11 research outputs found

    Use of information and communication technologies among older people with and without frailty:a population-based survey

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    Abstract Background: Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) among seniors is increasing; however, studies on the use of ICT by seniors at the highest risk of health impairment are lacking. Frail and prefrail seniors are a group that would likely benefit from preventive nutrition and exercise interventions, both of which can take advantage of ICT. Objective: The objective of the study was to quantify the differences in ICT use, attitudes, and reasons for nonuse among physically frail, prefrail, and nonfrail home-dwelling seniors. Methods: This was a population-based questionnaire study on people aged 65–98 years living in Northern Finland. A total of 794 eligible individuals responded out of a contacted random sample of 1500. Results: In this study, 29.8% (237/794) of the respondents were classified as frail or prefrail. The ICT use of frail persons was lower than that of the nonfrail ones. In multivariable logistic regression analysis, age and education level were associated with both the use of Internet and advanced mobile ICT such as smartphones or tablets. Controlling for age and education, frailty or prefrailty was independently related to the nonuse of advanced mobile ICT (odds ratio, OR=0.61, P=.01), and frailty with use of the Internet (OR=0.45, P=.03). The frail or prefrail ICT nonusers also held the most negative opinions on the usefulness or usability of mobile ICT. When opinion variables were included in the model, frailty status remained a significant predictor of ICT use. Conclusions: Physical frailty status is associated with older peoples’ ICT use independent of age, education, and opinions on ICT use. This should be taken into consideration when designing preventive and assistive technologies and interventions for older people at risk of health impairment

    Health information behaviour, attitudes towards health information and motivating factors for encouraging physical activity among older people:differences by sex and age

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    Abstract Introduction: Difficulties in understanding health information and negative attitudes may form a barrier for effective information use by older people. This study seeks to increase the understanding of health information behaviour, as well as attitudes towards health information and motivating factors for encouraging physical activity in older people. The main focus is on information about physical activity and comparing sexes and different age groups. Method: Population-based data were collected with a questionnaire survey in the GASEL study. A random sample of 1,500 adults 65 years or older was obtained from the Finnish Population Register Centre. The number of respondents was 918 with a response rate of 61.2%. Analysis: The statistical significance of the differences between the sexes and age groups were compared using non-parametric tests. Results: Women were more likely to have shared information with others related to physical activity. Men were more likely to consider that health related stories and articles were overly long and scientific and that ipsative and normative comparison motivates them. The older the respondents were the more likely they were to avoid information and to agree that health information is often too long and scientific and mostly aimed at young people. The younger the respondents were the more eagerly they preferred ipsative comparison and considered information given by different physical activity monitors as motivating. The oldest age group (80 years or older) especially had difficulties with understanding and accepting health information. Conclusion: Older adults need health information in an easily understandable and accessible form. When possible, the information provided should be tailored for the recipient

    Association between chronic diseases and falls among a sample of older people in Finland

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    Abstract Background/Objectives: Falls are a major problem for older people and recurrent fallers are especially prone to severe consequences due to falls. This study investigated the association between chronic conditions and falls. Methods: Responses from 872 older persons (age 65–98) to a health questionnaire were used in the analyses. Characteristics and disease prevalence between recurrent fallers, one-time fallers and non-fallers were compared. A hierarchical clustering method was applied to find combinations of chronic conditions that were associated with recent recurrent falling. Results: The results showed that recurrent fallers had a higher number of diseases (median 4, interquartile range, IQR = 2.0–5.0) compared to non-fallers (median 2, IQR = 1.0–3.0). Eight clusters were formed based on the data. The participants in the low chronic disease cluster were younger, more physically active, not frail, and had fewer geriatric conditions. Multiple chronic disease cluster participants were older, less physically active, overweight (body mass index, BMI > 30), at risk of malnutrition, and had more geriatric conditions. Significantly increased risk of recurrent falls relative to the low chronic cluster was found for respondents in the osteoporosis cluster and multiple chronic disease cluster (OR = 5.65, 95% confidence interval CI: 1.23–25.85, p = 0.026, and OR = 13.42, 95% CI: 2.47–72.96,  = 0.002, respectively). None of the clusters were associated with increased risk of one-time falling. Conclusions: The results implicate that the number of chronic diseases is related with risk of recurrent falling. Furthermore, the results implicate the potential of identifying certain combinations of chronic diseases that increase fall risk by analyzing health record data, although further studies are needed with a larger population sample

    Feasibility of mobile mental wellness training for older adults

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    Abstract Mobile technology has been increasingly adopted in promotion of mental health among older people. This study assessed the feasibility of a mobile mental wellness training application for individual use and for group work from the perspectives of older adults and social care professionals. The older individuals recruited for the study were participants in a Circle of Friends group and family caregivers’ peer support group offered by the communal senior services. The qualitative and quantitative results of interviews, questionnaires, observation, and application usage were reported. Seven older adults started using the application independently at home in parallel with the group activity. This study revealed new information regarding the barriers to the older adults’ full adoption of such mobile technologies. The results indicated that there may be potential in the incorporation of mobile technologies in promotion of mental health of older people at group settings

    Technologies for fall risk assessment and conceptual design in personal health record system

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    Abstract Falls among older people are a major economic and public health problem. Due to the demographic change and aging of populations, there is an urgent need for accurate screening tools to identify those at risk to target effective falls prevention strategies. Clinical fall risk assessments are costly and time-consuming and thus cannot be performed frequently. Technologies provide means for assessing fall risk during daily living, making self-evaluations and fast methods for fall risk assessment for professional use. This study collects and evaluates existing technological solutions for fall risk assessment including various different sensor technologies. The study also presents one easy to use solution for assessing fall risk and suggests a concept-design for integrating sensor-based solutions into the Finnish national Kanta Personal Health Record. The optimal solution for technological fall risk assessment is still unclear. A wide implementation still requires extensive validation studies, adoption to health care processes and novel IoT -solutions for collecting large amounts of sensor data. Thorough methods should be utilised in designing the privacy and security aspects of fall risk assessment solutions, as well as different user profiles, to allow suitable interfaces and visualisations to users. It should always be clear what kind of data are collected from users and how the data are utilised. The consent of the users should also always be collected

    Feasibility of digital footprint data for health analytics and services:an explorative case study

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    Abstract Background: As a result of digitalization, data is available about almost every aspect of our lives. Personal data collected by individuals themselves or stored by organizations interacting with people is known as a digital footprint. The purpose of this study was to identify prerequisites for collecting and using digital data that could be valuable for health data analytics and new health services. Methods: Researchers and their contacts involved in a nationwide research project focusing on digital health in Finland were asked to participate in a pilot study on collecting their own personal data from various organizations of their own choice, such as retail chains, banks, insurance companies, and healthcare providers. After the pilot, a qualitative inquiry was adopted to collect semi-structured interview data from twelve active participants in the pilot. Interviews comprised themes such as the experiences of collecting personal data, as well as the usefulness of the data in general and for the participants themselves. Interview data was then analyzed thematically. Results: Even if the participants had an academic background and were highly motivated to collect and use their data, they faced many challenges, such as quite long delays in the provision of the data, and the unresponsiveness of some organizations. Regarding the usefulness of the acquired personal data, our results show that participants had high expectations, but they were disappointed with the small amount of data and its irrelevant content. For the most part, the data was not in a format that would be useful for health data analytics and new health services. Participants also found that there were actual mistakes in their health data reports. Conclusions: The study revealed that collecting and using digital footprint data, even by knowledgeable individuals, is not an easy task. As the usefulness of the acquired personal health data mainly depended on its form and usability for services or solutions relevant to an individual, rather than on the data being valuable as such, more emphasis should be placed on providing the data in a reusable form

    A gamified mobile health intervention for children in day surgery care:protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract Aims: To describe a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial which will evaluate the effectiveness of a gamified mobile health intervention for children in whole day surgery care. Design: A study protocol for a two-arm randomized controlled trial. Methods: Participants will be randomly assigned to the intervention group (N = 62), in which patients receive routine care and play a mobile game designed for children or the control group (N = 62), in which patients receive routine care, including a mobile phone application that supports parents during the care path. The primary outcome is children’s pre-operative anxiety, while the secondary outcome measures included fear and postoperative pain, along with parental satisfaction and anxiety. Data collection started in August 2020. Results: The results of the ongoing randomized controlled trial will determine whether the developed gamified mobile health intervention can be recommended for hospital use, and whether it could be used to educate children about their surgical treatment to decrease anxiety

    Short-term effects of a digital patient journey solution on patient-reported outcomes and health care utilization in arthroplasty:a pragmatic randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract Mobile health solutions for patient support have been proposed as promising and safe alternatives to usual care in adults undergoing primary total hip and knee arthroplasty. Studies of such applications, however, have produced conflicting results and only moderate- to low-quality evidence. This study aims to evaluate the short-term effects of a digital patient journey solution on patient-reported outcomes and health care utilization in patients undergoing total hip and knee arthroplasty using a pragmatic randomized controlled trial design. Randomly allocated patients in the control arm (n = 35, 64 ± 9 years) received usual care, while patients in the intervention arm (n = 34, 62 ± 11 years) received the digital patient journey solution in addition to usual care. The primary outcome was health-related quality of life as measured by the EuroQol EQ-5D-5L scale. Secondary outcomes included functional recovery, pain, self-efficacy, patient experience, adherence to fast-track protocol, and health care utilization. Participants were followed from a preoperative surgical visit until a postoperative follow-up visit at 6–12 weeks. The health-related quality of life, functional recovery, pain, patient experience, adherence to the fast-track protocol, and health care utilization did not differ between the arms. During the study, however, the self-efficacy to use digital health services (p=0.027) increased in the intervention arm. The use of the digital patient journey solution was not superior to usual care in terms of patient-reported outcomes and health care utilization. However, the solution improved the self-efficacy of patients to use digital health services, which may lead to greater demand for similar digital offerings as patient become more familiar with mobile health solutions