2,648 research outputs found

    Application of numerical methods to planetary radiowave scattering

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    Existing numerical techniques for the solution of scattering problems were investigated to determine those which might be applicable to planetary surface studies, with the goal of improving the interpretation of radar data from Venus, Mars, the Moon, and icy satellites. The general characteristics of the models are described along with computational concerns. In particular, the Numerical Electrogmatics Code (NEC) developed at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory is discussed. Though not developed for random rough surfaces, the NEC contains elements which may be generalized and which could be valuable in the study of scattering by planetary surfaces

    Novel reinforcement in a token economy system

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    This is the publisher's version, also found at http://sped.org

    New Technologies in Higher Education – ICT Skills or Digital Literacy?

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    AbstractThis study develops the argument that academic discourse may be seen as a feature of the discourse community within which it takes place. ‘Multiliteracies’, ‘Academic Literacies’, and ‘Digital Literacies’ with particular reference to EAP and Academic Discourse are considered. We argue for the inclusion of digital literacies within the EAP curriculum and specify the key components of the pedagogy of multiliteracies and attempt to locate them within the general field of EAP with relation to new technologies

    Medical Malpractice in North Carolina

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    Medical Malpractice in North Carolina

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    Improving the Phosphorus Efficiency of Temperate Australian Pastures

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    Phosphorus (P) is a key input necessary for high production in many temperate, grass-legume pasture systems in Australia because the pastures are situated on P-deficient and moderate to highly P-sorbing soils. A consequence of P-sorption in these soils is that much more P must be applied as fertiliser than will be exported in animal products. The P balance efficiency (PBE=100*Pexport/Pinputs) of grazing enterprises (e.g. wool, meat, milk and live animal export) is about 10-30% and compares poorly with some other agricultural enterprises (e.g. 45-54% for grain production; McLaughlin et al. 1992; Weaver and Wong 2011). P accumulates in these soils when they are fertilised as a result of phosphate reactions with Ca and/or Al and Fe oxides, and P incorporation into resistant organic materials (McLaughlin et al. 2011). Some P in grazed fields is also accumulated in animal camps. The net rate of P accumulation in soil (and in grazed fields as a whole) is related to the concentration of plant-available P in the soil. Operating grazing systems at lower plant-available P levels should help to slow P accumulation and result in more effective use of P fertiliser (Simpson et al. 2010; Simpson et al. 2011). Because the P requirement of grass-legume pastures is usually set by the high P requirements of the legume (Hill et al. 2005), we commenced a study to quantify the P requirements of a range of legumes to determine whether productive, lower P-input grazing systems can be developed. We are also screening subterranean clover, the most widely used pasture legume in temperate Australia, for root traits related to P efficiency. Here we report early findings from the establishment year of a field experiment to determine the P requirement of several alternative temperate legumes

    Regional disparities and seasonal differences in climate risk to rice labour.

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    The 880 million agricultural workers of the world are especially vulnerable to increasing heat stress due to climate change, affecting the health of individuals and reducing labour productivity. In this study, we focus on rice harvests across Asia and estimate the future impact on labour productivity by considering changes in climate at the time of the annual harvest. During these specific times of the year, heat stress is often high compared to the rest of the year. Examining climate simulations of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6), we identified that labour productivity metrics for the rice harvest, based on local wet-bulb globe temperature, are strongly correlated with global mean near-surface air temperature in the long term (p ≪ 0.01, R 2 > 0.98 in all models). Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C rather than 2.0 °C prevents a clear reduction in labour capacity of 1% across all Asia and 2% across Southeast Asia, affecting the livelihoods of around 100 million people. Due to differences in mechanization between and within countries, we find that rice labour is especially vulnerable in Indonesia, the Philippines, Bangladesh, and the Indian states of West Bengal and Kerala. Our results highlight the regional disparities and importance in considering seasonal differences in the estimation of the effect of climate change on labour productivity and occupational heat-stress

    Action Boundary Proximity Effects on Perceptual-Motor Judgments

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    INTRODUCTION: Designed as a more ecological measure of reaction times, the Perception-Action Coupling Task (PACT) has shown good reliability and within-subject stability. However, a lengthy testing period was required. Perceptual-motor judgments are known to be affected by proximity of the stimulus to the action boundary. The current study sought to determine the effects of action boundary proximity on PACT performance, and whether redundant levels of stimuli, eliciting similar responses, can be eliminated to shorten the PACT.METHODS: There were 9 men and 7 women who completed 4 testing sessions, consisting of 3 familiarization cycles and 6 testing cycles of the PACT. For the PACT, subjects made judgments on whether a series of balls presented on a tablet afford "posting" (can fit) through a series of apertures. There were 8 ratios of ball to aperture size (B-AR) presented, ranging from 0.2 to 1.8, with each ratio appearing 12 times (12 trials) per cycle. Reaction times and judgment accuracy were calculated, and averaged across all B-ARs. Ratios and individual trials within each B-AR were systematically eliminated. Variables were re-averaged, and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and coefficients of variation (CVTE) were calculated in an iterative manner.RESULTS: With elimination of the 0.2 and 1.8 B-ARs, the PACT showed good reliability (ICC = 0.81-0.99) and consistent within-subject stability (CVTE = 2.2-14.7%). Reliability (ICC = 0.81-0.97) and stability (CVTE = 2.6-15.6%) were unaffected with elimination of up to 8 trials from each B-AR.DISCUSSION: The shortened PACT resulted in an almost 50% reduction in total familiarization/testing time required, significantly increasing usability.Johnson CD, LaGoy AD, Pepping G-J, Eagle SR, Beethe AZ, Bower JL, Alfano CA, Simpson RJ, Connaboy C. Action boundary proximity effects on perceptual-motor judgments. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2019; 90(12):1000-1008
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