28,047 research outputs found

    Assumptions that imply quantum dynamics is linear

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    A basic linearity of quantum dynamics, that density matrices are mapped linearly to density matrices, is proved very simply for a system that does not interact with anything else. It is assumed that at each time the physical quantities and states are described by the usual linear structures of quantum mechanics. Beyond that, the proof assumes only that the dynamics does not depend on anything outside the system but must allow the system to be described as part of a larger system. The basic linearity is linked with previously established results to complete a simple derivation of the linear Schrodinger equation. For this it is assumed that density matrices are mapped one-to-one onto density matrices. An alternative is to assume that pure states are mapped one-to-one onto pure states and that entropy does not decrease.Comment: 10 pages. Added references. Improved discussion of equations of motion for mean values. Expanded Introductio

    Corrections and Comments on the Multipole Moments of Axisymmetric Electrovacuum Spacetimes

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    Following the method of Hoenselaers and Perj\'{e}s we present a new corrected and dimensionally consistent set of multipole gravitational and electromagnetic moments for stationary axisymmetric spacetimes. Furthermore, we use our results to compute the multipole moments, both gravitational and electromagnetic, of a Kerr-Newman black hole.Comment: This is a revised and corrected versio

    Coupling linkage maps in F2 populations of carrot derived from two different crosses.

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    Linkage grouping and ordering AFLP markers analyses were performed for two different F2 populations of carrot (Daucus carota L.). Included were 277 and 242 dominant AFLP markers and 10 and 8 co-dominant markers assigned to the nine linkage groups of Brasilia x HCM and B493 x QAL F2 populations, respectively. The overall marker datasets, includjng repulsion and coupling phases, were consistently assigned to the nine linkage groups at LOD scores ranging from 3.5 to 5.0 in both F2 populations. Linkage grouping performed with only markers linked in coupling phase showed the nine linkage groups at LOD scores ranging from 3.0 to 7.5, 3.0 to 5.5, 3.5 to 5.0 and 2.5 to 8.5 in the Brasilia-, HCM-, B493- and QAL- coupling F2 population, respectively. The average marker spacing was 4.78, 4.80, 5.54 and 5.13 cM in the Brasilia-, HCM-, B493 and QAL-coupling phase maps, respectively. Some gaps, greater than 10 cM, were observed more frequently in the coupling linkage maps of B493 and QAL than in the Brasilia- and HCM-coupling maps. Six linkage groups of both populations were merged, based on the conserved AFLP fragments .The excellent genome coverage in this study is suitable to confidently apply single QTL analysis and to perform more powerful QTL analysis considering coupling linkage maps.Suplemento 2. Edição do 42 Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura; 11 Congresso Latino Americano de Horticultura, Uberlândia, jul. 2002

    Estimation of heritabilities and gene number in the production of provitamin A in carrots.

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    Broad sense heritabilities and estimates of the number of factors or genes involved in the productjon of phytoene, -carotene, -carotene, a-carotene, Iycopene and total carotenoids were estimated in two different crosses of carrot (Daucus carota L.) with different backgrounds. F2 plants segregating for absence of a-carotene were identified in the cross B493 x QAL. HPLC chromatograms revealed that most of the increase of total carotenoids in high intensity mass selection (HCM), cycle 13, was due to jncrease of a-carotene content than {3-carotene. Broad sense heritabilities values were around or greater than 50% for {3- carotene, -carotene, Iycopene, phytoene and total carotenoid and around 35% for a- carotene in the cross Brasilia x HCM. In the cross orange x white the heritabifities were around or greater than 90%. The estimated number of factors was 4 for a-carotene, 3 for f3- carotene and total carotenes and one for -carotene, Iycopene and phytoene in the orange x dark orange cross, and 4 for a-carotene, 1-2 for Iycopene and total carotenes and 1 for the other carotenes in the orange x white cross.Suplemento 2. Edição do 42 Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura; 11 Congresso Latino Americano de Horticultura, Uberlândia, jul. 2002

    QTL analyses reveal clustered loci for accumulation of major carotenes and lycopene loci in carrot roots.

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    Single markers were selected for further analysis based on the Wilcoxon sum-rank non-parametric test

    Some AFLP amplicons are highly conserved DNA sequences mapping to the same linkage groups in two F2 populations of carrot.

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    Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a fast and reliable tool to generate a large number of DNA markers. In two unrelated F2 populations of carrot (Daucus carota L.), Brasília x HCM and B493 x QAL (wild carrot), it was hypothesized that DNA 1) digested with the same restriction endonuclease enzymes and amplified with the same primer combination and 2) sharing the same position in polyacrylamide gels should be conserved sequences. To test this hypothesis AFLP fragments from polyacrylamide gels were eluted, reamplified, separated in agarose gels, purified, cloned and sequenced. Among thirty-one paried fragments from each F2 population, twenty-six had identity greater than 91% and five presented identity of 24% to 44%. Among the twenty-six conserved AFLPs only one mapped to different linkage groups in the two populations while four of the less-conserved bands mapped to different linkage groups. Of eight SCAR (sequence characterized amplified regions) primers tested, one conserved AFLP resulted in co-ddominant markers in both populations. Screening among 14 carrot inbreds or cultivars with three AFLP-SCAR primers revealed clear and polymorphic PCR products, with similar molecular sizes on agarose gels. The development of co-dominant markers based on conserved AFLP fragments will be useful to detect seed mixtures among hybrids, to improve and to merge linkage maps and to study diversity and phylogenetic relationships

    Correlation between structure and properties in multiferroic La0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3/BaTiO3_3 superlattices

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    Superlattices composed of ferromagnetics, namely La0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 (LCMO), and ferroelectrics, namely, BaTiO3_3(BTO) were grown on SrTiO3_3 at 720o^oC by pulsed laser deposition process. While the out-of-plane lattice parameters of the superlattices, as extracted from the X-ray diffraction studies, were found to be dependent on the BTO layer thickness, the in-plane lattice parameter is almost constant. The evolution of the strains, their nature, and their distribution in the samples, were examined by the conventional sin2ψ^2\psi method. The effects of structural variation on the physical properties, as well as the possible role of the strain on inducing the multiferroism in the superlattices, have also been discussed.Comment: To be published in Journal of Applied Physic

    Spectroscopic analysis of finite size effects around a Kondo quantum dot

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    We consider a simple setup in which a small quantum dot is strongly connected to a finite size box. This box can be either a metallic box or a finite size quantum wire.The formation of the Kondo screening cloud in the box strongly depends on the ratio between the Kondo temperature and the box level spacing. By weakly connecting two metallic reservoirs to the quantum dot, a detailed spectroscopic analysis can be performed. Since the transport channels and the screening channels are almost decoupled, such a setup allows an easier access to the measure of finite-size effects associated with the finite extension of the Kondo cloud.Comment: contribution to Les Houches proceeding, ``Quantum magnetism'' 200