5 research outputs found

    Confirmation of PSMA expression measured on [68Ga]Ga-PSMA PET/CT by immunohistochemistry in prostate adenocarcinoma

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    Background: Our aim is to determine the accuracy of [68Ga]Ga-PSMA PET/CT in showing PSMA expression in primary prostate cancer and to investigate the relationship between SUVmax and immunohistochemical PSMA expression, Gleason score, and PSA value. Material and methods: We retrospectively analyzed 66 male patients who were diagnosed with primary prostate adenocarcinoma, underwent pre-treatment [68Ga]Ga-PSMA PET/CT examination for staging, and performed radical prostatectomy between March 2018–August 2020. Immunohistochemical staining was applied to the radical prostatectomy specimens of all patients to detect PSMA expression. The results were evaluated as an immunoreactive score (IRS) and a modified IRS was obtained. Gleason score groups and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) serum values of the patients were obtained from the patient files. Results: The high SUVmax of primary prostate tumors was significantly correlated with a high modified IRS score (score 2; 3), high PSA value, high Gleason score, and metastasis. In correlation analysis, a positive correlation was found between SUVmax and PSA value and modified IRS score (r = 0.69, p = 0.001; r = 0.39, p = 0.001). In addition, there was a statistically significant weak correlation between PSA serum concentration and modified IRS scores (r = 0.267; p = 0.03). In regression analysis, the percentage of positive cells had a statistically significant and increasing effect on SUVmax (p = 0.031; std beta = 0.268; 95% CI = 0.231–4.596). Conclusions: In prostate adenocarcinoma, SUVmax of the primary tumor in [68Ga]Ga-PSMA PET/CT correlates with immunohistochemical PSMA expression. In addition, high SUVmax is associated with markers of poor prognoses, such as high PSMA expression, PSA value, and Gleason score

    Combined surgical and chemotherapy treatment for invasive primary urethral cancer: a case presentation

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    Abstract Background The European Association of Urology (EAU) defines primary urethral carcinoma (PUC) as a carcinoma that arises in the urethra without a previous diagnosis of carcinoma elsewhere in the urinary system. It is considered as a rare cancer, accounting for less than 1% of all malignant tumors and 5% of malignant tumors of the urinary system. The difficulty in diagnosis and its rarity can lead to delayed diagnosis and decreased survival. We think that a case report to be made in the literature for this rare disease with no consensus on treatment will contribute to disease management. Case presentation In this article, we describe the diagnosis and treatment process of a 75-year-old patient who was diagnosed with primary urethral cancer and had urethral discharge and difficulty in urination. The biopsy result from the suspected hyperemic area in the urethra in cystourethroscopy was primary urethral cancer. Urethrectomy followed by urethroplasty was performed on the patient's 2-cm primary urethral cancerous tissue. In the postoperative first month, an F-18 FDG whole-body PET scan for oncological evaluation showed increased pathological F-18 FDG uptake in the periphery of the mass in the penile urethra and indistinguishable boundaries from the prostatic urethra. After this, adjuvant gemcitabine and carboplatin therapy was planned by the oncology team. Conclusions Based on our outcome in this case, we believe that chemotherapy combined with surgery increases the chance of successful treatment in locally advanced urethral cancer

    The characteristics of patients with chronic hepatitis B in Turkey

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    Aim To evaluate the characteristics of patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and summarize the treatment modalities. Methods By September 30, 2011 the data of 7871 HBsAg (+) patients were complied and analysed according to demographic and medical records (age, sex, laboratory tests, treatment with antiviral agents) in thirty centres of Turkey. Results Of the 7871 patients 3078 (39.1%) were females; mean (standard deviation) age was 35 (14) years, 3180 (40.4%) were HBsAg positive (+) after admission to a hospital, 1488 (18.9%) after blood donation and 967 (11.9%) were found during routine screening. The HBV prevalence among relatives of HBsAg (+) patients was 1764 (22.4%), and most frequently infected family members were siblings and mothers, 4961 (63.0%) and 2149 (27.3%), respectively). Anti-HDV was negative in 7407 94.1% of patients. Three-fourths of the patients 6383 (81.1%) were HBeAg negative (-). Mean (SD) ALT was 85.8 (266.4) U/L. Majority of patients, 5588 (71.0%) were chronic hepatitis-B patients under treatment, while 2283 (29.0%) were asymptomatic carriers without treatment and only 165 (2.1%) of patients were cirrhotic and 6612 (84.0%) of those were compensated. One-third of the patients 2983 (37.9%) were under a combined treatment, while others were under monotherapy. Lamivudine, entecavir and adefovir were the most frequently used oral therapies, used for 2583 (32.8%), 11.6% and 787 (10.0%) of patients, respectively), while 2975 (37.8%) of patients were under interferon treatment. Conclusion Hepatitis B is still a problem in our country. First task of the physicians and our state should be to prevent the development and spread of the disease with education and vaccination programs, safe blood transfusions, and control of barbers

    Thalassemia-free and graft-versus-host-free survival: outcomes of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for thalassemia major, Turkish experience

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    We report the national data on the outcomes of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for thalassemia major (TM) patients in Turkey on behalf of the Turkish Pediatric Stem Cell Transplantation Group. We retrospectively enrolled 1469 patients with TM who underwent their first HSCT between 1988 and 2020 in 25 pediatric centers in Turkey. The median follow-up duration and transplant ages were 62 months and 7 years, respectively; 113 patients had chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD) and the cGVHD rate was 8.3% in surviving patients. Upon the last visit, 30 patients still had cGvHD (2.2%). The 5-year overall survival (OS), thalassemia-free survival (TFS) and thalassemia-GVHD-free survival (TGFS) rates were 92.3%, 82.1%, and 80.8%, respectively. cGVHD incidence was significantly lower in the mixed chimerism (MC) group compared to the complete chimerism (CC) group (p < 0.001). In survival analysis, OS, TFS, and TGFS rates were significantly higher for transplants after 2010. TFS and TGFS rates were better for patients under 7 years and at centers that had performed over 100 thalassemia transplants. Transplants from matched unrelated donors had significantly higher TFS rates. We recommend HSCT before 7 years old in thalassemia patients who have a matched donor for improved outcomes