803 research outputs found

    Spectral matching for abundances of 848 stars of the giant branches of the globular cluster {\omega} Centauri

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    We present the effective temperatures, surface gravities and abundances of iron, carbon and barium of 848 giant branch stars, of which 557 also have well-defined nitrogen abundances, of the globular cluster {\omega} Centauri. This work used photometric sources and lower resolution spectra for this abundance analysis. Spectral indices were used to estimate the oxygen abundance of the stars, leading to a determination of whether a particular star was oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor. The 557-star subset was analyzed in the context of evolutionary groups, with four broad groups identified. These groups suggest that there were at least four main four periods of star formation in the cluster. The exact order of these star formation events is not yet understood. These results compare well with those found at higher resolution and show the value of more extensive lower resolution spectral surveys. They also highlight the need for large samples of stars when working with a complex object like {\omega} Cen.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    γ-Hydroxybutyrate accumulation in Arabidopsis and tobacco plants is a general response to abiotic stress: putative regulation by redox balance and glyoxylate reductase isoforms

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    Enzymes that reduce the aldehyde chemical grouping (i.e. H-C=O) to its corresponding alcohol are probably crucial in maintaining plant health during stress. Succinic semialdehyde (SSA) is a mitochondrially-generated intermediate in the metabolism of γ-aminobutyrate (GABA), which accumulates in response to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses. SSA can be reduced to γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) under oxygen deficiency and high light conditions. Recent evidence indicates that distinct cytosolic and plastidial glyoxylate reductase isoforms from Arabidopsis (designated hereinafter as AtGR1 and AtGR2, respectively) catalyse the in vitro conversion of SSA to GHB, as well as glyoxylate to glycolate, via NADPH-dependent reactions. In the present report, the responses of GHB and related amino acids, as well as NADP+ and NADPH, were monitored in leaves from Arabidopsis or tobacco plants subjected to various abiotic stresses (i.e. Arabidopsis during exposure to salinity, drought, submergence, cold, or heat; tobacco during exposure to, and recovery from, submergence). Time-course experiments revealed that GHB accumulated in both Arabidopsis and tobacco plants subjected to stress, and that this accumulation was generally accompanied by higher GABA and alanine levels, higher NADPH/NADP+ ratio, and lower glutamate levels. Furthermore, the analysis of gene expression in Arabidopsis revealed that the relative abundance of GR1 (salinity, drought, submergence, cold, and heat) and GR2 (cold and heat) transcripts was enhanced by the stress tested. Thus, GHB accumulation in plants is a general response to abiotic stress and appears to be regulated by both biochemical and transcriptional processes

    Novel Characteristics of Valveless Pumping

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    This study investigates the occurrence of valveless pumping in a fluidfilled system consisting of two open tanks connected by an elastic tube. We show that directional flow can be achieved by introducing a periodic pinching applied at an asymmetrical location along the tube, and that the flow direction depends on the pumping frequency. We propose a relation between wave propagation velocity, tube length, and resonance frequencies associated with shifts in the pumping direction using numerical simulations. The eigenfrequencies of the system are estimated from the linearized system, and we show that these eigenfrequencies constitute the resonance frequencies and the horizontal slope frequencies of the system; 'horizontal slope frequency' being a new concept. A simple model is suggested, explaining the effect of the gravity driven part of the oscillation observed in response to the tank and tube diameter changes. Results are partly compared with experimental findings.Art. no. 22450

    DEAD-Box Helicase Proteins Disrupt RNA Tertiary Structure Through Helix Capture

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    DEAD-box helicase proteins accelerate folding and rearrangements of highly structured RNAs and RNA–protein complexes (RNPs) in many essential cellular processes. Although DEAD-box proteins have been shown to use ATP to unwind short RNA helices, it is not known how they disrupt RNA tertiary structure. Here, we use single molecule fluorescence to show that the DEAD-box protein CYT-19 disrupts tertiary structure in a group I intron using a helix capture mechanism. CYT-19 binds to a helix within the structured RNA only after the helix spontaneously loses its tertiary contacts, and then CYT-19 uses ATP to unwind the helix, liberating the product strands. Ded1, a multifunctional yeast DEAD-box protein, gives analogous results with small but reproducible differences that may reflect its in vivo roles. The requirement for spontaneous dynamics likely targets DEAD-box proteins toward less stable RNA structures, which are likely to experience greater dynamic fluctuations, and provides a satisfying explanation for previous correlations between RNA stability and CYT-19 unfolding efficiency. Biologically, the ability to sense RNA stability probably biases DEAD-box proteins to act preferentially on less stable misfolded structures and thereby to promote native folding while minimizing spurious interactions with stable, natively folded RNAs. In addition, this straightforward mechanism for RNA remodeling does not require any specific structural environment of the helicase core and is likely to be relevant for DEAD-box proteins that promote RNA rearrangements of RNP complexes including the spliceosome and ribosome

    Cytochrome B5 Protects Photoreceptors from Light Stress-Induced Lipid Peroxidation and Retinal Degeneration

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    Lipid peroxides are generated by oxidative stress in cells, and contribute to ageing and neurodegenerative disease. The eye is at special risk for lipid peroxidation because photoreceptors possess amplified sensory membranes rich in peroxidation-susceptible polyunsaturated fatty acids. Light-induced lipid peroxidation in the retina contributes to retinal degeneration, and lipid peroxidation has been implicated in the progression of age-associated ocular diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Here, we show that exposing Drosophila melanogaster to strong blue light induces oxidative stress including lipid peroxidation that results in retinal degeneration. Surprisingly, very young flies are resilient to this acute light stress, suggesting they possess endogenous neuroprotective mechanisms. While lipophilic antioxidants partially suppressed blue light-induced retinal degeneration in older flies, we find that overexpression of cytochrome b5 (Cyt-b5) completely suppressed both blue light-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration. Our data identify Cyt-b5 as a neuroprotective factor that targets light-induced oxidative damage, particularly lipid peroxidation. Cyt-b5 may function via supporting antioxidant recycling, thereby providing a strategy to prevent oxidative stress in ageing photoreceptors that would be synergistic with dietary antioxidant supplementation

    Radiological Society of North America expert consensus document on reporting chest CT findings related to COVID-19: Endorsed by the Society of Thoracic Radiology, the American College of Radiology, and RSNA

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    Routine screening CT for the identification of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pneumonia is currently not recommended by most radiology societies. However, the number of CT examinations performed in persons under investigation for COVID-19 has increased. We also anticipate that some patients will have incidentally detected findings that could be attributable to COVID-19 pneumonia, requiring radiologists to decide whether or not to mention COVID-19 specifically as a differential diagnostic possibility. We aim to provide guidance to radiologists in reporting CT findings potentially attributable to COVID-19 pneumonia, including standardized language to reduce reporting variability when addressing the possibility of COVID-19. When typical or indeterminate features of COVID-19 pneumonia are present in endemic areas as an incidental finding, we recommend contacting the referring providers to discuss the likelihood of viral infection. These incidental findings do not necessarily need to be reported as COVID-19 pneumonia. In this setting, using the term viral pneumonia can be a reasonable and inclusive alternative. However, if one opts to use the term COVID-19 in the incidental setting, consider the provided standardized reporting language. In addition, practice patterns may vary, and this document is meant to serve as a guide. Consultation with clinical colleagues at each institution is suggested to establish a consensus reporting approach. The goal of this expert consensus is to help radiologists recognize findings of COVID-19 pneumonia and aid their communication with other health care providers, assisting management of patients during this pandemic. Published under a CC BY 4.0 license

    The Pelvis and Beyond: Musculoskeletal Tender Points in Women With Chronic Pelvic Pain

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    To determine the feasibility of a detailed pain sensitivity assessment using body wide musculoskeletal tender points (TPs) in women with different types of chronic pelvic pain (CPP) and compare phenotypic differences

    Differences in Falls and Recovery From a Slip Based On an Individual\u27s Lower Extremity Corrective Response

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    Background: Slips and falls account for high rates of injury and mortality in multiple populations. The corrective responses during the slip perturbation have been well documented. However, when a fall results from a slip, it is unclear which of these responses were inadequate. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine differences in lower extremity corrective responses of the slip recovery response between individuals who fall and those who recover. Methodology: Sixty-four participants completed this study (32 males & 32 females). Participant’s gait kinematics and kinetics were collected during normal gait (NG) and an unexpected slip (US). A prediction equation for slip outcome and slip severity were created using a binary logistic regression model. Results: Our findings show an increased time to peak hip extension (OR = 1.006, CI: 1.000-1.011) and ankle dorsiflexion (OR = 1.005, CI: 1.001-1.009) moments increased the odds of falling, while the average ankle moment was negatively associated with falling (OR = 0.001, CI: 0.001-0.005). Conclusions: Rapid lower extremity corrective responses appear critical in arresting the slip and preventing a fall. While there are various strategies for slip recovery, our findings suggest that the primary recovery mechanism at the slipping hip may play a vital role in preventing the fall

    Differences in falls and recovery from a slip based on an individual’s lower extremity corrective response

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    Copyright (c) the author(s). This is an open access article under CC BY license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Background: Slips and falls account for high rates of injury and mortality in multiple populations. The corrective responses during the slip perturbation have been well documented. However, when a fall results from a slip, it is unclear which of these responses were inadequate. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine differences in lower extremity corrective responses of the slip recovery response between individuals who fall and those who recover. Methodology: Sixty-four participants completed this study (32 males & 32 females). Participant’s gait kinematics and kinetics were collected during normal gait (NG) and an unexpected slip (US). A prediction equation for slip outcome and slip severity were created using a binary logistic regression model. Results: Our findings show an increased time to peak hip extension (OR = 1.006, CI: 1.000-1.011) and ankle dorsiflexion (OR = 1.005, CI: 1.001-1.009) moments increased the odds of falling, while the average ankle moment was negatively associated with falling (OR = 0.001, CI: 0.001-0.005). Conclusions: Rapid lower extremity corrective responses appear critical in arresting the slip and preventing a fall. While there are various strategies for slip recovery, our findings suggest that the primary recovery mechanism at the slipping hip may play a vital role in preventing the fall