6 research outputs found

    Ballistic hybrid nanocomposite materials reinforced with inorganic fullerenes.

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    U sredstvima lične balističke zaštite koriste se kompozitni materijali na bazi tkanina velike žilavosti i zatezne čvrstoće, poput aramidnih tkanina impregnisanih polimernim vezivom, uglavnom nekim termoplastičnim ili termoumrežavajućim polimerom. Kompoziti sa nanočestičnim puniocima su perspektivni materijali širokog spektra primene, koji objedinjuju svojstva i prednosti matrice (polimera) i punilaca. Tendencija je da se i u balističkim kompozitnim sistemima postigne maksimum ojačanja, i to uvođenjem nanočestica različitih svojstava i strukture...In the means of personal ballistic protection, composite materials based on fabric of high toughness and tensile strength are used, such as aramid fabrics, impregnated with polymeric binder, mainly some thermoplastic or thermosetting polymer. Composites with nanoparticle fillers are promising materials for a wide range of applications, which combine the properties and benefits of matrix (polymer) and fillers. There is also a tendency in ballistic composite systems to achieve maximum reinforcement by introducing nanoparticles of different properties and structures..

    Ballistic hybrid nanocomposite materials reinforced with inorganic fullerenes.

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    U sredstvima lične balističke zaštite koriste se kompozitni materijali na bazi tkanina velike žilavosti i zatezne čvrstoće, poput aramidnih tkanina impregnisanih polimernim vezivom, uglavnom nekim termoplastičnim ili termoumrežavajućim polimerom. Kompoziti sa nanočestičnim puniocima su perspektivni materijali širokog spektra primene, koji objedinjuju svojstva i prednosti matrice (polimera) i punilaca. Tendencija je da se i u balističkim kompozitnim sistemima postigne maksimum ojačanja, i to uvođenjem nanočestica različitih svojstava i strukture...In the means of personal ballistic protection, composite materials based on fabric of high toughness and tensile strength are used, such as aramid fabrics, impregnated with polymeric binder, mainly some thermoplastic or thermosetting polymer. Composites with nanoparticle fillers are promising materials for a wide range of applications, which combine the properties and benefits of matrix (polymer) and fillers. There is also a tendency in ballistic composite systems to achieve maximum reinforcement by introducing nanoparticles of different properties and structures..

    Viscoelastic properties of hydroxyl-terminated poly(butadiene) based composite rocket propellants

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    In the present study, the viscoelastic response of three composite solid propellants based on hydroxyl-terminated poly(butadiene), ammonium perchlorate and aluminum has been investigated. The investigation was surveyed by dynamic mechanical analysis over a wide range of temperatures and frequencies. The mechanical properties of these materials are related to the macromolecular structure of the binder as well as to the content and nature of solid fillers. The storage modulus, loss modulus, loss factor and glass transition temperature for each propellant sample have been evaluated. The master curves of storage (log G' vs log ω) and loss modulus (log G'' vs log ω) were generated for each propellant. A comparison of logaT vs temperature curves for all propellants indicate conformance to Williams-Landel-Ferry equation. Choosing the glass transition as the reference temperature, WLF equation constants are determined. Fractional free volume at the glass transition temperature and thermal coefficient of free volume expansion values are in accordance with the consideration that Al is reinforcing filler


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    This research considers a possibility of improving the impact and ballistic resistance of composite materials based on aramid fabric impregnated with poly (vinyl butyral), PVB, with the application of multi-layer inorganic nanotubes of tungsten disulfide (INT-WS2) as the reinforcement. Charpy impact test, ballistic shooting and knife penetration test were performed and resulted in significant improvements for composite samples with nano-reinforcement

    Impact resistant hybrid composites reinforced with inorganic nanoparticles and nanotubes of WS2

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    Impact resistant nanocomposites are recognized as promising in saving lives in the car, skiing and bicycle accidents, preventing the failure of polymer-based prostheses and orthotic devices, as well as for various defense applications. This research reports improved impact and ballistic resistance of composite materials based on p-aramid fabric impregnated with phenolic resin and poly (vinyl butyral) (PVB), reinforced with small amounts of inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles of tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) and multiwall inorganic nanotubes (INT-WS2). The evaluation of the tensile testing resulted in significant improvements in the tensile strength (24.7%) and toughness (64.1%) for the composites with the addition of only 0.3 wt% INT-WS2 nanotubes. The impact toughness increased by 35.8%; the back-face deformation depths after shots were reduced by 12%; the absorbed energy of the knife stab 8.5% higher and the deformation depth 40.4% smaller than for the sample without the nanoreinforcement. The reaction of the composite material to shot impact was recorded by high-speed and infrared camera, to observe heating and cooling rates of the sample caused by dissipation of the kinetic energy of the shots

    Ballistic Composites Reinforced with Inorganic Nanotubes of Tungsten Disulfide

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    This research considers a possibility of improving the impact and ballistic resistance of composite materials based on aramid fabric impregnated with poly (vinyl butyral), PVB, with the application of multi-layer inorganic nanotubes of tungsten disulfide (INT-WS2) as the reinforcement. Multi-layered nano-structures of tungsten disulfide are known by their excellent mechanical resistance, especially shock absorbing properties, which promote their use as a reinforcement in composite materials. INT-WS2 used in this research were observed using scanning electron microscope and the obtained images were analyzed in program Image Pro Plus. Before the application in the composite they were ultrasonically deagglomerated. Ballistic composites were prepared impregnating the aramid fabric with system PVB/INT-WS2 and by pressing defined number of layers under high pressure and defined temperature. Charpy impact test, ballistic shooting with two different ammunition calibers and stab resistance test with controlled knife penetration were performed on prepared composite samples, and resulted in significant improvements for samples with nano-reinforcement regarding the absorbed energy of impact, toughness and the ballistic resistance