71 research outputs found
Decision Support System in National Power Companies. A Practical Example (Part I)
The paper presents the developing stages of the decision support prototype in which the data warehouse and the presentation level are built and validated. The paper also extends the results published in the 12th international conference on Informatics in Economy (IE 2013) proceedings and will presents the major steps for developing the data warehouse that integrates the sources from the Wind Power Plants (WPP) from the national parks and also the interface modules that allow managers to analyze data at a central level
Seguimiento remoto de la recaída de hernia después de procesos abiertos de plastia de la pared abdominal– estudio prospectivo que incluye 142 pacientes
ResumenAntecedentesLa hernia incisional sigue siendo una complicación común de las laparotomías. El propósito del estudio es analizar la recidiva de hernia en un año, después de varios métodos abiertos de plastia de la pared abdominal.Material y métodosEstudio longitudinal prospectivo, en el que se incluyó a 142 pacientes. Se analizaron: los datos individuales, el grado de obesidad, las variaciones intraoperatorias de la presión abdominal, la intensidad del dolor postoperatorio, las complicaciones postoperatorias y los tipos de plastias de la pared abdominal: simple y con malla de polipropileno.ResultadosEl análisis del grupo estudiado estableció una tasa general de reincidencia de 16.9% y, en los 4 procesos, del 40.74% en caso de plastias simples, del 16.07% después de plastias onlay, del 6.97% después de plastias retromusculares y del 6.25% después de la sustitución completa de la avería parietal. Mediante el análisis de los datos obtenidos, la recidiva de la hernia fue significativamente correlacionada con: el grado de obesidad, las variaciones de la presión intraabdominal, el dolor postoperatorio y el tipo de procedimiento realizado.ConclusionesLa recurrencia de la hernia fue más frecuente en las plastias simples. Entre los procesos con malla, a la plastia onlay se le asignó una mayor tasa de recaídas y complicaciones postoperatorias. La recurrencia de la hernia fue más frecuente en las variaciones de la presión intraabdominal y con el dolor postoperatorio aumentado. La realización de la ecografía puede aumentar la precisión de la presencia de la hernia.AbstractBackgroundThe incisional hernia continues to be a frequent complication of laparotomies. The purpose of study is the analysis of hernia disease relapse after one year after different open plasties methods of the abdominal wall.Material and methodsA prospective longitudinal study was performed that included 142 patients. An analysis was performed on the individual data, the level of obesity, intra-surgical variations in intra-abdominal pressure, the intensity of post-surgical pain, the post-surgical complications, and the types of plasties of abdominal wall, simple and with polypropylene mesh.ResultsThe analysis of studied group showed a general rate of relapse of 16.9%, and within the 4 procedures, 40.74% in the case of simple plasties, of 16.07% after the only plasties, 6.97% after the retro-muscular plasties, and 6.25% after the full substitution of parietal defect. On analysing the collected, hernia relapse was statistically significantly related to the level of obesity, variations in intra-abdominal pressure, post-surgical pain, and the type of procedure performed.ConclusionsHernia is a frequent complication of laparotomies. Hernia relapse was more frequent in the case of simple plasties. Among the mesh procedures, the onlay plasty showed a higher rate of relapse and post-surgical complications. Hernia relapse was more frequent in the case of variations of intra-abdominal pressure, and with increased post-surgical pain. The use of an echography examination may increase the accuracy of the presence of hernia disease
Web Scraping and Review Analytics. Extracting Insights from Commercial Data
Web scraping has numerous applications. It can be used complementary with APIs to extract
useful data from web pages. For instance, commercial data is abundant, but not always relevant as
it is presented on websites. In this paper, we propose the usage of web scraping techniques
(namely, two popular libraries – BeautifulSoup and Selenium) to extract data from web and other
Python libraries and techniques (vaderSentiment, SentimentIntensityAnalyzer, nltk, n consecutive
words) to analyze the reviews and obtain useful insights from this data. A web scraper is built in
which prices are extracted and variations are tracked. Furthermore, the reviews are extracted and
analyzed in order to identify the relevant opinions, including complaints of the customers
Colorectal cancer: an update upon the diagnostic and therapeutic transdiciplinary approach
Scop: Prezentarea unor date actualizate referitoare la rolul ONCOTEAM în diagnosticul și terapia pacientului cu cancerului colorectal
Material și metode: În perioada 2018-2023, 147 de pacienți cu CRC au beneficiat de un abord individualizat. Evaluarea imagistică
preoperatorie cu CT-scan/MRI cu difuzie a fost urmată de o descriere de tip ”hartă” a informațiilor pe baza cărora s-a efectuat intervenția
chirurgicală și procesarea histopatologică conform metodologiei descrise anterior de echipa noastră în jurnalelel Diagnostics (DOI:
10.3390/diagnostics11020314) și Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology (DOI: 10.5334/jbsr.3186). Examinările genetice au fost
efectuate la indicațiile oncologului iar terapia post-operatorie a luat în considerare profilul molecular al celulelor tumorale.
Rezultate: Utilizând acest protocol adaptat, am obținut un număr mediu de 15±2.23 limfonoduli prelevați per caz. Numărul depozitelor
tumorale a fost, de asemenea, crescut și a dus la o supra-stadializare a 15% din cazuri. Utilizând o valoare a ”lymph node ratio”
de 0.15, am obținut valori superioare celor obținute la abordarea clasică a 120 cazuri examinate anterior (p=0.002). Determinările
genetice efectuate în timp au dus la o începere rapidă a terapiei oncologice individualizate și, deși profilul genei BRAF V600E este
dificil a fi evaluat în țesuturi incluse în parafină, extracția ADN și determinările PCR au fost adecvate în toate cazurile examinate.
Concluzii: Abordarea transdiciplinară a CRC poate fi efectuată doar dacă fiecare membru al echipei este implicat conștiincios în
fiecare pas al diagnosticului sau terapiei. Costurile determinărilor au fost parțial acoperite în cadrul proiectelor PCCF 20/2018 și
10127/13/2021.Aim: To present an update regarding the role of the ONCOTEAM in the diagnosis and therapy of colorectal cancer (CRC).
Materials and methods: During 2018-2023, 147 patients with CRC have benefited by an individualized approach. Preoperatively
evaluation was done with CT-scan/diffusion-weighted MRI and a lymph node station map was typed. The next step consisted on
surgical removal, based on the indications included in the map. Histopathological examination was based on the methods described
by our team previously (DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics11020314; DOI: 10.5334/jbsr.3186). Genetic examinations were done based on the
indications of the oncologist and the post-operative therapy was performed according to the molecular profile.
Results: Based on the in-house adapted protocol, the median number of harvested lymph nodes per case was 15±2.23. The number
of identified deposits was also significant and up-staged the tumors in 15% of the cases. The lymph node ratio value, using a cut-off
of 0.15, was also superior to the classic approach of other 120 cases (p=0.002). The genetic examinations proved to be useful for an
earlier start of post-operative therapy, without any cost for the patients. As regarding pre-analytical factors, although BRAF V600E
gene profile is hard to be detected from paraffin-embedded tissues, the DNA extraction and PCR examinations were succesful in all
of the cases.
Conclusions: A proper transdiciplinary approach can be done only if any member of the team is attentively involved in each step of
the diagnosis and therapy. The costs were partially supported by the projects PCCF 20/2018, and 10127/13/2021
Describing the association between socioeconomic inequalities and cancer survival: methodological guidelines and illustration with population-based data.
BACKGROUND: Describing the relationship between socioeconomic inequalities and cancer survival is important but methodologically challenging. We propose guidelines for addressing these challenges and illustrate their implementation on French population-based data. METHODS: We analyzed 17 cancers. Socioeconomic deprivation was measured by an ecological measure, the European Deprivation Index (EDI). The Excess Mortality Hazard (EMH), ie, the mortality hazard among cancer patients after accounting for other causes of death, was modeled using a flexible parametric model, allowing for nonlinear and/or time-dependent association between the EDI and the EMH. The model included a cluster-specific random effect to deal with the hierarchical structure of the data. RESULTS: We reported the conventional age-standardized net survival (ASNS) and described the changes of the EMH over the time since diagnosis at different levels of deprivation. We illustrated nonlinear and/or time-dependent associations between the EDI and the EMH by plotting the excess hazard ratio according to EDI values at different times after diagnosis. The median excess hazard ratio quantified the general contextual effect. Lip-oral cavity-pharynx cancer in men showed the widest deprivation gap, with 5-year ASNS at 41% and 29% for deprivation quintiles 1 and 5, respectively, and we found a nonlinear association between the EDI and the EMH. The EDI accounted for a substantial part of the general contextual effect on the EMH. The association between the EDI and the EMH was time dependent in stomach and pancreas cancers in men and in cervix cancer. CONCLUSION: The methodological guidelines proved efficient in describing the way socioeconomic inequalities influence cancer survival. Their use would allow comparisons between different health care systems
Business Intelligence Solutions for Wind Power Plants Operation
The European Union energy strategies imply significant changes in the power systems. These should contribute to sustainable development and protection of the environment by enabling the EU to achieve its targets set in the third package of legislative proposals for electricity and gas markets. Renewable energy sources (RES) in Romania have been encouraged since 2007 and this lead to a large volume of projects. It took several years to have the first MW installed in wind power plants (WPP). Nowadays, the installed wind power in Romania is about 2642 MW, most of them (about 85%) being concentrated in the south-eastern part of the country. Based on recorded data during four years in Romania, a couple of analyses have been performed. They contribute to a better integration of wind energy into power systems. This paper will describe how business intelligence solutions are applied on data regarding wind power plants operation and main conclusions that could be drawn
Informatics Solutions for Data Processing of Electricity Consumption Optimization in Smart Grids
Considering the scarcity of primary resources of electricity environmental issues of global warming and the need to optimize electricity consumption at household level, in this paper we will present solutions for developing the data model of an informatics prototype for optimizing the electricity consumption in smart grids
Patrimoniul provenit din fostele baze militare trecute în circuit civil între realitate şi uitare
The article presents the results of the survey of the architectural heritage represented by the military brownfields in Romania transferred in public property within the implementation of the Project “From Army to Entrepreneurship” within the South-East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme aimed at supporting the conversion of military brownfields into business support centres or business incubators. The advantages and disadvantages of taking advantage of these heritage pieces, their deficient privatization, the lack of transparency in their taking-over by various stakeholders and the necessity to raise the awareness of the public local administration bodies are emphasized
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