10 research outputs found

    Red ginger wedang to strengthen immune system against covid-19 of children living in an orphanage

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    The outbreak of the corona virus has forced orphanage children to gather at home to carry out learning and playing activities. The activity of gathering in one house can cause a high risk of Covid-19 transmission. The implementation of the community service program carried out by lecturers from the Food Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara is a training for making red ginger wedang at LKSA Anak Gembira, Medan Tuntungan, Medan. Red ginger wedang is a drink that is healthy and refreshing for the body, where the aim of this training is that partners can practice it and consume it to maintain their immune system at LKSA Anak Gembira in preventing Covid-19. The training activity for making red ginger drink was attended by 24 people consisting of 2 orphanage owners and 22 orphanage children. After that, the consumption of red ginger was carried out and questionnaires were administered to measure the level of understanding of the benefits and preferences of the respondents towards red ginger after the training was held. The results of the questionnaire show that 93% respondents understand the benefits of red ginger for health and 87% like red ginger wedang

    Utilization of Hands Free Wash Basin as Covid-19 Prevention in Public Health Center

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    Simalingkar Public Health Service is located in one of one of the 5 districts in Medan with the Red zone status. At the Partner location, it was found that they using hand wash basin with ordinary hand operated tap and it was not optimal to preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus since some surface of plastic or steel in public health service cannot absorb droplet and preserving the active virus, it could become the transmission vehicle of the virus from one person to the next. Because that area with high touch intensity can pose a risk of transmission of the Covid-19 virus, the solution that will be offered by designing and making an automatic tap hand wash basin by using feet pedals so that there is no need hand to touch the water tap The purpose of this activity is expected that Partners can preventing the spread of Covid-19 by using hands free wash basin on daily health service activities


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    Cronobacter sakazakii is an opportunistic foodborne pathogen reported to cause necrotizing enterocolitis, bacteremia, and meningitis in certain groups of infant. C. sakazakii has been reported to survive at low aw or dryness. Presence of wild-type C. sakazakii in dry product is difficult to be distinguished from naturally occuring C. sakazakii. A pGFPuv mutant of C. sakazakii has been reported to have similar growth pattern, thus has the potential to be used in further investigation. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of initial moisture content and relative humidity (RH) on the survival rate of C. sakazakii pGFPuv in corn kernels during storage at room temperature. The study consists of drying corn kernels to achieve moisture contents of 12 and 16% (w.b), inoculation of C. sakazakii pGFPuv, and storage at RH 50, 70 and 90% for 12 weeks. Every two week, corn kernels were sampled and the moisture content was measured using oven method, water activity was measured with aw meter, and total C. sakazakii pGFPuv was enumerated by spread plate method. Meanwhile, total bacteria, mold and yeast were enumerated by pour plate method. Corn kernels achieved equilibrium moisture content and aw after two weeks of storage. The number of C. sakazakii decreased rapidly during storage at RH 70 and 90%, however they could survived at RH 50% for 12 weeks, especially when the initial moisture content was 16%. The total bacteria decreased by 3.5-3.9 Log CFU/g during storage at three RHs, but mold and yeast increased rapidly at RH 90%

    Utilization of Technology in Donuts Business

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    One of the purpose of community service activities is to help partner to find solutions for the problems on running their businesses. Partner was found lack of knowledge for the basic principles of food safety, which the daily donuts production’s tools are very simple and with conditions that are not safe on food processing, not familiar with online marketing and the lack of utilization of the remaining egg whites from the donuts production. The methods that used in this activity are an approach to partner, designing and making equipment to assist the production process such as proofing cabinet and deep fryer machine, providing knowledge about how importance of hygiene and sanitation of tools in producing food, training of baking egg white-based sponge cake and training of making instagram. With those activities, it expected to grow the understanding and knowledge of partner so they can compete with other businesses running in the same field

    Simple Composting House for Production of Cassava Skin Compost and Cow Manure at Pendawa 1 Farmers Group in Candi Rejo Village

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    There are cassava farmers in Pendawa 1 Farmer Group located in Candi Rejo Village, Sibiru-biru District, Deli Serdang Regency. The resulting cassava is usually processed by women into Opak crackers (chips from flour with cassava). In the process of making Opak, it will produce cassava peel waste. The farmers have never treated the cassava peel waste, besides that cow dung waste is also left piled up near the cow cage. The main factor that underlies the farmer's not to carry out waste treatment because they do not have a place or area to process the waste. Thus, this problem must be addressed immediately so that the farmer group can carry out circular agriculture in agriculture and animal husbandry. The purpose of this activity is to form or develop a group of farmers who are economically and socially independent, help create peace and comfort in community life and improve the skills of members of the Pendawa 1 Farmer Group in managing waste into compost. The result of this activity is to build a simple composting house with a special design measuring 6m x 4m as an area to process waste into compost

    The Utilization of Extracting Machine Technology at the Red Ginger Instant Business in Kwala Bekala Urban Village

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    Partner started a red ginger instant powder business during the covid-19 pandemic. Partner knowed the benefits of red ginger in increasing the body's immune power to prevent infection with the Corona virus. The service team found that partner produced red ginger instant powder manually using simple equipment. One of them was the process of extracting red ginger and other spices by squeezing the finely ground red ginger and other spices using a cloth. This made the production process ineffective and the amount of extraction results was not maximized. The manual extortion process using the cloth taked a long time and a large amount of human labor so that partner was constrained in making large quantities so that some orders are delayed. Therefore, partners had difficulty in carrying out the extraction process of red ginger, especially in large quantities. The solution offered by the service team was to utilize extracting machines according to partner needs and provide training in using red ginger extracting machines to partners. The result was that the partner became skilled at using the extracting machine in producing instant red ginger and trying to improve their business

    Chemical Characteristics and SEM Analysis of Compost from Cassava Peel Waste and Cow Manure: Production by Pendawa I Farmer Group, Candi Rejo Village

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    Cassava peel waste and cow dung in the Pendawa I Farmer Group, Candi Rejo Village, Sibiru-biru District, are managed into compost which can be reused for cultivated plants. However, it is necessary to analyze the chemical characteristics of the compost produced by good compost according to SNI 19-7030-2004. The purpose of this activity is to determine the chemical characteristics and SEM analysis of compost made from cassava skin waste and cow dung produced by the Pendawa I Farmer Group. carried out for 4 weeks. The materials used were 100 kg of cassava skin waste, 200 kg of cow dung, water, molasses, and enough EM4 as an activator. Parameters observed included compost pH, total N (%), total P2O5 (%), K2O (%), C-organic (%), CEC (me/100), compost moisture content (%), C/N ratio, and micronutrients which include Ca (%), Mg (%), Fe (%), Mn (%), Cu (ppm) and Zn (ppm). As well as SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) analysis with 2500x magnification. The results of compost analysis show that the final chemical characteristics of the compost have pH (6.50 : neutral), N-total (1.37% : very high), Total P2O5 (0.48% : very high), K2O (0.25% : high), C-organic ( 25.06% : very high), CEC (125.05 me/100 : very high), compost moisture content (20.15%), C/N ratio (18.29), Ca (0.10%), Mg (0.30%), Fe (0.97% ), Mn (0.09%), Cu (7.43 ppm) and Zn (46.64 ppm). Based on the results of laboratory analysis, the results of the chemical analysis of the compost are by following SNI 19-7030-2004 so that farmers in the Pendawa I Farmer Group can continue to produce the compost

    Fortification of milk-based yogurt with protein hydrolysates from brewers' spent grain: Evaluation on microstructural properties, lactic acid bacteria profile, lactic acid forming capability and its physical behavior

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    Current study aimed to evaluate the utilization of protein from brewers' spent grain (BSGP) on microstructural formation as well as rheological behavior, acidity and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) profile during the refrigerated storage. Three different BSGPs were provided including BSGP-C (extracted without enzymatic hydrolysis), BSGP-P (with protease), and BSGP-PF (with protease co-incubated with flavourzyme). The results demonstrated that BSGPs improved lactic acid forming capability in yogurt production to a higher level than milk-protein based enrichment. BSGPs improved the growth and survival of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), particularly BSGP-P in improving the survival rate of L. bulgaricus. Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed that BSGP-P generated a denser, softer and more homogenous surface appearance as well as showed the tendency to form more compact networks; had a weaker initial gel forming, increased and preserved the consistency of the yogurt during the storage. In conclusion, BSGPs in yogurt improved and preserved the textural properties, consistency, acidity and lactic acid bacteria

    Determination of the Best Quality of Sappan Bark Kombucha Drink Based on Its Sensory Characteristic

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    Kombucha secang is a fermented drink of Acetobacter xylinum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the addition of sappan bark. The purpose is to get the best quality of kombucha secang drink based on sensory characteristics with differences in the amount of sugar and fermentation time. The research was conducted using a factorial completely randomized design method. The factors were the addition of sugar concentration (G = 10%, 20% and 30%) and the fermentation time (F = 4, 7, 10 and 13 days). The parameters observed were raw material characteristics, sensory tests in the form of color, aroma, taste, viscosity, general acceptance, and the best drink quality with further tests of antioxidant activity, alcohol content, and total plate number. The best quality characteristic of the kombucha secang drink was the addition of 20% sugar concentration and 10 days of fermentation time with antioxidant activity IC50 of 31.9744 ppm, the alcohol content of 0.1967%, and total plate count (TPC) of 7.6 x 105 CFU/ml

    Empowerment of Farmer Group in Bioconversion of Organic Waste Management with Utilization of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Become Organic Fertilizer “Kasgot”

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    The amount of organic waste in the form of cow, poultry, goat manure, and fruit and vegetable waste that is no longer suitable for consumption has the opportunity to be reprocessed into a product that can be reused in Sidomulyo Village. The lack of awareness and knowledge of the farmer group community to process organic waste is one of the factors causing the accumulation of organic waste so that it becomes useless and can pollute the environment. In addition, organic waste processing can also be used as a way to promote zero waste in the village environment. One of the innovations that can be applied and utilized by farmers in processing organic waste and producing organic fertilizer with the best quality is bioconversion by utilizing maggot or larvae from BSF (Black Soilder Fly) flies which are able to decompose organic waste in a fairly short time because maggots are animals. greedy in consuming their feed (organic waste). The purpose of this activity is to assist farmers in processing organic waste. This activity resulted in product innovation in the form of cassava fertilizer which can be reused by farmers as organic fertilizer and can be used as animal feed