4,914 research outputs found

    Some approximation properties of Szasz–Mirakyan–Bernstein operators of the Chlodovsky type

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    We motivate a new sequence of positive linear operators by means of the Chlodovsky-type Szasz–Mirakyan–Bernstein operators and investigate some approximation properties of these operators in the space of continuous functions defined on the right semiaxis. We also find the order of this approximation by using the modulus of continuity and present the Voronovskaya-type theorem.Метою даної статті є обґрунтування нової послідовності додатних лінійних onepaTopiB за допомогою onepaTopiB Сaсa-Мiрaкянa-Бернштейнa типу Хлодовського та дослідження деяких апроксимаційних властивостей цих операторів у просторі неперервних функцій, заданих на правій півосі. Крім того, встановлено порядок таких наближень за допомогою модуля неперервності та наведено теорему типу Вороновської

    New q-Euler numbers and polynomials associated with p-adic q-integrals

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    In this paper we study q-Euler numbers and polynomials by using p-adic q-fermionic integrals on Z_p. The methods to study q-Euler numbers and polynomials in this paper are new.Comment: 13 page

    N(1535)NN^*(1535) \rightarrow N transition form-factors due to the axial current

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    The form-factors for the transition N(1535)N N^*(1535)\to N induced by isovector and isoscalar axial currents within the framework of light-cone QCD sum rules by using the most general form of the interpolating current are calculated. In numerical calculations, we use two sets of values of input parameters. It is observed that the Q2 Q^2 dependence of the form-factor GA G_A can be described by the dipole form. Moreover, the form-factors GP(S) G_P^{(S)} are found to be highly sensitive to the variations in the auxiliary parameter β \beta

    A note on the values of the weighted q-Bernstein polynomials and modified q-Genocchi numbers with weight alpha and beta via the p-adic q-integral on Zp

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    The rapid development of q-calculus has led to the discovery of new generalizations of Bernstein polynomials and Genocchi polynomials involving q-integers. The present paper deals with weighted q-Bernstein polynomials and q-Genocchi numbers with weight alpha and beta. We apply the method of generating function and p-adic q-integral representation on Zp, which are exploited to derive further classes of Bernstein polynomials and q-Genocchi numbers and polynomials. To be more precise we summarize our results as follows, we obtain some combinatorial relations between q-Genocchi numbers and polynomials with weight alpha and beta. Furthermore, we derive an integral representation of weighted q-Bernstein polynomials of degree n on Zp. Also we deduce a fermionic p-adic q-integral representation of product weighted q-Bernstein polynomials of different degrees n1,n2,...on Zp and show that it can be written with q-Genocchi numbers with weight alpha and beta which yields a deeper insight into the effectiveness of this type of generalizations. Our new generating function possess a number of interesting properties which we state in this paper.Comment: 10 page

    Interpolation function of the genocchi type polynomials

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    The main purpose of this paper is to construct not only generating functions of the new approach Genocchi type numbers and polynomials but also interpolation function of these numbers and polynomials which are related to a, b, c arbitrary positive real parameters. We prove multiplication theorem of these polynomials. Furthermore, we give some identities and applications associated with these numbers, polynomials and their interpolation functions.Comment: 14 page

    The effects of different irrigation regimes on yield and silage quality of corn under semi-arid conditions

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different quantities of drip irrigation water on the corn yield and silage quality under semi-arid conditions. The seasonal evapotranspiration (ETc) for the different irrigation regimes varied from 434 to 947 mm in 2004 and from 468 to 1003 mm in 2005 for total irrigation periods of 108 and 113 days, respectively. Combining data from both years, the relative evapotranspiration deficit (1−ETa/ETm) for different regimes was 19 to 54% in corn compared to the maximum seasonal ETc when water was not limited in the (I100) regime. During the course of both years, irrigation had an apparent effect on the total fresh silage yield (FSY), with yields increasing steadily from water stress to fully irrigated conditions, while silage yields increased linearly with the total depth of irrigation water applied between planting and harvest. Combining data from both years showed that the FSY was 35.0, 53.6, 83.3 and 88.9 t ha-1 for I25, I50, I75 and I100, respectively. Moreover, the largest FSY recorded amongst these experiments at maximum seasonal yield in single treatment was 89.1 t ha-1 in 2004 and 88.7 t ha-1 in 2005. The water content decreased considerably in all but FSY, while the dry matters yield (DMY), organic matter (OM), acid detergent fiber yield (ADFY) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) increased. Furthermore, the study substantiated that the highest yield and silage quality were obtained at the full (I100) irrigation regime.Key words: Silage, deficit irrigation, yield, silage quality