38 research outputs found

    Diritto all'aborto: analisi della giurisprudenza costituzionale italiana e confronto con casi di diritto comparato

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    La tesi si concentra sull'analisi del diritto all'aborto, ripercorrendo la sua storia e il suo sviluppo. Vengono in particolare, scandagliate le principali pronunce della corte costituzionale italiana ed esaminata la legge 194/1978. Infine, la disciplina italiana viene posta a confronto con alcuni casi di diritto comparato, e in particolare con le decisioni della giurisprudenza degli Stati Uniti, che hanno alimentato e continuano ad alimentare il dibattito intorno al tema dell'aborto

    Numb Expression Contributes to the Maintenance of an Undifferentiated State in Human Epidermis.

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    The epidermis is a stratified epithelium with a stem cell subpopulation in the basal layer that constantly replicates and periodically detaches from the base, undergoing a differentiation process that involves various developmental signals and regulatory pathways. During the last 10 years, a number of studies tried to elucidate the intricate scenario that maintains the epithelial shield during the entire life span. In our study, we investigated the role of Numb in the skin compartment and, in particular, its involvement in stem cell maintenance. Numb expression in the skin compartment was assessed by immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry analysis. We evaluated Numb expression in primary epithelial cells at various differentiative stages. Moreover, we overexpressed Numb in the isolated population enriched for undifferentiated progenitors to establish its involvement in in vitro differentiation. We demonstrated that Numb in high-proliferating epithelial undifferentiated progenitors contributes to the maintenance of an undifferentiated state. This regulation involves the E3 ligases Itch binding. Moreover, the analysis of a cohort of cutaneous carcinomas showed that Numb is highly expressed in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), where we observed a direct correlation between the expression of Numb and Ki-67. Our data indicate for the first time that Numb is involved in the maintenance of the undifferentiated proliferating stem cell pool in the epithelial basal layer and its expression could become a new marker in skin cancer

    CD90+ liver cancer cells modulate endothelial cell phenotype through the release of exosomes containing H19 lncRNA.

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    BACKGROUND: CD90+ liver cancer cells have been described as cancer stem-cell-like (CSC), displaying aggressive and metastatic phenotype. Using two different in vitro models, already described as CD90+ liver cancer stem cells, our aim was to study their interaction with endothelial cells mediated by the release of exosomes. METHODS: Exosomes were isolated and characterized from both liver CD90+ cells and hepatoma cell lines. Endothelial cells were treated with exosomes, as well as transfected with a plasmid containing the full length sequence of the long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) H19. Molecular and functional analyses were done to characterize the endothelial phenotype after treatments. RESULTS: Exosomes released by CD90+ cancer cells, but not by parental hepatoma cells, modulated endothelial cells, promoting angiogenic phenotype and cell-to-cell adhesion. LncRNA profiling revealed that CD90+ cells were enriched in lncRNA H19, and released this through exosomes. Experiments of gain and loss of function of H19 showed that this LncRNA plays an important role in the exosome-mediated phenotype of endothelial cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate a new exosome-mediated mechanism by which CSC-like CD90+ cells could influence their tumor microenvironment by promoting angiogenesis. Moreover, we suggest the lncRNA H19 as a putative therapeutic target in hepatocellular carcinoma

    Human CD4 T-cells with a naive phenotype produce multiple cytokines during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and correlate with active disease

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    T-cell-mediated immune responses play a fundamental role in controlling Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) infection, and traditionally, this response is thought to be mediated by Th1-type CD4+ T-cells secreting IFN-γ. While studying the function and specificity of M. tuberculosis-reactive CD4+ T-cells in more detail at the single cell level; however, we found a human CD4+ T-cell population with a naive phenotype that interestingly was capable of producing multiple cytokines (TCNP cells). CD4+ TCNP cells phenotyped as CD95lo CD28int CD49dhi CXCR3hi and showed a broad distribution of T cell receptor Vβ segments. They rapidly secreted multiple cytokines in response to different M. tuberculosis antigens, their frequency was increased during active disease, but was comparable to latent tuberculosis infection in treated TB patients. These results identify a novel human CD4+ T-cell subset involved in the human immune response to mycobacteria, which is present in active TB patients' blood. These results significantly expand our understanding of the immune response in infectious diseases

    Skewed Differentiation of Circulating Vγ9Vδ2 T Lymphocytes in Melanoma and Impact on Clinical Outcome.

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    OBJECTIVE:The aim of this study was to evaluate over time circulating γδ T lymphocytes in melanoma patients in terms of frequency, effector functions, and relationship with clinical stage and evolution, by comparing preoperative values to those obtained at a mean follow-up of 36 months or in the event of recurrence or disease progression, and to those of healthy controls. Also, we correlated the presence of tumor-infiltrating γδ T lymphocytes with clinical evolution of melanoma. RESULTS:Mean frequencies of circulating γδ T cells before and after melanoma removal were very similar and comparable to healthy subjects, but patients who progressed to stage III or IV showed a significantly decreased frequency of circulating Vγ9Vδ2 T cells. The distribution of Vγ9Vδ2 memory and effector subsets was similar in healthy subjects and melanoma patients at diagnosis, but circulating γδ T cells of patients after melanoma removal had a skewed terminally-differentiated effector memory phenotype. Highly suggestive of progressive differentiation toward a cytotoxic phenotype, Vγ9Vδ2T cells from patients at follow up had increased cytotoxic potential and limited cytokine production capability, while the opposite pattern was detected in Vγ9Vδ2T cells from patients before melanoma removal. CONCLUSIONS:Follow-up data also showed that tumor infiltrating γδ T cells were significantly associated with lower mortality and relapse rates, suggesting that they may serve as a prognostic biomarker, for human melanoma

    Numb Expression Contributes to the Maintenance of an Undifferentiated State in Human Epidermis

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    The epidermis is a stratified epithelium with a stem cell subpopulation in the basal layer that constantly replicates and periodically detaches from the base, undergoing a differentiation process that involves various developmental signals and regulatory pathways. During the last 10 years, a number of studies tried to elucidate the intricate scenario that maintains the epithelial shield during the entire life span. In our study, we investigated the role of Numb in the skin compartment and, in particular, its involvement in stem cell maintenance. Numb expression in the skin compartment was assessed by immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry analysis. We evaluated Numb expression in primary epithelial cells at various differentiative stages. Moreover, we overexpressed Numb in the isolated population enriched for undifferentiated progenitors to establish its involvement in in vitro differentiation. We demonstrated that Numb in high-proliferating epithelial undifferentiated progenitors contributes to the maintenance of an undifferentiated state. This regulation involves the E3 ligases Itch binding. Moreover, the analysis of a cohort of cutaneous carcinomas showed that Numb is highly expressed in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), where we observed a direct correlation between the expression of Numb and Ki-67. Our data indicate for the first time that Numb is involved in the maintenance of the undifferentiated proliferating stem cell pool in the epithelial basal layer and its expression could become a new marker in skin cancer