629 research outputs found

    A mass spectrometric strategy for absolute quantification of Plasmodium falciparum proteins of low abundance

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    Selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry has been combined with the use of an isotopically labelled synthetic protein, made up of proteotypic tryptic peptides selected from parasite proteins of interest. This allows, for the first time, absolute quantification of proteins from Plasmodium falciparum. This methodology is demonstrated to be of sufficient sensitivity to quantify, even within whole cell extracts, proteins of low abundance from the folate pathway as well as more abundant "housekeeping" proteins

    The use of selected reaction monitoring in quantitative proteomics

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    Selected reaction monitoring (SRM) has a long history of use in the area of quantitative MS. In recent years, the approach has seen increased application to quantitative proteomics, facilitating multiplexed relative and absolute quantification studies in a variety of organisms. This article discusses SRM, after introducing the context of quantitative proteomics (specifically primarily absolute quantification) where it finds most application, and considers topics such as the theory and advantages of SRM, the selection of peptide surrogates for protein quantification, the design of optimal SRM co-ordinates and the handling of SRM data. A number of published studies are also discussed to demonstrate the impact that SRM has had on the field of quantitative proteomics. </jats:p

    Development of N/P AlGaAs free-standing top solar cells for tandem applications

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    The combination of a free standing AlGaAs top solar cell and an existing bottom solar cell is the highest performance, lowest risk approach to implementing the tandem cell concept. The solar cell consists of an AlGaAs substrate layer, an AlGaAs base layer, an AlGaAs emitter, and an ultra-thin AlGaAs window layer. The window layer is compositionally graded which minimizes reflection at the window layer/emitter interface and creates a built-in electric field to improve quantum response in the blue region of the spectrum. Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) is the only viable method to produce this free standing top solar cell. Small (0.125 sq cm), transparent p/n AlGaAs top solar cells were demonstrated with optimum bandgap for combination with a silicon bottom solar cell. The efficiency of an AlGaAs/Si stack using the free standing AlGaAs device upon an existing silicon bottom solar cell is 24 pct. (1X, Air Mass Zero (AM0). The n/p AlGaAs top solar cell is being developed in order to facilitate the wiring configuration. The two terminal tandem stack will retain fit, form, and function of existing silicon solar cells. Progress in the development of large area (8 and 16 sq cm), free standing AlGaAs top solar cells is discussed

    High efficiency GaP power conversion for Betavoltaic applications

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    AstroPower is developing a gallium phosphide (GaP) based energy converter optimized for radio luminescent light-based power supplies. A 'two-step' or 'indirect' process is used where a phosphor is excited by radioactive decay products to produce light that is then converted to electricity by a photovoltaic energy converter. This indirect conversion of beta-radiation to electrical energy can be realized by applying recent developments in tritium based radio luminescent (RL) light sources in combination with the high conversion efficiencies that can be achieved under low illumination with low leakage, gallium phosphide based devices. This tritium to light approach is inherently safer than battery designs that incorporate high activity radionuclides because the beta particles emitted by tritium are of low average energy and are easily stopped by a thin layer of glass. GaP layers were grown by liquid phase epitaxy and p/n junction devices were fabricated and characterized for low light intensity power conversion. AstroPower has demonstrated the feasibility of the GaP based energy converter with the following key results: 23.54 percent conversion efficiency under 968 muW/sq cm 440 nm blue light, 14.59 percent conversion efficiency for 2.85 muW/sq cm 440 nm blue light, and fabrication of working 5 V array. We have also determined that at least 20 muW/sq cm optical power is available for betavoltaic power systems. Successful developments of this device is an enabling technology for low volume, safe, high voltage, milliwatt power supplies with service lifetimes in excess of 12 years

    Dynamic subcellular localization of isoforms of the folate pathway enzyme serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) through the erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium falciparum

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The folate pathway enzyme serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) converts serine to glycine and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate and is essential for the acquisition of one-carbon units for subsequent transfer reactions. 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate is used by thymidylate synthase to convert dUMP to dTMP for DNA synthesis. In <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>an enzymatically functional SHMT (PfSHMTc) and a related, apparently inactive isoform (PfSHMTm) are found, encoded by different genes. Here, patterns of localization of the two isoforms during the parasite erythrocytic cycle are investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Polyclonal antibodies were raised to PfSHMTc and PfSHMTm, and, together with specific markers for the mitochondrion and apicoplast, were employed in quantitative confocal fluorescence microscopy of blood-stage parasites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As well as the expected cytoplasmic occupancy of PfSHMTc during all stages, localization into the mitochondrion and apicoplast occurred in a stage-specific manner. Although early trophozoites lacked visible organellar PfSHMTc, a significant percentage of parasites showed such fluorescence during the mid-to-late trophozoite and schizont stages. In the case of the mitochondrion, the majority of parasites in these stages at any given time showed no marked PfSHMTc fluorescence, suggesting that its occupancy of this organelle is of limited duration. PfSHMTm showed a distinctly more pronounced mitochondrial location through most of the erythrocytic cycle and GFP-tagging of its N-terminal region confirmed the predicted presence of a mitochondrial signal sequence. Within the apicoplast, a majority of mitotic schizonts showed a marked concentration of PfSHMTc, whose localization in this organelle was less restricted than for the mitochondrion and persisted from the late trophozoite to the post-mitotic stages. PfSHMTm showed a broadly similar distribution across the cycle, but with a distinctive punctate accumulation towards the ends of elongating apicoplasts. In very late post-mitotic schizonts, both PfSHMTc and PfSHMTm were concentrated in the central region of the parasite that becomes the residual body on erythrocyte lysis and merozoite release.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both PfSHMTc and PfSHMTm show dynamic, stage-dependent localization among the different compartments of the parasite and sequence analysis suggests they may also reversibly associate with each other, a factor that may be critical to folate cofactor function, given the apparent lack of enzymic activity of PfSHMTm.</p

    Identification and isolation of antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes with an automated microraft sorting system

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    The simultaneous measurement of T cell function with recovery of individual T cells would greatly facilitate characterizing antigen-specific responses both in vivo and in model systems

    Coaxial Flow System for Chemical Cytometry

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    Over the past decade, chemical cytometry performed by capillary electrophoresis (CE) has become increasingly valuable as a bio-analytical tool to quantify analytes from single cells. However, extensive use of CE-based chemical cytometry has been hindered by the relatively low throughput for the analysis of single adherent cells. In order to overcome the low throughput of CE-based analysis of adherent cells and increase its utility in evaluating cellular attributes, new higher throughput methods are needed. Integration of a coaxial buffer exchange system with CE-based chemical cytometry increased the rate of serial analyses of cells. In the designed system, fluid flow through a tube coaxial to the separation capillary was used to supply electrophoretic buffer to the capillary. This sheath or coaxial fluid was turned off between analysis of cells and on during cell sampling and electrophoresis. Thus, living cells were not exposed to the nonphysiologic electrophoretic buffer prior to lysis. Key parameters of the system such as the relative capillary-sheath positions, buffer flow velocities, and the cell chamber design were optimized. To demonstrate the utility of the system, rat basophilic leukemic cells loaded with Oregon Green and fluorescein were serially lysed and loaded into a capillary. Separation of the contents of 20 cells at a rate of 0.5 cells/min was demonstrated

    Fast-lysis cell traps for chemical cytometry

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    Electrically addressable cell traps were integrated with capillary electrophoresis for the analysis of the contents of single adherent cells. Electrodes composed of indium tin oxide were patterned on a glass surface followed by formation of topographical cell traps using 1002F photoresist. Single cells trapped in the holes could be lysed in less than 66 ms by applying a brief electric field (10 ms) across the electrode beneath the cell and the ground electrode placed in the aqueous media above the cell traps. The gas formed during cell lysis remained localized within the cavity formed by the 1002F photoresist. The retention of the gas in the cell trap enabled the cell traps to be coupled to an overlying capillary without blockage of the capillary. Single cells cultured in the traps were loaded with fluorescein and Oregon Green and then electrically lysed. By simultaneous application of an electric field to the capillary, the cell’s contents were loaded into the capillary and electrophoretically separated. Orgeon Green and fluorescein from a single cell were fully resolved in less than two minutes. The use of a single patterned electrode beneath the 1002F cell trap yielded a simple easily fabricated design that was robust when immersed in aqueous solutions. Moreover, the design can easily be scaled up to create arrays of adherent cells for serial analyses using a single capillary or for parallel analysis by mating to an array of capillaries. Enhancing the rate of analysis of single adherent cells would enable a greater understanding of cellular physiology

    Direct and Absolute Quantification of over 1800 Yeast Proteins via Selected Reaction Monitoring

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    Defining intracellular protein concentration is critical in molecular systems biology. Although strategies for determining relative protein changes are available, defining robust absolute values in copies per cell has proven significantly more challenging. Here we present a reference data set quantifying over 1800 Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins by direct means using protein-specific stable-isotope labeled internal standards and selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mass spectrometry, far exceeding any previous study. This was achieved by careful design of over 100 QconCAT recombinant proteins as standards, defining 1167 proteins in terms of copies per cell and upper limits on a further 668, with robust CVs routinely less than 20%. The selected reaction monitoring-derived proteome is compared with existing quantitative data sets, highlighting the disparities between methodologies. Coupled with a quantification of the transcriptome by RNA-seq taken from the same cells, these data support revised estimates of several fundamental molecular parameters: a total protein count of ∼100 million molecules-per-cell, a median of ∼1000 proteins-per-transcript, and a linear model of protein translation explaining 70% of the variance in translation rate. This work contributes a “gold-standard” reference yeast proteome (including 532 values based on high quality, dual peptide quantification) that can be widely used in systems models and for other comparative studies. Reliable and accurate quantification of the proteins present in a cell or tissue remains a major challenge for post-genome scientists. Proteins are the primary functional molecules in biological systems and knowledge of their abundance and dynamics is an important prerequisite to a complete understanding of natural physiological processes, or dysfunction in disease. Accordingly, much effort has been spent in the development of reliable, accurate and sensitive techniques to quantify the cellular proteome, the complement of proteins expressed at a given time under defined conditions (1). Moreover, the ability to model a biological system and thus characterize it in kinetic terms, requires that protein concentrations be defined in absolute numbers (2, 3). Given the high demand for accurate quantitative proteome data sets, there has been a continual drive to develop methodology to accomplish this, typically using mass spectrometry (MS) as the analytical platform. Many recent studies have highlighted the capabilities of MS to provide good coverage of the proteome at high sensitivity often using yeast as a demonstrator system (4⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓–10), suggesting that quantitative proteomics has now “come of age” (1). However, given that MS is not inherently quantitative, most of the approaches produce relative quantitation and do not typically measure the absolute concentrations of individual molecular species by direct means. For the yeast proteome, epitope tagging studies using green fluorescent protein or tandem affinity purification tags provides an alternative to MS. Here, collections of modified strains are generated that incorporate a detectable, and therefore quantifiable, tag that supports immunoblotting or fluorescence techniques (11, 12). However, such strategies for copies per cell (cpc) quantification rely on genetic manipulation of the host organism and hence do not quantify endogenous, unmodified protein. Similarly, the tagging can alter protein levels - in some instances hindering protein expression completely (11). Even so, epitope tagging methods have been of value to the community, yielding high coverage quantitative data sets for the majority of the yeast proteome (11, 12). MS-based methods do not rely on such nonendogenous labels, and can reach genome-wide levels of coverage. Accurate estimation of absolute concentrations i.e. protein copy number per cell, also usually necessitates the use of (one or more) external or internal standards from which to derive absolute abundance (4). Examples include a comprehensive quantification of the Leptospira interrogans proteome that used a 19 protein subset quantified using selected reaction monitoring (SRM)1 to calibrate their label-free data (8, 13). It is worth noting that epitope tagging methods, although also absolute, rely on a very limited set of standards for the quantitative western blots and necessitate incorporation of a suitable immunogenic tag (11). Other recent, innovative approaches exploiting total ion signal and internal scaling to estimate protein cellular abundance (10, 14), avoid the use of internal standards, though they do rely on targeted proteomic data to validate their approach. The use of targeted SRM strategies to derive proteomic calibration standards highlights its advantages in comparison to label-free in terms of accuracy, precision, dynamic range and limit of detection and has gained currency for its reliability and sensitivity (3, 15⇓–17). Indeed, SRM is often referred to as the “gold standard proteomic quantification method,” being particularly well-suited when the proteins to be quantified are known, when appropriate surrogate peptides for protein quantification can be selected a priori, and matched with stable isotope-labeled (SIL) standards (18⇓–20). In combination with SIL peptide standards that can be generated through a variety of means (3, 15), SRM can be used to quantify low copy number proteins, reaching down to ∼50 cpc in yeast (5). However, although SRM methodology has been used extensively for S. cerevisiae protein quantification by us and others (19, 21, 22), it has not been used for large protein cohorts because of the requirement to generate the large numbers of attendant SIL peptide standards; the largest published data set is only for a few tens of proteins. It remains a challenge therefore to robustly quantify an entire eukaryotic proteome in absolute terms by direct means using targeted MS and this is the focus of our present study, the Census Of the Proteome of Yeast (CoPY). We present here direct and absolute quantification of nearly 2000 endogenous proteins from S. cerevisiae grown in steady state in a chemostat culture, using the SRM-based QconCAT approach. Although arguably not quantification of the entire proteome, this represents an accurate and rigorous collection of direct yeast protein quantifications, providing a gold-standard data set of endogenous protein levels for future reference and comparative studies. The highly reproducible SIL-SRM MS data, with robust CVs typically less than 20%, is compared with other extant data sets that were obtained via alternative analytical strategies. We also report a matched high quality transcriptome from the same cells using RNA-seq, which supports additional calculations including a refined estimate of the total protein content in yeast cells, and a simple linear model of translation explaining 70% of the variance between RNA and protein levels in yeast chemostat cultures. These analyses confirm the validity of our data and approach, which we believe represents a state-of-the-art absolute quantification compendium of a significant proportion of a model eukaryotic proteome