128 research outputs found

    Teacher concerns and coping mechanisms

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja bile su nastavničke brige, definisane kao teme koje su od interesa za nastavnika, izazivajući bilo negativna, bilo pozitivna osećanja, a u vezi sa kojima nastavnik namerava da uloži određen napor da ih razume i/ili razreÅ”i. Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koje to profesionalne brige doživljavaju budući nastavnici, pripravnici i nastavnici predmetne nastave sa viÅ”e godina radnog iskustva, kao i na koje načine pokuÅ”avaju da prevaziđu te brige, odnosno koje spoljaÅ”nje i lične resurse koriste prilikom njihovog prevazilaženja. Oslanjajući se na razvojni model briga Frensis Fuler i njenih sledbenika, prema kojima se različite brige javjaju u različitim fazama profesionalnog razvoja, nastojala sam i da utvrdim da li postoje razlike u brigama, pa i strategijama prevazilaženja između studenata, pripravnika i nastavnika. JoÅ” jedan od ciljeva bio je utvrditi na koji način su motivacija za bavljenje poslom nastavnika i ciljevi koje oni nastoje (ili bi nastojali) da ostvare u radu sa učenicima povezani sa brigama i strategijama njihovog prevazilaženja u svakoj od tri grupe ispitanika. Budući da sam se interesovala za lična i grupna značenja i razmevanju iskustva ispitanika u svoj njegovoj kompleksnosti, a da se u naÅ”oj sredini do sada nisu ispitivale nastavničke brige i strategije prevazilaženja tih briga, odlučila sam se za interpretativnu paradigmu i kvalitativnu metodlogiju. Svrsishodnim uzorkovanjem, a u skladu sa principom maksimalne varijacije, obavljeno je 57 polustrukturisanih konstruktivističkih intervjua ā€“ 19 sa studentima zavrÅ”nih godina takozvanih ā€žnastavničkihā€œ fakulteta, odnosno potencijalnim budućim nastavnicima predmetne nastave, 16 sa pripravnicima, odnosno nastavnicima predmetne nastave u osnovnim Å”kolama sa najviÅ”e dve godine radnog iskustva, i 22 sa nastavnicima predmetne nastave iz osnovnih Å”kola sa viÅ”e od pet godina radnog iskustva. Podaci su interpretirani primenom kombinacije utemeljene teorije i kvalitativne analize sadržaja, tačnije tematske i evaluativne analize. Definisane su tri glavne kategorije ā€“ Početničke, Pripravničke i Veteranske brige. Izdvojeno je 11 subkategorija kategorije Početničke brige koje su nazvane: PonaÅ”anje učenika, Efikasne nastavne metode, Kolege, Identitet i smisao, Stručnjački autoritet, Roditelji, Klima u odeljenju, Ocenjivanje, Raznolikost u odeljenju, ā€žTehnikalijeā€œ i Egzistencija. Unutar kategorije Pripravničke brige naÅ”lo se 9 podktegorija ā€“ sve podkategorije Početničkih briga, sem Stručnjačkog autoriteta, Egzistencije i ā€žTehnikalijaā€œ, a pojavila se i jedna nova ā€“ Odnos prema nastavnicima i obrazovanju. U kategoriji Veteranske brige izdvojeno je 9 podkategorija ā€“ u odnosu na Pripravničke izostala je podkategorija Ocenjivanje, ali se opet pojavila ā€žTehnikalijeā€œ. Zaključuje se da su na samom početku karijere nastavnici u najvećoj meri okupirani brigama koje se tiču discipline, obezbeđivanja učenja učenika odabirom efikasnih nastavnih metoda i uspostavljanjem korektnih odnosa sa kolegama. Ako se osvrnemo na Fulerin model, sedam podkategorija Početničkih briga možemo svrstati u Brige za sebe, tri u Brige za zadatak i jednu u Brige za uticaj, Å”to ide u prilog i Fulerinoj tezi da Brige za sebe dominiraju na početku karijere, ali i nalazima drugih autora ā€“ da viÅ”e briga može biti istovremeno prisutno i da studenti već mogu imati Brige za uticaj. Kada je reč o brigama koje se javljaju u toku prve dve godine rada u Å”koli ā€“ rezultati pokazuju da se pripravnici osećaju sigurno u poziciji eksperta za predmet (otuda izostanak brige Stručnjački autoritet), ali da se kao važne teme ističu stareÅ”instvo (otuda velika zastupljenost brige Klima u odeljenju) i inkluzija (otuda velika zastupljenost brige Raznolikost u odeljenju). Pojavljivanje nove brige u odnosu na same početnike ā€“ Odnos prema nastavnicima i obrazovanju, potkrepljuje tezu Konveja i Klarka, da nastavnici u toku karijere prelaze put od iznutra (Brige za sebe) ka spolja (Bige za uticaj), te a se opet okreću sebi, ali ovoga puta sagledavajući Å”iri kontekst i uz veću dozu refleksivnosti i istraživačkog stava. Najzad, nakon viÅ”e godina rada u Å”koli nastavnici postaju sasvim sigurni i u ulozi ocenjivača, ali brige u vezi sa inkluzijom i raznolikoŔću učenika dobijaju na značaju. Zaključuje se da se vremenom proređuju Brige za sebe, ali da se broj Briga za zadatak ili uticaj ne povećava. Ipak, ako se osvrnemo na frekvencije Briga za uticaj (u ovom slučaju ā€“ Klima u odeljenju) u kategorijama Početničkih, Pripravničkih ili Veteranskih, primećuje se da sa godinama staža one procentualno bivaju zastupljenije. Dakle, iako se ne javlja neki novi tip briga koji bi se mogao podvesti pod Fulerine Brige za uticaj, njihova učestalost se vremenom povećava. Poređenjem Početničkih briga sadaÅ”njih studenata i iskusnih nastavnika, utvrđeno je da su sadaÅ”nji nastavnici na početku karijere mnogo viÅ”e brinuli oko stručnjačkog autoriteta, a značajno manje, u odnosu na sadaÅ”nje studente ā€“ oko odnosa sa kolegama, roditeljima i ponaÅ”anja samih učenika. Dobijene razlike mogu se objasniti razlikama u poimanju profesije nastavnik nekad i sad (ekspert za predmet i neprikosnoveni autoritet vs. kompleksnost uloga i autoritet doveden u pitanje), razlikama u vrednostima prisutnim u socijalistički uređenom druÅ”tvu i sadaÅ”njem druÅ”tvu (kolektivističke i patrijarhalne vrednosti vs. individualističke vrednosti) i razlikama u stavu prema aktuelnim obrazovnim reformama (uvođenje inkluzivnog obrazovanja i veća participacija roditelja kao neÅ”to nametnuto, kao pretnja autoritetu vs. kao neminovnost savremenog doba, neÅ”to poznato i očekivano). Opisi koji su se odnosili na načine prevazilaženja briga podvedeni su pod kategoriju Strategije prevazilaženja, unutar koje je utvrđeno 27 podkategorija. Na nivou celog uzorka, najzastupljenije su: Razgovor, Međusobno upoznavanje i uvažavanje, Davanje primera i povezivanje sa životom, Učenje/Nadkompenzacija, Traženje pomoći, Individualizacija, Obrazlaganje i dokazivanje i PromiÅ”ljanje. Prilikom klasifikovanja strategija, poslužila sam se dvema diskretnim kategorijama ā€“ Didaktičke i Relacione, i dimenzijom, odnosno konstruktom Spolja vs. Unutra. NajviÅ”e strategija naÅ”lo se u kvadrantu Didaktičkeā€“Unutra, a najmanje ā€“ u kvadrantu Relacioneā€“Spolja iako su brige iz domena odnosa sa drugima najučestalije. Može se pretpostaviti da su one česte upravo zato Å”to ne postoje precizne, jasno razrađene strategije njihovog prevazilaženja. Takođe, dobijeno je da za brigu Egzistencija ne postoji nijedna strategija, a za brige Identitet i smisao i Odnos prema nastavnicima i obrazovanju ā€“ po dve (prema Folkmanovoj i Lazarusu ā€“ jedna instrumenalna i jedna palijativna) i to strategije koje ne uključuju druge kao resurs...This research looked at teacher concerns, defined as topics that are of interest for teachers, causing both positive and negative emotions, issues that a teacher intends to put effort in, so to understand and/or resolve them. The main goal of the research was to determine what professional concerns experience student teachers, novices and subject teachers with several years of work experience, as well as to discover the coping mechanisms, i.e. personal and external resources which are employed in order to overcome them. Relying on the developmental model of teachers concerns of Francis Fuller and her followers, according to which different concerns appear at different stages of professional development, I was striving to determine whether there were differences in concerns and coping strategies between student teachers, novices and in-service teachers. Additional goal was to find out in which way motivation for teaching and goals planned to be achieved with students are related to concerns and coping mechanisms in all three groups of participants. Since I was interested in personal and group meanings and understanding of participantsā€™ experience in all its complexity, and since there were no studies dealing with teacher concerns and means of overcoming them in Serbia hitherto, I opted for interpretative paradigm and qualitative methodology. Applying purposive sampling, in line with the principle of maximal variation, 57 semi-structured constructivist interviews were conducted ā€“ 19 with the students finishing their studies at the ā€œteacher facultiesā€, i.e. potential prospective subject teachers, 16 with the novices, i.e. subject teachers working in primary schools, with less than two years of work experience, and 22 with subject teachers working in primary schools, with more than five years of work experience at school. Data was interpreted by applying combination of grounded theory and qualitative content analysis, more specifically ā€“ thematic and evaluative analysis. Three main categories were defined ā€“ Beginner, Novice and Veteran concerns. Eleven subcategories of Beginner concerns were defined and labeled as: Studentsā€™ behavior, Efficacious teaching methods, Colleagues, Identity and meaning, Expert authority, Parents, Classroom climate, Assessment, Classroom diversity, ā€œTechnicalā€ issues and Survival. Within the category Novice concerns nine subcategories were derived ā€“ all the subcategories equivalent to those from the category Beginner concerns, except Expert authority, ā€œTechnicalā€ issues and Survival, and one new ā€“ Attitude toward teachers and education. Within the category Veteran concerns nine subcategories were created ā€“ compared to Novice concerns the subcategory Assessment was not present, but subcategory ā€œTechnicalā€ issues reappeared. It might be concluded that teachers are primarily concerned with discipline, providing learning of their students by choosing efficacious teaching methods and maintaining good relationships with colleagues at the beginning of their careers. If we look back at the Fullerā€™s model, seven subcategories of the category Beginner concerns could be classified as Self concerns, three ā€“ as Task concerns, and one matches Impact concerns. This is in line with Fullerā€™s thesis that Self concerns are dominant at the beginning of teacher career, but also ā€“ with findings obtained in other studies ā€“ that one can have more concerns at the same time, and that even student teachers can have Impact concerns. When it comes to concerns typical for the first two years of tenure, results show that novices feel self-confident in the position of the expert for the subject (therefore there is no more concern Expert authority), but new important issues arise ā€“ class leadership (proved with the high frequency of the concern Classroom climate) and inclusion (proved with the high frequency of the concern Classroom diversity). Emergence of the new concern, compared to beginners ā€“ Attitude toward teachers and education, support the thesis of Conway and Clark, that during their careers teachers shift from the journey inward (Self concerns) toward journey outward (Impact concerns), and again back ā€“ inward, but having broader context in mind, adopting reflective and inquiry stance. Eventually, after many years of tenure teachers become fully sure in their role of evaluator, but concerns regarding diversity and inclusion gain in importance. It can be concluded that the number of Self concerns decreases over time, and that the total number of Task and Impact concerns does not increase over time. If we, however, turn back at the frequencies of Impact concerns (in this case ā€“ Classroom climate) in the categories of Beginner, Novice and Veteran concerns, it can be noticed that the percentage distribution of this concern increases with time. By comparing Beginner concerns of present students and experienced teachers, it was established that todayā€™s teachers were more concerned at the beginning of their careers with Expert authority, but less concerned with relationship with colleagues, parents and studentsā€™ behavior. Obtained differences could be explained by differences in teacher profession conceptualizations before and nowadays (subject expert and unquestioned authority vs. role complexity and questioned authority), different values present in socialistic society and contemporary society (collectivistic and patriarchal values vs. individualistic values), and different attitudes toward actual education reforms (inclusion and increased parentsā€™ participation as something imposed vs. necessity of contemporary society, something expected and familiar). Descriptions related to means of overcoming concerns were subsumed under the category Coping mechanisms, which embraced 27 subcategories. On the level of the whole sample, most frequent were mechanisms labeled as: Conversation, Get to know and appreciate each other, Giving examples and relating to real life, Learning/Overcompensation, Asking for help, Individualization, Justifying and proving, and Deliberation. In the process of classification, I applied two discrete categories ā€“ Didactic and Relational, and one dimension, i.e. construct Outwardā€“Inward. Most of the mechanisms were located in the quadrant Didacticā€“Inward, and few ā€“ in the quadrant Relationalā€“Outward, although the concerns from the domain of relationships were most common. It might be assumed that these concerns are so frequent because there are no precise, thoroughly elaborated means of overcoming them. It was also obtained that for the concern Survival there are no coping mechanisms, whereas for the concerns Identity and meaning and Attitude toward teachers and education only two mechanisms are employed (according to Folkman and Lazarus ā€“ one instrumental and one palliative), both not engaging others as resources..

    Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) in The National Library of Serbia (1986ā€“2021)

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    Ovim radom želim da ukažem na dobru saradnju izdavača i Narodne biblioteke Srbije koja traje punih trideset pet godina. Katalogizacija u publikaciji je zahvaljujući visokostručnom kadru biblioteke stekla ogromno poverenje kod izdavača Å”to se vidi po sve većem broju obrađenih publikacija bez obzira na jezik i pismo.With this paper, I want to point out the good cooperation between the publisher and the National Library of Serbia, which has lasted for a full thirty-five years. Thanks to the highly professional staff of the library, cataloging in publication has gained great trust among publishers, which can be seen by the growing number of processed publications, regardless of language and script

    Overview of Literature Related to the Creation of the National Library of Serbia

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    Pitanje o vremenu osnivanja Narodne biblioteke Srbije predstavlja jedno od najsloženijih pitanja u oblasti proučavanja istorijskog razvoja ove značajne ustanove. Tim pitanjem su se bavili mnogi istraživači, koji su u svojim radovima iznosili raznovrsne pretpostavke i zaključke. Ovim preglednim radom će biti prikazan razvoj predmetnih istraživanja u pomenutoj oblasti, sa posebnim težiÅ”tem na naučnim i stručnim radovima u kojima su razmatrana pojedina specifična pitanja, koja se odnose na pribavljanje prvih knjiga (1830), uređenje knjižnog fonda pri državnoj Å”tampariji (1831), ustanovljenje obaveznog primerka, osnivanje biblioteke u knjižari Gligorija Vozarovića (1832) i formiranje objedinjenog knjižnog fonda pri Ministarstvu prosvete (1838). Takođe će biti ukazano na odnos istraživača prema naučnom preispitivanju dva ključna pitanja, od kojih se prvo odnosi na postanak knjižnih fondova, čijim je postepenim objedinjavanjem nastao prvobitni fond Narodne biblioteke, a drugo na institucionalno formiranje same bibliotečke ustanove.The question of the time when the National Library of Serbia was founded is one of the most complex questions in the field of studying the historical development of this important institution. This issue has been addressed by many researchers, who presented various assumptions and conclusions in their works. This review paper will present the development of subject research in the mentioned field, with a special focus on scientific and professional papers in which some specific issues were considered, related to the acquisition of the first books (1830), the arrangement of the book fund at the state printing house (1831), the establishment of a legal deposit, the establishment of a library in the bookshop of Gligorije Vozarović (1832) and the formation of a unified book fund at the Ministry of Education (1838). Attention will also be pointed out to the attitude of researchers towards the scientific review of two key issues, the first of which refers to the creation of book collections that with its gradual unification, the original book collection of the National Library was created, while the second refers to the institutional formation of the library institution itself

    Giftedness: Challenges when defining, identification and education of the gifted persons

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    Iako se 2010. godine otpočelo sa inkluzivnom praksom u Å”kolama u Srbiji, često se u javnim raspravama, naučnim radovima, a posebno u interventnim programima zapostavljaju darovita deca jer se veruje da 'nemaju potrebu za posebnom obrazovnom podrÅ”kom'. Cilj ovog rada jeste da ukaže na raznovrsnost koncepcija darovitosti, kao i načina identifikovanja i obrazovanja darovite dece. Posebna pažnja posvećena je obrazovanju darovite dece sa teÅ”koćama u učenju. Autor se kritički osvrnuo na koncept zasebnog Å”kolovanja darovitih i ukazao na prednosti kreiranja inkluzivne Å”kole u kojoj će sva deca, pa i darovita, imati priliku da dobiju kvalitetno obrazovanje.Although in 2010, the inclusive praxis started at schools in Serbia, very often in public disputes, scientific papers, and particularly in the special programs, gifted children are neglected, because 'it is believed that they do not have the need for special education and support'. The aim of this paper is to point at the varieties of the gifted, as well as ways of identification and education of the gifted children. Special attention is given to children with difficulties in learning. The author had a critical review on the concept of separate education of the gifted and pointed ate the benefits of creating an inclusive school in which all children, including the gifted ones, have the chance to get quality education

    Muslim Refugees in Serbia - Narrating Gender Role Identity Change

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    Forced migration is a highly stressful event that can cause changes in identity work. The aim of this research was to determine in what way the migration and prolonged stay in Serbia, a country that differs from both the refugees' heritage cultures and wished host cultures on many cultural dimensions, influenced the young Muslim refugees' gender role identities. Semi-structured interviews with seven female and eight male refugees coming from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, staying for several months in Serbia were conducted. Narrative inquiry, focused on recurring themes and changes in the past- and present-time narratives about gender role identities, yielded three types of narratives. The most frequent narrative, Expressing what was suppressed, points to identical past- and present-time narratives, but significant changes in the way gender role identities are expressed and pursued, self-confidence and interpersonal relationships. In narrative Reinventing oneself a major shift in gender role identity was noticed. Narrative Remaining the same, reflects changes in neither gender role identities nor their expression. Most participants applied integration strategies during the migration and moved towards individualism, femininity and rational values, whereas a few, exclusively male refugees, retained traditional patriarchal values

    Self-presentation in 'unsuitable' resumes: A case from Serbia

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    Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi načine na koje ljudi opisuju sebe u rezumeima označenim kao 'neprikladni'nakon prvog pregleda regrutera jedne proizvodne kompanije u Srbiji. Forma i sadržaj pedeset rezimea analizirani su kvalitativnom analizom sadržaja, induktivnim pristupom. Lične životne priče opisane intimnim, submisivnim tonom dominirale su u rezimeima, u poređenju sa opisom radnog iskustva i kompetencija. Kada je reč o sadržaju rezime, utvrđene su dve sržne kategorije - Ja kao zaposleni i Potrebe zadovoljene zaposlenjem. Pronalazeći podrÅ”ku u literaturi koja se bavila postsocijalističkom transformacijom u Srbiji, kao i u teoriji Hofsteda, pokazano je da postoji sukob dva vrednosna sistema u Srbiji - onog koji poseduju autori 'neprikladnih' rezimea, a koji odražava kolektivističke i feminine vrednosti, i onog koji je karakterističan za tržiÅ”te rada u Srbiji, a koji odražava individualističke i maskuline vrednosti. Autore 'neodgovarajućih' rezimea odlikuje međuzavisno konstruisanje selfa, primena defanzivnih strategija upravljanja utiscima, a potreba za radom je isključivo finansijske prirode. Najzad, ukazuje se na potrebu za boljim sporazumevanjem kandidata za posao i poslodavaca koji imaju različite vrednosne sisteme, pogotovo u kontekstu aktuelnih socio-ekonomskih promena u Srbiji.The main goal of this research was to explore the ways people portray themselves in resumes, labelled as 'unsuitable' after the first review of the recruiters in a manufacturing company in Serbia. The form and the content of fifty resumes were analyzed using qualitative content analysis, inductive approach. Personal life stories described in an intimate and submissive tone were predominantly present in resumes, compared to the description of work experience and competencies. Concerning the content of the resumes, two core categories emerged - I as a worker and Employment needs. Finding support in the literature dealing with postsocialist transformation in Serbia and Hofstede's theory, results are interpreted as pointing to the opposition of two value systems in Serbia: that of the authors of 'unsuitable' resumes, reflecting collectivistic and feminine values and that of the job market in Serbia, reflecting manly individualistic and masculine values. The authors of 'unsuitable' resumes display interdependent self-construal, use defensive impression management strategies and their need to work is exclusively financial in nature. Finally, the need for better understanding between job candidates and employers, having different value systems, especially in the context of actual socio-economic changes in Serbia is discussed

    Work Satisfaction of Female Scientists in the Serbian Post-Socialist Transformation Context

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    This article studies the level of female scientists' work satisfaction, and general and gender-related factors that would contribute to greater work satisfaction. We applied an interdisciplinary approach - we draw on Bronfenbrenner's ecological model of (professional) development, sociological analysis of the context and linguistic analysis of the text. A hundred Serbian female scientists filled in the online questionnaire. They reported moderate satisfaction with their work. Thematic analysis of their answers yielded nine general work satisfaction improvement factors: Creating a fair and effective management and improving relations with superiors, Improving social relationships with peers (Bronfenbrenner's micro-and meso-system), Improving technical resources, Increasing salaries, Professional improvement support, The modernization and application of scientific work, Improving human resources, Establishing transparent, consistent and fair system rules (exosystem) and Combating corruption and nepotism (macrosystem). Six gender-related factors were determined: Overcoming social obstacles related to pregnancy and child-care, Change in attitudes in cases of harassment (micro- and meso-system), Overcoming legal obstacles related to pregnancy and child-care, Change in procedures in cases of harassment (exosystem), Achieving respect and equality, and Changing social image through personal efforts (macrosystem). Recommendations for policy and practice improvement are discussed in the light of the dominant values in the Serbian post-socialist transformation context

    Roma in higher education: Psychological and social capital as factors of academic success

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    S obzirom na nisku zastupljenost studenata romske nacionalnosti u oblasti viÅ”eg/visokog obrazovanja i na Mali broj studija koje su istraživale lične i druÅ”tvene resurse mladih odraslih Roma, naÅ” cilj je bio da ispitamo psiholoÅ”ki i druÅ”tveni kapital Roma koji pohađaju institucije viÅ”eg/visokog obrazovanja i da utvrdimo da li postoje razlike u odnosu na studente koji nisu romske nacionalnosti. Upitnik je ispunilo ukupno 89 studenata romske nacionalnosti i 105 studenata koji nisu romske nacionalnosti. Utvrđene su značajne razlike između ove dve grupe u pogledu svih komponenti psiholoÅ”kog kapitala, sa izuzetkom samoefikasnosti. Finansijski i obrazovni status porodica studenata romske nacionalnosti znatno je nepovoljniji nego kod studenata koji nisu romske nacionalnosti. Oni dobijaju podrÅ”ku za sticanje viÅ”eg/visokog obrazovanja od manjeg broja osoba, ali su građanski angažovaniji i uživaju veću podrÅ”ku predstavnika nevladinih organizacija. Možemo da zaključimo da su uprkos nepovoljnom kapitalu porodične strukture studenti romske nacionalnosti razvili visok nivo psiholoÅ”kog kapitala. Praktične implikacije su dodatno razmotrene u radu.Given that Roma students are underrepresented in higher education, and that few studies investigated personal and social resources of young Roma adults, our aim was to explore the psychological and social capital of Roma attending college and determine if there are differences compared to non-Roma students. In total, 89 Roma and 105 non-Roma college students filled in the questionnaire. Significant differences between the two groups were obtained for all components of psychological capital, except for self-efficacy. Roma students' family financial and educational status was significantly more unfavorable than that of the non-Roma students. They received support from fewer persons to pursue higher education but have been more civically engaged and received more support from NGO representatives. We can conclude that, despite unfavorable family structure capital, Roma college students have developed a high level of psychological capital. Practical implications are furthered elaborated

    Scardinius knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005 and Alburnus scoranza Bonaparte, 1845: New species of ichthyofauna of Serbia and the Danube basin

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    Research into the ichthyofauna of the Vlasina Lake reservoir in south Serbia, which is part of the Danube basin, was carried out in 1993, 40 years after its formation. The results of the research reveal the presence of several species of fish belonging to the Adriatic and Aegean basin, such as Alburnus albidus, Rutilus basak, Scardinius graecus and Pachychilon macedonicus. These findings are of great importance from the aspect of conservation, because the species Scardinius graecus and Alburnus albidus are on the European list of endangered fish species. In the latest study of the Vlasina Lake reservoir ichthyofauna (70 years after its formation), the above-mentioned species were not found. However, the presence of naturalized populations of two species from the Adriatic basin were confirmed: Scardinius knezevici and Alburnus scoranza. These findings represent the first known areal expansion of these species, which are new to the ichthyofauna of Serbia, from the Adriatic into the Danube (Black Sea) basin.[Acknowledgments. The present work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia (Projects No. 43002 and 173025).

    Scardinius Knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005 and Alburnus scoranza Bonaparte, 1845: New species of ichthyofauna of Serbia and the Danube basin

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    Research into the ichthyofauna of the Vlasina Lake reservoir in south Serbia, which is part of the Danube basin, was carried out in 1993, 40 years after its formation. The results of the research reveal the presence of several species of fish belonging to the Adriatic and Aegean basin, such as Alburnus albidus, Rutilus basak, Scardinius graecus and Pachychilon macedonicus. These findings are of great importance from the aspect of conservation, because the species Scardinius graecus and Alburnus albidus are on the European list of endangered fish species. In the latest study of the Vlasina Lake reservoir ichthyofauna (70 years after its formation), the above-mentioned species were not found. However, the presence of naturalized populations of two species from the Adriatic basin were confirmed: Scardinius knezevici and Alburnus scoranza. These findings represent the first known areal expansion of these species, which are new to the ichthyofauna of Serbia, from the Adriatic into the Danube (Black Sea) basin
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