenure systems for faculty employment. Our results suggest that implementation of tenure systems is negatively affected by internal resource pressures, but positively affected by countervailing pressures from professionally-linked constituents. The results also suggest self-limiting aspects of the use of tenure systems

    ILR Impact Brief - Faculty Tenure and the Gap between Policy and Practice

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    Almost all four-year institutions of higher education have adopted the tenure system as a formal policy for faculty employment. The degree to which tenure systems are actually implemented, however, depends on resource flows and institutional pressures. Fewer resource constraints (i.e., greater per-student revenues and larger endowments) increase the proportion of professors employed on tenure-track lines; likewise, a stronger research orientation positively affects the share of faculty in tenure-track slots. Colleges and universities that rely more heavily on tuition for revenues and those with larger numbers of accreditations (from professional and occupational associations) generally employ fewer tenure-track professors. Other variables also matter: Tenure is more prevalent at public, older, and more complex universities and colleges and is less widespread among institutions that enroll larger numbers of students and among those that include a medical school. And finally, the share of tenure-track faculty declines on campuses with a larger pool of graduate students who are available to teach

    Moving beyond skills acquisition:a multiple case study of situated learning in a league for children with disabilities

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    In the last few decades, there has been a movement from individualistic and mechanistic notions of learning to approaches that turn attention to the significance of the context of learning. While these approaches have been utilized to point out the significance of the environment for skill acquisition, they have primarily been oriented towards performance-oriented milieus. Inspired by the theory of situated learning in “communities of practice” (CoP), the aim of the study is to analyze learning processes among members (participants, coaches, parents, etc.) of a diverse sporting community. The article is based on a multiple-case study of a Danish handball community named Lykkeliga (Happy League) that within a few years has attracted more than a thousand children with a remarkable diverse range of age, gender, diagnosis, and disabilities. The data collection included participant observation of training and tournament situations in two clubs over a 3-month period, along with informal interviews. The thematic analysis reveals a range of legitimate ways of participating for members of Happy League clubs, including sitting on the bench and even dating during practice. In sum, our case study sheds light on how situated learning in sporting communities may be directed towards inclusion and expansive understanding of what it means to be a sport participant

    Risky Business? Entrepreneurship in the New Independent-Power Sector

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    Building on sociological research on institutions and organizations and psychological research on risk and decision making, we propose that the development of institutions that reduce the risks of entering new sectors has a stronger effect on the founding rates of firms using novel technologies than on firms using established technologies. In an analysis of the independent-power sector of the electricity industry from 1980 to 1992, we found that the development of regulative and cognitive institutions legitimated the entire sector and provided incentives for all sector entrants; thus, foundings of all kinds of firms multiplied rapidly but had a stronger impact on those using risky novel technologies. In contrast, the central normative institutions that developed in this sector, state-level trade associations, provided greater support for particular forms (those using established technologies) and thus increased foundings of those favored forms more than foundings of less favored forms (those using novel technologies). Our study demonstrates how institutional forces can alter the mix of organizations entering a new industry and thus contribute to diversity, as well as similarity, among organizations

    Isolasi dan identifikasi kapang Rhizopus pada tempe gude (Cajanus cajan L.)

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    The research has been done to isolate Rhizopus mold in Pigeon pea tempeh, as it is known that Rhizopus is a very important mold in tempeh fermentation process. This study begins with the manufacture of tempeh using pigeon pea as a substrate, and then inoculated with molds of traditional inoculum (usar), incubated at room temperature for 48-72 hours. Mold that grows on pigeon pea isolated and identified by dilution methods and spread plates. The result showed that pigeon pea as growth substrate for Rhizopus sp. Pigeon pea tempeh’s molds was dominated by white-greyish molds and white grey brownish that identified similar to Rhizopus oligosporus.Penelitian yang telah dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi kapang Rhizopus pada tempe gude, seperti diketahui bahwa Rhizopus adalah kapang yang sangat penting dalam proses fermentasi tempe. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pembuatan tempe menggunakan biji gude sebagai substrat, yang diinokulasi dengan inokulum tradisional (usar), diinkubasi pada temperatur kamar sampai menjadi tempe (48-72 jam). Kapang tempe gude diisolasi dan diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan metode pengenceran berseri dan spread plate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biji gude sebagai substrat pertumbuhan Rhizopus sp. Kapang tempe gude didominasi oleh kapang berwarna putih keabu-abuan dan putih abu-abu kecoklatan yang diidentifikasi mirip dengan Rhizopus oligosporus

    Perubahan Kadar Vitamin Dan Mineral Pada Fermentasi Tempe Gude (Cajanus cajan L.)

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    Tempeh is an Indonesian traditional food rich in vitamins and minerals easily digested by the body. Materials commonly used as tempe fermentation substrate are soybean (Glicyne max), but not all areas in Indonesia can be overgrown by soybeans, therefore it is needed alternative substrates for tempeh fermentation. Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) can be used as substrate of tempeh fermentation alternative by soybean, therefore it is needed alternative substrate for tempeh fermentation. this is because pigeon pea has a fairly good nutritional content and has the content of vitamins and minerals needed by the body. However, some of these minerals are bound to phytic acid compounds which are trypsin inhibitors, so the process of processing such as fermentation is one way to decompose phytic acid compounds. In this research has been done in the form of determination testing of ash, nitrogen, vitamin and mineral content by standard method, done before and after fermentation. Ash content decreased after fermentation, nitrogen content, iron content, calcium content and phosphorus content also decreased, while vitamin B12 has increased although not significant.Tempe merupakan makanan tradisional Indonesia yang kaya akan vitamin dan mineral mudah dicerna oleh tubuh. Bahan yang lazimnya digunakan sebagai substrat fermentasi tempe adalah kacang kedelai (Glicyne max), akan tetapi tidak semua daerah di Indonesia dapat ditumbuhi oleh  kacang kedelai, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan substrat alternative untuk fermentasi tempe. Kacang gude (Cajanus cajan L.)  dapat dijadikan sebagai substrat alternatif fermentasi tempe, hal ini dikarenakan kacang gude mempunyai kandungan gizi yang cukup baik dan memiliki kandungan vitamin dan mineral yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Namun demikian sebagian mineral tersebut terikat dengan senyawa asam fitat yang merupakan tripsin inhibitor, sehingga proses pengolahan seperti fermentasi merupakan salah satu cara untuk menguraikan senyawa asam fitat. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengujian berupa penentuan kadar abu, nitrogen, vitamin dan mineral dengan metode standar, dilakukan sebelum dan setelah fermentasi. Kadar abu mengalami penurunan setelah fermentasi, kadar nitrogen, kadar besi, kadar kalsium dan kadar fosfor juga mengalami penurunan, sedangkan vitamin B12 mengalami peningkatan meskipun tidak signifikan


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    Masalah gizi  gizi kurang  pada balita  perlu mendapatkan prioritas penanganan. Pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT) dapat mengurangi masalah gizi kurang pada balita.Dalam pemberian makanan tambahan diperlukan   adanya inovasi baru misalnya dengan menggunakan bahan pangan local. Salah satu inovasi dalam mengolah produk  makanan tambahan adalah roti “Lembuning” , dimana dalam pembuatannya  menggunakan perpaduan campuran tepung ikan lemuru dan tepung labu kuning untuk mensubstitusi  tepung terigu ditambah dengan bahan tambahan lain yang memiliki kemungkinan menjadi salah satu alternative PMT bagi balita. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Kandungan Gizi  Roti “ Lembuning’ Yang Disubstitusi Tepung Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella Lemuru) Dan Tepung Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perbandingan tepung terigu; tepung labu kuning dan tepung ikan lemuru berturut-turut, P1( 65:30:5),P2(60:40:10),dan P3 (35:50:15) dengan 3 kali pengulangan. . Hasil:Kadar air,abu,protein dan lemak tertinggi ada pada P3 sedangkan kadarkarbohidrat tertinggi terdapat pada P1.Terdapat pengaruh nyata tepung labu kuning dan tepung  ikan lemuru sebagai bahan pensubstitusi tepung terigu terhadap nilai proksimat (kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak , kadar protein dan kadar karbohidrat ) roti Lembuning.Masalah gizi  gizi kurang  pada balita  perlu mendapatkan prioritas penanganan. Pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT) dapat mengurangi masalah gizi kurang pada balita. Dalam pemberian makanan tambahan diperlukan   adanya inovasi baru misalnya dengan menggunakan bahan pangan local. Salah satu inovasi dalam mengolah produk  makanan tambahan adalah roti “Lembuning” , dimana dalam pembuatannya  menggunakan perpaduan campuran tepung ikan lemuru dan tepung labu kuning untuk mensubstitusi  tepung terigu ditambah dengan bahan tambahan lain yang memiliki kemungkinan menjadi salah satu alternative PMT bagi balita. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Kandungan Gizi  Roti “ Lembuning’ Yang Disubstitusi Tepung Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella Lemuru)  Dan Tepung Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perbandingan tepung terigu; tepung labu kuning dan tepung ikan lemuru berturut-turut, P1( 65:30:5),P2(60:40:10),dan P3 (35:50:15) dengan 3 kali pengulangan. . Hasil: Kadar air,abu,protein dan lemak tertinggi ada pada P3 sedangkan kadar karbohidrat tertinggi terdapat pada P1.Terdapat pengaruh nyata tepung labu kuning dan tepung  ikan lemuru sebagai bahan pensubstitusi tepung terigu terhadap nilai proksimat (kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak , kadar protein dan kadar karbohidrat ) roti Lembuning

    Remark on the Theoretical Uncertainty in B0B^0-Bˉ0\bar{B}^0 Mixing

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    We re-examine the theoretical uncertainty in the Standard Model expression for B0B^0-Bˉ0\bar{B}^0 mixing. We focus on lattice calculations of the ratio ξ\xi, needed to relate the oscillation frequency of Bs0B^0_s-Bˉs0\bar{B}^0_s mixing to VtdV_{td}. We replace the usual linear chiral extrapolation with one that includes the logarithm that appears in chiral perturbation theory. We find a significant shift in the ratio ξ\xi, from the conventional 1.15±0.051.15\pm0.05 to ξ=1.32±0.10\xi=1.32\pm0.10.Comment: Lattice2002(heavyquark), 3 pages, 3 figure
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