11 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Kristiani di Era Post-Truth: Sebuah Perenungan Hermeneutis Paul Ricoeur

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    Abstract. The post-truth phenomenon in the form of false news and utterances of hate actually marks an awareness that is lured to oneself (closed, rejects intersubjectivity) which causes the emergence of egological thinking. Ricoeur carries out “hermeneutics of suspicion,” as a hermeneutical method, which aims to demystify arrogant subjects, which are lived out by distrust and skepticism and give birth to post-truths. The purpose of this study is to show that the perspective of education according to Ricoeur means the return of consciousness. Consciousness means unity between words and actions. It is not enough that our thoughts are good without being directly proportional to good actions. For the task of education, the unity of both is the opposite of post-truth.Abstrak. Fenomena post-truth berupa berita bohong dan ujaran kebencian sesungguhnya menandai kesadaran yang terpikat pada diri sendiri (tertutup, menolak intersubjektif) yang menyebabkan munculnya cari berpikir egologis. Ricoeur mengusung “hermeneutik kecurigaan” (hermeneutics of suspicion), sebagai metode hermeneutis, yang bertujuan melakukan demistifikasi atas subjek yang pongah, yang dihidupi oleh ketidakpercayaan dan skeptisisme serta melahirkan post-truth. Tujuan penelitian ini ingin memperlihatkan bahwa perspektif pendidikan menurut Ricoeur berarti kembalinya kesadaran. Kesadaran berarti satunya kata dan tindakan. Tidak cukup pikiran kita baik, tanpa berbanding lurus dengan tindakan yang baik. Bagi tugas pendidikan, maka kesatuan keduanya adalah lawan tanding bagi post-truth

    Pohon Keramat dan Pohon Pengetahuan: Studi Etno-Teologi tentang Atoni Pah Meto dan Kejadian 2:16-17

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    Abstract. The story of environmental preservation begins with the community's perspective on nature and the environment. Each group of people always has a different perspective on nature, the environment and their relations. This paper showed the two community groups in their efforts to preserve the environment. The Atoni Pah Meto community preserve nature and its environment by respecting its traditional wisdom in cutting down the trees. There are sacred trees that supposed not to cut down. Likewise with the story in Genesis 2: 16-17, God forbade humans consumming the fruit of the tree of knowledge. These two stories were then examined using qualitative methods. The results of the study were analyzed ethnographically and theologically. This approach is referred to as ethnotheological studies. Through this study, it could be concluded that local wisdom can help the understanding to the biblical text in order to find theological basis for nature preservation efforts.Abstrak. Cerita tentang pelestarian lingkungan hidup berawal dari cara pandang masyarakat tentang alam dan lingkungan hidupnya. Setiap kelompok masyarakat selalu memiliki cara pandang yang berbeda tentang alam, lingkungan dan relasi keduanya. Tulisan dalam artikel ini melihat dua kelompok masyarakat dalam upaya melestarikan lingkungan hidup. Komunitas masyarakat Atoni Pah Meto melestarikan alam dan lingkungan hidupnya dengan menghargai kearifan tradisionalnya dalam menebang pohon. Ada pohon itu dimaknai sebagai pohon keramat, yang tidak boleh ditebang. Begitu juga dengan cerita dalam Kejadian 2:16-17, Allah memerintahkan kepada manusia agar tidak memakan buah dari pohon pengetahuan. Kedua kisah ini kemudian diteliti dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian tersebut dianalisis secara etnografis dan teologis. Pendekatan ini disebut sebagai studi etnotheologis. Melalui kajian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kearifan lokal dapat membantu pemaknanaan terhadap teks Alkitab dalam rangka menemukan dasar teologis bagi upaya pelestarian alam

    Philosophy of Emancipatory Education through the Masters of Suspicion

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     This paper will answer what the masters of suspicion say about the construction of today’s relevant philosophy of education. This paper is a qualitative research intended to construct meaning through a literature search on selected reading sources. The hermeneutic perspective used in this paper means an attempt to put the text, namely the thoughts of these masters of suspicion, in the present context to construct a meaning for the relevant philosophy of education. Three masters of suspicion, i.e. Marx, Freud, and Nietzsche, spoke respectively of a critical task in the realm of human action. Marx suspected that economic motives are often not to support life but to suppress it instead. Nietzsche suspected that religion only produced decadent and timid humans so they never became their true selves, hypocrite, and like to scare others. Freud was suspicious of human subconscious motivation so it must be seriously criticized in order to bring out an action that is truly born of compassionate political and social morality. These three masters present important education values to be developed today, namely education for social change, empowerment, and building compassionate social and political morality


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    In an era marked by increasing geopolitical tensions and consumer activism, the boycott of products associated with certain political stances, such as those supporting Israel, has created unique market voids and opportunities. This paper explores strategic avenues for Muslim entrepreneurs to capitalize on these emerging market gaps. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative insights from expert interviews and quantitative market analysis, this study identifies key areas where Muslim entrepreneurs can effectively intervene and thrive. The findings reveal that the boycott movement has led to a demand shift in various sectors, including food, technology, and apparel, presenting ripe opportunities for alternative products and services. This paper proposes a framework for Muslim entrepreneurs to identify these opportunities, develop culturally and ethically aligned products, and employ targeted marketing strategies to capture and expand their market presence. The study not only contributes to the existing literature on market strategies in politically charged environments but also provides practical guidelines for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate and leverage these complex market dynamics. The implications of this research extend beyond immediate market opportunities, suggesting a broader role for entrepreneurial ventures in shaping economic landscapes amidst political and social upheavals


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    This article examines the impact of the boycott movement against Israeli products on brand perception and customer loyalty among Muslim consumers, primarily through an extensive literature review. It investigates how the socio-political context of the boycott influences Muslim consumers' perceptions and attitudes towards these brands. The study synthesizes findings from various scholarly articles, reports, and case studies to understand the dynamics between political activism and consumer behavior. Key insights reveal a notable shift in brand image and loyalty, underscoring the critical role of political and ethical considerations in shaping consumer choices. This comprehensive analysis contributes to the broader discourse on consumer behavior in politically sensitive environments and offers strategic insights for businesses in managing brand reputation amidst socio-political challenges

    Ecclesia in Transitu, Di Antara Alfa dan Omega: GPI dan Notae Ecclesiae yang Baru

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    Abstract What are the pertinent indicators of the Church being lived by the GPI in the middle of a disruption related to its identity between oneness and independence, as well as the difficulties of the international context and nationality? is the question that this essay’s introduction poses. This article employs a qualitative approach to address this query, attempting to build a meaning for the church in the age of disruption by analytically interpreting the data obtained. The findings of this research demonstrate that GPI’s courage is walking with God to maintain the independence and unity of being a brother-sisterhood in God’s open banquet by fostering the concept of brother-sisterhood within its own body and assisting in the resolution of national and international problems. It is clear that GPI deserves to display the distinctive characteristics of the Church, including its commitment to multiculturalism, freedom, and Indonesian public liquidity. Abstrak Tulisan ini dimulai dengan sebuah pertanyaan, apa tanda-tanda Gereja yang relevan dihidupi oleh GPI di tengah disrupsi terkait identitas dirinya di antara keesaan dan kemandirian, dan tantangan konteks global dan kebangsaan? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, pembahasan tulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan berusaha menginterpretasi secara analitis ke atas data-data yang ditemukan untuk mengonstruksi makna menggereja di era disrupsi. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa keberanian (courage) GPI adalah berjalan bersama Allah untuk meneruskan keesaan dan kemandirian menjadi persaudaraan dalam perjamuan Allah yang terbuka dengan mengusung gagasan persaudaraan di tubuhnya sendiri dan turut mengatasi tantangan kebangsaan dan global hingga ke titik omega. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa GPI layak mengusung tanda-tanda Gereja yang khas, yaitu: persaudaraan, keesaan, kemandirian, multikultural dan keindonesiaan-kepublikan-kecairan

    Mempertahankan Sorga di Delang: Dilema Sawit dan Hutan

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    The ecological issue has become crucial and urgent problem to be responded the logically and practically. This very issue is inseparable from a challenge in the form of catastrophic convergence: poverty, injustice, and violence. Analysis on the ecological problem brought us to trace back the problem of thought contributed by certain philosophical and thelogical thought. It has given birth to an absolute anthropocentrism which has been consolidated by certain theology and in turn gave birth to an expansive notion by way of the mastery over nature, even over other human fellow. The absolutisation of ratio brought about the birth of capitalism (globalized imperialism), which in turn created man as homo oeconomicus in which its keyword is injustice. In the middle of the impoverishing massive ecological damage, there is a different story that showed a local community's ability in defending the environmental conservation. A small village, Kudangan, in Delang Subdistrict are in agreement "Defending Delang's Forest against Palm Oil Plantation Expansion". Theologically, the Delang's local community see nature (forest) not only as something with economical value, but as a "home" for the Divine. The Divine abide in hills with its leafy trees in Delang's area. Here, a contextual theology taking into account the local religiosity instilment to help us rediscovering our contextual mission, that which taking into account the primal worldview (read: cosmic religion), whose principal value is be friendly toward nature

    Sumbangan Paul Ricoeur dalam Proses Berteologi

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    In understanding the theologizing process, the foci are not only on the reality, but also on the means or tools to understand the reality. This article intends to explain the means or tools of theologizing process according to Paul Ricoeur. As a process what at stake is not only the method, but also the methodology, namely the thinking process, the interest of the subject and the premises on certain values. The guiding question is what is Ricoeur’s theologizing methodology, i.e. his hermeneutics? Through dialogue with many parties, Ricoeur found the methodology of reading reality is started with an affi rmation and ended with a critic toward the distortion of reality; this is an affirmative-critical position. However, this methodology is inadequate to comprehend an extremely distorted reality. Hence, the present article offers a reversal move of theologizing process, by prioritizing the critical position toward the distorted reality and following up with the affirmation process by uncovering the element of hope of a good and just life. Ultimately, the theologizing process requires a dialectical methodology of reading the reality, between the critical-affirmative and affirmative-critical positions. The priority of the option is determined by the contextual challenges at hand

    Practical Considerations for Paul Ricoeur’s “Transformation of Subjectivity” In The Indonesian Context

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    Hermeneutics is the task of interpreting in the area of action. The purpose of interpreting is the emancipation of a better and fairer life. One of the hermeneutic thinkers is Paul Ricoeur. Ricoeur’s hermeneutic project is built on criticism of the subject. Its purpose of producing a “transformation of subjectivity.” By undermining the illusion of the absolute, exploitative, and dominant matter manifested in the homo oeconomicus. This transformation of subjectivity can be used to analyze the area of action in public space. There are three hermeneutical tasks. The first is a hermeneutical task in poverty; the second is its task in the context of environmental damage (ecology). And the third is its task in the context of fighting economic and political injustice. All hermeneutical tasks are supported by the basic ethics of emancipation, namely “love and justice.