
Development of N/P AlGaAs free-standing top solar cells for tandem applications


The combination of a free standing AlGaAs top solar cell and an existing bottom solar cell is the highest performance, lowest risk approach to implementing the tandem cell concept. The solar cell consists of an AlGaAs substrate layer, an AlGaAs base layer, an AlGaAs emitter, and an ultra-thin AlGaAs window layer. The window layer is compositionally graded which minimizes reflection at the window layer/emitter interface and creates a built-in electric field to improve quantum response in the blue region of the spectrum. Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) is the only viable method to produce this free standing top solar cell. Small (0.125 sq cm), transparent p/n AlGaAs top solar cells were demonstrated with optimum bandgap for combination with a silicon bottom solar cell. The efficiency of an AlGaAs/Si stack using the free standing AlGaAs device upon an existing silicon bottom solar cell is 24 pct. (1X, Air Mass Zero (AM0). The n/p AlGaAs top solar cell is being developed in order to facilitate the wiring configuration. The two terminal tandem stack will retain fit, form, and function of existing silicon solar cells. Progress in the development of large area (8 and 16 sq cm), free standing AlGaAs top solar cells is discussed

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