5 research outputs found

    Over-winter lipid depletion and mortality of age-0 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    In this study we identify the size-dependent risk of winter starvation mortality as a strong selective pressure on age-0 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) that could promote the risk-taking behaviour and allocation of energy to lipids previously observed in young trout cohorts. Age-0 trout subjected to simulated winter starvation conditions gradually depleted lipid reserves to a critical minimum lipid content below which death occurred. Small fish with lower lipid content exhausted lipid reserves earlier, and experienced high mortality rates sooner, than larger fish with greater lipid content. Consequently, winter starvation endurance was dependent upon size-dependent lipid reserves and winter duration. To validate the laboratory findings in the field, we stocked several size classes of hatchery-raised trout with known lipid content at the start of winter into two experimental lakes, and estimated survival and lipid depletion at winter\u27s end. Larger age-0 trout had greater initial lipid reserves than smaller trout. Individuals depleted most of their lipid reserves over the winter, and experienced mortality that ranged from just under 60% for the largest individuals to just over 90% of the smallest individuals. Many survivors had lipid contents near, but none were below, the minimum lipid content determined in the laboratory.<br /