24 research outputs found

    Influence of Demographics on Use and Understanding of Urban Green Spaces in Los Angeles, CA

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    Urban ecology is the study of how humans interact with their built surroundings, particularly in cities, which are densely populated and have significantly altered natural environments. Urban green spaces are vital areas that support community health and environmental benefits. In this study, residents from Inglewood, Santa Monica, and Culver City, California were surveyed to determine how demographics affect their use and understanding of green spaces in their neighborhood. Data was collected from 98 individuals at parks, libraries, and farmers’ markets to best represent each city’s known demographics. Statistical analysis was done to determine the differences between these cities and the measured demographic variables of gender, race or ethnicity, income, and agehttps://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/cures_posters/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Social and Biological Interactions of the Culver City Rain Garden

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    As climate change progresses, cities are looking for sustainable strategies to address its impacts. Urban ecology has emerged in recent decades as a field that looks at how humans interact with their environment (Pickett et al, 2008), marking a shift towards viewing cities as social-ecological systems versus seeing a city as a closed ecosystem (Wu, 2014). Urban greening projects are increasingly relevant as cities reconsider planning and development to accommodate climate change impacts as well as citizens’ needs. Cities are both a primary cause of environment degradation and a source of innovative solutions (Urban Ecology History); specifically, Los Angeles has been growing its urban ecology programs since April, 2015 (Sustainable City pLAn). Urban greening projects form a city’s “green infrastructure,” and not only provide environmental benefits, such as temperature decreases, but are positively linked to community building and civic engagement, as well (Bowler et al, 2010, Westphal, 2003, Beatley, 2011). Therefore, urban green spaces provide the opportunity for local social cohesion, while simultaneously addressing a global phenomenon. While there are many forms of green infrastructure, this study looked at the Ballona Creek rain garden. Rain gardens help neighborhoods with storm water runoff, biodiversity, and groundwater recharge, as well as direct citizen engagement and education (Church, 2014). Therefore, the goal of this study was to analyze the perceptions and knowledge of residents surrounding the Ballona Creek rain garden to see if there are correlations between green spaces and wellbeinghttps://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/cures_posters/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Analyzing the Impact of Demographics on Resident Use and Understanding of Urban Green Spaces

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    Urban ecology is the study of how humans interact with their built surroundings, particularly in cities, which have high population densities and significantly altered natural environments. A subset of this field looks specifically at urban green spaces, which are vital areas for community health and environmental benefits. In this study, residents from Inglewood, Santa Monica, and Culver City, California were surveyed to determine how demographics affect their use and understanding of green spaces in their neighborhood. Data was collected from 98 individuals over the three cities at parks, libraries, and farmers’ markets to best represent the city’s known demographics. Statistical analysis was done to determine the differences between these cities and the measured demographic variables of gender, race or ethnicity, income, and age. No statistical difference was found between the various demographics, city, or survey location. However, some trends were present that suggest that there may be some differences between the three cities

    Tartu linna lasteaiaõpetajate mälestused oma lapsepõlve mängudest

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    Õigekirjaoskused 2. klassis: seosed eeloskuste ja eripedagoogilise sekkumisega

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    Õpetaja hinnangud õpilaste õigekirjaoskusele: seosed laste soorituse ja tugiõppes osalemisega

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    Analyzing Public Opinion of the Silver Lake Reservoir

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    Silver Lake, California is a diverse residential neighborhood located five miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles, with a population of approximately32,890 people. Silver Lake was built around its local reservoir, the facilities of which provide habitat for wildlife, recreational opportunities, and aesthetic, social, and wellness benefits for visitors. Presumably, the reservoir also mitigates the urban heat island effect. Since the reservoir was recently refilled with water, the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council (SLNC) plans to update the reservoir management plan, informed by public input and assessment. A team of CUResresearchers surveyed 249 citizens in person around the Silver Lake neighborhood to gather public opinion on the reservoir’s facilities, including possible improvements in water accessibility, educational opportunities, and infrastructure. This same survey was also voluntarily taken online by 1014 people. This study serves to analyze the results of the survey to conclude the main concerns of Silver Lake residents and visitors. A majority of the surveyed subjects proved to be informed about the environmental and ecological effects of the reservoir. The majority also showed certain interest and concern for public accessibility, increased traffic, and improved facilities. Acknowledgment of both societal and ecological benefits of the reservoir substantiates a diverse array of public recommendations. The collected information is hoped to play a major role in the continued development of the reservoir management plan, the outcomes of which have potential to bolster the Silver Lake reservoir as a vital, dynamic green space serving both citizens and local flora and fauna.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/cures_posters/1031/thumbnail.jp

    Ekspertsus spordis ning selle avaldumist ja väljakujunemist mõjutavad tegurid

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    Hummingbirds are beautiful, acrobatic and mysterious synanthropes in urban ecosystems, providing important benefits to humans such as pollination, insectivory, and biophilia. However, environmental factors that affect behaviors that lead to such services are largely unknown, and could be altered by urbanization and climate change. Though their extremely high metabolism can make detailed observations of hummingbird behavior difficult, simple and low-cost methodologies, such as remote monitoring equipment deployed at feeders and nests, allow students at all levels of education to closely observe hummingbirds directly from their school sites. The Center for Urban Resilience (CURes) and the Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL) at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) have partnered, to implement CURes urban ecology curricula Urban EcoLab in various Los Angeles area schools and classrooms. With support from the Daniel and Susan Gottlieb Foundation, internet protocol (IP) cameras have been installed as a key element in the curriculum that will allow participation in world wide hummingbird research in the classroom. Beyond enriching the understanding of how animals thrive in urban environments, we propose to develop a model that will facilitate the investigation of complex scientific questions through collaboration with citizen science and integration of the Urban EcoLab curricula into primary and secondary-level public school curricula.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/cures_posters/1022/thumbnail.jp