6,671 research outputs found

    Emergence of stability in a stochastically driven pendulum: beyond the Kapitsa effect

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    We consider a prototypical nonlinear system which can be stabilized by multiplicative noise: an underdamped non-linear pendulum with a stochastically vibrating pivot. A numerical solution of the pertinent Fokker-Planck equation shows that the upper equilibrium point of the pendulum can become stable even when the noise is white, and the "Kapitsa pendulum" effect is not at work. The stabilization occurs in a strong-noise regime where WKB approximation does not hold.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Ising Deconfinement Transition Between Feshbach-Resonant Superfluids

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    We investigate the phase diagram of bosons interacting via Feshbach-resonant pairing interactions in a one-dimensional lattice. Using large scale density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and field theory techniques we explore the atomic and molecular correlations in this low-dimensional setting. We provide compelling evidence for an Ising deconfinement transition occurring between distinct superfluids and extract the Ising order parameter and correlation length of this unusual superfluid transition. This is supported by results for the entanglement entropy which reveal both the location of the transition and critical Ising degrees of freedom on the phase boundary.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    JWalk: a tool for lazy, systematic testing of java classes by design introspection and user interaction

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    Popular software testing tools, such as JUnit, allow frequent retesting of modified code; yet the manually created test scripts are often seriously incomplete. A unit-testing tool called JWalk has therefore been developed to address the need for systematic unit testing within the context of agile methods. The tool operates directly on the compiled code for Java classes and uses a new lazy method for inducing the changing design of a class on the fly. This is achieved partly through introspection, using Java’s reflection capability, and partly through interaction with the user, constructing and saving test oracles on the fly. Predictive rules reduce the number of oracle values that must be confirmed by the tester. Without human intervention, JWalk performs bounded exhaustive exploration of the class’s method protocols and may be directed to explore the space of algebraic constructions, or the intended design state-space of the tested class. With some human interaction, JWalk performs up to the equivalent of fully automated state-based testing, from a specification that was acquired incrementally

    Characterization of a CCD array for Bragg spectroscopy

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    The average pixel distance as well as the relative orientation of an array of 6 CCD detectors have been measured with accuracies of about 0.5 nm and 50 μ\murad, respectively. Such a precision satisfies the needs of modern crystal spectroscopy experiments in the field of exotic atoms and highly charged ions. Two different measurements have been performed by illuminating masks in front of the detector array by remote sources of radiation. In one case, an aluminum mask was irradiated with X-rays and in a second attempt, a nanometric quartz wafer was illuminated by a light bulb. Both methods gave consistent results with a smaller error for the optical method. In addition, the thermal expansion of the CCD detectors was characterized between -105 C and -40 C.Comment: Submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    Particle dynamics of a cartoon dune

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    The spatio-temporal evolution of a downsized model for a desert dune is observed experimentally in a narrow water flow channel. A particle tracking method reveals that the migration speed of the model dune is one order of magnitude smaller than that of individual grains. In particular, the erosion rate consists of comparable contributions from creeping (low energy) and saltating (high energy) particles. The saltation flow rate is slightly larger, whereas the number of saltating particles is one order of magnitude lower than that of the creeping ones. The velocity field of the saltating particles is comparable to the velocity field of the driving fluid. It can be observed that the spatial profile of the shear stress reaches its maximum value upstream of the crest, while its minimum lies at the downstream foot of the dune. The particle tracking method reveals that the deposition of entrained particles occurs primarily in the region between these two extrema of the shear stress. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the initial triangular heap evolves to a steady state with constant mass, shape, velocity, and packing fraction after one turnover time has elapsed. Within that time the mean distance between particles initially in contact reaches a value of approximately one quarter of the dune basis length

    Correlations and fluctuations of a confined electron gas

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    The grand potential Ω\Omega and the response R=Ω/xR = - \partial \Omega /\partial x of a phase-coherent confined noninteracting electron gas depend sensitively on chemical potential μ\mu or external parameter xx. We compute their autocorrelation as a function of μ\mu, xx and temperature. The result is related to the short-time dynamics of the corresponding classical system, implying in general the absence of a universal regime. Chaotic, diffusive and integrable motions are investigated, and illustrated numerically. The autocorrelation of the persistent current of a disordered mesoscopic ring is also computed.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantitative assessment of cardiac load-responsiveness during extracorporeal life support: case and rationale

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    We describe a case of a patient assisted by extracorporeal life support, in which we obtained the dynamic filling index, a measure for venous volume during extracorporeal life support, and used this index to assess cardiac load-responsiveness during acute reloading. While reloading, the obtained findings on cardiac pump function by the dynamic filling index were supported by trans-esophageal echocardiography and standard pressure measurement. This suggests that the dynamic filling index can be used to assess cardiac load-responsiveness during extracorporeal life support

    A Brownian Motion Model of Parametric Correlations in Ballistic Cavities

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    A Brownian motion model is proposed to study parametric correlations in the transmission eigenvalues of open ballistic cavities. We find interesting universal properties when the eigenvalues are rescaled at the hard edge of the spectrum. We derive a formula for the power spectrum of the fluctuations of transport observables as a response to an external adiabatic perturbation. Our formula correctly recovers the Lorentzian-squared behaviour obtained by semiclassical approaches for the correlation function of conductance fluctuations.Comment: 19 pages, written in RevTe