16 research outputs found

    Control of the triceps surae during the postural sway of quiet standing

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    Aim: The present study investigated how the triceps surae are controlled at the spinal level during the naturally occurring postural sway of quiet standing. Methods: Subjects stood on a force platform as electrical stimuli were applied to the posterior tibial nerve when the center of pressure (COP) was either 1.6 standard deviations anterior (COPant) or posterior (COPpost) to the mean baseline COP signal. Peak-to-peak amplitudes of the H-reflex and M-wave from the soleus (SOL) and medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscles were recorded to assess the efficacy of the la pathway. Results: A significant increase in the H-max : M-max ratio for both the SOL (12 +/- 6%) and MG (23 6%) was observed during the COPant as compared to the COPant condition. The source of the modulation between COP conditions cannot be determined from this study. However, the observed changes in the synaptic efficacy of the Ia pathway are unlikely to be simply a result of an altered level of background electromyographic activity in the triceps surae. This was indicated by the lack of differences observed in the H-max : M-max ratio when subjects stood without postural sway (via the use of a tilt table) at two levels of background activity. Conclusions: It is suggested that the phase-dependent modulation of the triceps surae H-reflexes during the postural sway of quiet standing functions to maintain upright stance and may explain the results from previous studies, which, until now, had not taken the influence of postural sway on the H-reflex into consideration

    Análise de dados gemelares: uma aventura guiada para investigadores das Ciências do Desporto Analysis of twin data: a guided tour for researchers in Sport Sciences

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    Este tutorial pretende apresentar, de forma sumária: 1) a importância dos estudos gemelares em Educação Física e Ciências do Desporto; 2) a estrutura básica deste tipo de delineamento; 3) as etapas da análise descritiva inicial; 4) os procedimentos de análise em grau crescente de complexidade - da análise de variância, à modelação de estruturas de covariância; 5) bem como a relevância da exploração da disocordância intra-par de gêmeos monozigóticos. Esta processologia, baseada num tutorial, recorrerá aos valores do fenótipo índice de atividade física nos tempos de lazer, com base numa amostra de 207 pares de gêmeos mono e dizigóticos. Todas as etapas da análise são comentadas e será interpretado o significado dos resultados, salientando o fato do fenótipo em causa ser explicado pelos fatores genéticos em cerca de 63%.<br>This tutorial has the following purposes: 1) to summarize the importance of twin studies in Physical Education and Sport Sciences´ research; 2) to show the basic structure of twin designs; 3) the levels of descriptive analysis; 4) the steps of growing complexity in data analysis - from analysis of variance to structural equation modeling; 5) as well as the analysis of discordant intra-pair differences of monozygotic twin data. The steps of this long list of procedures will be illustrated in this tutorial using the phenotype leisure time physical activity with data from 207 monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs. Commentaries and explanations will be provided in all steps of the analysis, highlighting the fact that the used phenotype is genetically accounted for 63% of the total variation