23 research outputs found

    A conversational framework for mulitple modalities

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    This paper is concerned with creating conversations around the ECIR conference with multiple modalities. We use a Furhat robot from Furhat robotics to have a physical presence and handle voice. Rasa addresses the AI component of the system. First, we develop a framework for managing messaging between Rasa AI with the Furhat frontend and a display frontend. Second, we create a protocol that describes how to format messages for this connection. The results of the thesis discuss the conversations from the ECIR conference. We evaluate the log from the conference and do both statistical analysis and a discussion of the qualitative results. The thesis also describes the general principles of conversational AI in the background chapter

    A conversational framework for mulitple modalities

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    This paper is concerned with creating conversations around the ECIR conference with multiple modalities. We use a Furhat robot from Furhat robotics to have a physical presence and handle voice. Rasa addresses the AI component of the system. First, we develop a framework for managing messaging between Rasa AI with the Furhat frontend and a display frontend. Second, we create a protocol that describes how to format messages for this connection. The results of the thesis discuss the conversations from the ECIR conference. We evaluate the log from the conference and do both statistical analysis and a discussion of the qualitative results. The thesis also describes the general principles of conversational AI in the background chapter

    Unexpected robustness against noise of a class of nonhyperbolic chaotic attractors

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    Chaotic attractors arising in physical systems are often nonhyperbolic. We compare two sources of nonhyperbolicity: (1) tangencies between stable and unstable manifolds, and (2) unstable dimension variability. We study the effects of noise on chaotic attractors with these nonhyperbolic behaviors by investigating the scaling laws for the Hausdorff distance between the noisy and the deterministic attractors. Whereas in the presence of tangencies, interactive noise yields attractor deformations, attractors with only dimension variability are robust, despite the fact that shadowing is grossly violated

    Unexpected robustness against noise of a class of nonhyperbolic chaotic attractors

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    Chaotic attractors arising in physical systems are often nonhyperbolic. We compare two sources of nonhyperbolicity: (1) tangencies between stable and unstable manifolds, and (2) unstable dimension variability. We study the effects of noise on chaotic attractors with these nonhyperbolic behaviors by investigating the scaling laws for the Hausdorff distance between the noisy and the deterministic attractors. Whereas in the presence of tangencies, interactive noise yields attractor deformations, attractors with only dimension variability are robust, despite the fact that shadowing is grossly violated

    Spectral analysis of the phenological stages of Lupinus mutabilis through spectroradiometry and unmanned aerial vehicle imaging with different physical disinfection pretreatments of seeds

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    The economic and cultural importance of lupin has been identified in regions such as the alpine zone of Ecuador, where per capita consumption reaches 0.4 kg per month. However, fungal pathogens affect lupin cultivation, causing considerable crop losses. In this study, Lupinus mutabilis Sweet plants started from seeds were analysed using remote sensing techniques, and different physical disinfection pretreatments were applied. A total of 6 samplings were conducted according to the phenological stages of the crop. A spectroradiometer and an unmanned aerial vehicle were used to generate vegetation indices based on the red, near-infrared and red-edge bands. Using SfM photogrammetry and RTK positioning, the vegetation index values were extracted from the orthophotos and statistically analysed. All the vegetation indices exhibited significant differences between phenological stages, but the differences between pretreatments were not as clear. The best pretreatment was determined to be drying the seeds at ambient temperature for 45 minutes

    Rhodolith occurrences in the Azores (central north Atlantic) between 1998 and 2018. EMODNET Biology dataset:IMAR-Institute of Marine Research, University of the Azores, Portugal; (2021):

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    Rhodoliths is a general term used to designate non-geniculate coralline red algae (Rhodophyta) that live unattached (Riosmena-Rodríguez, 2017). The term is used here to encompass (i) branched free-living coralline algae devoid of an evident nucleus, but also (ii) nucleated nodules where the biogenic calcium carbonate deposit around the core represents >50%, as well as (iii) “coated grains” where the core is larger than the algal carbonate component

    Black coral occurrences on the Azores shelves (central north Atlantic) from 1991 to 2019

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    Black corals are antipatharian corals that occur from sublittoral to abyssal depths on hard, mixed and soft substrates. Under favourable conditions, some black coral species form dense stands known as black coral gardens which create habitat for a variety of associated specie