11 research outputs found


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    Changes in land use are one of the factors that affect the decline in soil physical properties. The occurs due to differences in vegetation characteristics, canopy density, and thickness of the canopy cover. This study tries to make an effort to explore the physical nature of the soil in several land use, with different slopes of the land. The research location is in Kurun District, Gunung Mas Regency. The study started from May to November 2020. The results showed that land use affected the physical properties of the soil on the land. The physical properties of soil in forests are better than plantations that have lower levels of organic matter, higher content weight, lesser percent clay, higher percent dust which makes the soil more easily eroded. Keywords: Land use, slope, soil physical properties

    Strategi Pengembangan Komoditas Unggulan di Kelurahan Banturung Kecamatan Bukit Batu Kota Palangka Raya

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    Banturung village, located in Bukit Batu Subdistrict, Palangka Raya city, is known with its considerable agricultural products, especially in horticultural crops subsector. The superior horticultural crops commodities, however, needs more attention since input side of production process is still experiencing problems for further development. Hence formulating strategy for its development is a nessecity. This study aims to identify leading commodities and to formulate development strategy for such commodity in the village. A LQ analysis and farmers' preferences were used to determine the superior crops, while SWOT analysis was applied to formulete development strategy for the superior one. The results showed top four commodity were beans (LQ = 8.26), long beans (LQ = 2.75), onions red (LQ = 2.06), and eggplant (LQ = 1.84). The strategies could be took for their development are: 1) increasing cooperation/partnership between farmer institutions and private or government parties, 2) increasing the carrying capacity of infra-structure and facilities, 3) optimizing capital assistance from government as stimulant for processing innovation, mar-keting, and dissemination of products, and 4) providing information and data to support marketing inquiry

    Implementasi Model PjBL terhadap Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Sikap Ilmiah Siswa Kelas VIII SMP

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    It has been observed that the level of science process skills and students' scientific attitudes, to seome extent, has not been formed, so the learning activity process has been running in slow motion. This study aims to examine the impact of project based learning (PjBL model) on the improvement of students‘ science process skills (KPS) and scientific attitudes, especially on plant tissue lesson. A pretest-posttest research design was applied to two classes of 8th grade students of SMPN 9 Palangka Raya, namely class VIIIA as the treated group, and while VIIIb as the control class using conventional learning models. The instruments used were lesson plans, science process skills observation sheets, scientific attitude questionnaires, and a number of test questions for testing. The results show that PjBL can improve science process skills with an N-gain of 0.70 in treated group, which is classified as high category, and N-gain of 0.48 in the control class which is in the moderate category. The PjBL implementation does not improve scientific attitudes because the N-gain value is 0.58 in the experimental class, quite similar to 0.32 point in the control class; both fall on moderate category

    Implementasi electronic learning material (ELEMA) berbasis student-centered learning mata kuliah zoologi invertebrata

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah: (1) Menganalisis peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa melalui implementasi ELEMA berbasis student-centered learning dan (2) Menganalisis respon mahasiswa terhadap implementasi ELEMA berbasis student-centered learning pada mata kuliah Zoologi Invertebrata. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa aktif semester 3 (tiga) Program Studi Pendidikan Bologi FKIP Universitas Palangka Raya yang memprogramkan mata kuliah Zoologi Invertebrata. Data keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan rumus n-gain. Data diolah menggunakan program Microsoft Excel 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan ELEMA pada mata kuliah Zoologi Invertebrata meningkat dengan rerata gain sebesar 0,71 dalam kategori Tinggi. Respon mahasiswa terhadap implementasi ELEMA dalam perkuliahan Zoologi Invertebrata menunjukkan rata-rata perolehan skor 86,5 yang menunjukkan respon sangat baik


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    The management of domestic liquid waste disposal in Palangka Raya City which has not been carried out properly and flowed directly to the drainage has resulted in the flow becoming polluted. The polluted drainage around the Sakan - Mendawai road will have an impact on the water quality of the Kahayan River because it is directly connected to the drainage estuary without prior management. The decline in water quality will of course also have an impact on the quality of the health of the surrounding community who use water from the stream. This research was conducted to determine the quality of domestic wastewater in the drainage flow and how it relates to the water quality of the Kahayan River and the quality of public health around the City of Palangka Raya. The research method was carried out by testing the quality of wastewater and water quality of the Kahayan River. The test parameters consisted of pH, BOD, COD, TSS, Oil-Fat, Ammonia and total Coliform. The test results are compared with the applicable quality standards, and further analysis is carried out. The results showed that the domestic wastewater discharged from the drainage stream could not be channeled directly into the Kahayan River without any management because the BOD, COD, TSS and Ammonia parameters had exceeded the threshold for domestic wastewater quality standards. In terms of public health quality, poor water quality has the potential to become a breeding ground for disease germs that can infect the people who live nearby

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ampas Kopi Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil tanaman Caisim (Brassica chinensis L.) Pada tanah Spodosol: The Effect Of Giving Coffee Grounds On Growth And Yield Of Caisim Plants (Brassica Chinensis L.) In Spodosol Soil

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the real effect of coffee grounds on the growth and yield of caisim (Brassica chinensis L.) and to determine the appropriate dose of coffee grounds to increase the growth and maximum yield of caisim (Brassica chinensis L.). This research was conducted from April 2022 to May 2022 at the Peat Techno Park (PTP) University of Palangka Raya. This study used an environmental design, namely Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were Control (P0), 20 g (P1), 40 g (P2), 60 g (P3), 80 (P4). The parameters used in this study were plant height, number of leaves, year width, crown weight and root weight. From the observations obtained, it was analyzed to determine the real effect of the treatment using analysis of variance (F test) at the level of α = 5% and 1%. Data analysis will be continued with the Least Significant Difference Test (LSD) at α = 5% to determine the significant difference between treatment levels. The treatment of coffee grounds significantly affected the height, number of leaves, leaf area, top crown weight and root weight of caisim plants. Giving 20 g of coffee grounds gave optimum results on the growth and yield of caisim plants

    Kajian Penerapan GHP (Good Handling Practices) dan GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) Padi Terhadap Mutu Beras di Lokasi Penggilingan Padi Kawasan Food Estate Kabupaten Pulang Pisau

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    Beras merupakan bahan makanan pokok bagi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Seiring meningkatnya populasi penduduk, kebutuhan beras turut meningkat. Salah satu bentuk pemenuhan aspek kuantitas adalah peningkatan produksi di kawasan sentra padi sekaligus peningkatan mutu beras. Permasalahan mutu beras di antaranya adalah penerapan GHP (Good Handling Practices) dan  GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) di lokasi penggilingan padi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji mutu beras yang dihasilkan penggilingan padi dan mengevaluasi tingkat kesesuaian penerapan GHP dan GMP di kawasan Food Estate kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif (pengujian mutu beras) dan metode deskriptif (observasi penerapan GHP dan GMP di lokasi penggilingan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mutu beras dipengaruhi penggilingan dan tingkat kesesuaian penerapan GHP dan GMP. Persentase butir kepala pada penggilingan padi kecil, sedang dan besar berturut-turut: 61.09%; 59.03%; 71.53 % dan cenderung meningkat  antara PPK dan PPB. Namun mutu beras tidak memenuhi (TM) kriteria mutu SNI 6128:2020. Tingkat kesesuaian penerapan GHP pada penggilingan padi kecil, sedang dan besar berturut-turut:55.56%; 61.11%; 88.89%. Sedangkan penerapan GMP berturut-turut: 41.03%; 71.79%; 87.18%. Penggilingan padi belum sepenuhnya menerapkan acuan mutu GHP dan GMP secara optimal

    Effectiveness of Reducing P Fertilizer and Adding Fish Pond Mud Waste on Growth and Yield of Soybean in Peatland

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    The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of P fertilizer reduction and the addition of fish pond sludge waste on the growth and yield of soybean crop in peatland. Research used Complete Randomized Design factorial with two factors. The first factor was the reduction of P fertilizer from the dose of 150 kg.ha-1 consisting of 4 levels, namely P0: 100% (2.944 g/polybag), P1: 75% (2.208 g/polybag), P2: 50% (1.472 g/polybag), and P3: 25% (0.736 g/polybag). The second factor was the addition of fish pond mud waste (L) from the dose of 15 ton.ha-1 consisting of 4 levels, namely L0: 25% (73.595 g/polybag), L1: 50% (147.19 g/polybag), L2: 75% (220.78 g/polybag), and L3: 100% (294.38 g/polybag). Each treatment combination was replicated 3 times to obtain 48 experimental units. The results showed that (1) fish pond mud waste was effective to reduce the use of P fertilizer, (2) the reduction of P fertilizer up to 50% from recommendation dosage by addition of fish pond sludge waste at 75% dose of 15 ton/ha was the best combination due to providing the best plant growth and the highest P concentration of plant tissue. The highest number of pods and weight of seed obtained in the combination were 60.33 pods/plant and 7.30 g/plant, respectively

    Implementasi Model PjBL terhadap Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Sikap Ilmiah Siswa Kelas VIII SMP

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    It has been observed that the level of science process skills and students' scientific attitudes, to seome extent, has not been formed, so the learning activity process has been running in slow motion. This study aims to examine the impact of project based learning (PjBL model) on the improvement of students‘ science process skills (KPS) and scientific attitudes, especially on plant tissue lesson. A pretest-posttest research design was applied to two classes of 8th grade students of SMPN 9 Palangka Raya, namely class VIIIA as the treated group, and while VIIIb as the control class using conventional learning models. The instruments used were lesson plans, science process skills observation sheets, scientific attitude questionnaires, and a number of test questions for testing. The results show that PjBL can improve science process skills with an N-gain of 0.70 in treated group, which is classified as high category, and N-gain of 0.48 in the control class which is in the moderate category. The PjBL implementation does not improve scientific attitudes because the N-gain value is 0.58 in the experimental class, quite similar to 0.32 point in the control class; both fall on moderate category