138 research outputs found

    Quality-adjusted survival as an end point in breast cancer trials

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    Breast cancer treatment recommendations will often require an appraisal of likely benefits in relation to likely side-effects on survival and quality of life (QoL) endpoints, and possibly also an evaluation of the size of the anticipated net clinical benefit against financial costs. Quality-adjusted survival (QAS) analysis methods provide a formal approach for deriving an estimate of net clinical benefit to facilitate this appraisal process. QAS analysis methods have been applied in trials with breast cancer patients of adjuvant therapies as well as treatments for advanced/metastatic disease. QAS analyses based solely on trial data may fail to capture plausible longer-term benefits; thus methods to explore the possible outcomes of treatment beyond the limits of trial data have been developed. These modelling approaches can help researchers gain insights and identify future research priorities, but do not replace the need for long-term evidence from randomised trials.NHMR

    Which lipid measurement should we monitor? An analysis of the LIPID study

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the optimal lipid to measure in monitoring patients, we assessed three factors that influence the choice of monitoring tests: (1) clinical validity; (2) responsiveness to therapy changes and (3) the size of the long-term ‘signal-to-noise’ ratio. DESIGN: Longitudinal analyses of repeated lipid measurement over 5 years. SETTING: Subsidiary analysis of a Long-Term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischaemic Disease (LIPID) study—a clinical trial in Australia, New Zealand and Finland. PARTICIPANTS: 9014 patients aged 31–75 years with previous acute coronary syndromes. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomly assigned to 40 mg daily pravastatin or placebo. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: We used data on serial lipid measurements—at randomisation, 6 months and 12 months, and then annually to 5 years—of total cholesterol; low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and their ratios; triglycerides; and apolipoproteins A and B and their ratio and their ability to predict coronary events. RESULTS: All the lipid measures were statistically significantly associated with future coronary events, but the associations between each of the three ratio measures (total or LDL cholesterol to HDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B to apolipoprotein A1) and the time to a coronary event were better than those for any of the single lipid measures. The two cholesterol ratios also ranked highly for the long-term signal-to-noise ratios. However, LDL cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol showed the most responsiveness to treatment change. CONCLUSIONS: Lipid monitoring is increasingly common, but current guidelines vary. No single measure was best on all three criteria. Total cholesterol did not rank highly on any single criterion. However, measurements based on cholesterol subfractions—non-HDL cholesterol (total cholesterol minus HDL cholesterol) and the two ratios—appeared superior to total cholesterol or any of the apolipoprotein options. Guidelines should consider using non-HDL cholesterol or a ratio measure for initial treatment decisions and subsequent monitoring

    Linking the evidence: intermediate outcomes in medical test assessments

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    Objectives To review how health technology assessments (HTA) of medical tests incorporate intermediate outcomes in conclusions about the effectiveness of tests on improving health outcomes. Methods Systematic review of English-language test assessments in the HTA database from January 2005 to February 2010, supplemented by a search of the websites of International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) members. Results 149 HTAs from eight countries were assessed. Half evaluated tests for screening or diagnosis, a third for disease classification (including staging, prognosis, monitoring), and a fifth for multiple purposes. In 71 HTAs (48%) only diagnostic accuracy was reported, while in 17 (11%) evidence of health outcomes was reported in addition to accuracy. Intermediate outcomes, mainly the impact of test results on patient management, were considered in 61 HTAs (41%). Of these, 47 identified randomized trials or observational studies reporting intermediate outcomes. The validity of these intermediate outcomes as a surrogate for health outcomes was not consistently discussed; nor was the quality appraisal of this evidence. Clear conclusions about whether the test was effective were included in about 60% of HTAs. Conclusions Intermediate outcomes are frequently assessed in medical test HTAs, but interpretation of this evidence is inconsistently reported. We recommend that reviewers explain the rationale for using intermediate outcomes, identify the assumptions required to link intermediate outcomes and patient benefits and harms, and assess the quality of included studies

    The cost effectiveness of bevacizumab when added to capecitabine, with or without mitomycin-C, in first line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: results from the Australasian phase III MAX study

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    Background: Based on the clinical data, bevacizumab has been approved in Australia and globally for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer. However, limited evidence exists for its cost-effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cost effectiveness of adding bevacizumab to capecitabine monotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, using data from the prospective economic evaluation conducted alongside the MAX trial. Methods: Individual patient level data on resource use and progression free survival were prospectively collected in the phase III MAX trial. Resource use data were collected for the period between randomisation and disease progression, and unit costs were assigned from the perspective of the Australian health care funder. Effectiveness was measured in quality adjusted progression free survival years, with utility scores obtained from both the community valued EQ-5D questionnaire and the patient valued UBQ-C questionnaire. Progression free survival was used as a secondary effectiveness measure. Results: The addition of bevacizumab to capecitabine monotherapy cost approximately 192,156(95192,156 (95% confidence interval [CI], 135,619 to 326,894)perqualityadjustedprogressionfreesurvivalyeargainedwhenusingpubliclylistedpharmaceuticalpricesandutilityvaluesfromtheEQ−5Dquestionnaire.Thisdecreasedto326,894) per quality adjusted progression free survival year gained when using publicly listed pharmaceutical prices and utility values from the EQ-5D questionnaire. This decreased to 149,455 (95% CI, 100,356to100,356 to 245,910) when values from the UBQ-C questionnaire were applied. The incremental cost per progression free survival year was 145,059(95145,059 (95% CI, 106,703 to $233,225). Conclusions: Bevacizumab was not found to be cost effective at its listed price, based on results from the MAX trial.Roche Products Pty Lt

    The cost effectiveness of bevacizumab when added to capecitabine, with or without mitomycin-C, in first line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: results from the Australasian phase III MAX study

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    Background: Based on the clinical data, bevacizumab has been approved in Australia and globally for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer. However, limited evidence exists for its cost-effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cost effectiveness of adding bevacizumab to capecitabine monotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, using data from the prospective economic evaluation conducted alongside the MAX trial. Methods: Individual patient level data on resource use and progression free survival were prospectively collected in the phase III MAX trial. Resource use data were collected for the period between randomisation and disease progression, and unit costs were assigned from the perspective of the Australian health care funder. Effectiveness was measured in quality adjusted progression free survival years, with utility scores obtained from both the community valued EQ-5D questionnaire and the patient valued UBQ-C questionnaire. Progression free survival was used as a secondary effectiveness measure. Results: The addition of bevacizumab to capecitabine monotherapy cost approximately 192,156(95192,156 (95% confidence interval [CI], 135,619 to 326,894)perqualityadjustedprogressionfreesurvivalyeargainedwhenusingpubliclylistedpharmaceuticalpricesandutilityvaluesfromtheEQ−5Dquestionnaire.Thisdecreasedto326,894) per quality adjusted progression free survival year gained when using publicly listed pharmaceutical prices and utility values from the EQ-5D questionnaire. This decreased to 149,455 (95% CI, 100,356to100,356 to 245,910) when values from the UBQ-C questionnaire were applied. The incremental cost per progression free survival year was 145,059(95145,059 (95% CI, 106,703 to $233,225). Conclusions: Bevacizumab was not found to be cost effective at its listed price, based on results from the MAX trial.Roche Products Pty Lt

    Sentinel-lymph-node-based management or routine axillary clearance? Three-year outcomes of the RACS Sentinel Node Biopsy versus Axillary Clearance (SNAC) 1 trial

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    Purpose We sought to determine whether the benefits of sentinel-node-based management (SNBM) over routine axillary clearance (RAC) at 1 year persisted to 3 years of follow-up. Methods 1088 women with clinically node negative breast cancer were randomly assigned to SNBM versus RAC. Upper limb volume, symptoms and function were assessed at 1, 6, 12, 24 and 36 months after surgery objectively with upper limb measurements by clinicians, and subjectively by patients’ using validated self-rating scales. Results Upper limb volume increased in both groups over the first 2 years and differed between the two groups all time points beyond 1 month (P<0.02), but then plateaued. Upper limb swelling was no worse in women who had axillary clearance as two-stage procedure than in women assigned RAC as a one-stage procedure. Upper limb volume had increased 15% or more in 6.0% at 6 months and 17.6% at 3 years in those assigned RAC versus 4.2% and 11.9% in those assigned SNBM. Reductions in upper limb movement were also greater with RAC than SNBM over 6 months, but improved and were similar in the two groups from 1 to 3 years. Subjective ratings of upper limb swelling, symptoms, dysfunction, and disability over 3 years were worse in the RAC group. Upper limb swelling at 3 years was rated severe by few women (1.1%), but moderate by 9.4% in the RAC group and 2.5% in the SNBM group (P<0.001). Conclusions The benefits of SNBM over RAC persist 3 years after surgery.Royal Australasian College of Surgeon

    Irinotecan or FOLFIRI for 2nd line colorectal

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    Background Second-line treatment with irinotecan for advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer prolongs survival. It is uncertain whether irinotecan is better administered with 5- fluorouracil or alone in patients previously treated with a fluoropyrimidine. We compared toxicity (particularly diarrhoea), quality of life, and efficacy of combination chemotherapy and irinotecan in these patients. Methods In DaVINCI, a randomised phase II trial, patients with advanced colorectal cancer were randomly allocated to: combination therapy (FOLFIRI), irinotecan (180 mg/m2 IV over 90 min, day 1), 5-fluorouracil (400 mg/m2 IV bolus and 2400 mg/m2 by 46-hour infusion from day 1) and folinic acid (20 mg/m2 IV bolus, day 1), 2-weekly; or single-agent, irinotecan (350 mg/m2 IV over 90 min), 3-weekly. Toxicity was evaluated every treatment cycle; QOL and response 6 weekly. Analysis was by intention to treat. Results were also combined with those of other trials. Findings We randomised 44 patients to combination and 45 to single-agent. The most common toxicity was complete alopecia (single-agent 37%, combination 14%, P<0.02). Eight patients in the irinotecan arm and 4 in the combination arm had grade 3–4 diarrhoea (P=0.24). The treatment groups did not differ significantly in overall QOL changes, response rate, or progression free or overall survival. In a systematic review of 29 trials of second-line irinotecan-based treatment, single-agent irinotecan was associated with more diarrhoea and alopecia than the combination, but efficacy was similar. Interpretation Combination treatment compared with single-agent irinotecan appears to reduce the rateof complete alopecia and diarrhoea without compromising efficacy on clinical outcomes.Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Grou

    Il monastero benedettino di S. Giorgio in Braida a Verona: nuove prospettive di ricerca sulla rifabbrica romanica (sec. XII)

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    L’attuale aspetto rinascimentale della chiesa di San Giorgio in Braida è frutto di una serie di interventi promossi dai canonici veneziani di San Giorgio in Alga a partire dalla fine del XV secolo. Il monastero benedettino, tuttavia, fu fondato nella metà dell’XI secolo e completamente ricostruito fra il terzo e il quarto decennio del secolo successivo per volere del vescovo Bernardo. L’articolo ripercorre le vicende storiche dell’istituzione in età medievale e rende nota l’esistenza di alcune parti della compagine romanica tuttora inedite, che permettono d’inserire il cantiere di San Giorgio in Braida nel contesto delle coeve manifestazioni architettoniche veronesi

    Hope, optimism and survival in a randomized trial of chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Purpose: Psychological responses to cancer are widely believed to affect survival. We investigated associations between hope, optimism, anxiety, depression, health utility and survival in patients starting first line chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer. Methods: 429 subjects with metastatic colorectal cancer in a randomised controlled trial of chemotherapy, completed baseline questionnaires assessing: hopefulness, optimism, anxiety and depression and health utility. Hazard ratios (HR) and P-values were calculated with Cox models for overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) in univariable and multivariable analyses. Results: Median follow-up was 31 months. Univariable analyses showed that OS was associated negatively with depression (HR 2.04, P<0.001), and positively with health utility (HR 0.56, P<0.001) and hopefulness (HR 0.75, P=0.013). In multivariable analysis, OS was also associated negatively with depression (HR 1.72, P<0.001), and positively with health utility (HR 0.73, P=0.014), but not with optimism, anxiety or hopefulness. PFS was not associated with hope, optimism, anxiety or depression in any analyses. Conclusions: Depression and health utility, but not optimism, hope, or anxiety were associated with survival after controlling for known prognostic factors in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Further research is required to understand the nature of the relationship between depression and survival. If a causal mechanism is identified, this may lead to interventional possibilities

    Effects of fenofibrate on renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) Study

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    Abstract Aims/hypothesis Fenofibrate caused an acute, sustained plasma creatinine increase in the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) and Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) studies. We assessed fenofibrate’s renal effects in a FIELD washout sub-study. Methods Type 2 diabetic patients (n=9795) aged 50 to 75 years were randomly assigned to fenofibrate (n=4895) or placebo (n=4900) for 5 years, after 6 weeks fenofibrate run-in. Albuminuria (urinary albumin:creatinine ratio) measured at baseline, year 2 and close-out) and estimated GFR, measured 4 to 6 monthly according to the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease study, were pre-specified endpoints. Plasma creatinine was re-measured 8 weeks after treatment cessation at close-out (washout sub-study, n=661). Analysis was by intention-to-treat. Results During fenofibrate run-in, plasma creatinine increased by 10.0 µmol/l (p<0.001), but quickly reversed on placebo assignment. It remained higher on fenofibrate than on placebo, but the chronic rise was slower (1.62 µmol/l vs 1.89 µmol/l annually, p=0.01), with less estimated GFR loss (1.19 vs 2.03 ml min−1 1.73 m−2 annually, p<0.001). After washout, estimated GFR had fallen less from baseline on fenofibrate (1.9 ml min−1 1.73 m−2, p=0.065) than on placebo (6.9 ml min−1 1.73 m−2, p<0.001), sparing 5.0 ml min−1 1.73 m−2 (95% CI 2.3-7.7, p<0.001). Greater preservation of estimated GFR with fenofibrate was observed during greater reduction over the active run-in period (pre-randomisation) of triacylglycerol (n=186 vs 170) and baseline hypertriacylglycerolaemia (n=89 vs 80) alone, or combined with low HDL-cholesterol (n=71 vs 60). Fenofibrate reduced urine albumin concentrations and hence albumin:creatinine ratio by 24% vs 12% (p<0.001; mean difference 14% [95% CI 9-18]; p<0.001), with 14% less progression and 18% more albuminuria regression (p<0.001) than in participants on placebo. End-stage renal event frequency was similar (n=21 vs 26, p=0.48). Conclusions/interpretation Fenofibrate reduced albuminuria and slowed estimated GFR loss over 5 years, despite initially and reversibly increasing plasma creatinine. Fenofibrate may delay albuminuria and GFR impairment in type 2 diabetes patients. Confirmatory studies are merited. Trial registration: ISRCTN64783481 Funding: The study was funded by grants from Laboratoires Fournier, Dijon, France (now part of Solvay and Abbott Pharmaceuticals) and the NHMRC of Australia.Laboratoires Fournier, Dijon, France (now part of Solvay and Abbott Pharmaceuticals
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