111 research outputs found

    CCUS scenarios for the cement industry: Is CO2 utilization feasible?

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    In this work, four illustrative CO2 capture, utilization and storage chains are investigated in order to evaluate the economic feasibility of CCUS technologies in connection to the cement industry. A CCS reference chain in which 90% of the CO2 emissions (or 0,694 MtCO2/y) are stored in a saline aquifer is first studied. Due to emissions related to energy usage in the capture, conditioning and transport processes, a total of 0,504 MtCO2/y are avoided, or 65% of the CO2 emitted by the cement plant at a cost of 114 €/t CO2 avoided. Then, production of ethanol, polyols or food-grade CO2 is integrated to the chain, composing three alternative CCUS chains. These products are chosen based on an assessment of market, energy demand, and technology readiness level of technologies. For CCUS, we show that the economic feasibility is case dependent. The cost of producing blue ethanol is estimated as 656 €/t, slightly above the market value of 633 €/t. The cost per tonne of CO2 avoided drops from 114€ (CCS) to 111€ (sugarcane-based displacement) and the amount of CO2 avoided increases by 3%, to 0,518 MtCO2/y. In the second CCUS scenario, we have evaluated the integrated production of polyols. The entire CCUS chain avoids 0,708 MtCO2/y, and produces 288 kt/y of polyols, generating a profit of 18 €/t CO2 avoided. In the third CCUS scenario, we show that the production of food-grade CO2 is feasible as long as it is used to replace fossil-derived CO2, with a total CO2 avoidance of 0,504 MtCO2/y at a cost of 108 €/t. A general conclusion from this work is that the average cement plant emits much more CO2 than can be utilized in a single CO2 utilization plant. That is either due to market constrains or limited availability of raw materials. For the routes evaluated in this work, the fraction of the emitted CO2 directed to the utilization plant was always below 10%. Therefore, when connected to the cement industry, utilization is not likely to be applied as a stand-alone solution, but as an integrated link in the CCUS chain.CCUS scenarios for the cement industry: Is CO2 utilization feasible?publishedVersio

    Techno-economic Analysis of MEA CO2Capture from a Cement Kiln - Impact of Steam Supply Scenario

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    This paper present the techno-economic assessment of an MEA-based CO2capture from a cement plant and the importance of the steam supply on the costs. The evaluations present the energy performances of the CO2capture process based on a cement plant with a clinker capacity of 3,000 t/d. The cost evaluation lead to a cost of cement of 45 â¬/tcementwithout capture, while the cost of cement with CO2capture is estimated to 81 â¬/tcement, resulting in a CO2avoided cost of 83 â¬/tCO2,avoided. As the steam consumption accounts for close to half of the CO2avoided cost, the impact of six alternative steam supply scenarios are considered. The evaluations show that the CO2avoided cost can decrease by up to 35% depending on the steam supply and electricity price. However the possibility of these steam supply alternatives are specific to the considered cement plant, emphasizing therefore that CO2avoided cost from cement shall rather be given as a range depending on the steam supply than as a unique value as often illustrated in the literature

    An integrated analysis of carbon capture and storage strategies for power and industry in Europe

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    Industry is responsible for one-quarter of the global CO2 emissions. In this study, four different climate pathways are analyzed with a cost minimizing multihorizon stochastic optimization model, in order to analyze possible realizations of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the power sector and main industrial sectors in Europe. In particular, we aim to achieve a deeper understanding of the distribution of capture by country and key sector (power, steel, cement and refinery), as well as the associated transport and storage infrastructure for CCS. Results point to the synergy effect of sharing common CCS infrastructres among power and major industrial sectors. The contribution of CCS is mainly found in three industrial sectors, particularly steel, cement and refineries) but also in the power sector to a lesser extent. It is worth noting that retrofitting of CCS in the power sector was not considered in this study. The geographical location for capture and storage, as well as timing and capacity needs are presented for different socio-economic pathways and corresponding emission targets. It has been shown that contributions of the three industry sectors in emissions reductions are neither geographically nor sector-wise homogeneous across the pathways.acceptedVersio

    Techno-economic Assessment of Optimised Vacuum Swing Adsorption for Post-Combustion CO2 capture from Steam-Methane Reformer Flue Gas

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    This study focuses on the techno-economic assessment integrated with detailed optimisation of a four step vacuum swing adsorption (VSA) process for post-combustion CO2 capture and storage (CCS) from steam-methane reformer dried flue gas containing 20 mol% CO2. The comprehensive techno-economic optimisation model developed herein takes into account VSA process model, peripheral component models, vacuum pump performance, scale-up, process scheduling and a thorough cost model. Three adsorbents, namely, Zeolite 13X (current benchmark material for CO2 capture) and two metal–organic frameworks, UTSA-16 (widely studied metal–organic framework for CO2 capture) and IISERP MOF2 (good performer in recent findings) are optimised to minimise the CO2 capture cost. Monoethanolamine (MEA)-based absorption technology serves as a baseline case to assess and compare optimal techno-economic performances of VSA technology for three adsorbents. The results show that the four step VSA process with IISERP MOF2 outperforms other two adsorbents with a lowest CO2 capture cost (including flue gas pre-treatment) of 33.6 € per tonne of CO2 avoided and an associated CO2 avoided cost of 73.0 € per tonne of CO2 avoided. Zeolite 13X and UTSA-16 resulted in CO2 avoided costs of 90.9 and 104.9 € per tonne of CO2 avoided, respectively. The CO2 avoided costs obtained for the VSA technology remain higher than that of the baseline MEA-based absorption process which was found to be 66.6 € per tonne of CO2 avoided. The study also demonstrates the importance of using cost as means of evaluating the separation technique compared to the use of process performance indicators. Accounting for the efficiency of vacuum pumps and the cost of novel materials such as metal–organic frameworks is highlighted. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.acceptedVersio

    Integrating direct air capture with small modular nuclear reactors:understanding performance, cost, and potential

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    Direct air capture (DAC) is a key component in the transition to net-zero society. However, its giga-tonne deployment faces daunting challenges in terms of availability of both financial resources and, most of all, large quantities of low-carbon energy. Within this context, small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) might potentially facilitate the deployment of DAC. In the present study, we present a detailed thermodynamic analysis of integrating an SMR with solid sorbent DAC. We propose different integration designs and find that coupling the SMR with DAC significantly increases the use of thermal energy produced in the nuclear reactor: from 32% in a stand-alone SMR to 76%-85% in the SMR-DAC system. Moreover, we find that a 50-MW SMR module equipped with DAC could remove around 0.3 MtCO2 every year, while still producing electricity at 24%-42% of the rated power output. Performing a techno-economic analysis of the system, we estimate a net removal cost of around 250 €/tCO2. When benchmarking it to other low-carbon energy supply solutions, we find that the SMR-DAC system is potentially more cost-effective than a DAC powered by high-temperature heat pumps or dedicated geothermal systems. Finally, we evaluate the potential of future deployment of SMR-DAC in China, Europe, India, South Africa and the USA, finding that it could enable up to around 96 MtCO2/year by 2035 if SMRs prove to be cost-competitive. The impact of regional differences on the removal cost is also assessed.</p

    Energy and Cost Evaluation of A Low-temperature CO2 Capture Unit for IGCC plants

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    AbstractThe application of CO2 capture by liquefaction has been investigated for an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC). Two configurations of the process are developed–one supplying CO2 at conditions suitable for pipeline transport and the second one producing liquid CO2 suitable for ship transport. The liquefaction process for CO2 capture is more efficient and compact compared to Selexol process for providing CO2 suitable for ship transport as the separation and liquefaction units are integrated in the process presented in this work. An economic analysis performed shows that CO2 capture by liquefaction is more cost efficient than corresponding Selexol-based separation processes by 9–11% in terms of the levelized cost of electricity and 35–37% in terms of CO2 avoidance costs

    Large-scale production and transport of hydrogen from Norway to Europe and Japan: Value chain analysis and comparison of liquid hydrogen and ammonia as energy carriers

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    Low-carbon hydrogen is considered as one of the key measures to decarbonise continental Europe and Japan. Northern Norway has abundant renewable energy and natural gas resources which can be converted to low-carbon hydrogen. However, Norway is located relatively far away from these markets and finding efficient ways to transport this hydrogen to the end-user is critical. In this study, liquefied hydrogen (LH2) and ammonia (NH3), as H2-based energy carriers, are analysed and compared with respect to energy efficiency, CO2 footprint and cost. It is shown that the LH2 chain is more energy efficient and has a smaller CO2 footprint (20 and 23 kg-CO2/MWhth for Europe and Japan, respectively) than the NH3 chain (76 and 122 kg-CO2/MWhth). Furthermore, the study finds the levelized cost of hydrogen delivered to Rotterdam to be lower for LH2 (5.0 EUR/kg-H2) compared to NH3 (5.9 EUR/kg-H2), while the hydrogen costs of the two chains for transport to Japan are in a similar range (about 7 EUR/kg-H2). It is also shown that under optimistic assumptions, the costs associated with the LH2 chain (3.2 EUR/kg-H2) are close to meeting the 2030 hydrogen cost target of Japan (2.5 EUR/kg-H2). Keywords Techno-economic analysisLiquid hydrogenAmmoniaLong distance transportacceptedVersio

    Preem CCS - Synthesis of main project findings and insights

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    The Preem-CCS project was a Swedish-Norwegian collaboration that investigated CO2 capture from the Preem refineries in Sweden, and subsequent ship transport of captured CO2 for permanent storage on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The project was conducted from early 2019 to beginning of 2022 and funding was provided by the Norwegian CLIMIT-Demo program via Gassnova, by the Swedish Energy Agency and by the participating industry and research partners (Preem, Aker Carbon Capture, SINTEF Energy Research, Chalmers University of Technology, and Equinor).This report summarizes the key findings of the project activities listed below:\ua0 -\ua0Pilot-scale testing of CO2 capture at the hydrogen production unit (HPU) at the Lysekil refinery using the Aker Carbon Capture (ACC) mobile test unit (MTU)\ua0 -\ua0In-depth investigation of energy efficiency opportunities along the CCS chain, including the use of residual heat at the Lysekil refinery site to satisfy the energy requirements for solvent regeneration\ua0 -\ua0Evaluation of the technical feasibility and cost evaluation of the CCS chain including CO2 capture and transportation by ship to storage facilities off the Norwegian west coast\ua0 -\ua0Investigation of relevant legal and regulatory aspects related to trans-border CO2 transport and storage and national emissions reduction commitments in Norway and SwedenThe report also discusses the next steps towards implementation of CCS at Preem refineries in Lysekil and Gothenburg
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