320 research outputs found

    Reactions of durum wheats to Fusarium pseudograminearum in the Northern grain growing region of Australia

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Marketing, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, sob a orientação de Arnaldo Coelho.Há quem defenda que o estudo do comportamento do consumidor está demasiado focado na fase de aquisição, deixando para segundo plano a compreensão da origem do desejo do consumidor (Pham, 2013). A cultura influencia a forma como o ser humano vive e se relaciona (Salomon et al., 2013). A literatura já há muito reconheceu que o comportamento do consumidor varia entre culturas. Porém os mecanismos por trás desta variação continuam pouco claros (Parker & Tavassoli, 2000). Esta dissertação pretende aclarar alguns desses mecanismos. O objetivo principal desta dissertação é estudar o impacto da cultura no comportamento do consumidor de uma forma geral. A cultura será avaliada tendo por base a teoria das dimensões culturais de Hofstede (Hofstede, 2003), através da CVSCALE – Individual Cultural Value Scale (Yoo, Donthu, & Lenartowicz, 2010). Os consumidores são parte de uma cultura e a cultura é o sistema global em que todos os outros sistemas estão organizados (Salomon et al., 2013). Relativamente ao comportamento do consumidor pretende-se ter uma visão geral, pelo que serão avaliadas áreas do comportamento do consumidor, já descritas na literatura como sendo influenciadas pela cultura: a compra por impulso (Kacen & Lee, 2002), a atitude face ao luxo (Shukla & Purani, 2012) e a atitude face às promoções (McNeill, 2006). Os resultados dos 385 questionários preenchidos na totalidade por consumidores de Portugal e do Brasil permitiram corroborar a teoria de que a cultura tem impacto no comportamento do consumidor, com relevância diferente dentro de cada área do comportamento do consumidor analisada. Também foram identificados alguns mecanismos que permitem perceber de que forma a cultura exerce influência no comportamento do consumidor

    Effect of stripe rust on the yield response of wheat to nitrogen

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    Nitrogen (N) is the most important fertiliser element determining the productivity of wheat. N nutrition is known to affect the level of stripe rust infection, with higher N associated with increased disease severity. Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a major yield-limiting disease of wheat in Australia. This paper describes experiments designed to investigate the agronomic response to the interaction of various levels of N application and stripe rust severity in wheat varieties differing in response. Experimental plots were established in crop seasons 2006 and 2007 on the Liverpool Plains of northern NSW, Australia. Yield, biomass, grain protein content (GPC) and harvest index (HI) data were recorded. Increased rates of N increased the severity of stripe rust during grain filling. N application also increased yield and GPC in all varieties in both years. Stripe rust reduced the yield of the rust-susceptible wheat varieties, and GPC and proportion of added N recovered in the grain were also reduced in one year but not the other. It was evident from our experiment that stripe rust caused yield loss accompanied by either no change or reduction in GPC, indicating that the total amount of N entering the grain was reduced by stripe rust. The effects of stripe rust on N yield are most likely associated with reduced uptake of N during grain filling

    Shark and ray life history

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    Chromosome composition in an F2 hexaploid x durum cross analysed by DArT markers and MCFISH

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    A major constraint to tetraploid durum wheat production in Australia is widespread susceptibility to crown rot, due to infection by Fusarium pseudograminearum

    Diurnal activity patterns and habitat use of juvenile Pastinachus ater in a coral reef flat environment

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    Stingrays are thought to play important ecological roles in coral reef ecosystems. However, little is known about juvenile stingray movement patterns and habitat use in coral reefs. This study used active acoustic telemetry to determine fine-scale diel movement patterns and habitat use of juvenile cowtail stingrays (Pastinachus ater) in a coral reef flat environment. Seven cowtail stingrays (4 males and 3 females) were manually tracked between April and December 2016. Each individual was tracked over 2 days, generating a total of 14 active tracks ranging from 4.91 to 9 h. Specimens moved at an average speed of 2.44 m min-1 ± 0.87 SE, with minimum distances travelled ranging from 546 to 1446 m. Tracking data showed that juvenile cowtail stingrays move in response to tidal cycles, moving faster and in straighter pathways during incoming and outgoing tides. Juvenile cowtail stingrays also showed a strong affinity to sand flat areas and mangrove edge areas. These areas provide food resources and potential refuges for juvenile rays to avoid predators. Coral reef flats were identified as secondary refuge for juveniles during the lowest tides. Future research is necessary to fully unveil the major drivers of juvenile cowtail stingray seasonal and ontogenetic movement patterns and habitat use within coral reef flat environments. This information is important to establish a full understanding of juvenile cowtail stingray ecology, but could also improve management and conservation policies

    Troubled Waters: Threats and Extinction Risk of the Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of the Arabian Sea and Adjacent Waters

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    The extinction risk of sharks, rays and chimaeras is higher than that for most other vertebrates due to low intrinsic population growth rates of many species and the fishing intensity they face. The Arabian Sea and adjacent waters border some of the most important chondrichthyan fishing and trading nations globally, yet there has been no previous attempt to assess the conservation status of species occurring here. Using IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Categories and Criteria and their guidelines for application at the regional level, we present the first assessment of extinction risk for 153 species of sharks, rays and chimaeras. Results indicate that this region, home to 15% of described chondrichthyans including 30 endemic species, has some of the most threatened chondrichthyan populations in the world. Seventy-eight species (50.9%) were assessed as threatened (Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable), and 27 species (17.6%) as Near Threatened. Twenty-nine species (19%) were Data Deficient with insufficient information to assess their status. Chondrichthyan populations have significantly declined due to largely uncontrolled and unregulated fisheries combined with habitat degradation. Further, there is limited political will and national and regional capacities to assess, manage, conserve or rebuild stocks. Outside the few deepsea locations that are lightly exploited, the prognosis for the recovery of most species is poor in the near-absence of management. Concerted national and regional management measures are urgently needed to ensure extinctions are avoided, the sustainability of more productive species is secured, and to avoid the continued thinning of the regional food security portfolio

    Mus musculus deficient for secretory antibodies show delayed growth with an altered urinary metabolome

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Background: The polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) maintains the integrity of epithelial barriers by transporting polymeric antibodies and antigens through the epithelial mucosa into the lumen. In this study, we examined the role of pIgR in maintaining gut barrier integrity, which is important for the normal development in mice. Methods: Cohorts of pIgR -/- mice and their wildtype controls were housed under Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) conditions and monitored for weight gain as an indicator of development over time. The general physiology of the gastrointestinal tract was analysed using immunohistochemistry in young (8-12 weeks of age) and aged mice (up to 18 months of age), and the observed immunopathology in pIgR -/- mice was further characterised using flow cytometry. Urinary metabolites were analysed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), which revealed changes in metabolites that correlated with age-related increase in gut permeability in pIgR -/- mice. Results: We observed that pIgR -/- mice exhibited delayed growth, and this phenomenon is associated with low-grade gut inflammation that increased with ageing. The gross intraepithelial lymphocytic (IEL) infiltration characteristic of pIgR -/- mice was redefined as CD8α+αβ+ T cells, the majority of which expressed high levels of CD103 and CD69 consistent with tissue resident memory T cells (TRM). Comparison of the urinary metabolome between pIgR -/- and wild-type mice revealed key changes in urinary biomarkers fucose, glycine and Vitamin B5, suggestive of altered mucosal permeability. A significant increase in gut permeability was confirmed by analysing the site-specific uptake of sugar probes in different parts of the intestine. Conclusion: Our data show that loss of the secretory antibody system in mice results in enhanced accumulation of inflammatory IELs in the gut, which likely reflects ongoing inflammation in reaction to gut microbiota or food antigens, leading to delayed growth in pIgR -/- mice. We demonstrate that this leads to the presence of a unique urinary metabolome profile, which may provide a biomarker for altered gut permeability
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