123 research outputs found

    Deficiency in interferon type 1 receptor improves definitive erythropoiesis in Klf1 null mice

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    A key regulatory gene in definitive erythropoiesis is the transcription factor Krüppel-like factor 1 (Klf1). Klf1 null mice die in utero by day 15.5 (E15.5) due to impaired definitive erythropoiesis and severe anemia. Definitive erythropoiesis takes place in erythroblastic islands in mammals. Erythroblastic islands are formed by a central macrophage (Central Macrophage of Erythroblastic Island, CMEI) surrounded by maturating erythroblasts. Interferon-β (IFN-β) is activated in the fetal liver’s CMEI of Klf1 null mice. The inhibitory effect of IFN-β on erythropoiesis is known and, therefore, we speculated that IFN-β could have contributed to the impairment of definitive erythropoiesis in Klf1 knockout (KO) mice fetal liver. To validate this hypothesis, in this work we determined whether the inactivation of type I interferon receptor (Ifnar1) would ameliorate the phenotype of Klf1 KO mice by improving the lethal anemia. Our results show a prolonged survival of Klf1/Ifnar1 double KO embryos, with an improvement of the definitive erythropoiesis and erythroblast enucleation, together with a longer lifespan of CMEI in the fetal liver and also a restoration of the apoptotic program. Our data indicate that the cytotoxic effect of IFN-β activation in CMEI contribute to the impairment of definitive erythropoiesis associated with Klf1 deprivation

    Delta-Globin Gene Expression Is Enhanced in vivo by Interferon Type I

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    Beta hemoglobinopathies are widely spread monogenic lethal diseases. Delta-globin gene activation has been proposed as a possible approach for curing these pathologies. The therapeutic potential of delta-globin, the non-alpha component of Hemoglobin A2 (α2δ2; HbA2), has been demonstrated in a mouse model of beta thalassemia, while its anti-sickling effect, comparable to that of gamma globin, was established some time ago. Here we show that the delta-globin mRNA level is considerably increased in a Deoxyribonuclease II-alpha knockout mouse model in which type 1 interferon (interferon beta, IFNb) is activated. IFNb activation in the fetal liver improves the delta-globin mRNA level, while the beta-globin mRNA level is significantly reduced. In addition, we show that HbA2 is significantly increased in patients with multiple sclerosis under type 1 interferon treatment. Our results represent a proof of principle that delta-globin expression can be enhanced through the use of molecules. This observation is potentially interesting in view of a pharmacological approach able to increase the HbA2 level

    Air- and water-stable and photocatalytically active germanium-based 2D perovskites by organic spacer engineering

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    There is increasing interest in the role of metal halide perovskites for heterogeneous catalysis. Here, we report a Ge-based 2D perovskite material that shows intrinsic water stability realized through organic cation engineering. Incorporating 4-phenylbenzilammonium (PhBz) we demonstrate, by means of extended experimental and computational results, that PhBz2GeBr4 and PhBz2GeI4 can achieve relevant air and water stability. The creation of composites embedding graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) allows a proof of concept for light-induced hydrogen evolution in an aqueous environment by 2D Ge-based perovskites thanks to the effective charge transfer at the heterojunction between the two semiconductors

    The Mechanism of Antifungal Action of Essential Oil from Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) on Aspergillus flavus

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    The essential oil extracted from the seeds of dill (Anethum graveolens L.) was demonstrated in this study as a potential source of an eco-friendly antifungal agent. To elucidate the mechanism of the antifungal action further, the effect of the essential oil on the plasma membrane and mitochondria of Aspergillus flavus was investigated. The lesion in the plasma membrane was detected through flow cytometry and further verified through the inhibition of ergosterol synthesis. The essential oil caused morphological changes in the cells of A. flavus and a reduction in the ergosterol quantity. Moreover, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), acidification of external medium, and mitochondrial ATPase and dehydrogenase activities were detected. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation was also examined through fluorometric assay. Exposure to dill oil resulted in an elevation of MMP, and in the suppression of the glucose-induced decrease in external pH at 4 µl/ml. Decreased ATPase and dehydrogenase activities in A. flavus cells were also observed in a dose-dependent manner. The above dysfunctions of the mitochondria caused ROS accumulation in A. flavus. A reduction in cell viability was prevented through the addition of L-cysteine, which indicates that ROS is an important mediator of the antifungal action of dill oil. In summary, the antifungal activity of dill oil results from its ability to disrupt the permeability barrier of the plasma membrane and from the mitochondrial dysfunction-induced ROS accumulation in A. flavus

    Gli orientamenti motivazionali nello sport: un contributo italiano alla validazione del TEOSQ e del PMCSQ-2

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    The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of italian version of two relevant inventories of the Achievement Goal Theory in sport: the 13-item version of the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (Duda & Nicholls, 1992) and the 29-item version of the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire (Newton & Duda, 1993). Data was collected among 487 athletes (76% males), drawn from a range of different sports, aged 13 to 33 years (mean 16.90 and s.d.3.65), which mainly compete at the regional level and that were contacted during an usual medical-sport examination. Exploratory principal component analysis provided acceptable support for the two-dimension structure of the TEOSQ, as well as the internal consistency reliability. Acceptable results were also shown for the general scales of the PMCSQ-2, whereas some doubts remain for his specific scales. At present, this research go on with the involvement of other athletes of different competitive level, in training and competition context, to verify, by structural equations models, the links between these dimensions and their inventories

    Job Demands-Resources Model: uno strumento per la valutazione dei fattori di rischio nella scuola

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    In confronto con altre professioni, l\u2019insegnamento \ue8 considerato un lavoro ad alto stress. Uno dei recenti modelli teorici inerenti stress e burnout \ue8 il modello Domande-Risorse Lavorative (JD-R). Lo scopo dello studio \ue8 testare il modello nel contesto scolastico italiano. 235 insegnanti hanno risposto a un questionario su risorse (influenza/partecipazione e sviluppo personale), domande lavorative (iniquit\ue0 e conflitto lavoro-famiglia), benessere e comportamenti di cittadinanza organizzativa. I risultati delle analisi (mediante modelli di equazioni strutturali) mostrano che il burnout \ue8 un mediatore tra domande lavorative e benessere, mentre l\u2019engagement \ue8 un mediatore tra risorse lavorative e comportamenti di cittadinanza organizzativa. Questo studio fornisce indicazioni per la valutazione dello stress lavoro-correlato e le relative strategie di intervento nella scuola

    Positive and negative effects of perceived inequity on italian healthcare workers: the role of social support

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the existing relationship and key related variables in the Italian health-care system. Although many studies have examined perceived inequity in work-place contexts, indicating job burnout as a main consequence, little research has focused on the moderator variable of this relationship. Here we also analyse whether or not perceived inequity could affect not only employee burnout but also positive outcomes such as engagement. We also set out to determine whether social support could moderate the relationship between perceived inequity and outcomes considered (burnout and engagement); and whether the work sector (public or private) and social support moderate the relationship between the perceived inequity and outcomes considered. 200 health care professionals, including social workers, medical practitioners and nurses, working in two different contexts, a public and a private hospital, were recruited for the study. All participants completed a questionnaire designed to evaluate perceived inequity, burnout, engagement and social support, under the supervision of our research team. The results demonstrate that perceived inequity affects the two main dimensions of burnout (emotional exhaustion, beta=.371, p=.000; cynicism beta=.181, p=.011) but has no significant influence on employee engagement with their work. However buffer analysis shows that the interaction between perceived inequity and social support does have a partial effect on job burnout (emotional exhaustion beta=.151, deltaR2=.023, p=.021; personal accomplishment beta=-.215, deltaR2=.046, p=.002) and a considerable influence on job engagement (vigour beta=-.261, deltaR2=.068, p=.000; dedication beta=-.246, deltaR2=.06, p=.000; absorption beta=-.239, deltaR2=.057; p=.001). No evidence was found for the work sector buffer effect. Our findings add further insight to the field of perceived inequity in health-care contexts and could support leaders charged with managing human resources both in public and private sector
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